已阅读5页,还剩8页未读 继续免费阅读




1、C语言错误代码及错误信息错误释义error 1: Out of memory 内存溢出error 2: Ide ntifier exp ected 缺标识符error 3: Unknown ide ntifier未定义的标识符error 4: D up licate ide ntifier重复定义的标识符error 5: Syn tax error语法错误error 6: Error in real con sta nt实型常量错误error 7: Error in in teger con sta nt整型常量错误error 8: Stri ng con sta nt exceeds lin

2、e 字符串常量超过一行error 10: Un ex pected end of file 文件非正常结束error 11: Li ne too long 行太长error 12: Type ide ntifier ex pected 未定义的类型标识符error 13: Too many open files 打开文件太多error 14: In valid file name无效的文件名error 15: File not found 文件未找到error 16: Disk full 磁盘满error 17: Inv alid comp iler directive无效的编译命令error

3、 18: Too many files 文件太多error 19: Un defi ned type in poin ter def指针定义中未定义类型error 20: Variable ide ntifier exp ected 缺变量标识符error 21: Error in type类型错误error 22: Structure too large 结构类型太长error 23: Set base type out of range 集合基类型越界error 24: File components may not be files or objectsfile 分量不能是文件或对象er

4、ror 25: In valid stri ng len gth 无效的字符串长度error 26: Type mismatch 类型不匹配error 27 : error 27 : In valid subra nge base type 无效的子界基类型error 28 : Lower bound greater than upper bound 下界超过上界error 29 : Ordinal type expected 缺有序类型error 30 : Integer constant expected 缺整型常量error 31 : Constant expected 缺常量error

5、 32Integer or real constant expected 缺整型或实型常量error 33P oi nter Type ide ntifier exp ected 缺指针类型标识符error 34In valid fun ctio n result type无效的函数结果类型error 35Label ide ntifier exp ected 缺标号标识符error 36BEGIN expected 缺 BEGINerror 37END expected 缺 ENDerror 38Integer expression expected 缺整型表达式error 39Ordina

6、l expression expected 缺有序类型表达式error 40Boolea n exp ressi on exp ected 缺布尔表达式error 41Operand types do not match 操作数类型不匹配error 42Error in exp ressi on 表达式错误error 43Illegal assignment 非法赋值error 44Field ide ntifier exp ected 缺域标识符error 45Object file too large 目标文件太大error 46Un defi ned external未定义的外部过程与函

7、数error 92 :""or "(." Expected 缺“或“(.”error 47Inv alid object file record无效的OBJ文件格式error 48error 49error 50Code segme nt too largeData segme nt too largeDO expected 缺 DO代码段太长数据段太长error 51In valid P UBLIC defi ni tion无效的PUBLIC定义error 52In valid EXTRN defin ition无效的EXTRN定义error 53:

8、Too many EXTRN defi niti ons太多的EXTRN定义error 54 : OF expected 缺 OFerror 55 : INTERFACE expected 缺 INTERFACEerror 56 : Invalid relocatable referenee 无效的可重定位弓丨用error 57 : THEN expected 缺 THENerror 58 :TO or DOWNTO expected 缺 TO 或 DOWNTOerror 59 :Un defi ned forward 提前引用未经定义的说明error 61 :In valid typ eca

9、st无效的类型转换error 62 :Division by zero 被零除error 63In valid file type 无效的文件类型error 64Canno t read or write variables of this type不能读写此类型变量error 65Pointer variable expected 缺指针类型变量error 66String variable expected 缺字符串变量error 67String expression expected 缺字符串表达式error 68Circular unit referenee单元 UNIT 部件循环引

10、用error 69Unit name mismatch 单元名不匹配error 70Unit version mismatch 单元版本不匹配error 71In ternal stack overflow内部堆栈溢出error 72Unit file format error单元文件格式错误error 73IMPLEMENTATION expected 缺 IMPLEMENTATIONerror 74Constant and case types do not match 常量和 CASE 类型不匹配error 75Record or object variable exp ected 缺记

11、录或对象变量error 76Constant out of range 常量越界error 77File variable expected 缺文件变量error 78Pointer expression expected 缺指针表达式error 79Integer or real expression expected 缺整型或实型表达式error 80Label not within curre nt block标号不在当前块内error 81Label already defi ned 标号已定义error 82Un defi ned label in p recedi ng state

12、me nt part 在前面未定义标号error 83In valid argume nt 无效的 参数error 84UNIT expected 缺 UNITerror 85: "" expected 缺 ;error 86 :":"exp ectederror 87 :","exp ectederror 88 :"("exp ectederror 89 :")"exp ectederror 90 :"="exp ectederror 91 :":="e

13、xp ected缺“:=”error 93: "" or ".)" expected缺”或 “)”error 94 :"." expected 缺“.”error 95:"." expected 缺 “.”error 96 :Too many variables 变量太多error 97 :In valid FOR con trol variable无效的 FOR 循环控制变量error 98 :Integer variable expected 缺整型变量error 99 :类型Files and procedu

14、re types are not allowed here 该处不允许文件和过程error 100Stri ng len gth mismatch 字符串长度不匹配error 101Inv alid orderi ng of fields无效域顺序error 102String constant expected 缺字符串常量error 103In teger or real variable exp ected 缺整型或实型变量error 104Ordi nal variable exp ected 缺有序类型变量error 105INLINE error INLINE 错误error 10

15、6Character expression expected 缺字符表达式error 107Too many relocation items 重定位项太多error 108error 112Overflow in arithmetic op erati onCASE con sta nt out of ra nge CASE算术运算溢出常量越界error 113Error in stateme nt 表达式错误error 114Cannot call an in terr upt p rocedure不能调用中断过程error 116Must be in 8087 mode to com p

16、ile this 必须在 8087模式编译error 117Target address not found 找不至U目标地址error 118Include files are not allowed here 该处不允许 INCLUDE 文件error 119No inherited methods are accessible here 该处继承方法不可访问error 121In valid qualifier 无效的限定符error 122Inv alid variable refere nee 无效的变量引用error 123Too many symbols 符号太多error 12

17、4Statement part too large 语句体太长error 126Files must be var parameters 文件必须是变量形参error 127Too many conditional symbols 条件符号太多error 128Misp laced con diti onal directive条件指令错位error 129 :ENDIF directive missing 缺 ENDIF 指令error 158 : Inv alid register comb in ati on无效寄存器组合error 130 :Error in in itial con

18、diti onal defi nes初始条件定义错误error 131 :不匹配Header does not match p revious defi niti on 和前面定义的过程或函数error 133Cannot evaluate this expression 不能计算该表达式error 134Exp ressi on in correctly termi nated表达式错误结束error 135Inv alid format sp ecifier无效格式说明符error 136Inv alid in direct refere nee无效的间接弓丨用error 137Struc

19、tured variables are not allowed here该处不允许结构变量error 138Cannot evaluate without System unit 没有 System 单元不能计算error 139Cannot access this symbol 不能存取符号error 140Inv alid floati ng point op erati on无效的符号运算error 141Cannot comp ile overlays to memory 不能编译覆盖模块至内存error 142P oi nter or p rocedural variable exp

20、 ected缺指针或过程变量error 143Inv alid p rocedure or fun ctio n refere nee无效的过程或函数调用error 144Cannot overlay this unit 不能覆盖该单元error 146File access denied 不允许文件访问error 147Object type expected 缺对象类型error 148Local object types are not allowed 不允许局部对象类型error 149VIRTUAL expected 缺 VIRTUALerror 150: Method ide nt

21、ifier ex pected缺方法标识符error 151 :Virtual con structors are not allowed不允许虚构造函数error 152 :Con structor ide ntifier exp ected缺构造函数标识符error 153 :Destructor ide ntifier exp ected 缺析构函数标识符error 154 :准过程Fail oniy allowed within constructors只能在构造函数内使用 Fail 标error 155 :合Inv alid comb in ati on of op code and

22、 operands操作数与操作符无效组error 156 :Memory referenee expected 缺内存弓丨用指针error 157 : Cannot add or subtract relocatable symbols 不能加减可重定位符号error159 :286/287 instructions are not enabled 未激活 286/287指令error160 :Inv alid symbol refere nee 无效符号指针error161 :Code generation error 代码生成错误error162 : ASM expected 缺 ASMe

23、rror166 : Procedure or function identifier expected缺过程或函数标识符error167 : Cannot export this symbol 不能输出该符号error168 : DupIicate export name 外部文件名重复error169 : Executable file header toerror170 : Too many segments 段太多fatal error C1004: unexpected end of file found 未找到文件末尾(可能是括号 匹配问 题) fatal error C1021:

24、in valid prep rocessor comma nd '1n clude' 无效 的编译预处理命令 '1n clude' fatal error C1083: Ca nnot open in clude file: 'stdi.h': No such file or directory不能打开头文件'stdi.h',文件或文件夹不存在error C2101: '&' on con sta nt不能 计算常 量的地 址 error C2059: syn tax error : 'while&

25、#39;在 'while' 附近, 存在 语法错误 error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'x' 标识符 x 的附近,存在语法错 误 error C2065: 'i' : undeclared identifier 变量 i 未定义 error C2078: too many initializers 数组 / 结构等变量初始化时的数据太多error C2087: '<U nknown' : miss ing subscri pt 丢失数组下error C2106: '=

26、9; : left operand must be l-value '='的左侧应当是左值,即不能是常 error C2115: '=' : incomp atible types '=' 两error C2133: 'a' : unknown size a( 可 能是;。error C2137: empty character con sta nterror C2143: syn tax error : miss ing '' beforeerror C2146: syn tax error : miss ing

27、 ')' before ide ntifier '.error C2181: illegal else without match ing if elseerror C2198: 'printf : too few actual p arameters 'printferror C2223: left of '->x' must poi nt to struct/u nio n '->x'的左侧应是结构类型变量或联合类型变量error C2224: left of '.x' must have

28、struct/union type '.x'的左侧应是结构类型变量或联合 类型变量 error C2371: 'f1' : redefinition; different basic types函数'f1'的接口被重定义,参数类型或返回值类型不一致warning C4101: 'x' : unrefereneed local variable 'x'是一个从未被使用的局部变量warning C4013: 'fi' undefined; assuming extern returning int 函数'fi'未定义,假设其是外部函数,返回值类型是 int warning C4020: 'fun' : too many actual parameters 调用fun'函数时,有太多的实参warning C4033: 'f3&


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