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1、人教版五年级英语下册第五六单元复习重点五年级的同学已经学习完了人教版五年级英语下册第五六单元的知识,那么同学们应该如何做好复习呢?下面是由的人教版五年级英语下册第五六单元的复习重点,同学们不妨参考一下。基本句型:1. Look at the tiger. It ' s running. ( look at 是固定搭 配,意思是:看)2. 询问别人看到什么:- What do you see?你看见什么了 ? - I see 我看见,3. 询问什么动物正在干什么:What is / are + animal + doing?动物个数是单数时:What is the elephant do

2、ing? 大象在做什么?It is drinking water.它在喝水动物个数是复数时:Whatare the elephants doing? 大象们在做什么?They are drinking water.它们在喝水。4. 描述某种动物在干什么:The- - is / are The panda is sleeping. 熊猫在睡觉。The tworabbits arejumping. 两只兔子在跳。5. What about the baby elephant? 小象呢?6. It is hungry.它饿了。7. That elephant is drinking water wi

3、th its trunk.刃B只大象在用象鼻喝水。8. What a big nature park!( 感叹句)多么大的一个自然公园 啊!Here e two tigers.这里就有两只老虎。老虎真的会游泳10. Can tigers really swim? Yes, they can.吗 ?会。11. They are good climbers.它们是很棒的攀登者。句型转换:1 .肯定句一般疑问句:把 be动词(is/are) / can调到句首, 其他保持不变:The tiger is running. Is the tiger running? (Yes, it ' s.

4、/ No, it isn t. )The pandas are sleeping. Are the pandas sleeping? (Yes, they are. / No,they aren t. )The tiger can swim. Can the tiger swim? (Yes, it can./ No, they can t. )2 .肯定句否定句: 在be动词(am/is/are)、情态动词can后+notThe tiger is running. The tiger isn ' trunning. (isn ' t = is not)The pandas a

5、re sleeping. The pandasaren ' t sleeping. (aren t = are not)The tiger can swim. The tiger can' tswim. (can' t = can not)3 .划线提问:(1) The tiger is running. What is the tiger doing?The tigers are running. What arethe tigers doing?(2) I see five birds. What do you see?(3) I see five birds. H

6、owmany birds do you see?知识延伸:1. 在英语中,当表示妈妈时,无论是人类的妈妈还是动物的妈妈,都可以用she 来指代。如: What is the mother elephant doing? 大象妈妈正在干什么 ?She is walking. 她正在走。2. be动词的用法:我是am你是(他们是/她们是/它们是)are it 跟着他、她、 它单数 is 复数 are基本句型:1,询问某人正在做什么:What + be动词+人物+V-ing.What is Mike doing?He is watching insects.be 动词+人物+V-ing?Are th

7、ey catching butterflies?Yes, they are. / No, they aren t.3. What do ants like to eat? They like sweet food.虫马蚁喜欢吃什么?它们喜欢甜食。That is interesting. 太有趣了。Come and have a look at the ants. 过来看看这些蚂蚁。Do an experiment on me, please. 请用我来做实验。He is in the woods. 他在树林里。Tell him we re leaving. 告诉他我们要离开了。She is r

8、unning to us.她正向我们跑来。10. She is over there.她在那里。I am ing.我来了。知识延伸:1 .表示用什么做实验时,要用on,如:Do an experiment on me, please.2 . It is time to 后面接动词原形,如:It is time to have lunch.到吃午餐的时间了。Itis time for 后面接名词,如: It is time for English class.到英语课时间了。3 .单复数:butterfly butterflies 蝴蝶 leaf leaves 叶子 insect insects

9、 昆虫wood 树木 woods 树林 ant ants 蚂蚁可数名词变复数的变化规则:一般在词尾力口 s,如:books、bags、fruits 、girls 、pens、以th结尾的名词,词尾+s,如:months、mouths、paths以 s、 x、 z、 ch、 sh 结尾的名词力口 es, 如 classes、 boxes、 peaches、 fishes以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,变y为i再+es,如:family-familiesbaby-babi es以元音字母加y 结尾的名词直接在词尾+s,如: boy-boys 、day-days 、toy-toys以辅音+o结尾的名词,词尾+es ,如:tomato-tomatoespotato-potatoes但某些却是+s,如:photo-photos、以元音+o结尾的名词,词尾+s ,如:zoo-zoos、radio-radios 、kangaroo-kangaroos以 f、 fe 结尾的名词变f、 fe 为 ves, 如: wolf- wolves 、life-lives 、 knife-knives 目前已学的不可数名词有:bread 面包 rice


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