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1、U1 听力原文: The Importa nee of Protecti ng Sea ResourcesDuring the 19th eentury, people in Europe and America claimed 声 称 that marine resources were un limited. For example, a no ted biologist at the time commented that none of the world ' great sea fisheries were ever going to be exhausted 疲劳.Toda

2、y though, there is evidenee showing that marine 海洋resources are as seriously endangered as those of the land and the air. I n fact, in some ways the threats to fish are more alarming than the thre ats to an imals and birds. This is because fish is a much n eeded food res ource, as people throughout

3、the world depe nd on fish as an importa nt part of their diet. It is reported that to satisfy food dema nds, 20 billi on pounds of fish are harvested 收获every year in the North Atlantic alone. Sea resources are alsorapidly de clining in many other parts of the world.Scientists now believe that food s

4、upplies from the sea won' tst foreve r. They war n that excessive fish ing will destroy fish reserves with in the next few years. They also warn that the decline in fish supply will cause starvati on in some parts of the world.What Has Tech no logy Brought Us?U2Tech no logy plays a vital role in

5、 our society. It makes our life more comfortable and convenient. Without it, we couldn 'evolve or cope up with the ever cha nging world we live in.Firstly, tech no logy shorte ns the dista nee betwee n people and makes co mmuni cati on much easier. Today, the Internet is widely used not only f o

6、r the collection _of in formati on but also for corresp onden ce.Secondly, modern means of transportation, such as airplanes and highspeed trains make our journey smoother and faster. With the help of m oder n tra nsportatio n, we can go almost any where we want to. To jour n ey into outer space and

7、 other pla nets is not a dream any more. Rockets and space shuttles have made the dream come true.Thirdly, modern medicine prolongs our life and relieves patients from p ain. Some deadly diseases, such as can cer and AIDS can be treated now, and we can live Ion ger and better.Last but not least, tec

8、h no logy expa nds our vision of the world. It provid es us with larger possibilities by giving us ideas that n ever occurred to u s in the past.It is hard to imagi ne what the world would be like without tech no logy.U3 Script: Four Steps to Successful Goal-setti ngSuccessful people always have cle

9、ar goals. Great musicia ns, greaithletes, successful salespeople and inspiring leaders know what they want i n life, and they go after it. No one becomes successful by accident!And yet, a lot of young people that I know just live their lives with no g oals at all, or with only vague dreams, hopes an

10、d wishes. No won der th ey have achieved so much less tha n they could!For those who have not yet experie need the joy of sett ing and achiev in g magnificent goals, here is a powerful set of principles that have work ed for thousa nds of my clie nts. They will work for you, too. I call them Four St

11、eps to Successful GoaSett ing ”:1. Decide what you want. Choose the life you prefer! You can?t have ev erything in life. Butyou can have anything you choose if you will focus, pay the price, and p ursue it with all your heart.2. Make clear your values. Too often, people choose goals that are inco ns

12、istent with theirpriorities and daily behavior. Do you value health, or comfort? Is financi al independence a priority, or merely a wish? Make sure that your goals are con siste nt with your most importa nt values.3. Write them down. Have the courage to put your intentions on paper and in your ownwo

13、rds. Be specific and describe your goals in detail. When will you achi eve them? What will success look like? Write down the details and read your goals every day.4. Take acti on. To run a maratho n, you must jog every day. A lovi ng mar riage or happykids require your time, your attention and your

14、love, every day. Your da ily actions need not be profound or extraordinary , but they must be co n siste nt and persiste nt.Success does not “ jushappen ” Just as an artist will make preliminary s ketches and work out the details in his mi nd, so your success requires writte n goals, careful choices

15、, clear commitme nts and daily persiste nee .You can do this. Make somethi ng great of your life!U4Attitude Makes a Differe neeAttitudes affect the way people get along at home, at school, and at wo rk. Your attitude will in flue nce your feeli ngs of job satisfacti on and your career success. Attit

16、ude is the way you thi nk about things and act towa rd others.In fact, many employers believe that the most importa nt factor in job s uccess is a positive attitude. They know that an employee ' work perfor mance is closely related to his or her attitude. Employees with a positiv e attitude enjo

17、y better bus in ess performa nce.If you view a new job as an opport uni ty, a cha nce to lear n new thi ngs, a nd act with interest and enthusiasm, you are expressing a positive attitude. You also dem on strate a positive attitude whe n you are polite, coo perative and con siderate with your co-work

18、ers and superiors. People w ith a positive attitude view the world as a friendly place. They take resp onsibility for their decisi ons and have the ability to con trol their feeli ng s. People with a positive attitude are easy to get along with. Theyare ho nest in expressing their thoughts and feeli

19、ngs. And they are open to sug gestions and constructive criticism.As you begi n your new job, guard aga inst a n egative attitude. People wi th a negative attitude frequently complain and have careless work habi ts. They always blame others for their own problems. Besides, they are critical and indi

20、fferent to the n eeds of others.U5Living a Frugal LifePeople who live a frugal lifestyle often live with less stress. This is beca use they know how to take control of their money and, therefore, they have more con trol over their lives in gen eral. And if you have more con trol of your life, you ar

21、e likely to have more peace of mind. With that p eace of mi nd comes what may be called "frugal freedom", n amely, free dom from debt, freedom from envy, freedom from shame, freedom fro m worry, and freedom from loss of one's identity. Living a frugal life do es not mean having nothing

22、 or living poor and cheap. Neither does it mean denying on eself the_luxuries_ of life. A frugal lifestyle simply means t hat you have the in tellige ncejto live a happy and fulfilli ng life without p ossess ing a lot. Much of the transition from being extravaga nt to being frugal is withi n the min

23、d. For example, before you leave your room, re member to tur n off the light; keep all win dows and outside doors close d when the air _conditionings on; turn off the tap water immediately af ter use; whe n you go shopp ing, use your brain to save money on certai n things for something else you need

24、 or want. In short, living a frugal lif estyle means that you don't have to "keep up with the Jon eses" and th at you do not have to follow trends and fads.We should always remember that it is easier to spend less than it is to make more. It is easier to be frugal tha n to free on esel

25、f from finan cial_ s tress. So, let us be frugal and live within our means. It is a great way of l ife.U6Always Be PositiveBeing positive is a discipline. There are so many things we cannot contr ol, forces we are powerless to change because so much of life is unpred ictable. We cannot con trol dise

26、ases. We cannot con trol injuries. We can not con trol the weather and so many other things that are a part of our lives.But we can con trol our moods. A mood is simply a reflect on of our atti tude and we certainly can change our attitude.For example, when one of your co-workers asks you how you &#

27、39; rdoing with your work, your answer may be “feel great ”But do you really fe el great? Probably not.If your an swer were n egative, you would make your co-workers feel ba d and uncomfortable. In that case, you ' vbegun a whole cycle of negat ivity. Aga in, it 'an attitude. A good attitude

28、 and a bad attitude are reall y just two differe nt ways of look ing at the same situati on.Here ' another example. You have a big work project due on the boss ' s desk tomorrow morning. You are up aga inst a deadline. And you are ha lf-done. Now there are two ways to look at the project. Yo

29、u can worry a bout all the work still left for you to do. Or you can tell yourself that hal f of it is already done, and you are certa inly better off tha n whe n you fi rst started the project. That ' your choice: is the glass half-empty or hal f-full? That 'the choice we have to make every

30、 morning whe n we get o ut of bed.Looking honestly at the reality of the situation and seeing the positive s ide of it may in deed in crease the quality of our life. Self-motivated peo ple look at each day as a n ew opportunity. They love what they do. The y cannot wait to get to work in the morning

31、.U7Reading EfficientlyYou know you have to read “ betweerthe lines ” get the most out of any thi ng. I want to persuade you to do somethi ng equally一样 important in the course of your reading, that is: “writebetween the lines ”nless you do, you are not likely to do the most efficient kind of read in

32、g. I contend that marking up a book is an act of love.There are two ways in which one can own a book.The first is the property right you establish by paying for it, just as you p ay for clothes and furniture. But this act of purchase is only the prelude 序幕to possessi on. Full own ership comes only whe n you have made it


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