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1、Prepare for Audit如何预备审计:Audit Notice 审核本卷须知 3.1 General Considerations During Audit审核时的总体思绪3.2 Answering Techniques 答问技巧3.3 What You Should NOT Do 他不该做的事3.4 Dos for the Shop Floor 车间内该做到的3.5 Operator Prepare 操作员预备2:3.1 General Considerations During Audit审核时的总体思绪Always escort the auditor!要时时陪同审核员。Do

2、not let the audit interrupt operation. 不要让审核员打断消费/任务。Do not give the auditor any privilege. Its not the way to show your respect. 不要给审计员特权。这不是表现他对审核员尊重的方式。3If the question is outside of your area of expertise or job function, state that to the Auditor. If you dont know the answer, say so. Dont be af

3、raid of a “it is out of my job scope, it is better to let “some department answer that. 假设问题在他的阅历或任务范围外,就明确的通知审核员。假设他不知道答案,不关键怕说“这不是我任务范围,由“其他部门回答这个问题会更好。对任务范围有疑问时?: Do listen very carefully to the auditors questions and comments.必需非常仔细的倾听审核员的问题和意见Always ensure you have fully understood the question

4、 and ask for clarification if you are unsure what is meant by the question.永远确保他真正地听明白了问题,假设不清楚,他就要问清楚。Think before you talk, do not be rash, take your time.先想后说,不用焦急。Let the auditor complete the question!让审核员先问完问题!If auditor want to speak, we should be silence!审核员想说话时,坚持安静It is OK to keep quiet, do

5、 not offer topic. 应该坚持安静,不要制造话题Do not answer questions not asked. Dont make up your own questions! 不要回答没有问的东西。不要本人发明问题!There is a balance also keep auditor happy.当然也要思索审计员的心情。43.2 Answering Techniques答问技巧:3.3 What You Should NOT Do他不该做的事Do not ask for solution from auditor. 不要讯问审计员处理方案。Dont say “but

6、 the agency xyz told us this is okay, or some site is doing it in that way不要说 “但是有关机构的某某通知我们这样做可以,或有些地方就是这样做的Do not make over-promises.不要做过分的承诺Do not criticize people or blame other departments in front of the auditor !不要在审核员面前批判或责怪其它部门Do not say “somebody told me to do so.不要回答“有人通知我这么做。I have been

7、trained by “ position/department for “Procedure/ special skill before working.我在任务前经过由“职位/部门的相关“文件/专业技艺培训。5:3.3 What You Should NOT Do他不该做的事Dont argue or disagree with any staff in front of the auditor. 不要在审核员面前和任何成员发生争论或反对。Do not guess, lie or try to mislead the auditor. 不要猜疑,编造,或试图误导审核员。Answering

8、for someone else / for another department.不要替其他人员/部门回答以下问题。Dont get aggressive with your own people or with the auditors. Also, dont get defensive. 不要和他本人团队成员或和审核员发生过激言行。还有,不要推卸责任。Dont offer informal information at any time, especial at computer任何时候不应提供非正式的信息,尤其在电脑中。6:3.4 Dos for the Shop Floor车间内该做

9、到的Continue working 正常任务Mind clothing and hygiene procedures留意着装和卫生流程Keep doors/Windows closed坚持门窗封锁Shut down monitors when leaving PC/close windows.分开时关掉电脑及显示器Protect the PCs with passwords/automatic locking 电脑用密码维护Make sure you follow a clear desk policy一定要确保桌面整洁清场,最好不要放文件Dont use sticky notes (post-its) 不要运用便利贴Dont record information on informal area.不要在非正式记录的地方记录信


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