



1、小升初英文奥数题1、In 2004, 16 June falls on a Wednesday. On what day of the week will 16 June fall in 2010?2、 If half of a number is 30, then three-quarters of that number is.3、 The sum of the digits of the following product 9995554、Three positive integers have a sum of 28. The greatest possible product tha

2、t thesein tegers can have is.5、In what follows,is 20.When 503 is divided byremain der is.6、A lady, her brother, her son and her daughter (all related by birth) played volleyball. The worst p layers twin (who is one of the four p layers) and the best p layer are of oppo site sex. The worst p layer an

3、d the best p layer are of the same age. Who cannot be the worst player(s)?A) brother onlyB) daughter onlydaughter onlyE) lady only7、If you continue the given number pattern, in what row and in what position in that row will the number 320 be?1row 1 and are differe nt nu mbeWZhe n 503 is divided by t

4、he remai nder is 20.When 493 is divided byC) son and daughter onlyrow 2 the remai nderD) lady androw 3 x the10row 4The an swers are give n in the order of row ; p ositi on.翻译:4. 三个正整数之和为28,他们积的最大值是(810)9*9*10=8105. 口代表不同数字,503/的余数是20,503/的余数是20,那么493/( )的余数是(10或493) 这个题出得有点问题,503-20=483=3*7*23,假如493

5、,例如21*69,则余数为493,不然为106.一位女士,她兄弟,她的儿子和女儿(都是亲的)打排球.最差球手的孪生同胞和最佳球手异性,最差球手和最佳球手同龄 谁不可能是最差球手(之一)?A.只有兄弟 B.只有女儿C.只有儿子和女儿D.只有女士和女儿 E.只有女士也就是说最差球手和最佳球手同性且同龄,最差球手是双胞胎之一,这样只有一种可能:儿子是最差,女士的弟弟与儿子同龄是最佳 备选答案中似乎没合适的6. 如过继续下面的数字列表,320在第几行,以及该行的什么位置(也就是第几列)1第1 行 2,3第2 行 4,5,6第3 行 7,8,9,10按照-行洌的形式给出答案:(25,20)参考答案:1、

6、Wedn esday详解:In 2004, 16 Jun e falls on a Wedn esday. On what day of the week will 16 Ju ne fall in2010? 翻2004年6月16号是星期三,那么 2010年6月16号是星期几呢? 2004年6月16号是星期三,那么2010年6月16号是星期几呢?还是星期三平年 365-7=521闰年 366- 7=522所以若第二年为平年,则那年的今天星期序号是现年今天后一天;闰年则后两天。2005 , 2006 , 2007 , 2009 , 2010 为平年,2008 为闰年于是加起来应该多 7天,即一个

7、星期,所以还是星期三2、453、27 (求数位上上的数字之和)4、28=9+9+10,因此答案为 8105、503-20=483 483=325 , 20X 7 X23 = 21 X23,因此 x =心83,因此此题余数是 10.小升初英文奥数题21、Did you know? In the decimal number system (base 10) ten different digits, 0 to 9, are used to write all the nu mbers .In the binary nu mber system (base 2) two differe nt di

8、gits are used, i.e. 0 and 1.Which one of the follow ing nu mbers is not a valid nu mber in theoctal nu mber system (base 8)?A) 128 B) 127 C) 126 D) 125 E) 1242、The number of diagonals that can be drawn in a regular polygon with twenty sides(icosago n) is.3、If a and b are integers, 10?3=1,152?7=3, an

9、d then 379?6 is equal to.4、Two numbers are in the ratio 2 : 3. When 4 is added to each number the ratio changesto 5 : 7.The sum of the two origi nal nu mbers is.5、The greatest nu mber of Mon days which can occur in 45 con secutive days is6、Saul plays a video game in which he scores 4 for a hit and l

10、ost 6 for a miss. After 20rounds his score is 30. The nu mber of times he has missed is.7、Three girls A, B and C run in a 100 m race. When A finishes, B is 10 m behind A andwhen B fini shes C is 20 m beh indB. How far in metres was C from A whe n A fini shed?(Letassume all the athletes run at a con

11、sta nt sp eed)8、The areas of the faces of a rectangulabox are 84 cm2,70 cm2and 30 cm2.The volumeof the box in cm3 is.9、You have 3 weights: 1 kg, 3 kg and 9 kg as well as an equal arm balanee, as shown. How many differe nt weight objects can you weigh with these three? Remember the weights may be p l

12、aced on either side 参考答案:8进制中没有8出现3、1定义新运算,就是求 379 6的余数。6、51、A考察我们学过的简单的进制问题,显然170找规律,公式为n X (n-3 ) -240 , 16 和 2428米,根据距1、离比求出速度比,三者的速度比为1 : 9/10 : 18/25420分解质因数9、13种小升初英文奥数题3Did you know? In the decimal n umber system (base 10) ten differe nt digits, 0 to 9, are used to write all the n umbers .In

13、the binary n umber system (base 2) two differe nt digits are used,i. e. 0 and 1.Which one of the follow ing n umbers is not a valid n umber in theoctal n umber system (base 8)?A) 128 B) 127 C) 126 D) 125 E) 1242、The number of diagonals that can be drawn in a regular polygon withtwenty sides (icosago

14、n) is3、 If a and b are integers,10and then 3796 is equal to4、Two numbers are in the ratio 2 : 3. When 4 is added to each number the ratio changes to 5 : 7.The sum of the two original numbers is5、The greatest number of Mondays which can occur in 45 consecutive days is6、Saul plays a video game in whic

15、h he scores 4 for a hit and lost 6 for a miss. After 20 rounds his score is 30. The number of times he has missed is7、Three girls A, B and C run in a 100 m race. When A finishes, B is 10 m behind A and when B finishes C is 20 mbehind B. Howfar in metres was C from A when A finished?(Let s assume all

16、 the athletes run at a constant speed)8、The areas of the faces of a rectangulabox are 84 cm2 , 70 cm2and 30 cm2.The volume of the box in cm3? is9、You have 3 weights: 1 kg, 3 kg and 9 kg as well as an equal arm balance, as shown. How many different weight objects can you weigh with these three?Rememb

17、er the weights may be placed on either side参考答案:1、A 考察我们学过的简单的进制问题,显然8 进制中没有 8 出现2、170找规律,公式为 nx( n-3 )-23、1 定义新运算,就是求 379-6 的余数。4、40, 16和 245、6、7、28 米,根据距离比求出速度比,三者的速度比为1 : 9/10 : 18/258、420分解质因数1、13种小升初英文奥数题4An ant covers a distanee of 90 metres in 3 hours. The average speed of the ant in decimetr

18、esper min ute is.2、In a certa in tow n some people were affected by aflu epidemic. In the first month 20%of thepop ulati on con tracted the flu whilst 80% were healthy .In the followi ng mon th 20%of the sickpeoplerecovered and 20%of the healthypeople contractedthe disease.What fracti onof the popul

19、ationis healthy at the end of the sec ond mon th?4、Mp ho, Barry, Sip ho, Erica andFatima are sitt ing ona p ark ben ch. Mpho is notsitt ing on thefar left.Sipho isnot sittingat either end.far right. Barry is not sitting on theto the right of Barry,but not n ecessarily n ext to him. Fatima is not sit

20、ti ng n ext to Sip ho.S iphoErica is sittingis not sitt ing n ext to Barry.Who is sitt ing at the far right?5、 Of the 28 T?shirts in a drawer, six are red, five are blue, and the rest arewhite. If Bob selects T?shirts at ran dom whilst p ack ing for a holiday, what is the least n umber he must remov

21、e from the drawer to be sure that he has three T?shirts of the same colour?6、In an alien language, jalez borg farn means “good maths skills ” . Nurf klar borg meansmaths in harmony” and darko klar farn means good in gold ” .What is harmony gold ”in this language?7、Five children, Amelia, Bongani, Cha

22、rles, Devine and Edwina, were in the classroom when oneof them broke a window. The teacher asked each of them to make athat three of them always“Charles did not break it,I didn t break it, butit. ” Who broke the window?lie and two always tell the truth. Theirnor did Devine. ” Bongani: I didn tEdwina

23、 did. ” Devine:Amelia or Edwinastateme nt about the eve nt, knowingstateme nts were as follows:Amelia:break it, nor did Devine. ” Charles:broke it. ” Edwina: Charles broke8、Did you know? A palindrome is a number which reads the same forwards as backwards e.g. 35453.Next year 2002 is an exa mple of a

24、 p ali ndromic n umber. What is the differe nee betwee n 2002 and then umber of the p revious p ali ndromic year?9、If ab = (3 X b) then the value of 2(2 X a) (35) is.10、Two ants start at point A and walk at the same pace. One ant walks around a 3 cm by 3 cm square whilst the other walks arou nd a 6

25、cm by 3 cmrecta ngle. What is the mi ni mum dista nee, in cen timetres, any one mustcover before they meet aga in?参考答案:1、?单位换算,注意单词,90X 10+( 3X 60)=52、?463、?0.684、?Erica5、?抽屉原则 76、?注意一一对应, borg= maths, farn=good, jalez=skills.Klar=in, Nurf=harmony, darko=gold. 答案是 Nurf darko.7 、 ?Charles8、?10019、?67

26、10、?108详解:第一题:蚂蚁3小时走90米,问平均每分钟走多少厘米?第二题:古罗马的数字表示方式 :I=1,V=5,X=10,L=50,C=100,D=500,M=1000,等,因此 1=1,II=2,III=3,IV=4,V=5,VI=6,VII=7,VIII=8,IX=9,X=10,等。例如: XCIX=99,问?XLVI 表示的数值是多少?第三题:一个城镇受到流感病毒侵袭,第一个月里总人口的20%感染了病毒,其它80%的人是健康的;下一个月里,病人中20%康复了,但原来的健康人中有20%的人又感染了。问第二个月底健康的人口占总人口的百分数是多少?第四题:Mp ho,?Barry,?Si pho,?Erica?和?Fatima?坐在公园的长凳上,Mp ho不在最右边,Barry不在最左边,Si pho不在两端,Erica在Barry的右边,但不一定紧靠他,Fatima?没有在 Sipho的旁边,Si pho不在Barry


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