



1、Good Teacher / Bad Teacher好老师和坏老师Todd: So Marianne, we're going to talk abouteducation, an d we're going to talk about the qualitiesof a good and bad teacher. And I'm a teacher so thisis important for me, so I'm going to be taking notes. What do you thi nk makes a good teacher?托德:玛丽安

2、,我们来谈谈教育,重点讨论一下好老师和坏老师的特质. 我是名老师,这对我来说非常重要,我要记笔记.你认为好老师的标准是 什么Marianne: I have no idea. No, I'm kidding. Okay, so I have to remember like when I was injunior high school o r highschool for example,my good teachers, how werethey. Ithinka goodteacherhas to be strict. Insistingsometimes because you

3、 can be lazy, or as a student it couldbedifficult tounderstand what the teacher is talking about.So the teacherreally have toinsist on very importantthings.And yes, the teacher has to be strict .But at the same time, the teacherstudent relationship shouldbe kind of equal or respectful . So theteach

4、isnot-ofcourse, he is or she is superior because he has or she has knowledge. But it could be nice ifthe teachercan interactwith the student. So if the student is able to give his opinion or heropinionabout the subjectthe teacher is talking about, I think it's nice. Becau se I think theteacher,

5、his responsibility or her responsi bility is to raise critical thinking of the student. So it'svery important this time of interaction of exchangebetween teachers and students. So yes, it could be mydefinition like the teacher being strict but at the sa me time being open to talkabout subjects.玛

6、丽安:我不知道.我开个玩笑.我还记得我上初中还是高中时遇到的优 秀老师.我认为好老师一定要很严格.而且还要坚持,由于学生可能很 懒,或者很难理解老师的话.这时老师必须要求学生做一些非常重要的事 情.老师一定要严格.不过同时,老师和学生的关系应该是平等的,是互 相尊重的.虽然老师处于更高级别,由于老师在传授知识.但是如果老师 能和学生良好互动的话会产生不错的效果.如果学生能对老师讲授的课程 提出自己的看法,也会产生良好的效果.我认为老师的责任是培养学生的 批判性思维.所以,老师和学生的互动和交流非常重要.我认为好老师就 是既要严格,又可以接受学生对课程的意见.Todd: All right. T

7、hose are some good points. But going back to being strict , can you bespecific ? Do you mean l ike making sure they do their home work.托德:好.这是不错的观点.说回严格,你能具体解释一下吗你的意思 是老师要保证学生完成作业吗因语阅读 Marianne: Yes.玛丽安:对.Todd: Making sure they'reon timeto class.托德:保证学生按时上课.Marianne: Yes. And punishthem ifthey a

8、relate for example, like. 玛丽安:对.如果学生迟到,要接受处分,比方 Todd: Oh, punishment. Okay. 托德:哦,处分.好. Marianne: I mean, like say something like, you know, lik e you have an appointment. It's veryimportant. For exampl e, you have English class at 2:00 so be here at 2:00 and not 2:05.So it'svery important be

9、cause you have toshow respectforthe person who would deliveryou contentabout English. And it's very important because it help s you in your life to-even for yourself, for the student, it's not only to show respect to teacherbutit's also for the student to 一 for himor her to be able to ke

10、ep her schedule. It's very important in life because otherwise you canspend you r life being always late and not doing things on time.But if you are always behavingthis way, then you cannever build anything in life. So you have to have also for yourself somestrict attitude or strict capacity orI

11、 don't know how to say.玛丽安:我的意思是说,这就像约定一样,非常重要.比方,英语课是2点开始,所以你要在2点到这里,而不应该在 2点05分才来.这非常重 要,由于你要向传授英语知识的那个人展现尊重.而且这对你的生活甚至 你本人都有帮助,所以非常重要,作为学生,你不仅要向老师展现尊重, 你还要能执行方案.这在生活中非常重要,除非你能一直过着可以随意迟 到或不用准时的生活.但是,如果你要一直这样生活,那你一生将一事无 成.你要有严谨的态度和严谨的水平,我也不知道应该如何说明.Todd: No, that's perfect. Sounds good. How

12、 about some ba d things? Have you had some badteachers in the past? 托德:你说得很好.听上去不错.那不好的特质呢你以前有没有遇上过 不好的老师Marianne: Yes. Like for example, a teacher who are just strict and that's it, like there is nocommunication pos sible with them. It's terrible. For example, I remember when I was injunior

13、 high school, I had an art teacher actually, she was our art teacher and nobody liked her.She was just terrible like a very strict woman and ve ry angry every time we went to attend herclass. And I remembered I was really terrified by her. And for me, she didn't teach meanything. So this kind of

14、 strict attit ude was not really helpful for me.玛丽安:有.举个例子,有的老师非常严格,但是却没法沟通.这非常糟 糕.我记得我上初中时,有一个艺术老师,她教我们艺术课程,但是没有 学生喜欢她.她太糟糕了,她非常严格,我们每次上她的课,她都在生 气.我记得当时我非常怕她.我认为,她什么都没有教我.这种严格的态 度对我没有帮助.Todd: Yeah. I like that. So strict but not too strict .托德:嗯,我也喜欢这样,要严格,但不要过于严格.Marianne: Yeah. Strict, it means i

15、n the sense that makin g the other responsible. Like an adulthas to show teenag ers that they will become future responsible adults, too.So they are not justlike kids and you just don't say to your kids for example, "Don'teatthis," and that's it.If youcanjustsaytoyour children,

16、 "Don'teatthisbecause youcanbesick if youeattoomuch ofthis." Like you have to give them a reason or you have to make them responsible. They have to understa nd actually.玛丽安:对.严格,在这种意义上来说就是教导他人负责.成年人应该告 诉青年人,他们未来也会成为负责任的大人.他们不能只是向对孩子那 样,不能跟孩子说:“不要吃这个".你可以跟孩子说:“不要吃这个, 如果你吃太多的话会生病的.你要给他们理由,或让他们自己承担责 任.他们一定要明白这一点.Todd: No, I totally agree. Very, very good points.托德:我完全同意你的观点.你说得非常好.重点讲解:1. insist on 坚持;果断认为或主张、要求;例句: Most tour companies insist on advance payment when a booking is made.绝大多数旅游公司要求在订票时预先付款.2.


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