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1、附件1:外文译文企业品牌战略研究在经济全球化的今天,如何适应国际化潮流,建立强势品牌,提升竞争水平,已经 成为国内企业面临的迫切问题.本文在分析我国企业营销品牌战略开展状况的根底上, 从品牌战略的内涵与其功能意义入手,探讨了品牌战略在企业营销中的作用.企业需要 综合运用多种竞争手段提升品意,搞好品牌定位,塑造良好品牌形象.一、日系品牌全线崩溃2006年11月22日上午,NECa布将推出2G及2.5G 市场,这意味着继夏普、 松下、东芝、三菱、三洋之后又一家日本 厂商退出中国市场,日系 除京瓷外几 乎全部退出中国2G 市场的争夺.如果我们总结今天的中国家电市场与十年前有什么不同的话,我想,最大的

2、不同就 是,日系企业在中国的繁荣已经渐行渐远.对于日系 败退,乃至日系家电走到中国市场的低谷,主要原因有以下几点:一 是企业制度呆板,决策困难,反响速度慢,与另市场现实格格不入,难以适应快速变化 的中国市场;二是市场营销水平弱,产品规划水平不强,很难根樨自己对市场的判断与 预测推出迎合消费需求的产品,一直处于跟风的被动局面,无法满足中国市场的需要;三是未能把握住产业转型最正确时机,是日系家电企业失去市场主导地位的重要原因.日系企业在中国市场上走到边缘是否引起我们民族企业的深思欲走国际化路线的企业又是否从“日系企业的背后吸取教训二、我国企业实施品牌战略的现状分析处第一,众多昔日名牌“昙花一现.中

3、外企业在市场上的品牌大战,使刚刚成长起 来的民族品牌受到极大的冲击.上世纪 80年代稍有知名度的品牌,不是被抢注商标, 就是被收购、挤垮,即使残留下来的也是惨淡经营,真正开展起来的极为有限.这里典 型的案例,上世纪80年代至90年代初期,曾在空调界创下奇迹的华宝空调,在 1998 年被科龙收购,其后的品牌形象就一再下滑.第二,品牌战略已日渐引起国内企业重视,政府的扶持.自上世纪80年代改革以来,我国社会主义经济建设取得了令人瞩目的成就,从方案经济时代走向市场经济时代 的中国企业,品牌经营无从无到有.资料显示,各地各级政府在对名牌的重视程度、组织推进力度、政策举措上有大幅 度提升,青岛、深圳、武

4、汉、宁波、沈阳等市对中国名牌企业的奖励为100万元,大连为300万元,对获省市名牌的企业奖励为 10万元20万元.2007年1月8日至1月11日,第40届国际消费电子展CES在美国杜斯维加斯 的威尼斯酒店开幕.在CES上我们民族企业取得骄人的业绩. 据了解,今年中国有4000 人注册参与CES包括厂商、媒体和观众,在展馆中,有 327家参展商.海尔被全球最 权威的消费电子行业媒体?TWICE评选为另消费电子第一品牌.第三,洋品牌的地位在多数行业仍是难以动摇的.但是,我们也应看到,面对市场 上纷繁的产品,真正能让消费者脱口而出的国内品牌屈指可数.随着对外开放的深入, 国际上一些大公司纷纷挤入中国

5、市场,一时间中国市场上充满着“索尼、“可口可乐、“飘柔、“奔驰等种种国际名牌,这些名目众多的洋品牌猛烈地撞击着中国的民族品 牌.虽然在家电行业,以海尔品牌为首,“康佳、“长虹、“TCL等国产名牌已开展得 不错,但同“索尼、“松下、“三星等名牌相比,仍然存在竞争劣势;在仃行业,“联 想、“方正、“长城等品牌的竞争力都有明显提升,但与欧美、日本等国的产品相比, 品牌知名度仍有缺乏;在日用消费品市场,“宝洁、“利华、“汉高等国际公司已形成 三足鼎立之势.三、我国企业实施品牌战略中存在的主要问题及误区目前,中国品牌走向国际市场有着巨大的机遇和空间,品牌的国际化已纱可预防, 然而品牌建设中也存在着不尽如

6、人意的问题.从微观企业自身因素角度来看,我国企业实施品牌建设存在以下问题:技术开发能 力缺乏,品牌竞争水平不强;品牌个性缺乏,缺乏创新和开展水平;生产和经营规模偏小, 品牌开展缺乏整体规划;出口和国际经营水平偏弱,品牌意识不强;品牌定位不明确,存 在较大的盲目性等一系列因素.从宏观社会环境因素上讲:社会机制有待进一步改善, 政策法规的支撑需要进一步增强,国家的产业政策,出口导向政策对不同的行业起着不 同的促进和限制作用,金融环境对于企业的投资水平和市场扩张水平也有相当重要的 影响力.我国建立市场体制也有好多年了,虽有了很魇改善但仍不够健全,有些方面还 未真正适应市场经济的要求,消费者的心理还未

7、完全成熟.1、无视品牌投资,急功近利经济全球化背景下,国际竞争越来越表现为品牌的竞争,现代跨国公司绝大多数都 是知名品牌公司,尤其注重品牌战略的运用,通过品牌这种全方位的输出形态,跨国公司占领了国际市场,可以毫不夸张地说,而今,品牌已是跨国公司实现全球战略目标的 锐利武器,是实现资本扩张的重要手段.冰冻三尺,非一日之寒.品牌绝不可能在短期内创出来,是一个长期积累的过程. 很多企业没有清醒地熟悉到这一点,妄图在短时间内创出一个名牌,而无视了长远的规 划和战略.2、品牌战略一项系统工程品牌战略的实施是一项系统工程,是企业整体开展战略与竞争战略的重要组成部 分.品牌战略的实施是企业整体素质与整体形象

8、的提升,需要有科学的经营理念和高超 的动作技巧,但国内不少企业品牌筹划在此方面表现得尤为拙劣和急功近利,影响了企 业品牌的开展,实际工作中出现了不少这样的误区:如认为创立品牌工八就是给产品取 个好名字,提升产品知名度或把产品包装一下;好的品牌是个令人满意的视觉标志而已; 广告是培育知名品牌的唯一手段,除了在媒体上大肆做广告外,其他别无关注;企业产品规模一旦形成了,知名品牌就自然而然地建立了 ;知名品牌等同于高价,必须不切实 际地提升产品价格等.有的企业甚至在品牌低价出售转让,如我国现有20多万个“三资企业中,有90犯上的合资企业在使用外方品牌;广州洁银牙膏厂以200万元低价将 品牌转让给合资企

9、业等,就是这样的突出事例,现今其可怕后果已日渐显现出来一一丧 失了本国企业自身品牌、产品与知识产权,民族产业竞争力究竟何在!3、产品是企业在市场中竞争优势可以很快被竞争对手模仿、超越,而品牌却难以 逾越,真正持久的竞争优势来自于不断创新,以“不变应“万变品牌是核心竞争力的集中表达.市场是瞬息万变的,任何品牌都面临着随时被淘汰 的危险.过于看重现有的成绩,不重视创新,是导致很多品牌“下马的重要原因.可 口可乐公司前任首席营销官塞尔齐曼说,“品牌是唯一使公司产品和效劳有别于竞争对 手标志,是开辟市场最有效的武器,优秀的品牌可以让你的品牌脱颖而出.产品的物理属性、数量、价格、质量、效劳等很容易被竞争

10、对手模仿,而品牌除了产品本身,还 包含了附加在产品上的文化、背景、情感、消费者熟悉等无形的东西,使企业永远立于 市场竞争的不败之地.消费者的认知决定企业的命运,而品牌又直接的影响了消费者的 认知.品牌是市场中企业相互区别的重要标志,是消费者进行消费的风向标,以品牌为 核心已成为企业重组和资源重新配置的重要机制.四、民族企业在品牌国际化进程中如何进行品牌定位1、以科技为后盾,树立“质量第一,以质取胜的经营理念,品牌的时尚要素、个性化的突出.产品质量是创造名牌的基石.产品的竞争力表现为品牌的竞争,而品牌竞争所依仗 的那么是产品的内在质量.一个品牌成长为品牌靠的是质量,一个品牌在市场上倒牌也大 多是

11、由于质量出了问题.所以,可以说,质量是品牌生命之所系.止匕外,企业还应借鉴国外成功经验,提升自己的设计开发能.企业要敢在新技术革 命的挑战中创造自己的品牌,提升产品的市场竞争水平,就必须在技术创造上下功夫. 在世界个性化趋势的变化中,顾客的价值体验和差异化价值实现已经直接决定了产品的 最终销售,个性化效劳不可或2 .强化市场营销,提升品牌认知度,将品牌战略有机地融合于企业整体战略,并促 进整体战略的开展.市场营销是实施品牌战略中的重要一环.通过选择正确的市场营销方式,可以 有效地利用品牌效应让品牌家喻户晓,扩大市场占有率.实施品牌战略布施一项孤立的 工作,而是与企业整体开展战略息息相关的.一个

12、品牌形象的塑造绝不仅仅是品牌自身 的事情,涉及到企业经营治理的所有重大战略决策,这些重大战略决策都要自觉地围绕 品牌来进行、开展.附件2:外文原文Brand Strategy ResearchEconomic globalization, how to adapt to international trends, establish a strong brand and enhance our competitiveness, have become pressing issues facing enterprises. Based on the analysis of the develop

13、ment of corporate marketing brand strategy , Based on the development of brand strategy in enterprise marketing role. Enterprise needs to use a variety of means of competition to increase brand awareness,improve brand positioning,an create a good brand image.First, Japanese brands across the board d

14、efeat.November 22,2006 morning, NEC announced that it would withdraw from 2G and 2.5mobile phone market ,which means that, following Sharp, Panasonic, Toshiba, Mitsubishi, Sanyo, a Japanese mobile phone manufacturers later withdraw from the Chinese market, Japanese mobile phone has almost all except

15、 Kyocera 2G mobile phone market in China out of contention.If we sum up the Chinese household appliance market, today any different from ten years ago,I think the biggest difference is that Japanese companies in China, Japanese home appliance market downturn, the following main reasons: First, rigid

16、 enterprise system, decision-making difficult, the reaction was slow, incompatible with the reality of the Chinese market ,it is difficult to adapt to the rapidly changing Chinese market;2 is weak in marketing ,product planning capacity is not strong ,it is difficult to judge according to their mark

17、er launch to meet consumer demand and forecast products, follow the trend has been in a passive situation, can not satisfy market demand; Third, failure to grasp the industry best time to transition is the Japanese home appliance companies lose an important reason for market dominance.Japanesecompan

18、ies come to the edge in the Chinese market is causing companies tothink deeply about our nation ? To take the international route and whether the enterprise of JapanesCompany/ tothe lessons learned behind?Second, the brand strategy implementation in China the Current Situation Many old famous“flash

19、in taiepChinese and foreign enterprises in the Chinese market the brand war ; just grow up to be a great impact on national brands. The last century, a little-know 80 s brand ,not being resjered by trademark, is to be acquired, squeeze, even if the residue is hard going down really developed very li

20、mited. Here a typical case, the last century 80s to early 90s , he worked in air conditioning sector hit wonders of the War burg in 1998,was acquired Kelon,the subsequent decline in brand image is repeated.Brand strategy has been an increasing emphasis on domestic enterprises caused the government t

21、o support.Since the 80s of last century reform and opening up,China socialist economic construction has made remarkable achievements. From a planned economy to market economy era Chinese companies, brand management has grown out of nothing.Information,local governments at all levels of emphasis on b

22、rand-name,organization promoting the efforts,policies measures have greatly enhanced Qingghai, ShenZhen, Wuhan, Ningbo, Shenyang and other cities on the Chinesefamous enterprises incentives to 100 million,on Dali an 3 million Yuan ,on brand-name companies have been cities for the 100000yuan reward-2

23、00000yuan.Japanese 8th 2021 year to Japanese 11th,the 40th International Consumer Electronics Show(CES) in Las Vegas Venetian hotel opening.National enterprises in the CES,we achieve superior results.It is understood that this year there are 4000 people registered to participate in China CES,includi

24、ngmanufacturers,media and spectators,in the exhibition hall,there are 327 exhibitors.Haier is the world s most auconsumer electronics industry media“ TWICE? named for the Chinese consumelectronics brand.3 .The status of foreign brands in most sectors is still difficult to shake However,we should als

25、o see the face of numerous products on the market,allows consumers blurted out genuinely few domestic brands.With theopening up further,to a number of big companies have to squeeze into theChinese market,Chinese market,a time filled withSonyCCCrejoice,Benz andrious other international brands,many of

26、 these names foreign brands violently hitting the national brand in China. Although the appliance industry ,led by Haier brand, “ KonkaChanghong TCL and other domestic brands have developed well,but with the “Sony , aPanasonic “Samsung another brands,they are still there competitive disadvantage ; i

27、n the IT industry,“ LenovoFbunder; Great Wall thaiirafands competitiveness hasimprove significantly , but with Europe and the United States , Japan and other countries compared to ,brand awareness is still insufficient;in Consumer Goodsmarket, &IG, Oliver;Henkel and other international companies hav

28、e formed the three pillars.Third,the brand strategy implementation in China Problems and Errors. Currently,Chinese brands have a huge international marker opportunity and space for international brands has been inevitable,but there are also brand building is not unsatisfactory.Our Enterprise Brand B

29、uilding ProblemsFactors from the point of micro-enterprises themselves:there is a lace of technology development,brand competitiveness is not strong;brand personality,lack of innovation and development capacity;small-scale production and management,brand development lack of overall planning;ability

30、of weak exports and international operations,Brand awareness is not strong;brand positioning is not clear,there is a large range of factors such as blindness.Speaking from the macro social factors:social mechanisms need to be improved,policies and regulations support the need to further strengthen t

31、he country industrial policy,export-oriented policies for different sectors play different role in the country ,industrial policy,export-oriented policies for different sectors play different role in the promotion and limitation,the financial environment for business investment capacity and market e

32、xpansion ability and the important influence.The establishment of market system in China has for many years,despite a significant improvement but still not perfect,there still has not really adapt to the market economy,consumer psychology has not yet fullymature.2.The current situation of global eco

33、nomic integration, the error of the brand strategy implementation(1)Ignore the brand investment,profit-orientedBackground of economic globalization, international competition is increasingly reflected in the brand s competition, the overwhelming oif ajierimodern world famous multinational companies

34、with particular emphasis on the use of brand strategy, brand such a full range of output through the form of multinational corporations gradually occupation of the international market. it is no exaggeration to say that now,the brand has achieved global strategic objectives of transnational corporat

35、ions sharp weapon,is an important means to achieve capital expansion.Rome was not built in a day cold .Brand never be in the short term invented to be a long process of accumulation. Many enterprises do not clearly recognize this point,attempt to create a brand in a short time,but ignored the long-t

36、erm planning and strategy.(2)Brand strategy is a systematicThe implementation of brand strategy is a systematic,enterprise strategy and the overall development of an important component of competitive strategy.The implementation of brand strategy is to rely on their overall quality and overall image

37、 enhancement,the need for scientific management idea and superb operational skills,but quit a few brand planner in this regard was particularly poor performance and immediate impact brand development ,practical work in the emergence of many such errors:If that job is to create a brand to take a good

38、 name to the product ,improve product awareness,or what the product packaging ; good brand is drawing a satisfactory visual signs only; Advertising is the only way to cultivate well-known brands,in addition to advertising in the media ,big,the other no attention;scale enterprise product once formed,

39、well-known brands on the naturally established;well-known brand is equivalent to high price,to be unrealistically improve the product price.Some companies even to further in the brand Wrong Operation not hesitate to give up their own brand business,with foreign companies,brands,or to sell its own br

40、and low-cost transfer,such as our present more than 20 million “three capital “ enterprises,there 90% of the joint venture using the foreign brands;clean silver toothpaste factory in Guangzhou to 2 million yuan cheap to transfer to joint ventures and other brands,is one such outstanding example of t

41、he terrible consequences of today has become increasingly apparent-lost domestic enterprises own brand,product and intellectual property rights,national industrial competitiveness lie!(3)Product is the enterprise competitive advantage in the market can be quickly imitated by competitors,beyond,the b

42、rand is insurmountable,real and lasting competitive advantage comes from innovation,in order to “change should “status quo Brand is the concentrated expression of the core competitiveness.The market is constantly changing face of any brand at any time to be out of danger .Too much emphasis on the ex

43、isting achievements,do not attach importance to innovation,leading to a lot of brand-name a dismount themajor reason.CocaCola former chief marketing officer Sergio Zyman, The brand is only the company logo products and services are different from competitors,is the most effective weapon to open up t

44、he market,excellent brand can make yourproductstandout. Products physicalproperties,quantity,price,quality,service is very easy to make your product stand out. Products physical properties, quantitiy, price, quality,service is very easy to imitate competitors, Er brands, along with the product itsel

45、f,also includes an attached product to cultural background, emotional, consumer cognition invisible things,so that enterprises Yong Yuan Li in the competition undefeated.Consumer awareness deciding the fate of the brand has a direct impact on consumer awareness.Brand is the difference deciding the f

46、ate of the brand has a direct impact on consumer awareness.Brandis the difference between the market enterprise important symbols is the benchmark for consumer spending to brand as the core has become a corporate restructuring and reallocation of resources an important mechanism.Fourth, national ent

47、erprises in brand internationalization process of how to brand positing.Backed by science and technology , establish a quality first,winning by quality business philosophy, the brands fashion elements, the outstanding individual.Product quality is the cornerstone of creating brand . Competitiveness

48、of their product performance in the competition for the brand ,and brand competition while relying on the inherent quality of a brand in the market down are also in most of a problem because of the quality. Therefore, it can be said, quality is the brand of life depends.In addition,enterprises shoul

49、d learn from successful experiences abroad to enhance their design and development capability.Enterprises should dare to challenge the new technology revolution to create their own brand, and increase market competitiveness; We must work hard in the transformation . Personalization trend in the worl

50、d changes, the value of customer experience and the value of differentiation has been directly determined to achieve the final product sales, personal services are indispensable!2. To strengthen marketing,improve brand awareness,brand strategy will be organically integrated in their overall strategy

51、 to promote the overall development strategy.The implementation of brand marketing is an important part of the strategy.By choosing the right marketing approach can be effectively used to brand a household name brand,expand market share.Brand strategy is not an isolate task,but the overall developme

52、nt strategy and business are closely related.A successful brand names more than just a brand its own thing,related to business management of all major strategic decision,these major strategic decision,these major strategic decisions were consciously carried out around to expand.3. Follow the laws of

53、 the brand design ,brand image , brand and accurate market positioning , brand performance and outstanding value emotional communication.Brand competition is not all-round competition; each brand has its own market position.The basic method is not positioning to create a novel or unique issues, but to manipulate what already exists in the heart , the eyes of potential customers to buy soon tapped desire to make it into customer impulse .Enterp


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