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1、EPISODE TOW 第四集Canadian Cuisine 加拿大美食EPISODE NICE 第九集A Pleasing Environment美丽的家园 Visiting a Canadian Hoem 访 友33Visiting a Canadian HomeHello. Its Dashan here welcoming you to Episode 9 of Dashan and Friends in Canada. In todays programme, my friend Glen, whom you met in Episode 8. will be inviting R

2、umei, Yunbo and me to his house for dinner. Were going to meet his son Christopher, too.As you listen to our conversation try to catch the answers to the next two questions. Q1 What gift did Rumei bring to Kathy?Q2 What does Kathy say in English when she talks about Christophers plans for the summer

3、?BEFORE YOU WATCH & LISTEN你认识下面的单词和词组吗?你会读吗?vegetarian蔬菜lasagna宽面条address地址,住址avenue大街wine葡萄酒rum朗姆酒gin and tonic杜松子酒加苏打水scotch on the rocks加冰威士忌酒ginger ale姜汁汽水grade年级hockey冰球camp野营fun趣事,有趣的人或物oven烤炉bite(吃)一口dessert甜食mousse奶油冻Dashan:Hi, Glen. Its Dashan. Thanks again for yesterday. We really enjoyed

4、visiting your office and learning more about your company. Glen:Oh, youre welcome. Everybody at Capital enjoyed meeting you and your friends. Listen, are you free this evening? Dashan:Yes. Glen:Well, how about coming over to our house for dinner? Kathys going to make her vegetarian lasagna tonight.D

5、ashan:That sounds great. Id really like to come. Glen:And please invite Rumei and Yunbo, too Dashan:Thats very kind of you, Glen. Glen:Come around at 6:00. were going to have an early dinner. Its a school night for Christopher. Dashan:Great. Im looking forward to it. See you then. Oh, Glen, whats yo

6、ur address? Glen:555North Hinton Avenue. Thats Hinton near Main. Ours is the house with the big tree in front of it.(Rumei holds flowers and Dashan has a bottle of wine. Kathy answers the door.) Kathy:Hello, everyone. Its wonderful to meet you all. Please come in. Rumei:These flowers are for you, Ka

7、thy. Dashan:And heres a bottle of wine. Thanks for your kind invitation. Kathy:Quite welcome. The pleasure is ours.(Entire group standing in living room) Kathy:Sit down, please. Make yourselves at home. Im going to get Christopher. Hes doing his homework in his bedroom. Glen:Would anybody care for a

8、 drink before dinner? I have rum, gin, scotch, wine Yunbo:Ill have a gin and tonic, please. Glen:OK.Rumei: Id like some ginger ale, please. Dashan:Could I have a scotch on the rocks? Glen:Sure.(Kathy returns with Christopher.) Kathy:This is our Christopher. Everybody:Hi, Christopher.Kathy:Christophe

9、r, this is Rumei. This is Yunbo and this is Dashan. Dad and Dashan went to school together. Glen: Hi, everybody.Dashan: What grade are you in, Christopher?Yunbo: Im in Grade Five. Christopher: Hi, everybody.Dashan: What grade are you in, Christopher?Christopher: Im in Grade Five. Kathy:Christophers

10、going to attend a hockey camp this summer. Rumei:Sounds like fun. Christopher:Yeah. Mom, when are we going to eat dinner? Im hungry. Kathy:Very soon, honey. Glen, how about taking everyone into the dining room? Im going to take the lasagna out of the oven. Rumei:Kathy, can I help with anything? Kath

11、y:Oh, thats all right. Just make yourself comfortable. Glen:I think everything is just about ready now. Dashan:Mmm, Everything smells delicious. Yunbo:And it looks great, too.(Group finishing dinner)Kathy: Would anyone like some more lasagna? Dashan:No, thanks. Im fine. I couldnt eat another bite. Y

12、unbo:Id like anther piece, please. But just a small one. Glen:Christopher, please finish you salad. Christopther:Aw, Dad, I hate salad.Glen:Well then, you arent going to get and dessert.Christopher:Mom, what are we going to have for dessert?Kathy:Chocolate mousse cake.语言注释 语调提示 文化点滴 Thanks again for

13、 yesterday. We really enjoyed visiting your office and learning more about your company. 再次感谢你昨天的款待。 我们能拜访并加深了解你们公司感到非常高兴。 enjoy的意思是 to get happiness from things and experiences, like doing sth.(享受、喜爱)。enjoy后接动词+-ing形式。请看格伦的回答: Everybody at Capital enjoyed meeting you and your friends. 首都电子公司的每个人为见到

14、你和你的朋友感到高兴。在西方当收到他人的礼物或受到他人的款待后,一般都要写信致谢。大山和格伦是才朋友自然可以打电话致谢。 listen, are you free this evening? 喂,你今天晚上有空吗? 这里的listen是用以唤起别人的注意,相当于“喂、哎”。这里的疑问句是发出邀请的引子,还可说are you doing anything this evening?(你今晚有什么安排吗?)在第七集里云波邀请大山一同去逛商店,他是这样说的: Do you have any plans for today? How about coming over to our house for

15、 dinner? 到我家来吃晚饭好吗? How about常用于提出建议或询问他人意思。注意about后面要用名词或名词词组:请看凯西对格伦提出的建议: How about taking everyone into the dining room? 把大家带到餐厅好吗? vegetarian lasagna 素卤面条与20年前相比,加拿大人的饮食习惯发生了很大的变化,更多人增强了healthy life(健康生活)的意识,即意识到吃低脂肪、高纤维令物的必要性。很多人都非常注意减少肉、蛋、黄油等的摄入量,多吃新鲜蔬菜、水果,素食列是成为一种时尚。 Thats very kind of you,

16、Glen. 格伦,谢谢你。 Its kind of sb. to do sth. 是向人表示存放的说法。Kind 的意思是“令人感激的、友好的”。例如: Its very kind of you to help me. 谢谢你帮助我。 See you then. 回头见。 这是双方约定了下次见面的时间后,向人告别时常用的一句话。 Rumei holds flowers and Dashan has a bottle of wine. 如梅手捧鲜花,大山拿着一瓶酒。如果是被邀请到家里吃饭或者度周末可以带一束鲜花、一盒糖果、一瓶酒等小礼品。注意如梅和大山一进门就把小礼物送给了主人,这是西方的习惯。

17、如果包装好的礼品,主人一般要当着客人的面打开,说一些表示感谢、欣赏的话。 The pleasure is ours. (你们来做客) 我们感到很荣幸。 这句话的意思相当于it is our pleasure to have you here. 又比如: A: Im pleased to meet you, Mr Brown. B: The pleasure is mine. 甲:见到你我很荣幸,布朗先生。 乙:见到你我也很荣幸。 Please make yourself at home. 请不要拘束。 还可以说:Please feel at home. Please make yourself

18、 comfortable. 这些都是主人劝说客人的话,意思是“不必拘礼、拘束、像在家里一样自在”。 那时是秋天,树叶都变黄了。 Would anybody care for a drink before dinner? 吃饭前有谁想喝点什么(酒)吗? care for = like (喜欢),例如: I dont really care for coffee. I like tea. 我不喜欢喝咖啡,我喜欢喝茶。西方人喝酒的习惯跟中国人有很多不同之处。其中之一就是饮酒的方式。在饭前喝啤酒、葡萄酒,甚至喝烈性酒威士忌是常有的事,而中国人则不会在没有下酒菜的情况下干喝。 Could I have

19、a scotch on the rocks? 给我一些加冰块的苏格兰威士忌好吗? Scotch on the rocks 是“加冰块的苏格兰威士忌,” rocks 指碎冰块。 Hi, Christopher. 克利斯托弗,你好。注意如梅、云波在和初次见面的克利斯托弗找招呼时使用的是非常随便的问候语。“Hi” 一般用于经常见面的人。选择正式还是非正式问候语,除了看场合、互相之间的关系外,年龄也是不可忽视的因素。 Sound like fun. 听起来蛮有趣麻? 这个句子中活力省略了主衙,全句是It sounds like fun.在较随便的口语中,意思清楚时,常使用省略句。 very soon,

20、 honey. 马上就开饭,亲爱的。 Honey用作称呼语,意思是“宝贝、亲爱的”,另外不有下面的称呼:dear, darling, sweetheart Kathy, can I help with anything? 凯西,有什么要我帮忙的吗?如梅这里是在问凯西用不用她帮着上菜。到别人家做客时,礼貌的做法是主动提出帮助上菜、洗碗等。但是一般来讲,除非客人是常来常往的老朋友,主人是不会让客人做很多事情的。后来在大山、如梅、云波的主动要求下,主人才同意他们参与家务,收拾桌子。 Id like another piece, please. But just a small one. 我想再要一块

21、,请要一小点。 one在句中是不定代词,代替上文中提到的名词或名词短语。吃lasagna时一般是毁成长方条,云波想再要一小条(one piece) dessert 餐后甜点 餐后甜食种类一般有烩水果类、冰淇淋类、布丁类及干点类。Answers to Dashans Questions:Q1 What gift did Rumei bring to Kathy? Rumei brought flowers to Kathy to thank her for her hospitality.Q2 What does Kathy say in English when she talks about

22、 Christophers plans for the summer? Christophers going to attend hockey camp this summer.Put The Following Into English请把下面的的对话译面英语(大山在和格伦打电话)大山:格伦,胸好。我是大山。再次感谢你昨天的款待。我们为能拜访、加深了解你们公司感到非常高兴。格伦:啊,不用客气。首都电子公司的第正值人都为能见到你和你的朋友感到高兴。喂,你今天晚上有空吗?大山:有。格伦:那到我家来吃晚饭,怎么样?今天晚上凯西准备做素卤意大利宽面条。大山:听起来不错,我很愿意来。格伦:请邀请如梅、

23、云波一起来。大山:格伦,谢谢你。格伦: 6点左右到我这里吧,今天晚饭我们要早点吃,克里斯托弗晚上要去学校参加活动。大山: 好的,我期待着这一刻。回头见。噢,格伦,你住什么地方。格伦:欣屯街北路555号,欣屯街挨着美因街。我们家房子前边有一棵大树。(三人来到格伦家门前,按门铃,如梅捧着花、大山拿着一瓶酒。凯西来开门。)凯西:你们好。见到你们太高兴了。请进。如梅:凯西, 这花是送给你的。大山:不有一瓶酒。谢谢你们的邀请。凯西:不用客气。你们能来我们感到很高兴。(在客厅)凯西:请坐吧。请不要拘束。我去的把克里斯托弗叫来。他在卧室里正做作业呢。格伦:吃饭前有谁想喝点什么吗?我这儿有朗姆酒、杜松子酒、苏


25、条从烤箱里取出来。如梅:凯西,有什么要我帮忙的吗?凯西:噢,没什么事,别拘束就行。格伦:我秆我们可以准备开饭了。大山:啊,每道菜闻着都是那么香。云波:样子也都好看。(吃饭接近尾声)凯西:不有谁想再吃点面条吗?大山:我不要,我吃饱了。再多一口也吃不下了。云波:我想再要一块,就要一点。格伦:克里斯托弗,把你的色拉吃完。克里斯托弗:爸爸我最不喜欢吃色拉了。格伦:可是你不吃完,也就吃不上甜点了。克里斯托弗:妈妈,今天吃什么甜点心?凯西:巧克力奶油冻蛋糕。BUILDING UP YOUR VOCABULARY扩充词汇量Alcoholic Drinks 伏特加(一种用麦、马铃薯或玉米酿制的烧酒)伏特加柯林

26、斯(用伏特加酒加果子汁、糖、冰、苏打水调制)伏特加兼烈鸡尾酒(用伏特加和酸橙汁调制)伏特加酒加橙汁调制的鸡尾酒红玛丽(用伏特加或杜松子酒加番茄汁调制)朗姆酒(用甘蔗汁酿制的糖酒)代基里酒(用朗姆酒加糖、柠檬汁调制的鸡尾酒)稞麦威士忌苦艾酒曼哈顿鸡尾酒(用稞麦威士忌与甜苦艾酒混合调制)杜松子酒用杜松子酒加苦艾酒调制的鸡尾酒杜松子酒加苏打水vodka vodka Collins vodka Gimlet screwdriver Bloody Maryrumdaiquirirye whiskeyvermouthManhattanginmartini cocktailRooms of the Hous

27、esitting roombedroomkitchendining roombasement 会客室卧室厨房餐厅地下室USEFUL EXPRESSIONS Are you free this evening?你今天晚上有空吗? Make yourself at home.请不要拘束。 I couldnt eat another bite.再多一口我也吃不下了。 Sounds like fun.听起来蛮有趣的。FUNCTIONS交际功能Extending an Invitation and AcceptingTalking About the Near FutureRequestingOffer

28、ing Something and Accepting or RefusingOffering to Help and Refusing发出/接受邀请 Are you free this evening? How about coming over to our house for dinner?That sounds great. Id really like to come谈论最近的将来 Im going to take the lasagna out of the oven.were going to have an early dinner.Kathys going to make h

29、er vegetarian lasagna tonight.You arent going to get any dessert.When are we going to eat dinner? Do you have any ginger ale?Id like some ginger ale, too , please.Could I have a scotch on the rocks?How about taking everyone into the dining room?Christopher, please finish your salad.提出请求主动提供/接受/拒绝某物W

30、ould anyone care for a drink before dinner?Would anyone care for more lasagna?Id like some ginger ale.Could I have a scotch on the rocks?No, thanks, Im fine. I couldnt eat another biteId like another piece.主动提供/拒绝帮助Kathy, can I help you with anything?Oh, thats all right.FILL IN THE BLANKS请听录音,完成下列对话

31、Conversation 1A:_?How about coming over to our hockey party?B:Hockey party?_?A:Well, just a bunch of us are watching the hockey game together.B:_. Yes, Id like to come.Conversation 2A:_? What about going out for a nice Canadian meal?B:Sure, Id love to.A:_. Ill call and make reservations.B:Anytime af

32、ter seven is good for me.Conversation 3A:_? How about sitting in the park for a while. Its such a beautiful day.B:Yes,_. Shall we meet at one oclock at the school gate?A:Yes._.Conversation 4A:_? I have some very good Canadian beer. I have Molson and Labatts Blue.B:Yes, Id like to try. _, please?A:Ce

33、rtainly.Conversation 5A:_?B:Saturday afternoon? Im not sure yet. I think Im just going to take it easy.A:_? Its fun.B:Im sorry, I hate window shopping. How about going skating?A: OK,_.IN CANADA VIGNETTEENVIRONMENT环 境Like most countries, Canada is concerned about the environment. British Columbias Fr

34、aser River Delta will soon be the site of the worlds largest waste water treatment plant. More than one million people live in the Fraser Delta. There is a lot of heavy industry too. That means pollution.Reid Crowther is the Canadian engineering firm who addressed the problem. The company has waste

35、water projects all around the world, but none of them on this scale.Nearly a thousand people have worked here. So far, it has taken several years of planning and construction. When completed, the Anessis island treatment plant will be an engineering marvel.But there is still a lot to be done. Like m

36、aking sure the water is being cleaned effectively.As you can see , the waste water treatment process is extensive What? Oh oh I hope we havent got a leak hereStop everything ! wed better send someone down to take a look.Now lets see here. This is an enormous structure. You could get lost very easily

37、! Said. could get lost not should get lost. Oh no!Ohh Someones here!and theyre checking on the system.Sorry , my mistake. That wasnt really a leak. It was part of the purification system.There are so many pipes and filters and pieces of equipment. This really is an engineering marvel!Well, I better

38、let everyone know they can set back to work.Hey! its okay. Its supposed to be like that!Its not a leak.Pollution and waste form industry are big problems. But there are companies who have turned these problems into opportunities. Westroc for instance. They recycle fly ash waste by the truckload. Wou

39、ld you believe, even just a few years ago, all this went into the air. Were a lot smarten than that now.Westroc will take the fly ash, wet or dry and recycle it. They even recycle leftover wallboard. Wallboard is used extensively for construction in Canada.What do they do with it, you ask? Well part

40、 of its Westrocs secret.But, with some ingenuity supplied by Joe Ng Engineering, the waste material is all processed. The air leaving the plant is even cleaner. And Joe Ng did it just by modifying used equipment form other plants.Hmmm, Maybe I should meet this Joe Ng?Oh! I nearly forgot You still wa

41、nt to know that they make. And I thought you might already knowWhy, its wallboard of course. And lots of it too. Wallboard is a durable and strong construction material. And Westroc is Canadas leading manufacturer.Hey, easy there guys.Lets try to use some of that wallboard before we recycle it!be in

42、timidating. As a leader in the field of communications, Mitel Corporation understands the need to make technology an ally. Mitel designs and manufactures telephones systems.And they do it in a unique way.Mitel believes people should lead technology. People like Debbie Pinard. Like so many others at

43、Mitel, Debbies creativity has been recognized for all to see.It inspires here to seek new innovations, to work with people, to be a leader. Debbie enjoys her work and it shows.lDebbie:Hi, Nancy, its Debbie. Could you come to my office and well talk about your trip to San Francisco? Okay, see you in

44、a minute. Bye.Nancy:Hi, Debbie.Debbie:Hi, Nancy.Nancy:Heres the information about the trip.Debbie:Okay, so youre leaving tomorrow morning?Nancy:Yes, Im leaving early in the morning to have this special meeting with some customer from Guangzhou at five oclock.Debbie:Okay. Would you like to review you

45、r notes before you go?Nancy:Yes, theres this pattern session at the conference that I think we should go over.Mitel knows that people hold the key to their future. The company is readying for the convergence of communications and computing. Its not far off.Are you sure about that?I know a thing or t

46、wo about phones!Everyones an expertHeyeven I could do that.Pollution and waste form industry are big problems. But there are companies who have turned these problems into opportunities. Westroc for instance. They recycle fly ash waste by the truckload. Would you believe, even just a few years ago, a

47、ll this went into the air. Were a lot smarten than that now.Westroc will take the fly ash, wet or dry and recycle it. They even recycle leftover wallboard. Wallboard is used extensively for construction in Canada.What do they do with it, you ask? Well part of its Westrocs secret.But, with some ingen

48、uity supplied by Joe Ng Engineering, the waste material is all processed. The air leaving the plant is even cleaner. And Joe Ng did it just by modifying used equipment form other plants.Hmmm, Maybe I should meet this Joe Ng?Oh! I nearly forgot You still want to know that they make. And I thought you

49、 might already knowWhy, its wallboard of course. And lots of it too. Wallboard is a durable and strong construction material. And Westroc is Canadas leading manufacturer.Hey, easy there guys.Lets try to use some of that wallboard before we recycle it!Visiting a Canadian HomeHello, its Dashan here we

50、lcoming you back to our story. In our second dialogue, Rumei, Yunbo and I will be helping Kathy and Glen clean up after our dinner. Well also be learning a lot about what Kathy and Glen are doing to conserve the environment. As you listen to our conversations, try to catch the answers to the next tw

51、o questions:Q1 What does Christopher want to do after dinner?Q2 What do I say in English at the end of the evening when I thank Kathy and Glen for their hospitality?BEFORE YOU WATCH & LISTEN你认识下面的单词和词组吗?你会读吗?project项目finish完成counter(厨房中的)长台面remodel改建add添加area区域leftover余下的plastic塑料container容器(盒、箱、罐)waste浪费,废物composter堆肥器compost堆肥fertilize使肥沃recycle回收利用(废物)generation代,一代人forest森林wildlife里生动植物concern关注environment环境reduce减少garbage垃圾metal金属kitch


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