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1、吉林大学入学测试机考专升本 大学英语 模拟题1、 One of my teeth is so _ that it is going to be missing soon(2 (A . loseB . looseC . lossD . lost标准答案:B2、 How about taking a walk? Oh, I think its _ cold for a walk(2 (A . very muchB . too muchC . much tooD . so much标准答案:C3、 You are supposed to write your composition every _

2、line.(2 (A . oneB . aC . otherD . another标准答案:C4、 After living for years in a big city, they found it difficult to settle _ in a town. (2 (A . forB . atC . upD . down标准答案:D5、 The reason for my absence was _ I had fallen ill.(2 (A . whyB . becauseC . forD . that标准答案:D6、 This is the university _.(2 (A

3、 . at which do we studyB . we are studyingC . we are studying atD . where we study at标准答案:A7、 It was in this house _ the important meeting in history was held.(2 (A . whereB . thatC . whichD . in which标准答案:B8、 She looked so honest that we all regarded her story _.(2 (A . like trueB . as trueC . like

4、 realD . as real标准答案:B9、 Mrs. Brown as well as her children _ to go Paris on holiday next week.(2 (A . isB . areC . willD . will be标准答案:A10、 He is training hard, hoping to _ a new world record.(2 (A . set offB . set asideC . set upD . set out标准答案:C11、 _in the arguments about the morality of artifici

5、ally reproducing life is the fact that , at present, cloning is a very inefficient procedure.(2 (A . OverlookedB . OverlookingC . Having overlookedD . Having been overlooked标准答案:B12、 Well_ what our country expects of us.(2 (A . keep up withB . put up withC . stand up toD . live up to标准答案:D13、 The wr

6、iter has listed why cloning is not feasible to be _on humans.(2 (A . amendedB . adoptedC . adjustedD . adapted标准答案:B14、 He was a charming and _host whose house was an_rendezvous( 集合的 of the great. (2 (A . accomplished, acceptedB . accomplishing, acceptingC . accomplishing, acceptedD . accomplished,

7、accepting标准答案:A15、 I think the chief thing that _ me about Mr. Bush was his kindness and humor. (2 (A . hitB . struckC . beatD . knocked标准答案:B16、 Mrs. Clinton was always neatly and quietly dressed _ her age and status.(2 (A . in regard toB . in accordance withC . in reference toD . in comparison wit

8、h标准答案:B17、 We discussed only such problems _ concerned everyone of us.(2 (A . thatB . whatC . asD . whether标准答案:A18、 After the _of 17 British passengers, Mr. Blair continued to express his concern over the safety of the other passengers still on board the hijacked airliner.(2 (A . relayB . releaseC

9、. conveyD . transfer标准答案:B19、 The “quality” newspapers are often held _ as an example of impartial journalism. (2 (A . backB . inC . upD . onto标准答案:C20、 At the age of 14, he went to his uncle's farm, where he had lessons on botany _ . (2 (A . self-taughtB . self-teachingC . being self-taughtD .

10、having self-taught标准答案:B21、 He can't drive a car. Let _fly an aero-plane.(2 (A . solitaryB . lonelyC . aloneD . loneliness标准答案:C22、 The boy said to his mother in an _ voice that she shouldn't have blamed him. (2 (A . injuryB . injuriousC . injuredD . injuring标准答案:D23、 _how the splendid Maya

11、Culture disappeared all of a sudden from the earth, it remains amystery hard to solve.(2 (A . In turnB . As toC . Thanks toD . As a rule标准答案:B24、 In the era of market economy, the concept of “Consumer First” should be _by manufacturers. (2 (A . rejectedB . reformedC . relivedD . reinforced标准答案:D25、

12、He's widely known more _a poet than _a novelist.(2 (A . for,toB . for,asC . as,forD . as,as标准答案:D26、 The football match was held over until further notice _the continual rain.(2 (A . on account ofB . thanks toC . but forD . as for标准答案:B27、 The rain was heavy and _the land was flooded.(2 (A . con

13、sistentlyB . consequentlyC . constantlyD . continuously标准答案:B28、 Another issue _the new republic is the problem of the education of its citizens. (2 (A . confiningB . confirmingC . confrontingD . contributing标准答案:C29、 A window in the kitchen room was _; there was rubbish everywhere and the clock had

14、 been stolen. (2 (A . scatteredB . smashedC . scratchedD . scraped标准答案:B30、 Knowing that her son was suffering from a _ disease, the mother cried her eyes out.(2 (A . deadlyB . dyingC . dead-likeD . deathly标准答案:A31、 Some people consider it unwise to _themselves in a quarrel between husband and wife.

15、(2 (A . participateB . involveC . combineD . associate标准答案:B32、 I have just come here to see if I can be_ to you.(2 (A . helpB . of helpC . with helpD . for help标准答案:B33、 Imagine _with someone who never stops _practical jokes on you.(2 (A . to live, to playB . to live, playingC . living, to playD .

16、living, playing标准答案:B34、 The Old Man and the Sea and many other novels _ Ernest Hemingway the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954.(2 (A . earnedB . gainedC . awardedD . claimed标准答案:A35、 Those who had moved to America under the _that America was paved with gold everywhere started to regret their decis

17、ion.(2 (A . illusionB . intentionC . impressionD . concept标准答案:A36、 _change your mind, please give us a call.(2 (A . Were you toB . Would youC . Could youD . Might you标准答案:A37、 When _, he denied _ anything illegal.(2 (A . questioned, doingB . being questioned, doingC . questioning, doingD . question

18、ing, having done标准答案:B38、 See you later. Jenny. I'm glad _ with you for six months.(2 (A . to workB . to be workingC . to have workedD . to having been working标准答案:C39、 The girl in the snapshot was smiling sweetly, her long hair_in the breeze.(2 (A . flowedB . had flowedC . flowingD . was flowin

19、g标准答案:A40、 _from the European continent, England had been in close contact with the outside world.(2 (A . Because cutting offB . While to be cut offC . Although cut itself offD . Even if cut off标准答案:D41、 The actors have to _ before they appear in front of the audience.(2 (A . cover upB . paint upC .

20、 make upD . do up标准答案:C42、 Quite a lot of people watch TV only to _time.(2 (A . passB . killC . wasteD . spend标准答案:A43、 John was never particular _ the food his wife served.(2 (A . aboutB . ofC . forD . to标准答案:A44、 The designing of a satellite in the heavy environment is _an easy job.(2 (A . by all

21、meansB . by means ofC . by no meansD . by any means标准答案:C45、 Edward is the boy _I think scored the winning point for the basketball team. (2 (A . thatB . whatC . whomD . who标准答案:D46、 It is often more difficult to find trained men than _for scientific research.(2 (A . getting financial supportB . to

22、get financial supportC . get financial supportD . in getting financial support标准答案:B47、 John is a good student, _his best subject.(2 (A . as EnglishB . being EnglishC . English asD . English being标准答案:D48、 _great was the destruction that the South took decades to recover.(2 (A . VeryB . TooC . SoD .

23、 Such标准答案:C49、 You ought not to _him the news that day.(2 (A . tellB . be tellingC . have been toldD . have told标准答案:D50、 Hot metal _as it grows cooler.(2 (A . contractsB . reducesC . condensesD . decreases标准答案:A51、 Do you have a preference _a particular food?(2 (A . withB . atC . forD . in标准答案:C52、

24、 By now most freshmen have grown so used to university life that they have forgotten all those_ about the university they originally had.(2 (A . concernsB . worryC . dreamsD . ambition标准答案:C53、 Many people want to buy it because._. the price is reasonable; _ , it's rather durable.(2 (A . on one

25、side, on the other sideB . for one thing, for anotherC . on the one hand, on the other handD . in one part, in the other part标准答案:C54、 The proposal _we start doing the experiment two days earlier has been agreed upon by all. (2 (A . whichB . whatC . thatD . of which标准答案:C55、 Spring _, we may look fo

26、rward to better weather.(2 (A . comesB . has comeC . to be comingD . having come标准答案:C56、 The purpose of the research had a more different meaning for them than_ .(2 (A . for ours it hadB . it did for usC . with usD . with ours标准答案:B57、 _from the balcony when he saw a policeman approaching him.(2 (A

27、 . Jumped down the thiefB . Down the thief jumpedC . Down jumped the thiefD . Down did the thief jump标准答案:C58、 Can you see a man and his horse _are crossing the bridge?(2 (A . whoB . whichC . thatD . all标准答案:C59、 _, I cannot agree with him on the matter.(2 (A . Much as I respect himB . More as I res

28、pect himC . As I respect him muchD . As I respect him more标准答案:A60、 But for your help, we _the work as scheduled.(2 (A . could not finishB . would not have finishedC . would have finishedD . could have finished标准答案:B61、 Do you know _the population of China is?(2 (A . how manyB . how muchC . which吉林大

29、学 236742836.doc 第 11 页 共 18 页D . what标准答案:B62、 Advertising is different from other forms of communication_the advertiser pays for the message to be delivered.(2 (A . in thatB . now thatC . see thatD . whereas标准答案:A63、 I know nothing about his journey _ he is likely to be away for six months.(2 (A .

30、exceptB . unlessC . except thatD . apart from标准答案:C64、 _editor and _publisher of this magazine is a learned man from Britain.(2 (A . An, aB . The, aC . The, theD . The, /标准答案:D65、 Many a white-collar worker_to return to the easy days of university or college. (2 (A . wishesB . wishC . have wishedD .

31、 wishing标准答案:A66、 Would you like him to paint it blue?I'd rather he _it green.(2 (A . paintsB . paintedC . paintD . is painting标准答案:C67、 James dressed himself up as a plumber before leaving the house lest he _.(2 (A . was recognizedB . could be recognized吉林大学 236742836.doc 第 12 页 共 18 页C . shoul

32、d be recognizedD . was being recognized标准答案:C68、 He struck the girl in the face and she fell to the ground _.(2 (A . dieB . deathC . deadD . deadly标准答案:C69、 I think it quite essential that your child _ a foreign language at school.(2 (A . must learnB . learnsC . learnedD . learn标准答案:D70、 She woke up

33、 from the nightmare _ .(2 (A . with startB . with a startC . startingD . started标准答案:B71、 Is there any_in your company?(2 (A . vacancyB . desertionC . emptinessD . hollow标准答案:A72、 The old man _the boy on his knees.(2 (A . seatedB . was seatedC . satD . was sat标准答案:A73、 V oices of argument were _as t

34、he two motorists became more bad-tempered.(2 (A . increasedB . risenC . swollen吉林大学 236742836.doc 第 13 页 共 18 页D . raised标准答案:D74、 Don't take him for a friend; he's _a bully.(2 (A . everything toB . nothing butC . anything likeD . something of标准答案:D75、 She was exhausted and in no_for dancing

35、.(2 (A . emotionB . temperC . moodD . feeling标准答案:C76、 During foggy weather trains are late _ .(2 (A . and so forthB . more often than notC . or somethingD . as a matter of fact标准答案:B77、 The paint is still wet_.(2 (A . Don't he sure to touch it.B . Not be sure to touch it.C . Be not sure to touc

36、h it.D . Be sure not to touch it.标准答案:D78、 Who will be in charge of your team?We'll elect _ .(2 (A . Henry as captainB . Henry captainC . captain HenryD . as captain Henry吉林大学 236742836.doc 第 14 页 共 18 页标准答案:A79、 The speaker doesn't know how to _himself across.(2 (A . makeB . runC . takeD .

37、put标准答案:D80、 It's high time you _us the truth.(2 (A . tellB . have toldC . toldD . had told标准答案:C81、 If I_to do the experiment, I would do it some other way.(2 (A . should beB . should be goingC . wasD . were标准答案:D82、 I would not be home tonight_ you not_me a lift in your car.(2 (A . if, giveB .

38、 if had, givenC . had, givenD . have, given标准答案:C83、 We_it without your help.(2 (A . couldn't have doneB . couldn't doC . could have doneD . could haven't done标准答案:A84、 _in the crash, he won't participate in the race.(2 (A . His broken legB . His leg is brokenC . His leg having been

39、broken吉林大学 236742836.doc 第 15 页 共 18 页DHis leg being broken 标准答案:C 85、So fast _that it is difficult for us to imagine its speed.(2) ( Alight travels Btravels light Cdoes light travel Dhas light traveled ) 标准答案:C 86、Is this film moving?Yes, it is_.(2) ( ARarely have I seen this before. BRarely before

40、 have I seen this. CRarely have I seen before this. DRarely I have seen this before. 标准答案:A 87、I suppose she is not serious,_ ?(2) ( Ado I Bdon't I Cisn't she Dis she ) ) 标准答案:C 88、I can only do it for you _I'm paid in advance.(2) ( Ajust as Bin that Cnow that Don condition that ) 标准答案:D 89、Whatever is worth _ at all is worth _well.(2) ( Adoing, being done Bdoing, do


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