1、口语比赛演讲稿2篇本文目录口语比赛演讲稿英语口语比赛演讲稿theperson i admire the most has to be yang li.since he was young, he was very quiet, afraid to speakhe was eve n too scared to an swer the phone. he failed the same en glish exam many times. he was n ever sp ecially trained in english at all. however, after intense pract
2、ice he fin ally become a famous en glish radio p rese nter, bi-li ngual tv host as well as a brillia nt tran slator and the ' en glish seed ing machi ne'.his exce pti onal sp eech has sp readed all over theworld. he received many awards from the film " crazyenglish" made by西安电影制片厂摄
3、制 .chinese people all over the world regard him as the somebody the nation should be proud of.in XX, he was voted first p lace in the top 10 youngin flue ntial people of the country.he once said that i am not afraid of humiliati ngbut i enjoy it.'i was not a con fide nt person, i worry aboutever
4、yth ing i do and because of this i lost manyopportun ities to elevate my personal value.good eve ning every one! hello ladies and gen tleme n!it's my great honor to sta nd here. as you know, there isa kind of beauty, it can make the person surprise, it makethe person enjoy in retros pect. it is
5、gorgeous andsp ectacular. there is a kind of beauty, it brings theintense emotion to life. it brings the sweet to life.thiskind of beauty is the beauty of harm onio us. well, this ismy today's top ic:a harm onious campus.harm onio us, is one of the most popu lar words in thesociety at the p rese
6、 nt time. now our gover nments areadvocati ng build ing harm onious society. but what isharm onio us? i looked it up in the dicti on ary.it saysa -inagreeme nt, free from ill feeli ng.in some schools, there are a lot of p roblems. forinstanee,teachers do not have patienee with students,someever shou
7、t at them. students fall in sleep during the class.p lay trua nt is wides pread. cutter Ian guages are ofte nheard.camp us, which is of course one part of the p roject,plays an essential role in the society. if we want to builda harm onious society, first we should build a harm oniouscamp us, and ge
8、t rid of those p roblems.to a harm onious school, the surro unding is veryimp orta nt.on our camp us, coc onut trees growed line on the road. the gree n grais the always fine spring day. the various flowers and trees are the beautiful sce nery, the green outside the classroom show its grave to the s
9、tudents.whe n the stude nts are walki ng around the camp us, their bodies and minds are p leasa nt.if we think of the harmonious campus as a tree, thenthe harm onious en vir onment is the leaves of the tree. the good huma n relatio n of campus is the root.only the campus with good humanrelationships
10、can becalled a harm onious campus.a harm onious campus has a harm onious relati onshipbetween teachers and students. teacher, which is the person who teaches you kno wledge, should be respect by us. we should cherish teachers' p ays, res pect their works. thus we can create a harm onious study a
11、tmos phere.a harm onious campus also n eeds a good relati onshipamongstudents. we should help those who have problems, and get along with them. thus to create a harm onious social relatio nship.bring hope to the help less ness, bring po wer to theyoung, bring light to the bli nd, and bring con fide
12、nee to the weak. our campus is a harm onious camp us: it is a family of us all.晚上好!您好,女士们、先生们!这是我的荣幸站在这里。正如你所知道的,有一种美丽,它能让人吃惊的是,它让人回味。真是华丽壮观。有一种美丽,但同时也带来了强烈的情感生活。它所带来的甜蜜的生活。这种美是美丽的和-谐。好,这是我今天的话题:和-谐校园。和-谐,是一种最流行的词在社会现状。现在我们的政府倡导建设和-谐社会。英语口语比赛演讲稿口语比赛演讲稿(2)|返回目录teachers & friends.of InternationalG
13、ood after noon,hono rable judges, dearI'm Lai Senhan from the UniversityBusin ess & Econo mics. Do you know what date is it today?Today is the Olympic Date. I'm so glad to stand here today to share my idea about Beijing Olympic Gamestogether with you all. The title of my sp eech is: what
14、 can we do forBeiji ng Olym pic Games?First of all, let me tell you a story that happened2 years ago. At the end of August, , when I decided to come to Beijing for study, my friends hel* * *rewell Party for me. They said: after your graduati on, you should look for a job in Beiji ng, and the n in ,
15、we shall go to visit you duri ng the Oly mp ic Games. I laughed and an swered: OK, no p roblem!Time flied and 2 years p assed. Now I am a graduate.My teachers and classmates always ask me: what's your plan after your graduati on? Go back home, stay in Beiji ng, or go to some other p laces? And I
16、 always an swer: I will stay in Beijing. I make this decision not because of my promise to my friends 2 years ago, but because: rve fallen in lovewith Beijing!rm eager to welcome the coming Olympic Games together with my fellow coun tryme n, and I wish I could do someth ing for the Oly mp ics &
17、for the city.As we know, Beijing will host the 29th SummerOlympicare thi nking:Games in . As a Chin ese, I thi nk many people what we can do for Beiji ng Olym pic Games. Most of us arenot athletes,wecannot take part in competitions directly;we are not officials either, we don't n eed to do the p
18、reparatory work. Weare only ordinary people, what we can do!There are still so manythings we can do! For example,for me, I am a graduate majori ng Busin ess En glish. As far as I am concern ed, I will kee p on lear ning En glish hard,and apply for being a volunteer.I will use English to serve the Games together with other volun teers. And also, as a bus in essma n at that time, I will avail myself of the great commercial opportun ities that the Olymp ics brings to us, make more efforts to offer my con tributi on to the growth of our n ati onal economy.And for all of us, with the goal to
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