



1、 让更多的孩子得到更好的教育高一英语必修1选择题练习1. Yuan Ming Yuan ,_by the foreign invaders used to be a beautiful park.A.destroying B.destroyed C.was destroyed D.be destroyed2.Have you decided when _for London ?A.will you leave B.you will leaveC.are you leaving D.you are leaving3.Firework _the beauty of the festival nig

2、ht.A.added to B.added up C.added up to D.added4.The other day,when Iwas shopping ,I happened _my former teacher whom I _ for many years.A.to meet ;hadnt seen B.meeting ;havent C.to meet;havent seen D.meeting;hadnt seen5.-Would you mind helping me look fof the missing bicycle ?-_.A.It doesnt matter B

3、.Not at all C.Yes,with pleasure D.No,no way6.Helen had to shout _above the sound of the music.A.making herself hear B.to make herself hearC.making herself heard D.to make herself heard7.-_you_to jump off the cliff ?-I am afraid not.A.Dare;/ B.Can;dare C.Do;dare D.If;dare8.Lizzie was _to see her frie

4、nd off at the airport.A.a little more than sad B.more than a little sadC.sad more than a little D.a little more sad than9.My suggestionis that he _to see a doctor at once.A.goes B.go C.will D.is going10.This is a third time that Tom_his history. He nearly wants to _it.A.failed ;drop B.has failed ;dr

5、op C.failed;achieve D.has failed;achieve11.The factory produceds half a million pairs of shoes every year, 80 _are sold abroad. A.of which B.which of C.of them D.of that12.A number of students_playing on the playground, but I dont know what the exact number_. A.is;is B.are;are C.is;are D.are;is13.-D

6、o you like the material ?-Yes, it _very soft.A.is feeling B.felt C.feels D.is felt14.You have failed two tests.Youd better start working harder,_you wont pass the course.A.so B.or C.and D.but15.She has bought a new house_windows face the sea.A.whose B.which C.its D.her16.I work in a business_almost

7、everyone is waiting for a great chance.A.how B.which C.where D.that17.The reason _he told the teacher _he was late was that he got up late.A.why;that B.that;whyC.which;that D.that;which18._be sent to work there ?A.Who do you suggest B.Who do you suggest that shouldC.Do you suggest who should D.Do yo

8、u suggest whom should19.Do you know who lives in the building _there is a wall ?A.in front of B.in front of whose C.in front of which D.in front which20.He has _a lot since his daughter was killed in the tsunami(海啸)which happened in the IndioOcean on December 26,2004.A.passed through B.looked throug

9、hC.got through D.gone through21.She married the old man_what he had done for her.A.as B.since C.because D.because of22.The first text book,_for teaching English as a foreign language,came out in the 16th century.A.having written B.to be written C.being written D.written23.-Shall I open the window to

10、 let some fresh air in ?-No,_.A.Id rather not B.Id rather you not C.Id rather you didnt D.Idlike not to24.Please tell me the way you thought of _the garden.A.take care of B.to take care ofC.taking care of D .how to take care of25.Popular music is well_by most young people.A.thought about B.thought o

11、ver C.thought out D.thought of26.Youd better try _second time if you fail for _ first time.A.the;the B.a;the C.a;a D.the;a 27.There is _food for_people .I think youd better go to other places for some more.A. too little;so many B.little too;so manyC.much too;so many D.too much;so many28.I dont _him ,so I cant depend on him to finish the task on time.A.believe B.accept C.believe in D.trust in29.I _a gift ,but I didnt _it,because of wrong address.A.accept;receive B. receive;get C. received;accept D.accepted;


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