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1、员工绩效考核薪资调整发生争执解决方式Employee Performance Pay Dispute ResolutionI.Purpose 目的Company employees have the right to a hearing to review and resolve disputes concerning performance ratings and/or performance pay decisions.针对绩效考核成绩或绩效考核调薪的决定有争议时,公司员工有权要求举 办听证会重新审查争议问题点及寻找解决争议的方法 .Performance pay disputes mus

2、t be resolved by utilizing the Company Performance Pay Dispute Resolution procedure. 绩效考核调薪的决定有争议时,应运用公司绩效考核调薪争议处理程序办理However, disputes alleging discrimination will be processed through the Company Grievance and Appeal policy and procedure.然而 ,如果争议牵涉到歧视问题,则将透过公司抱怨及申诉的政策和程序办理.II.Covered Employees 适用员

3、工All Company employees are covered. 适用公司全体员工 .III.Procedure 作业程序A. Dispute FilingTo file for a review of a performance pay issue, the Company employee must contact the Division of Human Resources within 15 workdays of receiving written notification of the performance appraisal rating and/or performa

4、nce pay decision, and complete an Pay Dispute Resolution Form.A. 争议案件提出 为了提出重审绩效考核调薪争议案,公司员工必须在收到绩效考核成绩 及绩效考核调薪正式通知的 15 天之内向人力资源处递交薪资争议调解申请表。Decisions resulting from the Company Performance Pay Dispute Resolution Procedure are final and cannot be appealed beyond the Company level. 如果经过公司绩效考核调薪争议调解的程

5、序并做出最后决定, 员工不得再向公司以 外的任何单位申诉。B. Notification of Right to Dispute 员工有权申诉争议A Company employee's right to appeal a performance rating is stated on the Company Performance Appraisal and Work Plan form. 公司员工有权针对绩效考核成绩评定提出申诉,有关规定记载于公司绩效考核 和工作计划表格中。Company employees who are eligible for a performance p

6、ay increase must receive notice of appeal rights upon notification of whether or not they will receive an increase and/or when they are advised of the amount of increase they will receive. 符合绩效考核调薪资格的公司员工在确定是否将获得绩效考核调薪及将获得调薪的确切 金额后,如有不满才可提申诉案。1. Dispute Assistant 争议助理Each party in the dispute may el

7、ect to ask a fellow employee of his or her choice to assist or support by accompanying them to any meetings or hearing held in response to the formal Company Performance Pay Dispute.1. 在正式的公司绩效考核调薪争议规定中,争议的任一方都可以要求选择一位同事陪同他 们参加及出席争议相关的会议及听证会。The assistant must be a company employee who has no active

8、 disciplinary action on file and has completed training provided by Human Resources. 该名助理必须是公司员工,没有违反公司的现行纪律在案和接受人力资源部的相关训练。a. The assistant is permitted to serve only in an advisory capacity, not as an advocate or spokesperson for the disputing employee or management. 该名助理是容许提供咨询的工作,但不能做为争议中任何一方的辩护

9、者或代 言人。The dispute assistant may not serve as a witness in the case. 该名助理不能担任本案中的证人 .b. An employee may volunteer to be a dispute assistant no more than twice in a calendaryear.b 公司员工可以自愿要求担任争议助理,但一年不超过两次。The assistant must obtain prior management approval for any time away from work while functioni

10、ng in this capacity. 争议助理必须事先获得主管批准,才能离开工作岗位行使相关职权。c. Management should make every effort to accommodate a request by an employee to serve as a dispute assistant.主管应该协助提出请求的员工做好争议助理的工作。单位主管可以拒绝该员However, if allowing this would interfere with the proper performance of the employee's regular job r

11、esponsibilities, management does have the right to deny this request. 然而,假如该员工担任争议助理会影响到其本身的正常工作职责, 工的请求。Human Resources will provide training for employees volunteering to be dispute assistants.人力资源部将为自愿担任争议助理的员工提供训练 .A list of trained volunteers will be maintained by Human Resources and provided t

12、o the parties in a Company Performance Pay dispute as requested. 争议任何一方申请公司绩效考核调薪争议调解时, 人力资源部会提供曾受过此项训练的员 工名单提供双方做参考。2. Step 1a. Step 1 designee 第一阶相关主管Normally, the supervisor is designated to conduct the Step 1 review. 通常主管先要对申请案做审查 .Where the dispute does not fall within the administrative or dec

13、ision-making authority of the immediate supervisor, or where other factors preclude assignment to the immediate supervisor, the Human Resources Performance Pay Dispute Coordinator shall, within 48 hours of receipt of the dispute, refer the dispute to the lowest level supervisor with administrative o

14、rdecision-making authority.当争议不属于直属主管的行政裁量权及决策权限范围内, 这方面的决策,人力资源部绩效考核调薪争议协调员必须在接到申请书 调解争议的申请表送交有此行政裁量权及决策权限的最低阶层主管审查。或有某些因素妨碍直属主管执行48 小时内将申请The employee must be notified and given the basis for the referral. 提出申诉的员工应该被通知并提供一些基本数据做参考。b. Meeting between Step 1 designee and employee 第一阶相关主管与员工会议The Ste

15、p 1 designee must meet with the employee within 10 workdays of being notified bythe Human Resources Performance Pay Dispute Coordinator that a request for review of aperformance pay issue has been received. 第一阶相关主管应于收到人力资源部绩效考核调薪争议协调员的通知, 工针对绩效考核调薪争议问题举行会议。在十个工作天内与员The purpose of this meeting is to

16、attempt to resolve the dispute at the department or division level. 此会议目的是希望在部门内将绩效考核调薪争议问题解决。c. Notification of Step 1 decision 第一阶相关主管决定通知The Step 1 designee must inform the employee in writing of the decision within 10workdays of the Step 1 meeting. 第一阶相关主管应于上述会议结束后十个工作天内以书面正式通知该员工其决定。This decisi

17、on must be reviewed and approved by the relevant department head prior to being provided to the employee. 这项决定必须先经过部门主管的审查和核准后才能通知该员工。If the employee is still reporting to work, the written decision shall be hand-delivered to him or her. 假如这位员工照常工作,这份书面决定应亲手交给他或她本人。Otherwise, the written decision sh

18、all be sent to the employee's home via overnight or certified mail. 不然的话,这份书面决定应以快递或挂号邮件送达该员工的家。If there is any need to extend the 10 workday deadline , the designee must notify theemployee in writing of the reason for the delay and the date the employee will receive thewritten decision.假如无法在 10

19、 工作日截止时间前提出书面决定, 第一阶相关主管必须以书面通知该员工, 书面决定延迟的理由和员工将会收到书面决定的日期。Copies of all correspondence shall be sent to Human Resources.所有相关来往信件均须送一份副本到人力资源部。d. Satisfaction with Step 1 第一阶段是否满意If the employee is not satisfied with the Step 1 decision, or fails to receive a decision withinthe time frame specified

20、 above, he or she may request to proceed to Step 2. The employeemust notify the Human Resources Performance Pay Dispute Coordinator, in writing,within 10 workdays of receipt of the Step 1 decision that he or she wishes to proceed toStep 2. Failure to request Step 2 by the 10 workday deadline will cl

21、ose the dispute. 假如该员工对第一阶段的决定不满意或他在上述规定的时间内没有收到书面决定, 可以要求进行第二阶段。 该员工必须在收到或没有收到书面决定十天内以书面通知人力资他或她源部绩效考核调薪争议协调员,希望进行第二阶段。如果没有在 出,公司将视此争议结案。10 工作日截止时间内提3. Step 2 第二阶段a. In Step 2, one of the standing Company Grievance and Dispute Panels will hear thedispute.在第二阶段中公司抱怨和争议申诉委员会将针对此争议举办听证会。The Panel cons

22、ists of five members, of which at least two must be non-supervisory personnel. 这个委员会有五个成员,五位中至少二人是非主管阶层的员工 .The Human Resources Performance Pay Dispute Coordinator will set the date and time of the hearing and the employee and management representative will be notified of the date and time of the he

23、aring. 人力资源部绩效考核调薪争议协调员将安排听证会的日期和时间, 主管的代表有关听证会的日期和时间。同时也会通知该员工和b. Request to Proceed to Step 2 进行第二阶段的请求A request to move to Step 2 must include a specific written summary of all relevant documentation and a list of any witnesses who can substantiate the dispute. 请求进行第二阶段的争议协调必须包括所有相关文件明确的书面摘要和能确实证

24、实此争 议的证人。Witness lists must be submitted to the Human Resources Performance Pay Dispute Coordinator at least five workdays prior to the date of the hearing. 证人名单必须在听证会举办五天前送交人力资源部绩效考核调薪争议协调员。如果委员会认为该证人The standing Company Grievance and Dispute Panel has the right to request additional witnesses and

25、may refuse to call any witness whose testimony has no significant bearing on the case. 公司抱怨和争议申诉委员会有权要求增加证人或拒绝呼叫任一证人, 的证词与此案没有重要关连的话。Any request for an exception to the one-week deadline will be considered and decided by the Panel. 如果要求证人名单期限超过一星期,必须由委员会考虑和决定。Neither side will be permitted represent

26、ation by an attorney. 任何一方都不容许由律师代表出席。c. Hearing Proceedings 听证会进行Attendance at an Company Performance Pay Dispute hearing is limited to the Panel, a Human Resources' representative, the employee and his or her dispute assistant, a management representative and a dispute assistant, a Public Safe

27、ty representative, and witnesses (witnesses may only be in the hearing room while testifying).出席公司绩效考核调薪争议听证会的人员限制为委员会委员, 一名人力资源部代表, 该申 诉员工和他的或她的争议助理,主管代表和其争议助理,一名公共安全代表和证人(证人可以只在听证会需要作证时出席 )。A dispute assistant may not ask questions of any hearing participant, or counsel with any hearing participan

28、t during the hearing proceedings. 争议助理不能问任何参与听证会人员问题或在听证会进行中咨商任何参与听证会人员。No person will be required to testify under oath. 没有做作证誓约不得作证。Both parties must be allowed to appear in person before the review panel before a final decision is rendered. 双方必须被允许在委员会做出决定前,亲自出现在审查会议前充分说明。The employee may speak in his/her own behalf.该员工可以为自己说话。No comparative data (i.e. reference to other employees) will be allowed in reviewing an overall performance appraisal rating. 在审查绩效考核评分时不得提及到其他员工的比较数据。Comparative data may be used in reviewing performance pay dec


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