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1、汽轮发电机安装过程简要描述General description of the site assembly of the Steam turbine and generator 汽轮机:Turbine1.1 汽轮机运转平台基础浇灌前预埋件检查,重点检查预埋件的标高、垂直度、布置,检查预埋套管自带螺母的螺纹,在预埋套管顶部加装保护罩,安装水平测量点,使用钢板保护,土建开始基础浇灌。Inspection of the turbine foundation embedded parts before concrete pouring, especially on the arrangement ,e

2、levation, inclination and the screw thread, etc. Protect the top of the sleeves with covers before pouring. Arrange foundation leveling points , covering with protect plate.1.2 基础浇灌完成后,对基础进行约一个半月的养护。Concrete pouring and preservation (normally 1 to 1 and half month depending on the temperature)1.3 基础

3、养护完毕后,再一次检查浇灌完成后预埋件的标高、垂直度、布置等,土建划出基础上各基准线,基础移交。Inspection again after foundation preservation on the embedded parts; Draw the baseline on the foundation and hand over from civil works to the STG erection. 1.4 基础凿毛,去除基础表面浮浆露出鹅暖石。按照锚固件布置图,对锚固件象脚进行布置,根据扬度曲线调整象脚标高,检查象脚的标高,水平、布置。On the area of placing f

4、oundation parts, chipping the foundation to remove the outer skin of the concrete; According to the STG arrangement drawing and shaft line alignment diagram, place the “elephant feet” and adjust the leveling; inspection and record of the arrangement and the leveling. 1.5 制作锚固件模具,预埋套管顶部做好保护,使用SIKADUR

5、对锚固件进行浇灌。Build the frame around the “elephant feet” and fix them; Protect the top of the sleeve with covers and grout with synthetic resin mortar (SIKADUR) to fix the “elephant feet” on the foundation.1.6 待SIKADUR凝固达到额定强度后,安装轴承座。When the hardness of the SIKADUR reaches the requirement valve, start p

6、lacing bearing pedestals.1.7 沿汽轮发电机组轴线拉钢丝线,纵向布置各轴承座,模拟转子轴线纵向拉钢丝,对照钢丝调整各轴承座,并紧固轴承座地脚螺栓。Install violin wire in the axial center line of the steam turbine and generator; place all bearing pedestals on the elephant feet, align them to the violin wire and fix the anchorage bolts.1.8 安装轴承座底键,点焊底键,拆除所有轴承座,

7、按要求对底键进行焊接,焊接过程中加强监视,检查底键焊接。Install the foundation keys of the bearing pedestals, tack weld; remove all pedestals again and final weld the keys to the foundation (inspection during welding).1.9 底键焊接完成后,再次安装轴承座,拉钢丝调整轴承座,并紧固轴承座地脚螺栓。Installation of pedestals again after completion of key welding, final

8、 alignment and fix the anchorage bolts.1.10 低压外缸拼装,低压轴封锥体拼装并找正,低压外缸焊接,低压轴封锥体焊接,焊接过程中加强监视,焊接完成后检查外缸上下半间隙,检查外缸的几何尺寸。Assembly of the LP outer casings (upper and lower casings), alignment and welding; assembly of the gland steam cone to the outer casings, alignment and welding; dimension and clearance c

9、hecks after welding. 1.11 安装低压外缸内部的低压喷水减温管道。Assembly of the spray water pipes inside the LP outer casings.1.12 安装低压外缸下半,安装低压外缸前考虑先行布置凝汽器膨胀节等安装部件。Separate the LP outer casings upper and lower parts, place the LP outer casing lower parts on the foundation pit.(before the placement, expansion joint loc

10、ated at the condenser neck shall be arranged)1.13 安装低压内缸下半,以低压缸两端轴承座为基准拉钢丝,找正低压内缸下半,并锁紧内缸支撑螺栓。Place the LP inner casings lower halves into the outer casing, align it to the violin wire, and fasten the supporting bolts. 1.14 安装低压持环下半,持环分为调端和电端两部分,拉钢丝找正低压持环下半。Place the blade carriers (control side and

11、 generator side) lower halves into the inner casing, align them.1.15 将低压扩散器下半安装到低压持环两端,拉钢丝找正扩散器并锁紧连接螺栓。Assembly of the LP diaphragms lower halves beside blade carriers, align and fasten the connecting blots.1.16 安装低压轴封下半,拉钢丝找正轴封体。Assembly of the gland seal body lower halves, align it to the violin w

12、ire.1.17 相对于轴线,低压内缸下半降低2mm,准备安装低压转子。Lower the LP inner casings 2mm to the axial shaft line, and be prepared for the rotor placement. 1.18 在轴承座内安装辅助轴承,吊装低压转子放置到低压持环内。Install the auxiliary bearings in the pedestals, then place the LP rotors.1.19 低压缸通流间隙(轴向、径向)检查,初步调整动静之间的相对位置。Check the steam path clea

13、rance (axial and lateral), pre-align the rotor positions to the LP stationary parts, record the clearance.1.20 中压模块安装就位,调整中压缸猫爪垫片,检查中压模块负荷分配符合要求。Place the IP turbine module in the foundation pit (rest on the pedestal casings), align the IP module with support keys, check of the weight distribution a

14、ccording to requirement and certificates.1.21 中压进汽短管以及中压进汽阀安装,检查进气阀和汽缸之间密封法兰的接触符合要求。- 该步骤可以在安装后期进行。 Assembly of the IP turbine valves and the inlet pipes (left and right) to IP turbine casing, check on the sealing flange contact to the casing. - it can be done in the later stage of the erection.1.22

15、 中压进汽阀油动机安装,调整油动机弹簧预紧力符合要求。- 该步骤可以在安装后期进行。 Assembly of the valve actuators and adjust the pre-stress of the spring until it fits the technical requirement. - it can be done in the later stage of the erection.1.23 高压模块安装就位,调整高压缸猫爪垫片,检查中压模块负荷分配符合要求。 Place the HP turbine module in the foundation pit (r

16、est on the pedestal casings), align the IP module with support keys, check of the weight distribution according to requirement and certificates.1.24 高压进汽阀安装,检查进气阀和汽缸之间密封法兰的接触符合要求。- 该步骤可以在安装后期进行。 Assembly of the HP turbine valves (left and right) to HP turbine casing, check on the sealing flange cont

17、act to the casing. - it can be done in the later stage of the erection.1.25 高压进气阀油动机安装,调整油动机弹簧预紧力符合要求。- 该步骤可以在安装后期进行。 Assembly of the valve actuators and adjust the pre-stress of the spring until it fits the technical requirement. - it can be done in the later stage of the erection.1.26 发电机定子安装 (详见发

18、电机部分)。 Assembly of the Generator stator (details to be referred to the Generator section).1.27 发电机穿转子(详见发电机部分)。Assembly of the Generator rotor (details to be referred to the Generator section).1.28 拆除中压模块运输定位环,转子置于轴瓦上;拆除定位环时测量汽缸和转子的相对位置并记录。IP Turbine: Remove the adjusting rings which fix the rotor a

19、t the position during transportation, and place the IP rotor resting on the bearings; measure and record the related position between rotor and casing, before removing the rings.1.29 拆除高压模块运输定位环,转子置于轴瓦上;拆除定位环时测量汽缸和转子的相对位置并记录。HP Turbine: Remove the adjusting rings which fix the rotor at the position

20、during transportation, and place the HP rotor resting on the bearings; measure and record the related position between rotor and casing, before removing the rings.1.30 连接所有转子的联轴器,转子轴向移动及盘动转子时,投运临时顶轴油系统。Coupling connection temporarily of all rotors, for shaft line alignment. Put the temporary jacking

21、 oil pump /device in operation when it is necessary to turn the rotor or move in axial direction. 1.31 转子轴系找中,检查联轴器对轮张口,检查转子扬度曲线,如果不符合要求,通过调整轴承座改变联轴器张口以及转子扬度曲线,轴系找中心时考虑汽轮机运行状态下的条件,比如释放基础弹簧。Shaft line alignment: align and check on the coupling gaps and shaft line inclination, adjust bearing pedestals

22、 until the coupling gaps and inclination are matching with the alignment diagram. Considering the operating conditions when align the shaft line ,for example release the foundation springs . 1.32 半缸情况下检查并记录低压缸动静之间的轴向和径向通流间隙。Before the LP turbine casing closed, check and record the steam path clearan

23、ce between stationary and rotating parts, axial and lateral.1.33 安装低压持环上半,通过压铅丝检查低压缸通流间隙顶部的径向间隙。Assembly of the LP turbine blade carriers upper parts, measure the lateral top clearance by lead wire checks. 1.34 对比通流间隙要求,对低压持环和低压内缸进行调整,以满足低压缸通流间隙要求。Adjust the position of the LP turbine inner casings

24、and blade carriers if necessary, to make the steam path clearance as per technical specification.1.35 最终清理低压缸相关部件,最终安装低压转子,低压持环,低压内缸,低压轴封,低压外缸上半,安装低压防爆门,低压缸真空破坏阀。Clean completely the inner area of the LP turbine, and close the casing finally; assembly of the rupture diaphragms and vacuum breakers.1.

25、36 测量低压缸最终安装条件下转子相对于持环的相对位置并记录。Final measurement of the LP turbine rotor position related to the blade carriers and record.1.37 转子轴线复查,联轴器螺栓连接孔铰孔。Check again the shaft line alignment, coupling gaps finally, then start honing on the holes of the coupling flanges.1.38 最终安装联轴器螺栓,检查联轴器跳动符合要求。Final conne

26、ction of all couplings, check run-out on all couplings.1.39 最终检查中压模块转子和汽缸的相对位置,调整中压外缸,恢复相对位置至运输定位块拆前值。Final check on the IP turbine rotor position related to the casing, align IP turbine casing if necessary to restore to the factory value (or value when arrival at the construction site) 1.40 最终检查高压模

27、块转子和汽缸的相对位置,调整高压外缸,恢复相对位置至运输定位块拆前值。Final check on the HP turbine rotor position related to the casing, align HP turbine casing if necessary to restore to the factory value (or value when arrival at the construction site) 1.41 最终安装推力轴承,调整推力间隙,并将转子置于轴向的零位位置,以便进行TSI部件安装。Assembly of the trust bearings,

28、located between HP and IP turbine; adjust the trust clearance; Move the rotor line axially to the “0” position in order to install turbine TSI components.1.42 安装盘车装置,检查盘车齿轮和主轴齿轮的间隙,使用蓝油检查齿轮啮合。 Installation of the shaft turning gear device, located at the trust bearing pedestal; check of the flank cl

29、earance and between turning gear and shafts main gear, inspect the engagement of the two gears by blue ink. 1.43 安装主油泵,检查主油泵齿轮和主轴齿轮的间隙,使用蓝油检查齿轮啮合。 Installation of the shaft driven main oil pump, located at the front bearing pedestal; check of the flank clearance and between main oil pumps gear and s

30、hafts main gear, inspect the engagement of the two gears by blue ink .1.44 安装中-低压联通管,安装连通管膨胀节,现场焊接联通管,并检查联通的焊接符合要求。Installation of the cross over pipes between IP and LP turbines, assembly of the compensators and weld the cross over pipes as per the welding specification. 1.45 安装高、中压缸外缸、进汽阀、中低压联通管保温

31、。Installation of the thermal insulations on the HP, IP turbines, valve casings and cross over pipes.1.46 安装润滑油站,安装冷油器、连接润滑油系统管道。Place the turbine oil unit (Oil tanks with system components) on the foundation which is normally on the 0m level of the turbine hall; Install the oil coolers; Piping works

32、 from oil unit to the turbine.1.47 安装控制油系统管道。Piping works on the hydraulic oil system.1.48 安装轴封加热器,连接轴封系统管道。Installation of the gland steam condenser and piping works.1.49 安装汽轮机疏水管道、抽汽系统逆止门。Piping works on the steam drain system; Installation of the non-return check valves on the turbine extraction

33、lines.1.50 进行润滑油、顶轴油、控制油系统循环。油质合格后移交调试。Oil flushing for lube oil, jacking oil and hydraulic oil system; hand over to pre-commissioning after oil flushing is completed, certificate is given.发电机:Generator2.1按照发电机锚固件布置图,对锚固件象脚进行布置,检查象脚的标高,水平、平面布置。 Inspection of the generator foundation embedded parts b

34、efore concrete pouring, especially on the arrangement , elevation, inclination and the screw thread, etc. Protect the top of the sleeves with covers before pouring. 2.2制作锚固件模具,预埋套管顶部做好保护,使用SIKADUR对锚固件进行浇灌。Build the frame around the “elephant feet” and fix them; Protect the top of the sleeve with cov

35、ers and grout with synthetic resin mortar (SIKADUR) to fix the “elephant feet” on the foundation.2.3待SIKADUR凝固达到额定强度后,准备发电机定子安装。When the hardness of the SIKADUR reaches the requirement valve, prepare the assembly of generator stator.2.4发电机定子吊装就位,在就位前,提前将发电机出现罩放入发电机下层平台。Lifting and positioning of gen

36、erator stator. Before placing the stator, the terminal box must be placed on the table level below the Generator.2.5安装氢气冷却器罩壳,检查氢冷器罩壳法兰和定子外壳连接法兰气密试验符合要求,安装氢气冷却器。Installation of H2 cooler pockets, leakage test of flange connection between cooler pocket and stator housing ,then install H2 coolers.2.6安

37、装出线罩,检查出线罩法兰和定子外壳连接法兰气密试验符合要求。Installation of terminal box ,leakage test of flange between terminal box and stator housing.2.7安装出线导线及膨胀节,检查定冷水绕组气密试验符合要求. Installation of main leads and compensators in the terminal box , leakage test of the stator winding.2.8出线导线与定子连接处手包绝缘。Insulation handing of the m

38、ain leads connections in the terminal box. 2.9安装出线导线固定支架,安装出线导线与出线套管之间连接金具及导电线。Installation of the supports for main leads, assembly of connecting halves between main leads and terminal bushings.2.10定子端部绕组紧固检查,并固定紧固栓。Tightness test of end winding wedges , securing of the wedging bolts.2.11发电机定子绕组绝缘电

39、阻检查和其它所要求的电气试验。Insulation resistant test of stator winding, and other required electrical test.2.12发电机定子交流耐压试验。High potential test on stator winding.2.13安装定子端盖,检查端盖与定子外壳连接法兰气密试验符合要求。Installation of stator end casings, leakage test of flange connection between end casings and stator housing.2.14发电机转子

40、绝缘电阻检查和其它所要求的电气试验。Insulation resistant test of rotor, and other required electrical test.2.15目视检查发电机转子清洁情况,平衡螺钉已固定,清理发电机转子。Visual check of the cleanliness of the rotor,secured screws. Cleaning of rotor completely.2.16检查并清理发电机定子,准备发电机穿转子工作。Visual check of the stator cleanliness, prepare the installat

41、ion of the rotor.2.17拆除发电机励端#6、#7轴承座,安装中间环及气隙挡风环。Disassembly of NDE and end bearing pedestals , installation of intermediate rings and the air gap plate.2.18发电机穿转子,并重新安装#6、#7轴承座。Installation of rotor, re-assembly of NDE and end bearing pedestals.2.19汽轮机、发电机转子轴系找中心,最终连接联轴器螺栓。Alignment of turbine and

42、generator shafts line, final connection of couplings.2.20检查转子与定子之间的相互位置,径向气隙,轴向磁力中心。Check the relative position between stator and rotor, include radial air gap clearance and axial center lines.2.21最终紧固发电机定子地脚螺栓。Final tightness of stator foundation bolts.2.22最终安装转子护环与定子铁芯之间的气隙挡风环, 检查和记录气隙。Final inst

43、allation of air gap between the stator core and the rotor end bells (retaining rings), check and record the air gap clearance.2.23发电机辅助系统,氢气、密封油、定冷水装置安装。Installation of generator auxiliary units including H2 , seal oil and stator water units.2.24发电机辅助系统管道安装。Piping works for generator auxiliary units

44、. 2.25发电机密封油系统冲洗。Flushing of the seal oil pipes.2.26发电机定冷水系统冲洗。Flushing of the stator water pipes.2.27发电机励端定冷水流量测试。Flow measurement on all Teflon hoses on NDE side.2.28发电机励端内端盖安装,并检查内端盖与定子之间的绝缘。Installation of the end shielding at the NDE side, check the insulation resistance between end shielding and stator housing.2.29安装转子风扇挡风环。Final installation of the baffle, located at the diffuser for the fan on rotor.2.30最终安装定子端盖中间环,并测量中间环与端盖之间的绝缘。Final installation of intermediate rings, insulation resistance measurement betwee


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