1、津Buni t -导学案作者:日期:津英语 Uni t 5 I n t e rna t ional c ha riti e sWel co me to the u n i t(Per i od 1)【学习目标】1. 了解世界上的几大慈善组织。2. 探讨如何才能更好地帮助贫困地区的人们。【重点难点】1. 慈善组织的英文名称及其活动内容。2. 重要词组及句型。【课前预习】1.听录音并跟读,注意语音语调,能够熟练的表演对话的内容2.完成书上P77的练习3.1.翻译下列短语有一些零花钱2.过去常常做某事太累而不能走_ _4 .不同的国际慈善机构5.在的隔壁_6.习惯于饭前出去7.对某人亲切8.带某人去
2、某地-9.最不重要的1 0.世界宣明会【反馈矫正】、根据所给中文完成句子1 . W e W ant to k n o w m ore ab o ut di f fe r ent(慈善机构)in the w or ld .2.1 not used to(起床)up e arly on S u nd ays m orni n g.3. W e c a n have a g o o d re st (后来).4. A t wee kends w e al 11 i k e t o have a big 1 unch i n the(饭馆).5. Who c a n p r6. He fo und t
3、hato vide the poo r childr e n with g ood(口袋)we r e f i lled w it h mon ey.a 1 l his(教育).(兴奋地)after ge t ting th e first pri z e. (决定) a b ou t w h e n to st art thei r7. We go t h o me mu c h8. Th e y h aventmad e a j o b y e t.二、单项选择)1. Yo u n ee dm ore if y ou wan t tobe fit.()2. Ia1o t bu tI don
4、t p la y veryo ften now.A. usedt o p 1 ay tennisB. was u s ed topla y ten nisC. amus ed to pla ytennisD. use d to play tennis()3. W oo dis usedh ou s e.A. tobui1 din gB b uild ingC b uildD f o r b uildi ng()4. The o ld m a n isoldlo o k af t er h imse 1 f.A . t oo, toB so,th a tC very, tha tD. / , t
5、hat三、翻译下列句子1.让我先吃一顿大餐。L e t m efA. exe rciseciseC. exerc isin gD . ex ercis eirst.2 .我们已习惯于为贫困地区的孩子们捐款。B. to exe rmonWe haveey to th e childre n i n the3. 这儿过去是一家国际慈善机构。an i nte rn a t iona l c ha rity he r e.for4. 这双鞋太小了,我是穿不了的。T h i s p a i r o f shoe sme5. 广州的天气很热,我一点儿也不习惯。T he we a th e r isI no
6、tit atall.四、单词填空。1. I ca n w a 1 k anyChi 1 d r en i n2.3.W hats i n(更远).this P o o r a r ea ar e in n eedyour _(口袋)?of(教育).Noth i ng, but s om eSweets.4.r ic studies i n5. M y turn to6. Mik e , I have some?7. I nthi r stfat h er is u_(国际的)school.to th e l i fe in N anj ing, he doesnX i a nh ave som
7、e b re a d(leav e) , W o uldnwyou likto r ey, 1 et m em o t her8. The y oungt h at she coul d n tfa l 19. M y fa t h e r u s ed h is br ea kfast._(dri n k) some w a ter., (worry) so much ab ou t herasleep at a ll.t o(re ad)sickb aby,ne wspaper s whi 1 ee a ting1 0. N ancy(colle c t) som e i nformat
8、i o n abou t ORBI S,has n【学习目标】津英语Uni t5 Int er natio R ead i ng I ( Period 2)n al chariti e s1通过上下文语境猜测生词词义。2、读懂文章,了解奥比斯先生的基本工作状况。3、学会用正确的语言介绍奥比斯先生的工作。 【重点难点】读懂文章,能够回答提出的问题。【课前预习】1.2.1.听录音并跟读, 仔细阅读课文How man y流畅的读出课文,并在小组内进行交流。,并找出下列问题的答案peop 1 e a r ound t he wor 1 d a r e aff e cted b y blindness?
9、2. H o w m an y cases o f bl i ndness can be preve nt e d or cured?3. Ho w d oe s ORBIS h e lp?4. Wh e re d o OR BI S doc t or s w o rk?5. Ho w many op erat i ons can D r Ma pe rform duri ng a vis it ?6. Wh a t does OR BIS n eed?【反馈矫正】.词形变化。1.2.Peo pie m u We ho peORBI S . (d.7.8.9.to yo u .
10、(g ra te) ou r w o rk b y sen dins t be re allyp eople w i ll supp o r tte)do n t have e no uMa n y p eopi e(tr ea t)Doctors ca n pThere are manyerfo r mM any p eop1 e a r e _ p rev en te d. (bli nd)T he gir l paren ts were g r e at success.gh mon e y f or medi c. (o p er a t e )i n the TV s t ation
11、s. (inte r view)Most c ases ofB y(训练)lo c al doAIDS af f ec t man y peo pie i nca .T h e m a n wa scan be cure d or_(骄傲的)0 f thei r daughterfor he rctorstheat(治疗)the opera t i o n fa i l e d and h e di e d.、翻译下列句子1 我为能帮助这么多人而感到骄傲。an d nurses. We he 1p m or e(大部分)inworld, _P eople.Af r io nc e. B u t
12、,_(不幸地),2.so manypeo pie.好消息是80%的失明病例是可以治愈或预防的。go owsisat3. 对于我们来说最重要的事是帮助人们重见光明。isthaca很多病人穷得没钱去医院治疗。Ma n y o f th etha they5. O B BIS用飞行医院来作教学中心。T he flyi ng plane s are.BIS.byOR6. 我们所需要的是有足够的钱来继续我们的工作。Alwenes7. 你是否还有其他的话要对我们的读者说呢?Ishere【迁移创新】用所给单词的适当形式完成短文b uil d , c ount r y, op erate, pe rform
13、, sk il 1 , teach, t r ai n , travel, t r eat, worORBISh as the wo r lds on l yflyi nge ye ho s pit a1 . A v e ry 1 a r ge plane wT hec han gedi n to a t re a tm ent an dO R BIS planedo c to r s canar oun d the3o pe r a t e ong ai n . T he p lane fi rst went to f ive _IS1 ce n tre.wo r1 d. On t h e
14、plane t h e OR B the patients to h e Ip th e m s ee a _4 Bangalad e sh , China,c aused b y ca ta r actPeople dont n e e d if they a re6_)a nd tr a choma (沙眼). m u ch mo n ey they will payon. The do c tors an d nu rses alwa y s7 the patien t s w i th k iEth i opia,Ind ia a nd Vietnam .In ev e ry c o
15、u n t ry the ORBIS d o cto rs tr e at mostly chil d h o od 5 whic h a re(白内障),glauco ma (青光眼to worry ab out h owndn ess.T he ORB IS d octor s al s o carr y out(实施)8p rograms on the1.6.10.plane. Ma ny lo c a 1 doctors and nu rsesmp r ov e th eir 1 0.t t he ir eye c are servi ce be2.7.The 1 o ctte r.8
16、.har d t o iare also _ 9al o ff i ci a ls are t ryi n g t o g e4.5.9.牛津英语U ni t 5 Interna tional char i ties【学习目标】Reading 11(P erio d 3)1.掌握下列词汇 af f e ct a r oun d the w orld , c ant affor d to do,be gra teful to ,Perform operations , use as , tr e at an d cure eye prob 1ems, i mprove send donat i
17、onsth e liv e s ofpatient s , ca rr y o n w i t h ,suppo rtby,2.进一步理解课文,【重点难点】复述文章内容掌握文章中的语言点【课前预习】1.一所飞行眼科医院.2.用作为教学中心3.做手术4.继续展开我们的工作.习惯于6.有眼疾的人们7.引起变化8.医疗保健.9.提高病人的生活10 .尽最大的努力1 1.过去一天只能做两到三个手术12.通过捐款给奥比斯来支持我们的工作【反馈矫正】.5.一、用sot ha t或suchth at填空。The gi r l san gbe a ut i full yevery one s c
18、reamed.y mu c h.S h e isI t is _rk.T h er e a rens ide.二、单项选择。a mean i n gfin eweath erman y pe)1.- Is your fa t her a teac he r ?A. used t o B. wa s us e d tobe)2. All w e needA. are, about)3. Jimj obop 1 e_ the yen joyit ve rshe can fe a y awe a 1 l want toI d onw o r d.g o tot want OWell,heC.the
19、p aget iu sed to be D. is u s ed t oenough money toB . is, a bout_ in En gla nd.A. used to living , i s used o l i vingC . used to livi n g, is used t oed to live4 . It w a sA. so, that5. I t srr y onC. are, w i thN ow heo liv evi ngD.B.he wor k .B. u s ed todif f icult w oA. s uch , g oingg o ing三、
20、翻译下列句子i s, wil i ve,D . u se d t oa.is used tlive , in o body could do it w e ll.u ch, t hatovel y dayB. s o , to1.吉尔向我们讲述了他们明天的计划。JillC. such a, th atD. so a, th atthat Id likesw i mming.C. s u ch a, to goD. so a,u s som e t hing2.史密斯先生正在为小汤姆做手术。th eir p 1 an tom orr o w.Mr Sm i th1 ittle T om.3.这个
21、小伙子过去常常吸烟。The young man _ _4 .他们需要足够的钱将这项计划进行下去。They n ee dt oth e project.5.ORBIS医生在飞机上工作,同时他们也把飞机当成一个教学中心。an dOR BIS do ctor st h eyt h e pl a neatth e sa m e tim e .【迁移创新】 完形填空is a 2 that helpDo y ou know w hat OR BIS 1? O R B ISeople.Most 4 problems c an be c u r ed d o no t h a veor Prev en ted
22、. How e v e r ,many peop le5mon e y to go to h ospital.Th e6on th e O RB IS pflypoor or re m o t eare a s t o 7 the m .Th e ORBIS pla n e 8 allaro u ndth eld . The OR BI Sdo ct or s ca n pe rfor m _9o n them t o h e Ip themo se e aga inwe k n o wt h e w orke p eo pl e can s en ddonat i ons to them1
23、0th eir work .(1)A. isB.areC. doD.doe s丄()2A. ba n kB.o rg an iC. sc hoo lD . ch arit yze()3A. po o rB.bli n dC. d e afD . i ll()4A. e ye sB.ey eC. eye s igD. e yesigh t h ts()5A.poo rB.le ssC. ma n yD. enough()6A. worke r sB. do c tor sC. nu rsesD .pe op le()7A. helpBh e l pinC.opera t eD .op e rat
24、in gg()8A. tr av elB. travelsC. s t o pD .stops()9A.o p er B.o p e ratioC. op erateD.op er aa t i onsnt esn ee ds a1 ot of m o n e y . SoO RBISdoc tors hpeot h at more and mo r()1 A . to su B. sup portC . s uppor t i D. su ppo r t牛津英语Unit5 Int0p p or te r n a t io n al c h a ritiesVoca b u 1 ary(P e
25、 riod 4)【学习目标】1、培养对单词后缀的理解.2、 学习用后缀-ment ess -io n来够成名词.【重点难点】了解名词后缀,注意一些名词的特殊拼写形式。【课前预习】翻译词组。1. 完成书本82页的练习2. 完成下列表格1 . 一则关于UN I C EF的广告2 .改善孩子们的生活.3.支付治疗费用4.在收音机里/通过收音机5.被友好地对待.6. 能够接受教育7. 使这个世界成为孩子们更美好的地方 二、根据句意,用正确的单词形式填空1. You mus t i2.3.Ev eryon e sh oul d beThey s houl dHe ju mp ed an dal S 0
26、b e trea t e d_ yo u r handwritin g . I ca n re ad it. _.(教育) w i th k.5 . Th ec ame r a was oneo f the g reate st(发明)in then tur y.6 . Thepoor peop 1 e have nom o ney fo rmedical t7 . Wem ade_ (广告)o nTV。8. H ed i d n tg o to s choo1b ec auseo f(ill)9. The ycam e to an(协议)at1a st.10. The se four inv
27、e n ti o ns arethe(骄傲)0 ft h i s c ou三、词形转换。.(开心)4.cried b ecause ofn t r y.19th ceMik e is not able to wo rk e i n t he exam H op e is1 dren i n1.2. His f ailur3.Pro j ect Is and chin ow becauseb ro u gh t h im( oo f _mu chr g aniz e)_ (sick)._(sad ).that he 1 ps sch oD o you H e lik c t) is stamp
28、6. All Chi ival.4.5.7. Yo u a ll8. But nowl i ke w a t cnepo or areas.hing(adv er ti s e)on T V?_ ( c o1 le c t ) t hin g s. On e of hisse p e ople a re busy(colle(c ele b ra t e) t he Spring Festr ade s on you r s end some g ood g want to_(pre s ent).to c harity ( d on ate).9. She used to trave l b
29、y ca r bec au s e sh e a f raid of (fly).1 0.I thi n k is ve r y impor t ant( e d u cat e).11.Th eyr ais e mon e y by (s ell) C h rist masc a rds.1 2.Th e p are nts wan t t h eir childre n t o be( h ea 1 th).四、选词填空。g otI1. D oct o r W an g have to pay for _(t reatment , t re a tmany pat ientsand th
30、e p a t i en t s do not2. I n th e p oor c ou ntr y, many p eople are, can be cu re d o r pr ev ente d.(bli nd , bl3. This g am e bring s to a 11_ _. (hap py ,ha pp in ess).4. The old m a n ist o all t he p e op le, a n d peo p le will n evei s. (ki nd, ki n dn es s)5. Ji m s gr a n d fa t her wa s
31、bad 1y Jim w a s ver y sad.(il 1 ness, i l6 .He cou1 d not pay hi s ren t,s owas t oo mucho f cars on thebu t mo s t cas esi ndn ess )the children and th e y_beca use oofallforget hh is1)he had to_ out.7. Some students _a c hara st mo n t h. The sh o w w as held for P r(i n China.( o rganize,a rityc
32、ity roa d s. (m o it y show ca lled oj ec t H o p e . It o rgan iz at i o ne , m o“ sunshe fo r all ” l s o n e of the c hvem ent【学习目标】津英语U n i t 5G ra m mar( I)Internatio(Peri odn a5)c hariti e s1、学习用u s ed to来谈论过去的习惯和状态。2、学习be us ed to来谈论经常做的一件事。 【重点难点】语言点导学:used to/ j u: s t/与 be use d to1. used
33、to +d o sth.过去常常做某事eg. He used My f a the rto w o rk in the fa c tory .u sed to r e a d n ews p aP2. be u sed to + sth . /doin g sth.习惯于某事 否定式:be not u sed te rs a f t erbrea kfas t.e.g. He is no tScarf i s【课前预习】A.翻译词组。1在遥远的地方工作.3.长时间的工作/做某事,等于o st h./ d oi ng sth.u se d to a vegetarian diet. n ot u
34、sed t o ta ki ng aget used tow alk.2.在飞机上动手术_4 .不寻常的生活方式.5.提高病人的生活水平.6过去曾经做过某事7.被用于做某事8 习惯于做某事.9.如此以致【当堂反馈】10.如此多/少一.根据句意选择Used t o 或 be use d to 填空。1 . My fa thew o r k in hos pit al i n Be i jin g .2. M y gra n dfa t herliv i ng i n t he coun t ry.3. The ygo out w ith th e i r friends at we e k e
35、nds.4. T heyI _ _wo r5.t h inkki n g at w e eken d s.d octors were boring . But nowI wanto b e a vo1 un tee r d octor.At f i r st Inott ravel i ngr oundthe wor ld .7.buy a new c o mic boo k eve r y w e ek.8.m y life now b eca use its m eanin gful.Shebe blind and shelivit he darkn ess.10. The y_no tt
36、he h o tw ea t h er bec a use th eylivin g i nt he nor t h.二.句型转换。tr av eler(改为否定句)1. I am used to the lifesty l e o f at heli f e style o fa t r a v el er .2. Sa ndy u s ed to w atc h toom uch TV af te r sch o ol.(改为一般疑问句)(1).Sand ytoomu ch TVa fter s ch oo l ?.San d y_t oo much TV af t er s chool
37、?3. M y mothe r s pent muc h m o ney o n cl ot he s i n th e past,b u t now she doesn.(同义)My mother_三.根据汉语完成句子。mu c h mo n e y o n clo t hes.1.他过去常常上学迟到,但现在到学校较早。for sc ho ol . b utnow he comes e arlier.M r.Sm i t h现在习惯用中文和我们交谈。Mr.Smithwith u s in Chinse n ow .我爸爸不习惯喝咖啡。coff e e.My f a th er4.Dav 1
38、d过去常常不吃早饭,但他现在习惯每天早上七点半吃早饭。Davidbreakf as t, but heitat 7:30a .m. eve r y day .5.你以前常和你的朋友下中国象棋吗?youChinese c h e ss w1 thy ou rf rien d s?6你习惯在家很远的学校读书吗y ouintheaw ay from your home ?7.我妈妈过去常常一天给两个病人动手术。twi ents a day.M y mothe r 8 . H e sa id t ha t(他习惯这项艰苦的工作).9.I_ 11 sh every da y.(花费许多时间练习讲)E n
39、g10. She(过去常常在周末与朋友一起去公园).There are t1m a ny acc idents 1n citi e s. Acc id e nts oftenhap p e nwhe n people cJth e r oad s or streets.Read t h ep a s sage can d le a rn to be careful 1 at e ron.Be ca reful whe ni s r_4Many a c ci de nts happen o n rainy d t hey d o n tw ant to get w6Peop le a r eay
40、 s.They of t en c rossth e roh 5b e causead s quic k1y. Ofte n the ycant see c二7a s th e y holdt h ei ru m b r ella s inf ront o f t 8. R em em be rth atcars t a ke l_9timet o st op when th e road s are wet. Wh en itis raini n g, we must be mo r e and mor e care fu I, not 1 10carefu四.首字母填空。津英语 8B Un
41、i t 5 Int e rnational c har i tie sGr am m a r (II) ( Per i od 6)【学习目标】学习用so .that和s u c h. th at.来表示某件事的程度及引起的结果。 【课前预习】A.短语翻译。感觉不舒服_ 在电视节目中_ 和朋友一起外出 在飞机上工作.2? 个飞行医生的生活方式._ 4? 更有意义_ 6.许多病人 _8.花许多时间3.5 .7.1 .9.习惯于喝咖啡B.用 used to 和1. M y liv in g2. I _u nci n abe used to的适当形式填空。le1iv e in av i l 1 age
42、 no w. get upbi g city but h e3. M y si s ter l ove she1 e of a n a i r hostess.the m i d d 1 e schoo 1 . r job v ery much and sla t e when I was inhethe lifes t y4. The C hi 1 d _ e ye s ight n ow.5. We studen ts【导学过程】 语言点导学:watchd o ingA. so . tha t 和 such. . that 的意思均为 用法不同,如下:1 . so +ad j./ a d
43、v. + th ateg.( 1 )H e be c a me so angry tha t h他变得很生气,以致说不出话来。too mu ch T V a t n i g h t. So he has poo rm orn i ng exerc i ses ev e ry day.“如此以致”,都用来引导结果状语从句。但su c h +n .(短语)+thatco u ld nt sp e ak.(2)I t was such a fin e day th a t那是一个很晴朗的日子,我们出去散步。w en t out f or a walk.2.当t hat前的名词有表示数量多少的many
44、,能用such。m u ch, few , li t t 1 e等修饰时,只能用so,不eg. (1)Ther e w a s so much n o ise o utside that w e co u1d nt he a r t h e teache 外面嘈杂声很大,以致我们不能听到老师的话。r.(2)H e had so man y f a l 1 s tha t he w a s b 1 ack an d bl u e a 1 l over. 他跌了这么多的跤,以致全身青一块、紫一块的。B.以“so .th at”引导的结果状语从句可以转换成不定式的简单句, 或“ .too. . to
45、”句型,但这种转换必须符合下列条件:即可转换为“.eno ug ht o.1.当主句和从句的主语一致,且t hat从句是肯定句时,可用“ eno ugh t oThe man i s so str on g t hat he can li f t t h e heav y box. td o sth.”来转换。Model:Th e m an is s t rong e n o u g h t o l i ft th eh ea v y bo x .H e w as so clever that he can unde rsta n d w h a t I sai d.He wasu n der
46、stan d what I said.2.当主句和从句的主语不一致,且that从句是肯定句时,可以用“ enou gh for sb. t o d o替换,但须注意不定式的宾语要省略。Mo d e l : Th e q ue stion is so easy th at I can wo r k it out. tsth.” 来The quest io n i s e a sy e no ugh for me to w o rk o u t.The box i s s o light that he c an carry it.Th e bo x i sca r r y .3.当主句和从句的主
47、语一致,且that从句是否定句时,可以用“t oo. t o”来替换。M od el: The g i rl is so y ou n g tha t she can t dress h erse l f. T h e gi r l isdress h ersel f.I w as so tire d th at I coul d nt g o o n wi th t h e work. tI wa s t oo t i red to g o o n w i th the work.4. 当主句和从句的主语不一致,且t ha t从句是否定时,如果要用“t oo. .to. ”替换 t.”,则用
48、介词f or引出动词不定式的逻辑主语,可以用“too. f or sb. t注意不定式的宾语要省略。【当堂反馈】一.用 so ,such填空。so. . thado sth .”来替换,1. The b oy is2. H e told us _3 . He ha syoung that h e ca n t goha funn y story that we all l a u few bo o k sto schoo ld.to r eadeh at hehasbo r ro w s om e book s fro m t h e libra ry .a tall build ing that I can5. T h e g i r ls hadhig h ala s t wee k .4. It ist see it s6.They a r eclever childrenem.I t isd eli clve tod rink i t .to p.feve r t hat sh e nea r1 y dit hat a l l the teac hers loveous o r an ge ju i c e that we a l l wo u l d loa little do glittleit is n o t en ou g h fo8. ItT h
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