1、第五节 词序调整法(翻译即反译、翻译即译翻)词序指一个句子中各个成份的先后次序,由于英汉两种语言的词序不完全一样,词序安排在翻译中是一个值得注意的问题。 首先我们来看一下,许多短语汉英词序是不同的,如:钢铁:iron and steel 田径:track and field东北:northeast 华东:East China东西南北:north, south, east and west血肉:flesh and blood水陆:land and water晕(飞)机:air sick 我你他:you,he,and I前后:back and forth 正反:con and pro劳动模范:mo
2、del worker l01房间;Room l01 迟早:sooner or later 衣食住行:food,clothing,housing and transportation 鸡、鱼、肉:fish,flesh,and fowl水火无情:Fire and water have no mercyrain or shine不论晴雨 ebb and flow涨落,盛衰 written in black and white白纸黑字 go through fire and water赴汤蹈火 suffer from cold and hunger 饥寒交迫by twos and threes三三两两
3、词序调整法的英语inversion一词,不能译成“倒译”、“倒译法”或“颠倒”之类,否则容易和语法中的“倒装”概念相混淆。inversion作为一种翻译技巧,其意思为,翻译时对词序作必要或必不可少的改变,并不只是纯粹的颠倒词序或倒装。某些语言学家所说的九种倒装,是语法概念,是指同一种语言内的倒装情况,有其各自独特的语言构成方式。这些情况与方式和它们被译成另一种语言后的语言构成形式并非完全相同。试对照每种倒装例句的英文及其译文:1Interrogative inversion(疑问倒装):What did you do yesterday?(你昨天干什么?)2Imperative inversi
4、on(命令倒装):“Speak you,”said MrBlack, “speak you, good fellow!”3Exclamatory inversion(惊叹倒装):How dreadful is this place!(这地方好可怕啊!) 4Hypothetical inversion(假设倒装):Had you come yesterday,you could have seen him here(要是你昨天来了,你就会在这里看到他的。)5Balance inversion(平衡倒装):Through a gap came an elaborately described ra
5、y(从一个空洞透出一束精心设计的光线。)On the top of the mountain stands a small temple.Here comes the bus.Here he comes. 6Link inversion(衔接倒装):On this depends the whole argument(整个争论都以此为论据。) 7Signpost inversion(点题倒装):By strategy is meant something wider(战略的意义比较广。) 8Negative inversion(否定倒装):Not a word did he say(他只字未说
6、。)9Metrical inversion(韵律倒装):在诗行中常用此倒装。如:As pants the hart for cooling streams(在一般散文或小说中的正常语序中这行诗应为:As the hart pants for cooling streams意思为:因为公鹿渴望清凉的小溪。) 上述九条可说明:语法倒装一般是指主语与谓语或与谓语的一部分颠倒位置,而翻译中的inversion是指译文与原文相比,词序发生了变化,故译为“词序调整法”。 词序调整在英汉互译中运用是非常普遍的,不管是短语的翻译,或是句子的翻译,都是如此。一、短语翻译1Miss Fang方小姐2MrSteve
7、nson史蒂文森先生3Room 911 911房间4Page 15 第15页5April 17th,2003 2003年4月17日6The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China中国共产党中央委员会7tough-minded意志坚强的8heart-warming暖人心的9well-conducted行为端正的10ill-tempered脾气不好的11East China华东12northeast东北 13. southwest西南14. north, south, east and west东南西北 Can we forge agai
8、nst these enemies a grand and global alliance,North and South,East and West, that can assure a more fruitful life for all mankind? Will you join in that historic effort? 我们能不能在东西南北各地建立起一个对付这些敌人的全球联盟,以保证全人类享有更为丰裕的生活?你们是否愿意参与这一历史的努力?15Mr Zhang Protocol Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs 外交部礼宾司张先生
9、16Major-General Mohammed Khan, The First Brigade, The Sixth Division, Pakistan Army 巴基斯坦陆军第六师第一旅穆罕默德·汗少将。17(The tea-party was given by) MrSmith,senior correspondent of The Times,London (这个茶会是由)伦敦泰晤士报的高级记者史密斯先生(举行的。)18every student of the class班上每一个学生(不能译成“每个学生的班”或“每个班上的学生”)19all Party resolutio
10、ns党的一切决议(绝对不能译成:一切党的决议)一切党的决议all Parties resolutions = Resolutions of all Parties二、句子翻译1They were sons of the men who had left their homes and taken to the mountains with their broad swords by their sides 他们都是那些抛妻别子、身带大刀进入深山的好汉们的后代。2Accounts are given of huge mountains sinking,of former plains seen
11、heaved aloft,of fires flashing out amid the ruin 大山沉陷,平原隆起,火焰喷射,周围是一片废墟,这些都有记载。3He came yesterday 他昨天来的(或:昨天他来了)。4He drinks half a bottle of beer with each of his meals每餐他都要喝半瓶啤酒。5He is not happy,though he is rich 他虽富有,但不幸福。6Will you kindly express through your column my keen appreciation of the act
12、ion of the British Government in effecting my release from the Chinese Legation? 本人(指孙中山编者)承蒙贵国政府之援助,得自中国公使馆获释,拟借贵报一角,敬伸感激之情,不知可邀俞允否?7“What does MrDarcy mean,said she to Charlotte,“by listening to my conversation with Colonel Forster?” “戴锡先生听我跟福斯塔上校谈话,”她对查乐蒂说,“这究竟是什么意思?”8The ladies encouraged the co
13、mbatants not only by clapping their hands and waving their veils and kerchiefs,but even by exclaiming “Brave lance! Good sword!” when any successful thrust or blow took place under their observation 贵妇们看见刺中或打中时,不只是鼓掌,挥动头纱和手帕,甚至高声 喊叫:“好枪法!好刀法!”这样地来鼓舞比武的英雄。9Draw,if you be man,Gregory,remember thy smas
14、hing blow 是汉子就拔出剑来,葛雷古利,别忘了你的杀手锏。10The day was just breaking when we were about to start;as I sat thinking of her,came struggling up the coach side,through the mingled day and night Uriahs head 天将破晓,我们就要动身了,我坐在车上正想着她,忽然当昼夜混沌未分之际,从马车的旁边钻进尤莉亚的头来。(仍有词序调整)11There are many wonderful stories to tell about
15、 the places I visited and the people I met 我们访问了一些地方,遇到了不少人,要谈起来,奇妙的事可多着呢。12We ate to our hearts content at her home last Sunday 我们上星期天在她家尽情地吃了一顿。13Professor Tong is working with two of his new assistants in the laboratory at the moment 童教授正在实验室和他的两个新助手一道工作。14Never have we seen so bright a future be
16、fore us!我们从来都没有看见过这样光明的前途。15It was a keen disappointment that I had to postpone the visit which I had intended to pay to China in January 我原打算在今年一月访问中国,后来又不得不予以推迟,这使得我深感失望。16I was all the more delighted when,as a result of the initiative of your Government,it proved possible to reinstate the visit s
17、o quickly 由于贵国政府的提议,才得以这样快地重新实现访问,这使我感到特别高兴。17只有听党中央指挥,调动一切积极因素,中国人民才能全面建设小康社会。 Only by following the instructions of the Party Central Committee,and mobilizing all positive factors,can Chinese people build a well-off society in an all-round way18这所大学现有计算机科学、高能物理、激光、地球物理、遥感技术、遗传工程六个专业。 This universi
18、ty has six faculties,namely,Computer Science,High Energy Physics,Laser,Geo-physics,Remote Sensing and Genetic EngineeringThe examination-anxiety of neurotics is likewise intensified by this childish fear. When our student days are over, it is no longer our parents or teachers who see to our punishme
19、nt; the inexorable chain of cause and effect of later life has taken over our further education. Now we dream of our matriculation, or the examination for the doctor's degree- and who has not been faint-hearted on such occasions? Whenever we fear that we may be punished by some unpleasant result
20、 because we have done something carelessly or wrongly, because we have not been as thorough as we might have been- in short, whenever we feel the burden of responsibility.同样,这种儿童时期形成的恐惧心理,加剧了对考试的焦虑。当学生时代结束,父母和老师(在学习上)不再(监管和)惩罚我们,而我们今后人生中,要继续学习和深造,必须得自己对考试的前因后果负起责任。这时候,我们就会梦到大学入学考试,或梦到博士学位的考试。一旦我们担心由
21、于自己的粗心(粗心大意)或失误(发挥失常)、或由于没有全力以赴而考砸,可能遭到惩罚时,总之,一旦我们感到需要承担责任的压力,在这些情况下,谁不心怵胆怯呢?同学们,下面这段文字是我们班一同学要我翻译的东西,让我们一起来做做,并思考采用什么样的策略和方法才能翻译好这样的文本。 南 湖 南湖水面面积达1200公顷。湖面终年碧波荡漾,幽静雅洁,湖岸多湾,港湾曲折,有“一龙赶九龟”的地貌造型,南湖风光极其秀丽,西通洞庭,南临赶山、现在被列为省自然风景保护区和国际龙舟赛场。龟山、北接金鹗山、白鹤山,湖水漫延交错,在峰峦之间回叠,波映峰景,情趣盎然。湖中产鱼,岸畔产茶,鱼肉鲜美,茶叶香馨。地址:岳
22、阳市城南 距酒店6公里电话译要求:分清层次、调整语序、适当精简、逻辑严密、突出主题(不要机械地按原文的信息内容和句子顺序翻译)本文主要包含以下几个方面的内容:1、 湖面面积:1200公顷。2、 地貌独特:湖岸多湾,港湾曲折。(有“一龙赶九龟”的地貌造型)3、 风景优美:碧波荡漾、幽静雅洁。4、 位置绝佳:西通洞庭,南临赶山、龟山、北接金鹗山、白鹤山(湖水漫延交错,在峰峦之间回叠,波映峰景,情趣盎然。)5、 物产丰富:湖中产鱼,岸畔产茶,(鱼肉鲜美,茶叶香馨。)6、 地位突出:现在被列为省自然风景保护区和国际龙舟赛场。South Lake The South Lake covers an area of 1,200 hectares with a boundless expanse of year-round blue water. The landscape around the lake is extremely unique with so many
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