



1、精品文档领队英语课程标准课程名称:领队英语总学时数:24学分数:适用专业:旅游管理(涉外)一、概述(一)课程性质领队英语在旅游管理管理专业中,是专业学习领域的一门基础理论课程。该课程是专业必修课,总学分4 分,总学时24 学时。通过该课程的学习,学生将提高在职场中实际运用英语交际的能力,增强对国外领队及涉外旅游常规知识的了解,培养和建立起良好的职业准备和较高的职业素质。(二)课程定位该课程以 “实用英语 ( 1) 、 ( 2) 、 ( 3) ”、 “客源国概况”等课程的学习为基础,平行课程有导游英语、英语听力与口语训练等课程。课程教学旨在拓展学生ESP的应用能力,提高学生的领队服务职业能力。通

2、过该课程的系统学习和实践,促进学生掌握大量实用性较强的英文旅游术语,熟悉国内外丰富的旅游资源, 使学生掌握国外领队工作活动中的知识和技能,能够用丰富的语言从事涉外旅游业务,独立承担涉外旅游筹备、商品展销、观光陪同等活动的工作,为进一步的专业学习、成为适应社会需要的应用型涉外商务工作者打下坚实的基础。通过本课程的学习,学生能运用所学知识从事国外领队的相关工作。(三)课程设计思路该课程是依据海外领队的工作任务与职业能力分析要求进行设计,旨在打破以知识传授为主要特征的传统学科课程模式,转变为以工作任务为中心组织课程内容,并让学生在完成具体项目的过程中学会完成相应工作任务,并构建相关理论知识,发展职业

3、能力。课程内容突出对学生职业能力的训练,理论知识的选取紧紧围绕工作任务完成的需要来进行,同时又充分考虑了高等职业教育对理论知识学习的需要, 并融合了相关职业资格证书对知识、技能和态度的要求。教学内容以涉外旅游工作任务模块为线索来进行。教学过程中,要进行实践实训,充分开发学习资源,给学生提供丰富的实践机会。教学效果评价采取过程评价与结果评价相结合的方式,通过理论与实践相结合,重点评价学生的职业能力。二、课程目标(一)知识目标要 求学生理解海外领队工作的基本原理,运用旅游管理专业英语进行旅游活动的策划、组织、管理和实施。(二)职业技能目标通过本课程的学习,学生应能够掌握海外领队工作过程中常见问题解

4、决的基本理论与方法、涉外旅游常用的英语术语和表达方式,运用旅游管理的基本原理,分析、解释涉外旅游业中常见的行业现象,理论联系实际。(三)职业素质养成目标具有较高的领队理论素养和职业情操,能够灵活运用所学旅游管理知识和专业语言分析、解决工作中遇到的经济问题。三、教学内容和具体标准(一)课程教学目的要求和主要内容Unit 1 At the AirportLesson 1 Check-in at the Airport【目的要求】1. To know how to ask questions about boarding.2. To know how to check in and deal wit

5、h luggage.3. To know how to transit, transfer and board.【主要内容】讲授内容1. The general procedures of boarding.2. The ways of transiting and transferring.自学内容1. Sentence Storage.2. Appendix.Lesson 2 Immigration and Emigration【目的要求】1. To understand the procedures during immigrating and emigrating.2. To mast

6、er the useful words and expressions.3. To deal with typical problems related to immigration and emigration.【主要内容】讲授内容1 . Immigration and Emigration Formalities.2 .Luggage processing in the customs.自学内容1. Sentence Storage.Lesson 3 Dealing with Special Situations目的要求】2. To understand the procedures du

7、ring special situations.3. To master the useful words and expressions.4. To remember practical sentence patterns.【主要内容】讲授内容1. Flight Delayed.2. Boarding Pass Lost.3. Luggage Missing.4. Luggage Misplaced.自学内容1. Sentence Storage.2. Appendix.Unit 2 On the PlaneLesson 4 Showing Care for Sick Tourist目的要求

8、】s health.1. To master the sentence patterns relating to asking questions about one2. To understand the basic skills of providing medical care.【主要内容】讲授内容1. A Tourist Feels Airsick.2. A Tourist Feels Cold.自学内容1. Sentence Storage.2. Appendix.Lesson 5 In-Flight Services目的要求】1. To know how to provide in

9、-flight service.2. To master the practical words and phrases related to in-flight service.3. To know how to deal with typical problems related to in-flight service.【主要内容】讲授内容3 欢迎下载 。精品文档1. Changing Seats.2. Asking for Chinese Newspapers.3. Handling with In-Flight Facilities.自学内容1. Sentence Storage.2

10、. Appendix.Unit 3 At the HotelLesson 6 Hotel Services目的要求】4. To know how to provide hotel service.5. To master the practical words and phrases related to hotel service.6. To know how to deal with typical problems related to hotel service. 【主要内容】讲授内容1. Additional Bed and Daily Items2. Laundry Service

11、.3. Room Service.4. Maintenance Service.5. Depositing Valuables.自学内容1. Sentence Storage.2. Appendix.Lesson 7 Inquiring the Hotel目的要求】1. To know how to provide Inquiring service.2. To master the practical words and phrases related to Inquiring.3. To know how to deal with typical problems related to I

12、nquiring service. 【主要内容】讲授内容1. About Telephone Service.2. About Hotel Facilities and Services.3. About City Tour.4. About the Use of Safe-Deposit Box.5. Booking Tickets for Shows.自学内容1. Sentence Storage.2. Appendix.Unit 4 Communicating at WorkLesson 8 Communicating with Local Guides目的要求】1. To know h

13、ow to communicate with local guides.2. To master the practical words and phrases related to communicating with local guides.3. To know how to deal with typical problems related to communication.【主要内容】讲授内容1. Locating the Local Guide.2. Handing Over the Luggage.3. Talking About the Group.4. Discussing

14、 Tour Itinerary.自学内容1. Sentence Storage.2. Appendix.Lesson 9 Problem Solving目的要求】1. To know how to solve problems of tourists.2. To master the practical words and phrases related to problem solving.3. To know how to deal with typical problems related to guides.【主要内容】讲授内容1. Conveying Tourists Demands

15、.2. Local Guide Not Showing Up.3. Poor Meal Quality.4. When Itinerary Being Changed.自学内容1. Sentence Storage.2. Appendix.5 欢迎下载 。精品文档Lesson 10 Emergencies Processing目的要求】1. To know how to process emergencies.2. To master the practical words and phrases related to emergencies processing.3. To know how

16、 to deal with typical problems emergencies processing.【主要内容】讲授内容1. When Tourists Lost.2. When Passport Lost.3. When Tourists 川.4. Food Poisoning.5. Traffic Accident.自学内容1. Sentence Storage.2. Appendix.Unit 5 Free day ActivitiesLesson 11 Shopping目的要求】1. To know how to shop in other nations.2. To mast

17、er the practical words and phrases related to shopping.3. To know how to deal with typical problems about shopping.【主要内容】讲授内容1. Shopping on the Way to Sightseeing.2. Shopping ate the Duty - Free shop.3. Buying Fruits.4. Inquiry about VAT Refund.自学内容1. Sentence Storage.2. Appendix.四、实施建议(一)教学进度和时间安排L

18、esson 1 Check-in at the Airport2Lesson 2 Immigration and Emigration2Lesson 3 Dealing with Special Situations2Lesson 4 Showing Care for Sick Tourist2Lesson 5 In-Flight Services2Lesson 6 Hotel Services2Lesson 7 Inquiring the Hotel2Lesson 8 Communicating with Local Guides2Lesson 9 Problem Solving2Lesso

19、n 10 Emergencies Processing2Lesson 11 Shopping2Final Exam2合计24(二)教学模式和教学方法1、采用案例教学,着眼于解决实际问题能力的培养。运用大量的典型案例,结合所讲授的内容,有针对性地进行分析讲解,并启发学生积极思考,让学生综合利用所学的知识进行分析, 从而提高学生 分析问题和解决问题的能力; 同时学生在案例讨论与模拟实训的教学环境中,充分调动了学生的学习积极性和主动性,提高了分析实际问题和解决问题的能力。2、采用英汉双语教学,培养学生会展业务英语应用能力。3、使用多媒体教学,图文并茂,声形并兼,提高了教学效果。4、运用启发式教学,引导和调动学生的积极性,让学生学会发现问题、思考问题和解决问题,收效显著。采用课堂讨论,生动活泼,充分调动学生的学习积极性。5、加强实践教学,特别重视课堂的


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