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1、2009_ 2010 学年第 1 学期学院名称外语系系(部)英语专业课程名称英语泛读(3) 授课对象2008 级本科授课教师职称教授 教材名称新编英语泛读教程(第三册)2009 年 8 月 25 日2保定学院课程教案(课时单元备课)授课题目(或主题):Unit 1 Reading Strategies 授课类型讲授、练习授课时间第 1 周 1 2 节教学目标或要求:1 Learn some information about fast reading skimming2 Reading practice教学要点及教学进程:1. Reading skill skimming2. Section

2、A2.1 Letter perception2.2 Word perception2. Section B: Text I: Why Read fast4. Section C5. Discuss in groups教学重点和难点1 .What is skimming?Reading for the general idea or the big picture, not for a detailed knowledge (Skimming = careful reading)2 .How to skim?clue wordsdirection words: furthermore, also

3、, however, yet, on the contrary, etc.Practical steps for skimming:Read the titleNote the author s name and the source of the text3Read the first paragraph completelyRead subheadings and first sentences of remaining paragraphsfloat“ over the body of the material: main ideas, clue words, directionword

4、s, numbered sequences and ideas set off by attention-getting markingsFinal paragraph (summary)教学手段与方法:1. Reading and discussion2. Means of classroom instruction: Multi-media思考题、讨论题、作业:1. 1.Vocabulary building p.7-92. 2.Read Section B p.9-133. 3. Read English novels参考资料(含参考书、文献等,有章节教案的本项可不填):1. 1. 新编

5、英语教程参考答案(1-4 册) . 上海外语教育出版社,2004.2. 2. Nuttall, C. Teaching Reading Skills in a Foreign Language M. 上海外语教育出版社, 2002.3. 3. 朱纯. 外语教学心理学M. 上海:上海外语教育出版社, 1998.4尹德谟. 新编实用英语快速阅读教程M. 上海外语教育出版社,2004.4保定学院课程教案(课时单元备课)授课题目(或主题):Unit 2 Reading Newspaper(1) language features of headlines; headlinevocabularies授课

6、类型讲授、练习授课时间第 2 周第 1 2 节教学目标或要求:1. 1. Learn language features of headlines2. 2. Learn headline vocabularies3. 3. 3. Practise reading newspaper教学要点及教学进程:1. Read newspaper2. Check homework2.1 Vocabulary building2.2 Section B3. Newspaper and headlines3.1 Introduction to major newspapers in Britain and t

7、he United States3.2 Prominent language features of headlines3.3 Types of headlines3.4 Headline vocabularies3.5 Read China Daily and the news in Englsih on Yahoo教学重点和难点Major newspaper in Britain and the United States 1 The major newspapers in BritainDailies:Sundays:The GuardianThe TimesThe Sunday Peo

8、pleThe Daily TelegraphySunday MirrorDaily ExpressThe Sunday TelegraphyDaily MailThe Sunday TimesDaily Mirror2.The major daily newspapers in the United StatesNew York TimesUSA TodayWashington PostChicago Daily TribuneLos Angeles TimesDetroit News5Wall Street JournalNew York Daily NewsChristian Scienc

9、e MonitorWords used in newspapers vs. common wordsWordsCommon headline meaningaccordagreementairto make knownassailto criticize stronglyaxeto dismiss from the jobbackto supportbalkto refuse to acceptbarnot to allowbidattempt / offerblastn.explosion; strong criticismv.criticize strongly;strike wit ex

10、plosivesblazefirecitementionclaimto declare to be true; to killclashn.battle; disputev.disagree strongly; fightcooluninterested; unfriendlycurblimit; controldeadlocka disagreement that cannot be settleddrivea strong well-planned effort by agroup for a particular purposedueexpectedeaseto reduce or lo

11、oseneyeto watch with interestfaultto find in the wrongfeuddispute; strong disagreementflayaccuse; criticize stronglyfoeopponent; enemyfoilto prevent from succeedinggripto take hold ofhead offto preventheisttheftholdkeep in police control; arrestinkto signkeyvery importantkick offto beginlash outcrit

12、icize strongly; accuse6laudto praiselaunchto beginlineposition; demandlinkconnected toloomnabnetnodofficeopt oustpact pleapledgepoisedpollpostprobe promptrage raprockroutrowexpected in the near futureto captureto take possession of; captureapprovalan important government positionchoose; decidetake p

13、ower away froma solemn agreementdeeply felt requesta statement in court indicatingguilt or innocencepromiseready for actionelection; voting stationposition in government, businessinvestigationto causeto burn out of controln.accusation chargev.criticizeto shock; to surprisedefeat completelya quarrelr

14、uledeciderule outnot to consider as a possibilitysackdismiss from a jobsetdecided on; readyslayto kill or murdersnagproblem; difficultysnubto pay no attention tosnubto pay no attention tosoarto rise rapidlysparkto cause; to lead to actiona stalematea disagreement that cannot be settledstallmaking no

15、 progressstanceattitudestemto prevent or stopswayto influence or persuadeswindlean unlawful way of getting money7thwartprevent from being successfultiesrelationstrimto cuttriggerto causevieto competevoidto determine to be invalidvowa solemn promiseweighto consider教学手段与方法:1. Reading and discussion2.

16、Means of classroom instruction: Multi-media思考题、讨论题、作业:1. 1.Read Unit 2 and do all the exercises2. 2.Read China Daily or news on internet3. 3.Try to learn the headline vocabulariesby heart4. 4. Go on reading English novels参考资料(含参考书、文献等,有章节教案的本项可不填):1. 1. 新编英语教程参考答案(1-4 册) . 上海外语教育出版社,2004.2. 2. Nutta

17、ll, C. Teaching Reading Skills in a Foreign Language M.上海外语教育出版社,2002.3. 3. 朱纯 . 外语教学心理学M. 上海:上海外语教育出版社, 1998.4. 4. 尹德谟 . 新编实用英语快速阅读教程M.上海外语教育出版社,2004.5. 刘乃银 . 英语泛读教程(3) M. 北京:高等教育出版社,2001.8保定学院课程教案(课时单元备课)授课题目(或主题):Unit 3 Body language授课类型讲授、练习授课时间第 3 周第 1-2 节教学目标或要求:1. 1. Practise reading skill sk

18、imming2. 2. Learn some information about culture3. 3. Practise speaking with the information learned教学要点及教学进程:1. Read newspaper and review language features of English newspaper headlines2. Check homework: Unit 23. Unit 33.1 3.1 Section A3.2 Section B3.3 Section C3.4 Discuss in groups教学重点和难点1 .Discu

19、ssion in groups: exchange some interesting signals with each other and then report to the class.2 . vocabulary building p.37-38Read Marmosets: The World's Smallest Monkeys on p. 52Read China Daily and novelsWrite a reading report with 500 words教学手段与方法:1. Reading and discussion2. Means of classro

20、om instruction: Multi-media思考题、讨论题、作业:91. Vocabulary buildingp.37-382. Read Marmosets: The World ' s Smallest Monkey. 523. Read news in China Daily or on internet and Englsih novels4. Copy some paragraphs in the novels参考资料(含参考书、文献等,有章节教案的本项可不填):1 .新编英语教程参考答案(1-4册).上海外语教育出版社,2004.2 . Nuttall, C.

21、Teaching Reading Skills in a Foreign Language M.上海外语教育出版社,2002.3 .朱纯.外语教学心理学M.上海:上海外语教育出版社,1998.10保定学院课探贪福九问钢缚危?授课题目(或主题):Unit 4 AnimalsRead newspaper (2) -newspaper lead and news story授课类型讲授、练习授课时间第4周第1-2节教学目标或要求:1. 1. Practise reading skill skimming2. 2. Learn some information about animals3. 3. L

22、earn newspaper lead and news story教学要点及教学进程:1. 1. Read newspaper2. 2.Check homework1.1 2.1 Vocabulary building p.37-381.2 2.2 Marmosets: The World s Smallest Monkeyosn p. 523. 3. Newspaper lead and news story3.1 3.1 Newspaper lead and news story3.2 3.2 Read China Daily4. Unit 44.1 ection A4.2 Sectio

23、n C教学重点和难点1.reading newspaperThe Newspaper LeadThe first paragraph of a news story is called the lead. It almost always gives you the story's main topicand most important facts. When you read a newspaper lead sentence, try to find the subject and main verband note how the rest of the sentence ad

24、ds information to the subject and main verbFor exampleAnwar Sadat Assassinatedat Cairo Military ReviewCAIRO, October 7-Egyptian President Answer Sadat, a modern-day pharaoh who attempted to leadthe Arab world toward a permanent Mideast with Israel, was assassinated yesterday by a band of soldierswho

25、 attacked a military parade reviewing stand with automatic rifles and hand grenades.11Comments:Note that a great deal of information is included in a single sentence.The writer has organized thesentence around the subject (Egyptian President Anwar Sadat) and main verb (was assassinated) verycarefull

26、y.The lead sentence usually does the following:1 .Answer questions such as "Who?" "What?" "Where?" "When" "Result?"2 .Adds background to help you better understand the story or3 . States where the source of the story comes firstTask:Read the lead sen

27、tences in China Daily in pairs, try to analyze the way the writers organize the leadsentences, and then report to the class.Peer correction of the analysis on lead sentences.教学手段与方法:1. Reading and discussion2. Means of classroom instruction: Multi-media思考题、讨论题、作业:1. Vocabulary building p.512. Read A

28、braham Lincoln Again p.663. Read news in China Daily or on internet and Englsih novels4. Copy some paragraphs in the novels参考资料(含参考书、文献等,有章节教案的本项可不填):1. 1.新编英语教程参考答案(1-4 册) . 上海外语教育出版社,2004.2. 2. Nuttall, C. Teaching Reading Skills in a Foreign Language M. 上海外语教育出版社, 2002.3. 3. 朱纯. 外语教学心理学M. 上海:上海外语

29、教育出版社, 1998.4. 尹德谟 . 新编实用英语快速阅读教程M. 上海外语教育出版社,2004.12保定学院课程教案(课时单元备课)授课题目(或主题):Unit 5 History授课类型讲授、练习授课时间第 5 周第 1-2 节教学目标或要求:1. Practise reading skill skimming2. Learn some information about theories of history教学要点及教学进程:1. 1. Check homework2. 2. Unit 52.1 Section A2.2 Section C p.70-723. Read suppl

30、ementary materials3.1 A Good Heart to Lean On3.2 A Kiss for Kate3.38 enefits from Pets教学重点和难点1 . Newspaper reading-news storyIn most news stories the most important facts will be found near the beginning-usually within the first twoor three paragraphs. The remainder of the story will give details ex

31、plaining and clarifying the main points,or producing new, but less important information.2 .The following is a formula for a typical news story:Paragraph OneThe story's subject and most important facts.Paragraph TwoImportant facts that the writer was unable to include in the lead;Information to

32、clarify the facts in the lead;A particularly important quote.The rest of the story13Specific details to answer readers' questions;Statements and opinions by people involved in the story or by outside observers;Background information;New, but less important facts3.The way to read a news story:Read the beginning of the story very carefully because it contains the most important fact.Try to look for more facts than those given in the lead.If you don't understand something at the beginning of


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