已阅读5页,还剩1页未读 继续免费阅读




1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上#include "stdio.h"#include "stdlib.h"typedef struct Listint data;struct List *next; /指针域List;void HeadCreatList (List *L) /头插法建立链表List *s;L->next=NULL;for (int i=0;i<10;i+)s=(struct List*)malloc(sizeof(struct List);s->data=i;s->next=L->next; /将L指向的地址赋值

2、给S;L->next=s;void TailCreatList(List *L) /尾插法建立链表List *s,*r;r=L;for (int i=0;i<10;i+)s=(struct List*)malloc(sizeof(struct List);s->data=i;r->next=s;r=s;r->next=NULL;void DisPlay(List *L)List *p=L->next;while(p!=NULL)printf ("%d ",p->data);p=p->next;printf("n&qu

3、ot;);int main ()List *L1,*L2;L1=(struct List*)malloc(sizeof(struct List);L2=(struct List*)malloc(sizeof(struct List);HeadCreatList(L1);DisPlay(L1);TailCreatList(L2);DisPlay(L2);/头插法创建链表#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> struct node int data; struct node * next; ; /建立只含头结点的空链表 struct

4、node * create_list() struct node * head = NULL; head = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node); if (NULL = head) printf("memory out of use/n"); return NULL; head->next = NULL; head->data = 0; return head; /头插法建立链表 int insert_form_head(struct node * head, int num) struct node * head

5、_t = head->next; struct node * new_node = NULL; new_node = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node); if (NULL = new_node) printf("memory out of use/n"); return -1; /将新结点插入到链表的最后 new_node->data = num; new_node->next = head_t; head->next = new_node; return 0; /打印链表 int show_list

6、(struct node * head) struct node * temp; temp = head->next; while(temp) printf("%d/n",temp->data); temp = temp->next; return 0; / 按值删除结点,头结点不被删除 int delete_node(struct node *head, int data) /head_t 保存要删除结点的上一个结点 struct node * head_t = head; struct node * temp = NULL; if (head = NU

7、LL) printf("delete node from empty list!/n"); return -1; /查找删除的结点的前一个结点 /如果此处查找的是删除的结点,则需要另加一个指针保存删除结点的前一个指针 while(NULL != head_t->next) if (data = head_t->next->data) break; head_t = head_t->next; /如果要删除的结点不存在,直接返回 if (NULL=head_t->next) printf("node not found/n")

8、; return -1; /删除操作 temp = head_t->next; head_t->next = head_t->next->next; free(temp); return 0; void main(int argc, char* argv) struct node * head; head = create_list(); if (NULL = head) printf("create_list error/n"); insert_form_head(head,123); insert_form_head(head,456); sho

9、w_list(head); printf("delete once!/n"); delete_node(head,123); show_list(head); printf("delete second!/n"); delete_node(head,456); show_list(head); delete_node(head,0); show_list(head); /*/尾插法创建链表#include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h>struct Node int data; struct Node * n

10、ext; ; /建立只含头结点的空链表 struct Node * create_list() struct Node * head = NULL; head = (struct Node *)malloc(sizeof(struct Node); if (NULL = head) printf("memory out of use/n"); return NULL; head->next = NULL; head->data = 0; return head; /尾插法建立链表 int insert_form_tail(struct Node * head,

11、int num) struct Node * temp = head; struct Node * new_node = NULL; new_node = (struct Node *)malloc(sizeof(struct Node); if (NULL = new_node) printf("memory out of use/n"); return -1; /寻找尾结点 while (temp->next != NULL) temp = temp->next; /将新结点插入到链表的最后 new_node->data = num; new_node->next = NULL; temp->next = new_node; return 0; /打印链表 int show_list(struct Node * head) struct Node * temp; temp = head->next; while(temp) printf("%d/n",temp->data); temp = temp->next; return 0; void main(int argc, char* argv


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