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1、2020届中考英语2020届中考模拟试卷完形填空汇编ALast month, my Dad and Mum went on a business trip to Beijing together, so I was alone at home for a week. At first, it seemed 1 because I could do everything I wanted.Every day, after finishing my homework, I read a novel 2 struggling with English vocabulary books as my p

2、arents expected.3 the happy times did not last long. On the fourth evening, while I was busy with my homework, the lights in my house went out 4 . I couldn't see anything and was very frightened. Slowly I got used to the 5 and saw some weak light coming from the street lamps. I 6 the electricity

3、 in my house was out.I 7 to go outdoors to see what was happening. As I walked out, I 8 over an object I put down earlier.Standing outside, I found the whole district dark. I knew the whole electric system had 9 down. I was scared and upset, 10 I quickly picked up the phone and wanted to call my par

4、ents in Beijing , but I hesitated (犹豫)for a moment. I thought I had grown up and should learn to 11 some problems on my own.Thinking of this, I hung 12 . A second later, I picked up the phone again. But this time Iphoned the electric company. They told me the system was being 13 .Half an hour later,

5、 everything turned back to normal.A 14 passed quickly, and then Dad and Mum came back. I told them 15 that had happened in that week except this incident. I believe I have grown up and I will not depend on my parents as much as before.1.A. tiringB. frighteningC. excitingD. surprising2.A. because ofB

6、. instead ofC. out ofD. front of3.A. OrB. AndC. ButD. So4.A. suddenlyB. quicklyC. sadlyD. naturally5.A. brightnessB. silenceC.peaceD. darkness6.A. sawB. realizedC. rememberedD. recognized7.A. choseB. offeredC. decidedD. managed8.A. ranB. climbedC. wentD. fell9.A. brokenB. setC.goneD. come10. A. soB.

7、 thoughC. untilD. unless11.A. deal withB. take toC. leave outD. give off12. A. outB. aroundC. overD. up13. A. removedB. recoveredC. repairedD. built14. A. dayB. weekC. monthD. year15. A. anythingB. everythingC. somethingD. nothingIt was our first Thanksgiving in the new house and I wanted everything

8、 to be perfect. But my plan for everyone to contribute some preparation work couldn't be carried out for my husband's business trip. Even worse, I had to 1 twodays of planned vacation finishing the extra work. By Wednesday, since I didn't get an ideal table with fresh flowers, beautiful

9、drinking glasses and various homemade desserts, I just hoped that I'd find a clean tablecloth and eight2forks.In my perfect Thanksgiving, there wouldn't be any orange in my salad because I hadn' t made the shwould be no perfect family photos to record that day because I hadn't got th

10、e broken camera 3. Someone hadbrought home the wrong toilet paper, which made me break down.I don't remember what my son asked me as he was vacuuming (吸尘),but I do remember my serious mom -face before barking out an 4. The noise and anger are terrible to kids everywhere that they might as well 5

11、 me. Buthe didn't.Instead of disappearing from view, my second -grader turned off the vacuum and walked across the room to face me.He never said a word. He just put his arms around me, making me feel a deep sense of 6 of myself until today.The end result was that it was a(n)7 Thanksgiving. The p

12、eople I loved gathered around my table and dinedjust one choice of the pie. My dad used a mismatched fork without 8. My daughter drew a picture of us whereeveryone smiled.My son took a(n)9 to teach me that sometimes we need a hug ( 拥抱)most when we are least huggable. This isthe best gift you can giv

13、e. One size fits all and no one ever minds if you 10.1.A. spareB.wasteC. offerD.save2.A. amazingB. challengingC. satisfyingD. matching3. A. workedB. fixedC. dealtD. hired4. A. ideaB. instructionC. orderD. answer5.A. punishB. praiseC. avoidD. comfort6. A. prideB. shameC. confidenceD.surprise7. A. fas

14、hionableB. awfulC. perfectD. meaningful8. A. sadnessB. doubtC. complaintD. worry9. A. riskB. breakC. chanceD. lead10.A. receiveB. returnC. refuseD. remindCAfter medical school, Michael moved to Southern California. He became a 1 at Mission Community Hospital. There Michael was known for his hard wor

15、k. Many patients were helped by Michael, including a little baby called Chris.In August 1985, Chris entered the world earlier than expected, weighing only 1.5 kg. A few months later, he was back in the hospital. His temperature rose quickly with all the symptoms of meningitis(月齿膜炎症状 ).Michael didn&#

16、39;t 2 thisyoung patient's side. "Anything could have gone wrong at that point, so I stayed there through the night to make sure everything was done 3 ," Michael said. What Michael did meant the world to Chris's parents, especially the next day when Michael 4 to them that their bab

17、y's fever had gone. Then Chris' parents chose Michael to be their son's doctor for his childhood. When Chris finished primary school, the two lost 5 . What Michael could never expected was how Chris would reenter (重返) his life 30 years later.At around 5 a.m. on March 29, 2015, Michael wa

18、s driving home when suddenly a truck 6 control and bit his car badly in front of him. "Then I felt heat and looked down and could see fire around my legs!" As he tried to open the door, he realized it was 7 . He was trapped in his car watching fire rise up around his legs. After more than

19、40 years helping others as a doctor, suddenly he needed 8 . But he could never have imagined where it would come from.Luckily, less than a mile away, a group of firefighters were coming. Guess who was in this group? It was Chris. They arrived there in time. They helped Michael out of the car and sen

20、t him to the hospital. As Chris learned the name of the person he had just saved, he said, "I surely 9 him. But I couldn't believe it." When Michael realized that the little baby he once saved had just saved him, all he could do was to hold back tears."It really makes you think ab

21、out 10 ," Michael says, "Everything we do now is so important for others and ourselves.1. A. teacherB. driverC. doctorD. worker2. A. missB. passC. leaveD. follow3. A. fastB. rightC. warmlyD. slowly4. A. reportedB. listenedC. showedD. complained5. A. hopeB. touchC. trustD. message6. A. hadB

22、. keptC. lostD. took7. A. openB.shutC. safeD. cold8. A. helpB. wishC. chanceD. effort9. A. recordB. interruptC. encourageD. remember10. A. studyB. dreamC. timeD. lifeDOne day, my mother and I went shopping for our weekly food. While she was comparing prices of the foods, the World Book Encyclopedia(

23、世界百科全书 )caught my eye: Volume(卷)One ninety-nine cents!As we searched for the food we need, all I could think of was the 1 . I stood at the checkout counter with my mother, holding my breath. As she was counting out the money, I suddenly have the 2 to get a book. " Could we buy 3 ?” I said, show

24、ing her the shelf where the books were.-nine ce n'tsOnly n inetyHowever, she did not have enough money and had to 4 several carrots. " Not now, Bruce. " she said seriouslyThe next day, I went straight to the World Book shelf 5. I placed one in my cart. I didn' t need a Icart,took o

25、ne so I could read as I went up and down the aisles(过道).A lot of time went by , and I knew I had to leave, but I couldn忍受)to 7,wstande book. I put it inside myshirt without thinking, and then went home with my heart beating 8.At that moment , I felt a heavy tap on my shoulder and turned back to find

26、 a man 9 me. He was the store manager. He 10 me to hand it over. I just stood in silence."1We knowneouing you will have to besearched. "12 , I took the heavy book out from the bottom of my shirt. I begged him not to tell my mother. He made a promise and let me go.I slowly walked back home.

27、 Seeing my mother, I couldn13 ' . soop her about it , my wrong doing, and themanager. She helped me wipe my tears but said 14. Later, she told me she would call the store and tell him I hadrecognized my mistake.Next Monday when I came back from school, I noticed a brown paper bag on our dining t

28、able with my name on it. I opened it and found the 15 I knew which was always there. Thank you, Mum.1. A. bookB. moneyC. carrotD. shelf2. A. timeB. ideaC. courageD. ability3. A. thisB. thatC. itD. one4. A. eat upB. give upC. clean upD. put up5. A. lateB. aroundC. aloneD. outside6. A. orB. soC. andD.

29、 but7. A. separateB. leaveC. dealD. learn8. A. calmlyB. weaklyC. quicklyD. clearly9. A. aboveB. behindC. besideD. inside10.A. warnedB. advisedC. promisedD. encouraged11.A. borrowedB. boughtC. choseD. stole12.A. AfraidB. CuriousC. ExcitedD. Surprised13.A. cryingB. shoutingC. smilingD. complaining14.A

30、. somethingB. anythingC. nothingD. everything15.A. luckB. loveC. beautyD. wonderGreenpeace is a global (全球的)environmental organization that has been trying to stop companies and governments from doing bad things to the environment. It is known for its direct 1 in the world. And it has made the publi

31、c know environmental problems.In 1995, a Greenpeace ship stopped a French nuclear weapon (核武器)test. Greenpeace has also repeatedly sent ships to 2 whales (鲸鱼)from Japanese whalers, who kill whales for their meat which is used at expensive restaurants.The Greenpeace 3 have tried to stop nuclear weapo

32、ns from being built and have fought against big companies and governments that are destroying the rainforests and other areas with a 4 environment. Greenpeace pays close attention to many environmental problems: whaling, global warming, clean energy and nuclear power. Greenpeace activists often put

33、themselves in 5 to stop the activities that they are against. They use small boats to try to stop the killing of whales. They also 6 themselves to trees that workers want to cut down. They say that they are trying to protect the environment for all of us and for future generation.7 they have a lot o

34、f support from people around the world, they have not been able to stop many of the things they are fighting against. The organization 8 money from governments, political parties or companies in order to avoid their influence.The people who 9 Greenpeace are from all over the world. What they all hav

35、e in common is the one big aim a green and 10 future for all. People from all walks of life come together under the Greenpeace flag to spend their free time fighting for the environment.1. A. plansB. methodsC. actionsD. tasks2. A. prepareB. protectC. provideD. prevent3. A. shipsB. officersC. compani

36、esD. members4. A. pleasantB. naturalC. specialD. wet5. A. dangerB. actionC. controlD. fear6. A. holdB. keepC.hangD. tie7. A. WhetherB. AlthoughC. BecauseD. Unless8. A. refusesB. requiresC. acceptsD. borrows9. A. set upB. put upC. make upD.open up10. A. cheerfulB. meaningfulC. hopefulD. peacefulThere

37、 are robots all around us, making our lives easier. Some of them, like the_1_calculator(计算器),can work much more quickly than human beings 2_. And they never make mistakes. In some ways robots are better than people.They work quickly,3 do not make mistakes. They do not get 4 with doing the same job over and over again.And they never get tired.S


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