



1、这些常见的果蔬竟然还有亮肤成效A nutritional therapist has revealed how you can brighten your skin in one week using food from your kitchen.一位营养治疗师揭示了如何在一周内用厨房里的食物来提 亮皮肤.Lisa Borg, who has just launched nutritional therapy at Pulse Light Clinic and lives in the UK, has worked in the industry for 16 years and has tr

2、eated over 3,000 clients.英国营养治疗师丽莎博格最近在脉搏之光诊所推由了营养 疗法.她已经在该行业工作了16年,有3000多名客户接受过她的治疗.Speaking exclusively to FEMAIL, the expert has shared her favourite homemade remedies aimed at targeting a range of popular skin issues.在接受每日邮报网站女性版独家专访时,这位专家分享了她 最喜欢的一系列针对常见皮肤问题的自创疗法.Treat acne breakouts with a hom

3、emade exfoliating mask-this powerful cocktail of ingredients works to calm irritated skin, as well as reduce an overproduction of sebum which can lead to breakouts.用自制的去角质面膜来治疗痘痘一一这款混合了多种成分 的强力面膜可以舒缓受到刺激的皮肤,还可以减少皮脂分泌 过剩,皮脂容易导致痘痘.To make: Mix two teaspoons of bicarbonate of Soda with a little water t

4、o form a paste.制作方法:将两茶匙小苏打和少量水混合成糊状.Apply to the skin in an upward motion and leave for 10 minutes. Rinse with tepid water and pat dry. This DIY home face mask can also help to banish blackheads and whiteheads.由下至上涂抹在皮肤上,静置 10分钟.用温水洗净,拍干. 这款DIY家居面膜还可以帮助去除黑头和白头.Hyper-pigmentation happens when the sk

5、in has an overproduction of melanin, which in turn causes dark spots to appear on the skin.当皮肤产生过多的黑色素时,色素沉着就会发生,而色素沉 着又会导致皮肤上由现黑斑.To make: Mix freshly squeezed lemon juice with honey, apply with fingertips, leave for five minutes, rinse gently and pat dry.制作方法:将鲜榨柠檬汁和蜂蜜混合,用指尖涂抹,静置 5 分钟,轻轻冲洗干净,拍干.Th

6、is treatment can help lighten the dark spots on the skin naturally as lemon juice effectively bleaches them, while the honey acts as a skin conditioner to soften and soothe the area.这种疗法可以帮助自然地减轻皮肤上的黑斑,由于柠檬汁可 以有效地淡化斑点,而蜂蜜可以作为一种皮肤调节剂来软化 和舒缓受损区域.While our skin sheds millions of dead skin cells a day,

7、some will naturally fall off with ease, but others may not.虽然我们的皮肤每天会脱落数以百万计的死皮细胞,但有些 细胞会自然脱落,有些那么不会.To avoid dull, grey, and tired-looking skin its important to exfoliate regularly. This natural honey-oat mask will help remove those dead skin cells whilst hydrating the skin, leaving it soft, smooth

8、 and brighter.为了预防皮肤暗沉、灰白和看起来疲倦,定期去角质是很重 要的.这款天然蜂蜜燕麦面膜可以帮助去除死皮细胞,同时 滋润肌肤,让肌肤柔软、光滑、明亮.To make: Combine one egg yolk with two tablespoons of clear honey, and three tablespoons of finely milled oats.制作方法:将一个蛋黄和两汤匙蜂蜜,以及三汤匙磨细的燕 麦混合.Mix into a thick paste and apply in upward strokes over face, relax for 2

9、0 minutes and rinse off with warm/tepid water, before gently patting dry.将其混合成浓稠的糊状物,由下至上涂抹于面部,放松 20 分钟,用温水冲洗干净,然后轻轻拍干.As we age, our lips become thinner - this is because over time the collagen and hyaluronic acid production slows down. This usually begins to happen in our late 20s to early 30s.随着年

10、龄的增长,我们的嘴唇会变薄一一这是由于随着时间 的推移,胶原蛋白和透明质酸的生成会减慢.这通常发生在 我们三十岁左右时.However, the below lip plumping solution can help to give you fuller lips in minutes, using a combination of natural ingredients.然而,下面的丰唇液使用自然成分的组合,可以帮助你在几 分钟内让嘴唇更饱满.To make: Simply mix one teaspoon of cinnamon, one teaspoon of cayenne pepp

11、er with one teaspoon of clear honey.制作方法:简单地混合一茶匙肉桂,一茶匙辣椒粉和一茶匙 蜂蜜.Apply to the lips, leaving on for five minutes. You may experience a tingling sensation which is normal. Rinse off gently and enjoy fuller lips the natural way!涂在嘴唇上,停留5分钟.可能会有一种刺痛感,这是正常 的.轻轻地冲洗干净,用自然的方式享受丰盈的嘴唇.There are many reasons

12、our skin can become dry and dehydrated - the weather, air conditioning, not drinking enough water, and general lifestyle factors play a huge role in this.皮肤枯燥脱水有很多原因一一天气、空调、饮水缺乏,以及 一般的生活方式因素都有可能导致这一问题.Giving your skin an extreme dose of hydration will help keep it healthy, and glowing.给你的皮肤充分补水将有助于保持皮肤健康,使你容光焕 发.The health benefits of papaya are endless and it works wonders on the skin as a mask. It s also rich in healing enzymes and can help to calm irritated skin.木瓜对健康有数


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