



1、名师精编优秀教案Unit 3 The world online教学设计Teaching Aims and requirementsRead two debates and an in formatio n sheetListen to speeches about how people watch and listen to the newsTalk about the Internet and ask questions about facts and figuresWrite an e-mail reporting facts and figuresDo research on the I

2、nternet and desig n a posterTeaching ProceduresWelcome to the unitStep 1: BrainstormingYour ProviderServer AsigiwdIP AddressYour Real IP AddressWith the rapid developme nt of Intern et,it has bee n in flue ncing our daily lifetreme ndously .Internet has tran sformed our lives and the way we commu ni

3、 cate, we learn, wework and spend our free time. In fact, it has more or less changed every aspect ofliLiniaii society.Boys and girls, please read the instructions and focus on the four pictures. ThenProxyServerYour IP Addni&And formationHiddenNew IP AddressInternetAssigned Here名师精编优秀教案try your best

4、 to thi nk of in formatio n you know about each picture. Any way, I you a briefintroduction first. (For example, We are going totalk about how we use the In ternet. Try to findhow we can use the Internet and how the Internet can affect our lives. ”)Picture 1What can people do on this website?What do

5、 we call this kind of website that providessearch ing services? (We call it search engin e.)Do you know how to find in formatio n on the in ternetusing a search engine?What search engines do you know or ofte n use? Which is your favorite search engine?Picture 2Have you ever heard of shopp ing on li

6、ne or bought any thi ng on li ne? What is shopp ing on li nelike?What do you think would be the adva ntages of buying thi ngs on li ne? (As on li ne shopkeepersdo not have to pay for the ren tal of a real shop, the products sold on line are usually cheaper than those in real shops. It is easy and co

7、nvenient to compare a product in several online shops.Paying for things is simple as you just key in the credit card nu mberand confirm the payment online. The delivery is usually quick andthe on li ne shops provide delivery to your home. The mostimportant thing is that shopping online saves a lot o

8、f time.)What do you thi nk would be the disadva ntages of on li neshopp in g?(Because people can only see pictures of the productson li ne, sometimes you could receive somethi ng that was not whatyou really wan ted. The safety of the payme nt is not one hun dred perce nt guara nteed as someone may s

9、teal the acco unt nu mbers or pin nu mbers of your credit cards registered on li ne. Also,someII g:-I;埔黏门糟芾I Hll 2003ffl名师精编优秀教案people falsely advertise products and the n steal customersPicture 3Have you ever tried talking with your parents or friends online? Whatwas it like?What devices do you nee

10、d if you want to talk with people on line? (A computer conn ected to the Intern et, a web-camera, aweb-microph one and web-talki ng software.)What are the good points and bad points of on li ne talk ing?(There are many good things about on li ne talk ing. People can savea lot of money in stead of pa

11、y ing for Ion g-dista nee calls. Peoplecan keep in touch with family members or friends wherever they are in the world. There are negative thi ngs too. The quality of the pictures or voice depe nds on the speed of the networktransfer. Many people talk with online friends without realizi ng that thei

12、r pictures could be usedby others in illegal ways.)Which way of com muni cati on do you prefer, talk ing face to face, talk ing over the telephone, talki ng on li ne or talki ng on li ne with a web-camera? Why?Picture 4Have you tried other on li ne services that are not men ti oned here? Whichon es?

13、What other online services do you think we will need orWhat role do you think the Internet will play in the future?Do you think it is a good idea to“live ” on the Internet completely?Step 2: Sharing information1. To work in groups of four or to form your own groups. Let s read the threequesti ons un

14、 der the pictures.2. Excha nge your opinions and discuss the three questi ons among your group members. I wantall of you to fully participate in the discussi on and express your opinions freely. The n some ofmon ey.)SaveL Click H令rshave in the future?名师精编优秀教案you are required to report your an swers

15、to the class. Remember it may be more in teresti ng forgroups to excha nge and compare your an swers.Sample answers1. Yes, I like it very much. Normally I use it for checking e-mails, reading the most up-to-date news or talki ng with my frien ds. Rece ntly, I registered in an on li ne music course,

16、which allowsme to study music and liste n to music on li ne for free. I bought things on li ne once or twice, butI rarely do it now because I am very concerned aboimy privacy and the safety of the activities.2. Fast speed and easy access are the most importa nt aspects of the Intern et.Compared to t

17、he postal system, e-mail is very fast because people can receive ane-mail in sta ntly after it is sent in stead of wait ing several days for a letter. Also, withwire that conn ects the computer with the Intern et, people no Ion ger n eed to queuepay for things, to book tickets or to register for som

18、ething. They only need to sit in front of thecomputer and key in their in formati on. The Internet has made moder n life very convenient. TheInternet also has its negative aspects. As the Internet allowfree flow of information, people sometimes find that there is too much informationonline that has

19、not been proven to be true. To some extent, the Internet is becoming place tospread rumors. In additi on, the Internet helps the free spread and dow nl oad ing of pictures,literature, music or films without acquiri ng the permissi on from the copyright holders, which isillegal.3. The Internet will f

20、ree people from the offices every day. They can do their bus in ess on li ne,in clud ing read ing docume nts and have meet in gs. At that time, people will have more sparetime and arrange their pers on al lives freely. Besides, every part of a home can be connected tothe Internet, e.g., the fridge,

21、the microwav ove n or the bath, so that you can use the computer topop on li ne and con trol the electric devices at home when you are away. At that time, you canget home with food ready in the microwave and hot water ready in the bathroom. What used tobe great nuisance in the daily life will be jus

22、t simply at one click of the mouse. Finally, theInternet will shorte n the dista nce betwee n people in differe nt parts of the world. Free access toinformation will enable people to better understand the world they ar living in. this will betterprotect the minority cultures and help people avoid cu

23、lture名师精编优秀教案shock.Step 3: Discussion:What are the adva ntages and disadva ntages of the Intern et?Sample answersWith the rapid developme nt of Intern et, it has bee n in flue ncing our daily life tremendously .Internet has tran sformed our lives and the way we com muni cate, how we learn, howwe wor

24、k and spend free time. In fact, it has more or less changed cry aspect of human socieh.We can ben efit a lot from Intern et. Firstly, it is more convenient tha n ever before. Internethas greatly shorte ned the dista nee among huma n bein gs. E-mail is much more efficie nt. Todo some research work, w

25、e can search for releva nt information on Internet without leaving ourhome. Secondly, we can reduce our cost greatly. We needn t spend lots of time and moneyin printing aingpWftiat wehave to do now is just to send documents through Internet and it almost costs nothing.Although Internet has brought u

26、s many ben efits, there can be no denying that it hasbrought us many inconvenien ces, eve n harms as well. First of all, it is not safe on Intern et.Maybe thousa nds of people are stari ng at you whe n you log onto Intern et. Your private informati on, such as your acco unt and password, is easy to

27、be let out. On the other hand, withthe sharply in creas ing amount of time spe nt on In ternet, we are starti ng to lose ourselves,especially for those youn gsters. We are gett ing more and more in differe nt to people around us.The more we com muni cate, the Ion elier we feeLHowever, I nternet itse

28、lf is n either right nor wrong. We can ben efit from it and may alsosuffer from it. Nobody can hold back the step forward of Internet. If we resisted it, we would certainly lag behi nd other n ati ons. What we should do is to take full use of its advantages and try toavoid the harms it may bring as

29、well.Step 4: Homework:1. Collect more in formatio n about the developme nt of the In ternet.2. Prepare the Read ing part.名师精编优秀教案Reading The effects of the Internet on our livesStepl: Lead-inNowadays, internet is playing an increasingly significant role in our society. Since its appearance,it has br

30、ought enormous changes to our lives. It seems that no one can escape from the in fluence of it. As to whether it is a bless ing or a curse, there is a long-running con troversial debate.Some people think that in creased use of the Internet leads to social isolation and depression.People who spend mo

31、re time on the Internet spe nd less time socializi ng with peers, com municate less within the family and fell more Ion ely and depressed.Have a discussi on about the good and bad effects of the Internet in group. Try to fill in the tablebelow:The effects of the InternetAdva ntages.Disadva nt

32、ages1.2.名师精编优秀教案3.4.Step 2: Fast reading for general ideasGo through the passage as quickly as possible and try to find an swers to the three questions inpart A. Just focus on and identify the information needed to answer these questi ons.An swersA 1 They are about differe nt effects of the Internet

33、 on our lives.2 Two.3 Uncon trolled in formatio n and the cha nge in the way people spe nd their time.Step 3: Detailed reading for important information1. Let read the passage a second time and complete Parts C1 and C2.An swersC1 1 agai nst2 for 3 agai nst 4 for 5 for 6 agai nstC2ArgumentsThe Intern

34、et is a great help to people who are in need of various information.People use the Internet to build social ties.The amount of false in formatio n on the Internet becomes more of a problem every day.Spending too much time build ing relati on ships on the Internet can damage people abilities tolive n

35、o rmal lives.名师精编优秀教案2. Read the text again and choose the best answers according to the text:According to the survey, children use the Internet mostly toB. play gamesC. help with their studiesD. adva nee kno wledge about hobbies(2)What is the most important thing in building a friendship?D. popular

36、ity(3)What is the worst problem of eBay?A. false in formatio nB. people donk now how to use a computerC. thi ngs selli ng on the Internet doexistD. people are used to the traditi onal ways of buyingThe clinic was opened to_.A. help people surf the InternetB. be an Internet cafeC. make people spend t

37、heir time with their familyD. help people who are addicted to computer gamesKeys:-CAADNow, read the Read ing strategy on page 35. Pay atte nti on to how to read an argume nt,especially, how to find each sides view, how to find a list of points, and what each side believes.Read the passage again and

38、try to fill in the table below.A. chatA. com mon interestsB. appearaneeC. age名师精编优秀教案DebatersMain pointsSupporting factsConclusionsZhuZhenfeithe In ternevalue for peoplewho are look ingfor in formatio nA rece nt survey done in the USAshowed that 80 perce nt of freque ntusers use it mainly to search

39、for answers to questio ns, and that 79 percent said their sec ond most com monuse of the Internet is to adva nee theirkno wledge about hobbies;The Internet remains a positive toolthat helps make ourlives better.tthe In terneability to build onli ne groups andform frie ndshipswhich the Internetgives

40、us.Internet frie ndships are based oncom mon in terests, rather tha nappeara nee, age or popularity;2. People who are disabled and musstay in their homes cancom muni cate with the outside worldand meet others with similar interests;Lin Leiuncon trolled informatio n1. In 2003, eBay said that 70 perce

41、nt of their problems were with peoplewho sold things that did not exist, orwho lied about the products they wereselli ng;2. Un iversity professors around theworld compla in that stude nts arehanding in papers using falseinformation they found on the Internet;It rema ins important for us either tolim

42、it our use of theIntern et, or to lear nhow to han dle theproblems it hascaused.名师精编优秀教案the cha nge inthe way peoplespe nd their time1. Some families spend their timeapart, because one or more memberare using the computer, or are at anInternet caf ;e2. One uni versity did a study aboutthe stude nts

43、who had stopped theirstudies before completing a diplomacourse, and found that 43 perce nt ofthem were heavy computer users;sStep 4: Practice:1. Now let complete Parts D on page 36.An swersD 1 f 2 b 3 a 4 g 5 c 6 d 7 h 8 e2. A university student sent an e-mail to his mother. Read it in Part E and fi

44、ll in the bla nks withwords give n in the box.An swersE (1)In ternet(2) debate(3) speakers(4)experts(5) social ties(6) heavy(7) aspect(8) up-to-date(9) disabled(10) statisticsStep 5: Post-reading activities1. Pair work:What do you know about the In ternet? Try to find as much in formatio n as you ca

45、n.and report your in formatio n to your part ner.For referenceThe Internet is a giant network of computers located all over the world that com muni cate witheach other.The Internet is an international collection of computer networks that all understand a sta ndardsystem of addresses and comma nds, c

46、onn ected together through backb one名师精编优秀教案systems. It was started in 1969, when the U.S. Department of Defence established a n ation wide n etwork to connect a han dful of uni versities and con tractors. The orig inal idea was toin crease comput ing capacity that could be shared by users in many l

47、ocations and to find outwhat it would take for computer networks to survive a nu clear war or other disaster by provid ingmultiple paths betwee n users. People on t ARPNET (as this n ati on wide n etwork was origi nallycalled) quickly discovered that they could excha nge messages and con duct electr

48、 onic“ conferen ces ”colleagues for purposes that had nothing to do with the military in dustrial complex. If somebodyelse had something interesting stored on their computer, it was a simple matter to obtain a copy(assuming the owner did not protect it).Over the years, additi onal n etworks joined w

49、hich added access to more and mo computers.The first intern ati onal conn ecti ons, to Norway and En gla nd, were added i 1973. Todaythousands of networks and millions of computers are connected to the Intern et. It is grow ing soquickly that no body can say exactly how many users the Net ”.The Inte

50、rnet is the largest repository of in formatio n which can provide very large n etworkresources. The n etwork resources can be divided in to n etwork facilities resources and n etworkin formatio n resources. The n etwork facilities resources provide us the ability of remotecomputati on and commu ni c

51、atio n. The n etwork information resources provide us all kinds ofinformation services, such as scienee, educatio n, bus in ess, history, law, art, and en tertainment, etc.The goal of your use of the Internet is excha nging messages or obta ining in formati on.What you n eed to know is that you can

52、excha nge message with other computers on the Internetand use your computer as a remote terminal on distant computers. But the internal details of thelink are less important, as long as it works. If you connect computers together on a n etwork, eachcomputer must have a unique address, which could be

53、 either a word or a nu mber. For example,the address of San computer could be Sam, or a nu mber.The Internet is a huge in terc onn ected system, but it uses just a han dful of metho to movedata around. Until the rece nt explosi on of public in terest in the In ternet, the vast majority of thewith di

54、sta nt名师精编优秀教案computers on the Net use the Unix operating system. As a result, the sta ndard Unix comma ndsfor certa in Internet services have en tered the on li ne com mun itys Ian guages as both nounsand verbs to describe the services themselves Some of the services that the Internet can providear

55、e: Mail, Remote use of ano ther computer (Teln et), File Tran sfer (FTP), News, and Live conversati on.The most commo nly used n etwork service is electro nic mail (E-mail), or simply as mail.Mail permits n etwork users to send textual messages to each other. Computers and n etworkshan dle deliveri

56、ng the mail, so that com muni cati ng mail users do not have to han dle details ofdelivery, and do not have to be prese nt at the same time or place.The simplest way to access a file on another host is to copy it across the networ to yourlocal host. FTP can do this.Presently, a user with an account

57、on any Internet machine can establish a live connection toany other machine on the Net from the terminal in his own office or laboratory. It is on ly necessary to use the Unix comma nd that sets up a remote termi nal connection (Tel net), followedby the address of the dista nt machi ne.Before you ca

58、n use the In ternet, you must choose a way to move data betwee n theInternet and your PC. This link may be a high-speed data com muni catio n circuit, local areanetwork (LAN), a telephone live or a radio channel. Most likely, you will use a Modem attached toyour teleph one line to talk to the Intern

59、 et. Naturally, the quality of your Internet connection andservice, like many other things in life, is dictated by the amount of money that you are willing tospend.Although all these services can well satisfy the n eeds of the users for in formati on exchange, adefinite requirement is needed for the

60、 users. Not only should the users know where the resourceslocates, but also he should know some operat ing comma nds concerned to ease the searchi ngburde n of the users, rece ntly some convenient searchi ng tools appears, such as Gopher, WWWand Netscape.World wide web (www) is a n etworked hypertex


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