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1、Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Developments in China快速公交系统在中国的发展何东全 刘岱宗 宇恒可持续交通研究中心威廉与佛罗拉.休立特基金会 暨 能源基金会支持He Dongquan Liu DaizongChina Sustainable Transportation Center Supported by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and the Energy FoundationChina Planning Network 1st Urban Transportation Congress Au

2、gust 3, 2007, BeijingVisit us at 2007 Copyright China Sustainable Transportation Center (CSTC) About Us 关于我们tThe China Sustainable Transportation Center is a non-governmental, non-profit organization founded and supported by The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and The Ener

3、gy Foundation. 宇恒可持续交通研究中心(CSTC)是一个民间非营利组织,由威廉与佛洛拉.休利特基金会与美国能源基金会提供支持。tOur Mission is “To help Chinas cities design and implement sustainable, multi-modal urban transportation systems, particularly bus rapid transit.” 宇恒可持续交通研究中心的宗旨是:帮助国内城市设计和实施可持续的、多元模式的城市交通系统,特别是快速公交(BRT)系统。tCSTC are working in Be

4、ijing, Kunming, Hangzhou, Jinan, Xian,Shenzhen and Hefei to help develop and implement BRT systems .目前,宇恒可持续交通研究中心正在北京、昆明、杭州、济南、西安、深圳和合肥等城市开展工作协助发展、设计与实施当地的快速公交系统。 tPlease visit us at 请访问我们的网址 2007 Copyright China Sustainable Transportation Center (CSTC) Overview Overview 概要概要t

5、BackgroundBackground背景背景tProblems of Urban Transport Problems of Urban Transport 城市交通的问题城市交通的问题tWhy BRT Why BRT 为什么选择快速公交为什么选择快速公交 tBRT Systems in China BRT Systems in China 中国快速公交系统中国快速公交系统tSummarySummary 总结总结tAbout UsAbout Us 关于我们关于我们2007 Copyright China Sustainable Transportation Center (CSTC) So

6、urce: Tsinghua University, State Council DRC010020030040050060019952000200520102015202020252030U.S. Current Level 美国当前水平High Growth Scenario (12%/year)Low Growth Scenario (8.8%/year)Vehicle Ownership (millions)Background Background 背景背景Motorization 城市机动化城市机动化2007 Copyright China Sustainable Transpor

7、tation Center (CSTC) Source: IEAMillion barrels per day (mbd)Oil Use in China中国原油消耗By 2020, China will import 76.9% of its oil demandtEnergy Issue Energy Issue 能源问题能源问题Background Background 背景背景2007 Copyright China Sustainable Transportation Center (CSTC) tSevere Traffic Congestion 严重的交通拥堵Background

8、 Background 背景背景2007 Copyright China Sustainable Transportation Center (CSTC) tPublic Transit shrink 公交系统萎缩nShare of Public Transit decreased 公交出行分担率下降nLow Operation Speed 公交运营速度低nLow Service level 公交服务水平低Passengers Trip rate of Shanghai 上海出行分担比率0%5%10%15%20%25%30%35%40%45%19902000YearPercentageBy B

9、us公交出行By Car 小汽车出行Background Background 背景背景2007 Copyright China Sustainable Transportation Center (CSTC) Background Background 背景背景空气污染空气污染 Serious Air Pollutions2007 Copyright China Sustainable Transportation Center (CSTC) Background Background 背景背景空气污染空气污染 Serious Air Pollutions2007 Copyright Chi

10、na Sustainable Transportation Center (CSTC) tCO2 Reducing Crisis 二氧化碳污染日益严重Background Background 背景背景03006009001200150018002000200520102015202020252030 CO2 Emissions (million metric tons)Kyoto Target2007 Copyright China Sustainable Transportation Center (CSTC) t专用的路权t改良型的公交车辆t设施齐备的车站t多样化线路 与城市用地的紧密结

11、合与城市用地的紧密结合 功能齐全的配套设施功能齐全的配套设施 合理的票价体系合理的票价体系 完善的管理机构完善的管理机构快速公交系统快速公交系统是利用改良型的公交是利用改良型的公交车辆,运营在专用道路空间上,保车辆,运营在专用道路空间上,保持轨道交通运营特性且具备普通公持轨道交通运营特性且具备普通公交灵活性的一种快捷的公共交通方交灵活性的一种快捷的公共交通方式式Why BRT in ChinaWhy BRT in China为什么选择快速公交为什么选择快速公交2007 Copyright China Sustainable Transportation Center (CSTC) Why BR

12、T in China为什么选择快速公交集约化的土地利用模式集约化的土地利用模式Intensive land UseLow Environmental Impacts低污染低污染2007 Copyright China Sustainable Transportation Center (CSTC) Why BRT 为什么选择快速公交tEnhance the efficiency of urban resources usage Enhance the efficiency of urban resources usage t高效的城市交通资源利用高效的城市交通资源利用tImprove the

13、quality of public transit Improve the quality of public transit 提升公交服务水平提升公交服务水平tIncrease the share of public transit tripsIncrease the share of public transit trips增加公交出行比例增加公交出行比例tAttract private transportation to public transitAttract private transportation to public transit吸引小汽车出行吸引小汽车出行tSocial

14、equitySocial equity推动社会公平推动社会公平2007 Copyright China Sustainable Transportation Center (CSTC) BRT Development in China 中国的快速公交系统广州广州成都成都重庆重庆西安西安大连大连沈阳沈阳济南济南天津天津石家庄石家庄苏州苏州常州常州上海上海杭州杭州福州福州厦门厦门深圳深圳南宁南宁北京北京太原太原2007 Copyright China Sustainable Transportation Center (CSTC) Beijing BRT 北京快速公交 (Source: Beiji

15、ng BRT Company, 2006)tSouthern Axis BRT Line 1 Southern Axis BRT Line 1 南中轴快速公交南中轴快速公交1 1号线号线nOpened Dec 30, 2005 2Opened Dec 30, 2005 220052005年年1212月月3030日投入运营日投入运营n18 month implementation18 month implementation1818个月的建设期个月的建设期nNew Operation CompanyNew Operation Company新的运营公司新的运营公司nLow Investment

16、US$ 4million/km Low Investment US$ 4million/km infrastructureinfrastructure低投资低投资- -每公里造价每公里造价30003000万人民币万人民币n13.6km exclusive Center busway and 13.6km exclusive Center busway and 19 stations 13.619 stations 13.6公里中央硬隔离公公里中央硬隔离公交专用道,共设站台交专用道,共设站台1919座座nNew 18m articulated vehicles, low New 18m arti

17、culated vehicles, low floor and use diesel floor and use diesel 1818米长,低底板柴油铰接车辆米长,低底板柴油铰接车辆2007 Copyright China Sustainable Transportation Center (CSTC) Beijing BRT 北京快速公交 (Source: Beijing BRT Company, 2006)tSouthern Axis BRT Line 1Southern Axis BRT Line 1南中轴快速公交南中轴快速公交1 1号线号线nAverage Daily Boardin

18、g - 90,000 Average Daily Boarding - 90,000 (Highest to 200,000+)(Highest to 200,000+) 平均日乘客平均日乘客 9 9万人次万人次 (最高日超(最高日超2020万人次)万人次)nOperation Speed 22km/h in peak Operation Speed 22km/h in peak hour and 26km/h off peak hour and 26km/h off peak 运营速运营速度度 高峰高峰2222公里公里/ /小时,平峰速度小时,平峰速度2626公里公里/ /小时小时nReli

19、able Services 90% on schedule Reliable Services 90% on schedule 可靠的服务可靠的服务 约约90%90%车辆准点抵达车辆准点抵达nLevel Boarding, Off-board fare Level Boarding, Off-board fare collection collection 水平登降,站台售检票水平登降,站台售检票nFlat Fare: US$0.12 (can be lowed to Flat Fare: US$0.12 (can be lowed to US$0.04 by IC card)US$0.04

20、by IC card)一票制:一票制:1 1元每人次(使用元每人次(使用ICIC卡可卡可打打4 4折)折)2007 Copyright China Sustainable Transportation Center (CSTC) Beijing BRT 北京快速公交 (Source: Beijing BRT Company, 2006)tSouthern Axis BRT Line 1南中轴快速公交1号线nFrequency of service on peak is 1 min headway (2-3min off-peak) 高峰的发车频率约为1分钟(平峰为2-3分钟)nTransit

21、Signal Priority 公交信号优先nAdvanced Scheduling Dispatch System, Automatic Vehicle Location, Passenger Information and video monitoring先进的发车系统、车辆定位系统、乘客信息与可视监控系统nIntegration with other mode Metro, Normal Bus Services and Pedestrians与其它出行方式的整合:地铁、普通公交、行人2007 Copyright China Sustainable Transportation Cent

22、er (CSTC) Image Courtesy of Beijing BRT Company Beijing BRT 北京快速公交 (Source: Beijing BRT Company, 2006)tFuture Plan 未来规划回龙观居住区天通苑居住区亦庄经济开发区黄村CBD中央商务区2007 Copyright China Sustainable Transportation Center (CSTC) Jinan BRT Plan 济南快速公交 (Source: Jinan PWD, 2006)tJinan BRT Network Jinan BRT Network 济南快速公交

23、网络济南快速公交网络nBRT Network 快速公交网络nOpening System开放式快速公交系统nBRT as backbone n快速公交系统作为公共主干网络nStart 03/2005, operation 12/ 2007始于05年3月,预计07年12月竣工n2 corridors with 3 routes 2条快速公交走廊,3条线路nGovernment founded 政府投资n15 km center busway, 26.2km routes and 42 station 15公里中央专用道, 线路总长26.2km,共设车站42座(平均站间距640米)Image Co

24、urtesy of Jinan PWD 2007 Copyright China Sustainable Transportation Center (CSTC) Jinan BRT Plan 济南快速公交 (Source: Jinan PWD, 2006)tJinan BRT Network 济南快速公交网络n18m, double side door, articulated vehicles, low floor and use diesel 18米低底板两侧开门铰接柴油车nShort term design capacity 10,000 pdph (20,000 pdph for l

25、ong term) and proposed Operation speed 22km/h 近期设计单向小时通行能力1万人(远期2万人),设计运行速度大于22公里/小时nReliable services 90% on schedule with 2-5 min peak period headway 可靠服务 (90%的车辆准点)高峰小时车头间距2-5分钟nOff-board fare collection and level boarding 站台售检票,水平登降Image Courtesy of Jinan PWD 2007 Copyright China Sustainable Tra

26、nsportation Center (CSTC) Hangzhou BRT 杭州快速公交(Source: Hangzhou Mass Transit Group, 2006)tBRT Line B1 快速公交B1线nOpened April 26, 2006 6年4月26日开始运营n16 month planning and construction 共16个月的规划与建设期nGovernment founded 政府投资n28 km dedicated right lane with minimal physical separation (bus lane width is 3.5m)

27、28公里路侧软隔离3.5米专用道nAverage station distance 1.17km平均站距1.17公里nNew domestic made 18m articulated vehicles, low floor and use diesel18米长,低底板柴油铰接车2007 Copyright China Sustainable Transportation Center (CSTC) Hangzhou BRT 杭州快速公交(Source: Hangzhou Mass Transit Group, 2006)tBRT Line B1 快速公交B1线nAverage daily b

28、oarding - 40,000(Highest to 50,000+) 平均日乘客量4万人次 (最高达5万人次)nOperation speed 25km/h运营速度 25公里/小时nPeak Headway 3min (off-peak 5 min) 高峰车头时距3分钟(平峰5分钟)nOff-board Fare Collection and Level Boarding 站台售检票和水平登乘nFlat Fare: US$0.50 (50% discount by IC Card) 一票制:4块钱每人次 (使用IC卡有5折优惠)nOpening system 开放式系统2007 Copyr

29、ight China Sustainable Transportation Center (CSTC) Hangzhou BRT 杭州快速公交(Source: Hangzhou Mass Transit Group, 2006)tFuture Plan 未来规划Images Courtesy of Hangzhou Mass Transit Group2007 Copyright China Sustainable Transportation Center (CSTC) Others 其它城市tKunming (Spring City) 春城昆明tChengdu (Pandas Hometo

30、wn)熊猫故乡成都tXian (Qin-Soldiers Hometown)秦俑西安tShenzhen (Window of China) 中国新貌深圳Image Courtesy of Cnwest 2007 Copyright China Sustainable Transportation Center (CSTC) Problems and Discussions问题与讨论tEnsure “Prioritizing of Public Transit” Ensure “Prioritizing of Public Transit” 确保确保“ “公交优先公交优先” ”nEnsure “

31、right of way” Ensure “right of way” 路权路权nTerminals and Stations Terminals and Stations 场站用地场站用地nInvestment Investment 投资投资nPreference Policies Preference Policies 政策支持政策支持2007 Copyright China Sustainable Transportation Center (CSTC) Problems and Discussions问题与讨论tEstablish BRT as a Component for Esta

32、blish BRT as a Component for ONE SYSTEMONE SYSTEM 确认确认BRTBRT是公交系统的有机组成部分是公交系统的有机组成部分nPlan and Design BRT with Systematically Plan and Design BRT with Systematically view view 以系统的观念进行设计以系统的观念进行设计 nGuiding the public transit system reformGuiding the public transit system reform 主动推动公交的整体改革,引导普通公主动推动公

33、交的整体改革,引导普通公交线网的优化交线网的优化nIntegrate walking and bicycling, enhance Integrate walking and bicycling, enhance the accessibilities the accessibilities 整合慢行系统,确保良好的可达性整合慢行系统,确保良好的可达性nTOD TOD 整合土地利用,引导城市发展整合土地利用,引导城市发展2007 Copyright China Sustainable Transportation Center (CSTC) Problems and Discussions问题

34、与讨论tInfrastructure, operation, and management go togetherInfrastructure, operation, and management go together 设施规划建设,运营和管理必须同时考虑设施规划建设,运营和管理必须同时考虑nMore than putting devices in somewhere More than putting devices in somewhere 不仅仅是设施不仅仅是设施nMutually impacts Mutually impacts 三者互相影响三者互相影响InfrastructureE

35、xclusive bus lanesTransfer stationsConventional StationsServicesTrunk Services current expressFeeding servicesAuxiliary ServicesInstitutional and operations management Technical management Efficient high capacity operating system Comercial speeds over 20 km/h Eletronic fare colection system Control

36、system New modern buses2007 Copyright China Sustainable Transportation Center (CSTC) Problems and Discussions问题与讨论tMore detailed quantified analysis for decision makingMore detailed quantified analysis for decision making 通过更科学的量化分析进行规划和决策通过更科学的量化分析进行规划和决策nDemand and rideshipDemand and rideship deci

37、de the design decide the design 需求决定体系设计需求决定体系设计nDemand estimation comes from survey, modeling, operation and Demand estimation comes from survey, modeling, operation and management scheme.management scheme. 通过调查,模拟,运营和管理规划确定通过调查,模拟,运营和管理规划确定nOffer options and scenarios Offer options and scenarios Accurate Information-Accurate Information- for - for decision makingdecision making 提供详细的方案提供详细的方案准确的信息准确的信息-必选共决策者决定必选共决策者决定2007 Copyright China Sustainable Transportation Center (CSTC) Problems and Discussions问题与讨论tAddress details 注重细节


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