



1、春季六年级英语期中试卷听力局部( ( ( (选出你所听到的单词.(10分)1. A more B men C many)2. A stop B stamp C special)3. A singing B dancing C dance)4. A Mexico B million C meal)5. A now B how C tomorrow根据录音,选择正确的答复.(10分)1.A:It has got eight million people. B:It s about six thousand kilometres.)2.A:It s very long. B:It s in the

2、east.)3.A:I m sending an email to my friend. B:I like writing the letters.)4.A:Sometimes. B:Yes, I have.)5.A:We fly the flag and we sing songs.B:We always have a special meal.、听录音,判断以下句子与你听到的内容是否相同.相同在题前括号中写 Y,不同的写N. (5)( )1. You can be my Chinese pen friend.()2. I can speak English and sing English

3、 songs.()3. I like music ,riding my bicycle and collecting stamps.( )4. Can you tell me about American Festivals ?( )5. Sam has got a pet dog and he often plays with it.四、听音判断.请在与录音内容相符的句子前写T,不相符的写F. (10分)()1.()2.()3.( )4. ()5.笔试局部一、选出不同类白一项.(5分)()1. A. America B. China C. New York()2. A. right B. c

4、ollect C. strong()3. A. kilometre B. thousand C. million()4. A. lantern B. candy C. moon cake()5. A. shop B. special C. restaurant二、选择正确的答案,将选项填入括号内.(10分)()1.It s a picture the Great Wall.A.to B.in C.of()2. Do you want to my pen friend?A. is B. be C. Are()3.There are lots of there.A.shop B.restauran

5、ts C.city()4.These are some stamps Canada? .A.to B.inC.from()5.Have you got toy cars?A.some B. a C. any()6. My favourite festival Thanksgiving.A.am B. is C. are()7. -you collect stamps? -No , I don t.A. DoesB. DoC. Did()8. There is a big Chinatown New York .A. toB. inC. on( )9. What are you doing ?

6、I m an email to my family.A. sending B.sends C.send()10. How is the Great Wall?A. high B. short C. long三、看一看,写一写 .(5)another, hobbies, sometimes, French, really1 . I ve got two.2 .Linda can speak some English and some.1.1 like music.4 .Now you can have pen friend.5 .We climb mountains at the weekend

7、.四、选择配伍.从R栏中找出I栏每个句子恰当的答语,并将答案标号写在题前括号内.(10)I栏()1. Can you sing ?()2. Do you collect stamps?()3. Who can be your Chinese pen friend?()4. Are there any chairs in the classroom?()5. Have you got a book about America?()6. Has Amy got a new Tshirt?()7. What do you do on Flag Day?()8. What your favourite

8、 food?()9.Where is Mexico?()10. How big is Beijing?II栏A. Yes, she has.B. Yes, we can sing some English songs.C. No , I don t.D. Amy can.E. Yes , there are.F. It on the south of America.G. We carry flags and we sing songs.H. Yes , I have.I. It got about fourteen million people.J. Fish.五、连词成句,注意书写标准.1

9、0注意大小写和标点符号1. is, address , China, his, this, in2. picture, it, a, is , of, the Great Wall3. you , a , got , book, have, America, about4. is, a, in, Chinatown, there, New York5. a, big, what, map, China , of七.单词拼写51. Plsed to meet you.2. Can you be my Chinese pen frnd?3. I love MidA_t_mn Festival.4.

10、 Flying kites is my h_ bb_.5. We always have a sp_cl meal at Spring Festival.六、根据短文内容判断正误.正确的写T错误的写F 5分Simon is an American boy. He collects stamps. He has got lots of stamps from Canada. There are famous men and women on the stamps. He has got lots of Chinese stamps, too. Some of them have got pictures of the Great Wall.Sometimes he collects toy cars. He has got some toy cars in his house. All toy cars have got Chinese names.( 1. Simon is an American boy.( 2. Simon


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