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1、 中文3220字本科毕业设计(论文) 外文翻译Research on the Present Situation and Measures for Sustainable Development of China EcotourismZOU Xiaoling School of Economic Management Henan Polytechnic University jiaozuoHenna,P.R.China,454000 rudz-xl163ComAbstract:As an inevitable trend of the sustainable development of to

2、urism, Eco-tourism has become a mainstream of international tourism in the 2l the century, but a lot of problems still exist in the growth of Chinas Eco-tourismThis paper firstly explains the connotation of Eco-tourism and then analyzes the main problems of it at present in China from four aspectsBa

3、sed on the series of problems in Eco-tourism reality, developing and operating modes suitable for the Eco-tourism in China is lastly put forwardKeywords:Eco-tourism;Sustainable development;Natural Surroundings; Countermeasures1 InstructionEco-tourism is a new type of traveling which thrives rapidly

4、and has become the focus in the tourist circleAs sustainable tourism, eco-tourism is considered as the top and inevitable choice in the realization of sustainable development of tourism and therefore draws rich worldwide attention and obtains rapid growth, which makes it the mainstream of internatio

5、nal tourism in the 21 the centuryHowever, in the course of its development, a lot of problems still need further probing to realize sustainable development2 Connotation of Eco-tourismEco-tourism is a thoroughly new type of traveling which comes into being and is advocated due to the influence that t

6、raveling has on the environmentThe concept of earlier eco-tourism refers to the idea of "returning to nature”and“going back to plainness”in tourism, which stresses the exploitation of natural sightings in tourism developmentIn recent years,Eco-tourism is defined by International Eco-tourism Soc

7、iety as traveling with double responsibilities of reserving natural environment and the life of local peoplewhat the Eco-tourism stresses is the protection of natural sightings,and it can be called sustainable travelingFrangialli, General Secretary of World Tourism Organization of UN,pointed out in

8、the world Eco-tourism summit,“Eco-tourism and its sustainable development bear imminent tasks in three aspects:economically,stimulate the economy and cut down the number of the poor;socially, create jobs for the vulnerable groups;environmentally, provide necessary financial report for the protection

9、 of natural and cultural resourcesAll those involved in Eco-tourism should work with joint effort for the realization of the three objectives”Eco-tourism has a lot in common with sustainable development, to be specificthe objective of the former is to realize the latter3 Problems with the eco-touris

10、m in ChinaChina has favorable conditions for eco-tourism development:first, it has a great number of potential travelers。and the demand for eco-tourism is on the increase with the awakening of peoples ecological awareness;secondly, it possesses rich eco-tourism resources. The results obtained by Chi

11、na National Committee of Man and Biosphere(MAB)of UNESCO in its investigation in more than 100 nature reserves of provincial or higher levels indicate that 82 of the reserves have been in the formal business of tourism, and 12 of the reserves has more than 100,000 travelers annuallyEco-tourism in th

12、e nature reserves in China is now in the ascendant with the annual travelers close to 25 millions and the annual income approximating 520 millions YuanSome of the reserves are playing the leading role in stimulating the local tourismDue to the short history of the tourism development in China, peopl

13、e still lack scientific understanding of the relation between traveling and environmentand the eco-tourism development is still in its infancyStresses are put on traveling in nature and exploiting traveling resources,while the influence on environment and damage on resources that traveling itself ha

14、s are ignoredActually, tourism development has brought serious pollution to the environment and triggered a series of problem in reality, about which a lot of experts and scholars are concernedProblems in ecological tourism development are analyzed in four main aspects from the perspective of the ob

15、jectives to be achieved in ecological tourism4 Explore a sustainable development of eco-tourismTo have a sustainable development, the eco-tourism should be in harmony with nature without being at the cost of the environmentThere should be a proper pace of development, a limited number of tourists pe

16、rmitted and stronger environmental awareness Otherwise, too many tourists will bring overburden to the spots and destroy the surroundings indispensable for eco-tourismAccordingly, the sustainable development of eco-tourism will not be accomplishedBased on the serious of problems in eco-tourism, we s

17、hould focus on establishing developing and operating modes suitable for the eco-tourism in China and on correcting the inappropriate practice in its development41 Strengthen legislation on eco-tourism, environmental management and scientific planLegislation should be strengthened since vulnerable ar

18、eas in ecological system are involved in eco-tourism zoneIt is an emergency to set up laws and regulations on eco-tourism development and supervision based on the existing laws of nature reserves and forest parksTaking nature reserves as an example,the surrounding management related to eco-tourism s

19、hould be operated on different stagesThere are different focuses on different stages in aspects of surrounding management in project initiation stage and construction stage,in ecological monitoring and post-evaluation after the business startsIn eco-tourism projecting,a team professional in ecologic

20、al projecting can guarantee a good program, and voices from different interest groups should be listened and coordinated。Meanwhile,as a special program, the eco-tourism project should subordinate to the general planning of the reserves or forest parksBefore projecting, a serious of tasks should be f

21、inishedFeasibility should be studied and traveling resource value and its market potential and the effect of tourist development on surroundings should be investigated and assessedThen projects of various kinds consistent with the eco-tourism objective should be designed, such as the land using proj

22、ect, sight project, water resource and energy project and environmental protection project, etc4.2 Establish a special operating mode of enterprise engaged in eco-tourism developing and operatingMultiple objectives should be taken into consideration when developing eco-tourism products. Therefore,en

23、terprises engaged in eco-tourism development and operation should not just chase for direct profit, they should carry on humanistic care in their strategic objective and hold the concept of "green business" in their operation and take it as their brand mark when establishing their image in

24、 the marketGreen business can be achieved through the developing and operating mode by which the eco-tourism enterprises bring the influence on surroundings down to the minimum in their operationFor example, youth hotels and family inns which an less influential on surroundings are applicable for lo

25、dgingTo be green-business restaurants,selling of wild life and plants under protection should be prohibited and services going against the local custom and culture are not provided thereFeasible authorization systems or free-will-based criteria like ecological symbol can be adopted in marketing of e

26、co-tourism enterprisesso as to show to the potential customers their consistence with the sustainable development principle and the reliability of their products and services.4.3 Establish a training system of employees engaged in coo-tourism to make the locals involvedIt is impossible to stimulate

27、the sustainable development of the local economy by exploiting ecological tourist zones if the locals are excluded from the exploitation and managementThe locals are the foundation of eco-tourism development as well as the alternative to improve the local employment and economy, and taking them into

28、 the exploitation and management of it is a key to its success. The high professional standards of ecological exploitation and management requires the establishment of the training system of people engaged in eco-tourism, which is an important bridge of converting the local labor force and a critica

29、l link to get the local truly involvedThe ecological tourist zone training system should be categorized into three levels:firstly, training of administrative staffAdministrative staff includes those from the administrative department in charge of tourist zone surroundings and high-level managerial s

30、taff from the eco-tourism enterprises. The training can take the form of "borrowing external brains" like inviting ecological or tourist experts at regular intervals to give lectures or training classesSecondly is training of common employeesCommon employees are trained in the regulation a

31、nd requirements of eco-tourism zones and operation regulation of the enterprises in the principle of on-the-spot conversionThe training can take the form of studying occupational traveling schools or traveling colleges funded with money got from the eco-tourism profit under the feedback mechanismAnd

32、 also the enterprises can hold on-the-job training to achieve the same goalThirdly, popularize environmental protection knowledge among the localsIt would be more acceptable to the locals if the concept of environment -friendly eco-tourism is combined with local culture and custom in various forms l

33、ike publicity and education windows,broadcasting and television etcThe locals are supposed to participate in the exploitation and management of eco-tourism like lodging reception, special transportation, tourist shopping and other traveling tours with local cultural characteristicsand their opinions

34、 should also be considered in the determination of eco-tourism exploitation4.4 Strengthen tourist management and provide eco-tourism market educationChinas tourists still lack environmental protection awareness at present, which will easily lead to the damage of ecological system and requires strict

35、 tourist managementThe management can be done in the following three aspects:Firstly, guide tourists by economic means like tickets and technical means like route planning and separated area planning in accordance with the environment bearing capability of the scenic spots to realize rational alloca

36、tion of time and space and achieve the goal of not destroying the internal ecological system of the scenic spotsSecondly, give tourists environment education by using showcases,video,posters,books,pamphlets and tourist guide interpreting system in the scenic spotsInform the tourists of the regulatio

37、n they have to obey clearly before the tour startsIt would be effective to educate and influence the tourists with the doings of the eco-tourism enterprise working staff and the environmental protection atmosphere in the surrounding communitiesThirdly, law, regulation and systems should be set up in

38、 eco-tourism scenic spots to restrict tourists and avoid negative effects on the surroundingsThe implementation of the above measures can foster responsible tourists and serves as a market education means of eco-tourismIt will necessarily accelerate the rising and maturity of the eco-tourism market

39、in China4.5 Set up supplementary systems under the plan and guidance of ecological and traveling expertsEco-tourism demands developing and operating professionals and strong scientific supportIt is unrealistic for traveling enterprises to supply for a large number of researchersAs a professional tra

40、veling type,on the one hand, eco-tourism should get technical innovation with the progress of environmental protection industry and apply its newest technology to the production;on the other hand, to minimize the influence traveling has on ecology, they have to undertake regular test, research and c

41、omparison of environmentAdditionally, eco-tourism research agencies are not qualified for the long-term management in the spotsTherefore,it is quite necessary to establish supplementary systems under the plan and guidance of ecological and traveling expertsAs far as specific practice is concerned,fi

42、rsteco-tourism spots should establish friendly relation with research agencies whose experts the spots invite as their consultants or they set up think tank to provide guidance and consultationThe experts or think tank make suggestion for the development of eco-tourism at the early stage of projecti

43、ng and exploitation, provide environment reports for the administrative departments in charge of the spots regularly, and give proposals to rectify the actual deviationsSecond, strengthen the communication between eco-tourism administrative departments and research agenciesEstablish mechanism of coo

44、peration between eco-tourism administrative departments and research agencies to strengthen innovative research of eco-tourism theories,promote technical and administrative innovation of eco-tourism and set down scientific regulation and technical standards of eco-tourismThrough cooperation in the t

45、wo aspects,research results of eco-tourism will be fully applied and a large number of experts and scholars be involved in the supplementary systems5 ConclusionAs a new economic growth point,eco-tourism promotes the development of tourism and helps enhance the local economic growth and gains support

46、 from governments of different levels. What must be done at present is to establish legal and regulation systems of eco-tourism to make all the work concerned with it legalized to achieve the goal of legal establishment, legal operation and legal managementTo the projects which dont follow the requi

47、rement and damage the natural scenery resources,there should be rectification to lead them to the healthy developing wayFor the reason that China is still a toddler in eco-tourism and the theory and practice is at the exploring stage,the sustainable development of eco-tourism is a complicated and sy

48、stematic project which has a long way to goIn the process of implementation, we should use foreign advanced experiences for reference and have worldwide exchange to seek international cooperation and aid based on our national situation and the principle of Self-relianceBy forging ahead with the deve

49、lopmental spirit call we achieve ecological protection and its permanent utility and the sustainable development of ecological tourism二、翻译文章中国生态旅游可持续发展的现状和措施的研究邹晓玲河南焦作理工大学 经济管理干部学院 邮编:454000 rudz-xl摘要:作为一种旅游业可持续发展的必然趋势,生态旅游已成为21世纪国际旅游的主流,但是,日益增长中的中国生态旅游存在着很多问题。本文首先解释了生态旅游的基本内涵,然后从四个方面分析中国生态旅游发展现状中存在

50、的主要问题。基于发展生态旅游存在一系列问题的现实,在文章的最后提出了适合中国生态旅游的开发和经营模式。关键词:生态旅游,可持续发展,自然环境,对策1 引言生态旅游作为一种新型的发展迅速的旅游方式已成为旅游圈的焦点。生态旅游作为可持续旅游被认为是在实现旅游业可持续发展的必然选择,吸引全世界的关注并获得快速增长,这使得它成为21世纪国际旅游的主流,然而在其发展过程中很多问题还需要进一步探索,以实现可持续发展。2 生态旅游的内涵生态旅游作为一种彻底的新型的旅游方式出现,对环境产生了一些影响。早期生态旅游的概念指的是“回归自然”、“回归朴实”,其中强调在旅游发展中开发自然风景。近年来,国际生态旅游协会

51、定义生态旅游为具有保留自然环境和当地居民生活的双重责任。生态旅游注重自然的保护,也可以叫做可持续旅游。联合国世界旅游组织秘书长弗朗加利,在世界生态旅游峰会上指出:“生态旅游与可持续发展承担三个方面的任务:经济,刺激经济和减少贫困人口数量。社会,为弱势群体创造就业机会;环境,为天然和文化资源的保护提供必要的财政报告。所有关联到生态旅游的元素应与参与工作的三个目标共同实现。” 生态旅游与可持续发展具有很多共同点,前者是细节,目标是实现后者。3 中国生态旅游的问题中国具有生态旅游发展的有利条件:首先,它有大量潜在的旅客。并且生态旅游的需求与生态觉悟日渐加强; 其次,它拥有丰富的生态旅游资源。人与生物




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