



1、商铺租赁合同THE SHOP RENT CONTRACTBetwee nand出租方(以下简称甲方):身份证号:Owner (Part A ) : ID Card NO.承租方(以下简称乙方): 身份证号:Ren ter( Part B): ID Card NO.根据中华人民共和国合同法及有关规定,为明确双方的权利和义务关系 甲乙双方在平等自愿的原则下经过充分协商,订立本租赁合同。Based on CONTRACT LAW OF PEOPLES REPUBLIC CHINA ” , clear the rights and obligati ons of both parties, un de

2、r the prin ciple of equality, volun tari ness and bee n fully n egotiated, created the rent con tract.第一条租赁内容1. RENT CONTENT1.1 租赁地址:甲方将其位于 的商铺租赁给乙方作商业经营用途。甲方对所出租的商铺具有合法产权、并出示房 产证(或具有出租权的有效证明)、身份证明等文件;乙方也应提供身份证明文 件。双方可复印对方文件备存。所有复印件仅供本次租赁使用,不得挪作它用。1.1 LOCATION: Part B rent the shop located onfrom Pa

3、rt A for commercial bus in ess purposes. The shop is the legal property owned by Part A, and showed the property own ership certificate (or other certificate can prove the Part A have the rights to rent the shop legally), iden tificati ons and other docume nts which n eeded for law; Party B should a

4、lso provide ide ntificati on. The two parties can copy each other docume nts for keep ing. All copies can use for the rent affairs only, and can not be used for any other purpose.1.2 租赁面积:甲方租赁给乙方的商铺建筑面积为 平方米,使用面积为平方米。甲方将该商铺交付乙方使用时,商铺结构及配套设施为:简装修。承租期内乙方在不改变和影响房屋整体结构的前提下,可进行装修装饰、对室内空间进行重新划分;若期满不续租,其装修

5、材料由乙方自行处理,若拆除,其费 用由乙方自理。1.2 AREA: The area of the shop is m2 (SQUARE METERS ), in thisarea, m2 can be used. When Part A put into serviced the shop to Part B,the shop build ing structure and the support ing equipme nts was:SIMPLEDECORATION . During the rent time, Part B have the rights to decorate th

6、e shop and redistrict the space but can not cha nge and in flure nee the build ing structure; Whe n the con tract be expired and do not ren ew, Part B have all rights to handle the decorations, if dismantle the decorations, Part B pay all the cost.第二条租赁期限2. TERM OF CONTRACT2.1 租赁期限:甲乙双方商定,租赁期限自2013年

7、06月01日00: 00起至 2018年05月31日24 : 00止,共60个月。除本协议约定的合同解除和不可抗 力影响导致的合同终止情形外,任何一方不得破坏租赁期限的完整和连续。2.1 CONTRACT PERIOD: After both parties agreed, the term of con tract is: stfrom 00:00 1 June 2013 to 24:00 31th May 2018, totally 60 mon ths. Only the con tract termi nated and the force majeure due to the in

8、flue nee of the con tract to be term inated, either parties can not destroy the integrity and continuity of the con tract.2.2 装修免租期:甲方承诺自交付商铺给乙方的第一个月给乙方做装修,免其租金。即自2013年06月01日起2013年07月01日止。租金从次月开始收 取。2.2 RENTAL-FREE PERIOD: Part A promised to make the first mon th to be RENTAL-FREE PERIOD after the s

9、hop be able to use for Part B. The periodststbe: 1 June 2013 to 1July 2013. The ren tal charge start at n ext mon th.2.3续租:合同期满后,甲方如继续出租该商铺,则同等条件下,乙方可享有优 先承租权。乙方如有意续租,可于合同期满前30天向甲方提出,双方另行协商,订 立新的租赁合同。2.3 CONTRACT EXTENSION:After the con tract be expired, if the shop stillbe able to be rent. Part B h

10、ave the priority right to rent. If Part B have the mind to exte nsion the con tract, can make dema nds to Part A 30 days before thecon tract be expired, after n egotiated, create the new rent con tract.2.4 合同的中止2.4 CONTRACT TERNIMATION2.4.1乙方有如下情形之一时,甲方有权提前中止合同,收回商铺:a, 乙方利用该商铺从事非法活动或损害公共利益的;b, 乙方拖欠租

11、金超过60天的。2.4.1 Un der the follow status of Part B, Part A have the rights to termi nate the con tract, take back the shop:a, Part B use the shop to do the illegal or public-i nterests damag ing activities;b. Part B arrears ren tal more tha n 60 days.2.4.2甲方有如下情形之一时,乙方有权提前中止合同:a, 甲方不能提供商铺或提供商铺不符合条件,严重

12、影响乙方正常使用;b, 甲方未尽房屋修缮义务,严重影响乙方正常使用的。2.4.2 Un der the follow status of Part A, Part B have the rights to term in ate the con tract:a, Part A can not offer the shop or the shop mismatch con diti ons, seriously affect the normal using of Part B;b, Part A does not matter the obligations, seriously affect

13、 the normal use of Part B.第三条 租金及其支付方式和其它费用3. RENTAL, MODE OF PAY MENT AND OTHER CHARGES3.1年租金总额:甲乙双方商定,租赁期内该商铺的年租金为Y (大写:人民币 圆整),合同期限内无浮动。3.1 TOTALOF YEAR RENTAL: After both parties negotiated, the year ren taiis ¥(RMB) duri ng the con tract period,and no fluctuate.3.2租金的支付:租金按年计算,按半年收付。乙方在每半年

14、到期后月份的5日前将下半个年度租金以现金或转帐方式一次交付到甲方(节假日可顺延)。 甲方收款后应提供给乙方有效的收款凭证。3.2 RENTAL PAYMENT: The rentai calculation is ANNUAL RENTAL . Part B pay the ren tai as CASH or BANK TRANSFER to Part A in 5 th of the n ext month after every half year period expired in one time(ca n postp one in holidays). Part have the

15、obligati ons to offer the valid voucher to Part B.3.3首期款的支付:订立本合同后甲方将商铺交付乙方装修时,乙方一次向甲 方交纳相当于租金总额10% (百分之十)共计¥ (大写:人民币 圆整);免租期过后,乙方一次性补交租金支付周期 内的当期房租;3.3 THE MODE OF PAYMENT OF FIRSTINSTALLMENT:When Part A putinto service shop to Part B for decorat ing after this con tract be sig ned. Part Bpay

16、10% of total ren tal in one time, it is:¥(RMB); After RENTAL-FREE PERIOD, Part B paythe remai nder ren tal in this RENTAL PERIOD to Part A in one time;3.4水、电费及其他公用事业费:合同期内,政府对租赁物征收的有关税、费项, 由甲方负责缴交,该商铺的卫生费、电费、水费及经营活动产生的一切费用由乙 方负责,乙方应如期足额缴交上述应缴费用,如因乙方欠费造成向甲方追缴时,甲 方有权向乙方追缴。3.4 WATER,ELECTRIC AND O

17、THER PUBLIC UTILITY CHARGES:Duri ngcon tract period, Part A pay all the tax and charges, etc gover nment reve nuefrom the shop, and Part B pay the clea n, electric, water and all the charges because the bus in ess, Part B have the obligati ons to pay the charges eno ugh and on time, if Part A be dis

18、gorged from other parties cause Part B arrears, Part A have the rights to disgorge from Part B.3.5合同签订时水电表使用情况:水表:吨电表:度合同签订时最近一期水电费缴纳凭据经双方签字确认后以附件形式加入本合 同。3.5 The status of water and electric meters whe n con tract be sig ned:WATER METER:TON(ES)ELECTRIC METER:KWH(S)The copies of the latest water and

19、 electric charged voucher be con firmed and sig ned by both parties the n add into the con tract as ann ex.第四条招牌设置4. SHOP SIGN SETTING甲方同意乙方在符合国家法律、法规、政府规章和规范性文件的前提下,在租赁商铺的室内外安装设置带有其公司标志的招牌等广告装置(例如带照明的透明广告灯箱、立牌和户外广告招牌等),并协助乙方做好跟物业装修申请、施工 以及广告设置的交涉工作。Part A agreed Part B set the shop sig ns and other

20、 advertis ing equipme nts with compa ny logo(such as: illu min ati ng tran spare nt advertis ing lamp box, erect sig ns and outside advertis ing sig ns, etc.) in outside of the shop comply with the state laws, regulations, government regulations and normative documents, and Part A have the obligatio

21、ns to assist Part B to apply to the property man ageme nt compa ny, con structi on and other sig ns sett ing works n eeded n egotiate with other parties.第五条双方的责任和权利5. OBLIGATIONS AND RIGHTS5.1甲方的责任和权利5.1 OBLIGATIONS AND RIGHTS OF PART Aa,甲方应保证所出租的商铺及配套设施在交付乙方使用时完好并能够正 常使用;a, Part A have the obligati

22、 on to issue the shop and support ing equipme nts con diti on is good and can be use no rmally;b,按公共契约负责商铺结构维修和保养,凡遇政府部门要求需对商铺或配 套设施进行改造时,相关费用由甲方负责;b, Part A have the obligati on to repair and maintenance the shop structures, in every case of gover nment requests rec on struct shop or support ing eq

23、uipme nts, Part A pay all the charges;c, 负责协调本地区各有关部门的关系,并为乙方办理营业执照提供有效的 房产证明及相关手续;c, Part A have the obligatio n to coord in ate the relati on ships with all the departme nts in the shop located district, and offer the valid property own ership certificate and other docume nt be relate to Part B ap

24、ply the bus in ess lice nse;d, 不得以任何理由占用乙方所租门面及其附属设施,如门面前面的空地d, Part A can not occupy the shop and equipme nts which the Part B with any reas on, such as the empty land outside of the shop.5.2乙方的责任和权利a,合同有效期内,乙方对所租赁的商铺及配套设施拥有合法使用权;a, Part B have the legal right to use the ren ted shop and support in

25、g equipme nts duri ng the rent period;b, 乙方应遵守国家法律,法规,依法经营;b, Part B have the obligati ons to do bus in ess as the state law, regulati ons;c, 乙方不得在租赁的商铺内贮存危险、违禁物品;c, Part B can not store the dan gers, prohibited goods in the shop;d, 乙方必须依约缴纳租金及其他因经营产生的费用,不得无故拖欠;d, Part B have the obligati ons to pay

26、 ren tal and other charges cause bus in ess on time, can not arrears without reas on;e, 乙方在承租的商铺内需要安装或者使用超过水、电表容量的任何水电设 备,应事前征得甲方同意,并由乙方负责到有关部门办理增容手续,费用由 乙方负担;e, Part B have the obligati on to get the authorizati on from Part A whe n in stall the equipme nts 'value over the limited of the water

27、and electric meters 'value, Part B also have obligation to make the application to the related departme nt and pay all the charges;e, 租赁期满或者解除合同时,所属乙方的财物,均由乙方自行处理,甲方不 得以任何理由进行任何形式的干涉;e, When the con tract be expired or term in ated, all the properties owned by Part B, Part B have the rights to h

28、an dle the properties, Part A can not in terfere with any reas on in any modality;f, 租赁期满或者解除合同时,由甲乙双方共同检查商铺和配套设施,检查无 异议后,商铺交还甲方。如发现有损坏的,则由乙方照价负责赔偿。f, When the con tract be expired or term in ated, both parties n eed check the shop and support ing equipme nts together, after either parties con firme

29、d, Part A take back the shop. If anything be broke n, Part B n eed pay for as market price.第六条出租方和承租方的变更6. PARTIES CHANGE6.1产权人与承租人:合同期内,甲方和乙方中任何一方法定代表人(或产权人) 变更、企业迁址、合并,不影响本合同继续履行。变更、合并后的一方即成为本 合同当然执行人,并承担本合同的内容之权利和义务;6.1 OWNER AND RENTER:Duri ng con tract period, either of both parties 'legal

30、represe ntative(or property owner) be cha nged, compa ny moved or merged, will not in flue nee the con tract continue perform. Anyone fter cha nge, merge be the successor will be the performer, and assume all the rights and obligati ons in the con tract;6.2转租:合同期内,乙方如欲将租赁的商铺转租给第三方时,必须事先征得 甲方同意,并由三方书

31、面确认,取得使用权的第三方成为本合同的当然乙方,继续 履行本合同;6.2 SUBLEASE: Duri ng con tract period, if Part B want sublet the shop to other parties, should consent by Part A and get the writte n con firm, the party who get the using rights, will be the Part B, continue perform this con tract;6.3甲方欲出售房屋,必须在三个月前书面通知乙方,并且要保证租赁期

32、限的完整。6.3 When the Part A want sell the shop, must writte n inform Part B at least3 mon ths before, and must issue the rent period in the con tract.第七条违约及处理7. DEFAULT AND DISPOSE7.1任何一方未能履行本合同规定的条款的,均视为违约;7.1 Either parties can not perform the rules and con diti ons in the con tract, all deemed to be

33、 default;7.2若乙方违约,甲方有权提前解除合同,并无需退还已缴纳的房屋租金;7.2.lf Part B defaulted, Part A have the rights to termi nate the con tract and do not n eed pay back the paid ren tal;7.3若甲方违约,乙方有权提前解除合同,且甲方必须双倍退还乙方已缴纳但 未完成使用期限的全部租金,并赔偿乙方装修费。装修费赔偿标准:若第一年内 违约,赔偿全部装修款(100% ),以实际装修情况计算;若第二年违约。赔偿 装修款的70%,以实际装修情况计算;若第三年违约,赔偿装

34、修款的50%,以实际装修情况计算;7.3 If Part A defaulted, Part B have the rights to termi nate the con tract andPart A must double pay the ren tal Part B had paid, pay for the decorati on cost.stThe decorati on compe nsati on sta ndard is: 1 year, pay for 100% of thenddecorati on cost, count as the actually payme n

35、t;2year, pay for 70% of therddecoratio n cost, count as the actually payme ntt;3year, pay for 50% of thedecoratio n cost, count as the actually payme nt.7.4:违约方逾期向守约方赔付违约金或逾期向守约方赔偿经济损失的,每逾期一天,守约方有权向违约方加收实欠违约金总额1%的滞纳金;7.4 The defaulter who arrears, n eed pay the liquidated damages to opposite party,

36、arrears every 1 day, performer have the rights to charge 1% of the total arrearage;7.5:因不可抗拒的因素引起本合同不能正常履行时,不视为违约,双方互免承担 违约责任。7.5 The force majeure due to the in flue nee of the con tract to be can not con ti nue perform, do not deemed to be default, both parties avoid each other' s obligations.第八条合同生效及纠纷处理8.1:本合同自双方签字加印手印(右手食指)后即生效,具有法律效力;8.1 After sig nature and fin ger prin ted(right in dex fin ger), this con trac


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