1、工 业 投 资 导 向类别Industrialcategory序号投 资 内 容Investment contents新 型 医 药 New-type Medicine1具有自主知识产权的新药New-type medicine with indigenous intellectual property rights2重大传染病防治疫苗和药物Bacterin and medicine for the grave infectious disease prevention and cure3抗癌和抗病毒药物Anticancer and antivirus medicine4天然药物、海洋药物Nat
2、ure medicine and marine medicine5中药材、中药提取物、中成药现代化深加工、中药饮片创新技术产业化,中药复方药物二次开发Chinese medicinal material, Chinese medicinal extract, modernized deep processing of Chinese traditional patent medicine, industrialization of technological innovation of Chinese herbal slice, the second exploitation of Chine
3、se traditional medicine compound prescriptions6新型卫生材料和医用敷料New type hygiene and health materials and medical dressing7新型诊断试剂New type diagnostic reagent8新型优质药用包装材料(医药级树脂、橡胶、热塑性弹性体等高分子材料;药用胶塞的涂、镀、覆膜等技术;具有避光、高阻隔性、高透过性等功能的新型包装;新型给药方式;一级耐水药用玻璃等)New-type high quality medical packaging material (macromolecu
4、le material such as medical-grade resin, rubber and thermoplastic elastomer; the technology of medical rubber stopper such as smearing, plating and lamination; new-type packaging with functions such as photophobism, high barrier properties and high permeability; new-type methods of administration; f
5、irst class water resistant medical glass etc.)9制剂新辅料New excipients of preparations10数字化医学影像产品Digital medical imaging products11早期诊断医疗仪器设备Early diagnostical medical treatment equipments12微创外科和介入治疗装备Equipments of minimally invasive surgery and interventional therapy13新型医疗器械New-type medical appliances1
6、4医疗急救及康复工程技术装置Technical devices of medical emergency aid and rehabilitation engineering类别Industrialcategory序号SerialNO.投 资 内 容Investment contents 电 子 信 息 Electronic Information1移动通信系统设备及关键配套件Equipments of mobile communication system and major corollary parts2光通信、宽带传输和接入设备Optical communication, broadb
7、and transmission and access device3数字音视频产品Digital AV product4数字多功能电话机Multi-functional digital telephone5新型电子元器件(片式元器件、敏感元器件及传感器、频率控制与选择元件、混合集成电路、电力电子器件、光电子器件、新型机电元件、高密度互连积层板、多层挠性板、刚挠印刷电路板及封装载板等)New-type electronic component (chip component, sensitivity component, sensor, frequency control, the selec
8、tion of component, hybrid integrated circuit, power electronic device, optoelectronic device, new-type electromechanical component, high density interconnecting build-up board, multi-layer flexible board, flexible-rigid printed circuit board and package substrate etc.)6智能化家用电器电子产品Intelligentized hou
9、sehold appliance and electronic product7汽车电子产品Automobile electronic product8电子专用材料及电子设备关键零部件、仪器、工模具Electronic special material and major parts of electronic equipment, apparatus, tool and die9光、磁盘驱动器及其部件和数字产品用存储卡Optical disc driver, disk driver and their parts and digital product's memory card10
10、新型节能电子产品和新光源照明系列产品New-type energy saving electronic product and new-type illuminant lighting product series11医疗电子产品Medical electronic product12应用软件开发生产及企业信息化改造The developing and manufacturing of application software and informationization reform of enterprises13移动通信用射频电缆Radio frequency cable of mobi
11、le communication14单晶硅、多晶硅及晶片制造Single crystal silicon, polycrystalline silicon and wafer manufacturing15太阳能电池Solar battery竹 产 业 Bamboo Industry1竹纤维纺织产品Bamboo fiber textile product2竹碳、竹油、竹叶黄酮及延伸产品Bamboo charcoal, bamboo oil, bamboo flavonoid and extended product3竹材家具Bamboo material furniture4次、小、薪等废竹材
12、及加工废料的再利用The recycle of scrap bamboo such as 搒hoddy, little, fuelwood?and processing residue5竹材其他生化加工Other biochemical processing of bamboo6竹产业龙头企业扩建提升项目Expansion and promotion project of leading enterprise in bamboo industry类别Industrialcategory序号SerialNO.投 资 内 容Investment contents绿 色 食 品 Organic Fo
13、od1果蔬汁及茶饮料Fruit and vegetable juice and tea drink2植物饮料类及植物蛋白饮料Botanical drink and plant protein containing drink3粮食、果蔬、禽畜产品深加工Deep processing of grain, fruit and vegetable and poultry and livestock product4无公害农产品深加工Deep processing of pollution-free agricultural product5白茶、有机茶精加工Finishing processing
14、of white tea and organic tea6以竹笋为原料的功能食品Functional food with raw material of bamboo shoot7特色旅游食品Characteristics tourism food8天然食品添加剂Natural food additives9水产品生态养殖及综合加工Ecological mariculture and multipurpose processing of aquatic product10食用菌菌种开发及生产The exploitation and manufacturing of spawn of edibl
15、e fungi11矿泉水规模开发生产The exploitation and manufacturing of mineral water scale机 械 、五 金 Mechanism and Hardware1各类成套设备制造All kinds of whole sets of equipments manufacturing2数控机床关键零部件及刀具Major parts of NC machine tool and cutting tool3高性能轴承、精密轴承、低噪音轴承High property bearing, precision bearing and low noise be
16、aring4循环流化床锅炉Circulating fluidized bed boiler5自动化焊接设备技术开发及设备制造Technique development and equipment manufacturing of automatized welding devices6中、高档建筑、水暖五金件Medium and top construction, water - heating hardware7新型竹木机械设备开发The development of new-type bamboo-wood mechanism devices8脱硫、脱硝装置开发与生产The develop
17、ment and manufacturing of desulphurization and denitration devices9新型环保及节能设备New-type environmental protection and energy saving device10汽车关键零部件。(发动机、电控直列式喷油泵、电控高压单体泵、变速器、电动转向装置、悬架系统、制动器等)Major parts of automobile (engine, electronic control in-line fuel injection pump, electronic control high voltag
18、e unit pump, transmission, electric power steering device, suspension system and brake etc.)类别Industrial category序号SerialNO.投 资 内 容Investment contents新 材 料 New Material1高精度铜(铝)板、带、箔、管生产The manufacturing of high precision copper (aluminum) plate, belt, foil and pipe2高性能磁性材料High property magnetic mate
19、rial3新型电子储能材料New-type electronic stored energy material4纳米级膨润土、SiO2开发Nanometer grade bentonite and the exploitation of SiO25功能性高分子材料Functional macromolecule material6新型塑料合金New-type plastic alloy7超细粉体材料Superfine powdery material8有色金属复合材料、新型合金材料Non-ferrous metal composite and new-type alloy material9新型节能环保墙体材料、绝热隔音材料、防水材料和建筑密封材料New-type energy saving and environmental protection walling material, adiabatic and sound10新型、生态型(易降解、易回收、可复用)包装材料New-type and ecotype (easily degradable, easily recycled, reusable) packaging material椅 业 Chair Manufacturing
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