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1、操作步骤1.更换前作系统备份;选择磁带备份操作系统Smit mksysb2.注意查看双机状态,看应用是否跑在备机上(注意:一定确认双机的状态3.4./usr/es/sb in/cluster/ut*/cldu mp查看报错,确认故障盘errpt查看卷组状态test14/#lsvg -l rootvgrootvg:LV NAMETYPELPsPPsPVs LV STATEMOUNT POINThd5bootclosed/s yncdN/Ahd6pagi ng12open/syncdN/Ahd8jfs2logopen/syncdN/Ahd4jfs23060open/syncdhd2jfs21020

2、open/syncd/usrhd9varjfs21020open/syncd/varhd3jfs21020open/syncd/tmphd1jfs2open/syncd/homehd10o ptjfs21020open/syncd/optlg_du mpivsysdu mpclosed/s yncdN/Ap agelv00pagi ng12open/syncdN/Adatelvjfs23060open/syncd/datebeife n看lv是否都处于syncd同步状态5.查看pv状态;test14/#lsvg rootvg alt in st_rootvg convg test14/#lsv

3、g -o convgrootvgtest14/#ls pvhdiskO00c74bc679929a4crootvgactivehdisk100c74bc679bcaa9falt in st_rootvghdisk200c74bc689eefd8cconvgactivehdisk3noneNonehdisk4noneNonehdisk500c74bc6d089a7f2rootvgactivehdisk6noneNonehdisk8noneNonehdisk9noneNonehdisk10noneNonehdisk11noneNonehdisk7noneNone6.确认好了故障盘,将故障盘在 ro

4、otvg里踢出来,本次有故障的是hdisk0.注意这一步:AIX 女0果 Paging swap 禾R dumpdevice 不同,系统不会 mirror dumpdevice,下面是系统正常情况下的dump device的信息:# lsvg -l rootvgrootvg:LV NAMETYPELPs PPs PVs LV STATEalways allow dumpFALSEMOUNT POINTlg_du mpivsysdu mp16161 open/syncdN/A查看dump 设备# sysdu mp dev-查看dump 设备p rimary/dev/lg_du mpIvsec o

5、n dary/dev/sysdu mpn ullcopy directory/var/adm/rasforced copy flagTRUEhd5boot122closed/s yncdN/Ahd6p agi ng2444882open/syncdN/Ahd8jfs2log122open/syncdN/Ahd4jfs28162open/syncd/hd2jfs240802open/syncd/usrhd9varjfs240802open/syncd/varhd3jfs216322open/syncd/tmphd1jfs240802open/syncd/homehd10o ptjfs280160

6、2open/syncd/optdump comp ressi onON查看dump在哪块盘上# Isiv -I lg_du mpivlg_du mp lv:N/APVCOP lESIN BANDDISTRIBUTIONhdiskO016:000:0000%000:000:000:000:016目前dumpdevice只有一个,在hdisk0 上,如果hdisk0 出现故障,系统可以从hdisk1启动,系统运行也不会有问题,只是没有dump device,所以如果需要更换 hdisk0,需要特别注意一些别的问题,具体步骤:1)拆除hdisk0上的镜像:un mirrorvg rootvg hdi

7、sk02)查看 unmirror 后 vg的状态# lsvg -l rootvg rootvg:LV NAMETYPELPsPPsPVsLV STATEMOUNT POINThd5boot1 1 1closed/s yncdN/Ahd6p agi ng2442441open/syncdN/Ahd8jfs2log11 1open/syncdN/A3 )将 hdiskO 在 rootvg里reduce 出来hd4jfs2881open/syncd/hd2jfs240401open/syncd/usrhd9varjfs240401open/syncd/varhd3jfs216161open/sync

8、d/tmphd1jfs240401open/syncd/homehd10o ptjfs280801open/syncd/o ptimp Ivsysdu mp16161closed/s yncdN/Areducevg rootvg hdiskO将会报错:rmlv: Warning, all data bel onging to logical volume lg_du mpiv on p hysical volume hdiskO will be destroyed.rmlv: Do you wish to contin ue? y(es) n(o)? 0516-016 ldelete pv:

9、Cannot delete phy sical volume with allocated p artiti ons. Use either migrate pv to move the p artiti ons or reducevg with the -d op ti on to delete the p artiti ons.0516-884 reducevg: Un able to remove p hysical volume hdisk0.遇到这种情况,我们首先应该修改dump主设备: sysdu mp dev -P -p /dev/sysdu mpn ullp rimary/de

10、v/sysdu mpn ullsec on dary/dev/sysdu mpn ullcopy directory/var/adm/rasforced copy flagTRUEalways allow dumpFALSEdump comp ressi onON然后再将hdiskO在rootvg 中reduce出来smitty reducevg 0516-914 rmlv: Warning, all data bel onging to logical volume缺省删除lg_dumpivlg_dumplv on p hysical volume hdisk0 will be destro

11、yed.rmlv: Do you wish to con ti nue? y(es) n(o)?yrmlv: Logical volume lg_du mpiv is removed.查看 dump device的状态# lsvg -l rootvgrootvg:LV NAMETYPELPsPPsPVs LV STATEMOUNTPOINThd5boot111closed/s yncdN/Ahd6p agi ng2442441open/syncdN/Ahd8jfs2log111open/syncdN/Ahd4jfs2881open/syncd/hd2jfs240401open/syncd/us

12、rhd9varjfs240401open/syncd/varhd3jfs216161open/syncd/tmphd1jfs240401open/syncd/homehd10 optjfs280 80open/syncd/opt7.将hdiskO在rootvg中删除后就可以更换硬盘了:test14/#diagMove cursor to selection, -then press Enter.Diagnostic RjoutuiesThis selection will test the machineether advanced functions will not beAdvanced

13、Di据no歹tics Rou-tinesThis aeleclion wrll test the machinekardware. Wrap plugs used.andkardware. Wrap plugsandether advanced functioTis will be used.Task Selection (Diagnostics,直dyarced Diagnosties, S&HviGe Aids, etc*)Once a task is selected a resource menu may te pr&sented shoving all resourc

14、es supported by the task*Resource SelectionThis selection vtlH list the resources in the system that art supported by these procedures- Once a resource is selected, a task menu will be presented shoving all tasks that can be run on the rcEourceCs).From the list bulowi 31e(Jt a tasM br moving the cur

15、sor to thw 弋ask and 卩匚e宣?ing 'Ent匚匚To list the resources for the tsk highlighted press 'Lis、TORE. 1Run Error Leg AnalysisRun ExercisersDisplay or Chance Diagnostic Kun Time OptionsAdd Resource to Resource ListAu-tomatic Error Log .ftnaLysis and Ratification Backup and Bestore MediaKe di aCha

16、nge Hardvaue Vital Firathict DataCwvCigu" Dial?爼id LpfkysConfigure Platform. PxocesEor DiagnoslicsDelete Resource from Resoiirce Listion and E-escurce ListFirmware Device Mode InformationHardwara Error KaportHardware Vital Product DataKultirath. I/O (MPIO) Feuice Configuration P r e vioas Diagn

17、ost ic Re milsKesource Attiibat esService HintsSoft ware Product DataUSE Devicesor Change EoctlistDisLt Maiiit enanceDisplay Conf i吕nra/t iDisplayDisplayDisplayDisplayDisplayDisplayDisplayDisplayDisplayDisplayFOTiaat MediaG art tier Sys-tem Inf o rnna-t iemIdentify aid Attentici Iridic at otsLoad IS

18、O Innage to USB ¥a3s Storage DeviceHot Pl厲 TasliHove cursor Ic desired item and press Euler.FCH Hot Flug Manasci;SCSI and SCSIRAID HOT PLUG MACERThe toiloifi口g SCSI and SCSIoperations can be per-formed on devices attached to RAID Hot F1li£ Enclosure devices.Mate selec-tiorij use En+ tr + a

19、 continue.List ftol Sivap Enclosure DevicesThis select ion lists all scsi hot surap slort s and their content s. Identify a Device Attached ta a SCSI Hot Sv/p Enclosure Device This select ion sets tha Identify indication.Attach, a Device to an SCSI Hot Swap Enclosure I eviceThis select ion set s the

20、 Add mdlica-tion and prepares the slof for inser-tion of a device.This selection sets the Kemove Indicalion 妙d prepareE the device for removal.ConfLEure Addsd/Replaced DevicesThis selection runs the configuration managez on the parenl adapterdevices Rave been added or replaced.KEMOVE OR EEPLACE DEVI

21、CE ATTACHED TO A SCSI HOT SWAP EKCLOSUEE DEVICEorIT.The following is a list of corifiguredj unconfigured and populated 3匚SI Hot Swap Enclosure device slots. Select a slot to remove replace the device attached to that slot.Make selection.ENSUEE THAT NO OTHER HOST IS USING THE DEVICE BEFOEE REMOVINGse

22、s5U789D, OOl.DQMKX- P4-V1敲下回车后,故障硬盘的红灯开始闪烁,这也是确定硬盘位置的方法,以免拔错盘。将sesO seslU739D.001.D0D4EEC-P3-V2P3-V1slot1P3-D1hdiskOlslot2P3-D2hdisklslot3P3-D3hdisk2slot4P3-Mhdisk3slot5P3-阳hdiskislot6P3-D0hdiskSU739D.00LDQD4E5C-sesEBl-YlU739D.00LDQIX1E2K-ses3P3Y2ses4P3-yislot1P3-L1hdiskSslot2P3-L2hdistTslot3P3-L3hd

23、iskBslot4P3-MhdiskSslot5PS-DShdisklOslot6P3-Dehdisklluse Enter to contintie.cfgmgr 即可。hdiskO拔下插入新的硬盘,回车,新的硬盘就可以认到了,不需要执行接下来重新给rootvg做镜像。查看认到的新的硬盘:Ispv将新盘加到rootvg# exte ndvg -f rootvg hdiskO查看hdiskO是否添加到rootvg 中test14/#lsvg -p rootvg rootvg:PV NAMEPV STATETOTAL PPsFREE PPsFREE DISTRIBUTIONhdisk5activ

24、e558440111.镜像根盘:mirrorvg-c 2 rootvg hdisk0查看镜像:test14/#lsvg -l rootvgrootvg:LV NAMETYPELPsPPsPVs LV STATEMOUNTPOINThd5bootclosed/s yncdN/Ahd6pagi ng12open/syncdN/Ahd8jfs2log122open/syncdN/Ahd4jfs230602open/syncd/hd2jfs210202open/syncd/usrhd9varjfs21020

25、2open/syncd/varhd3jfs210202open/syncd/tmphd1jfs2482open/syncd/homehd10 optjfs210202open/syncd/optlg_dumplvsysdu mp661closed/s yncdN/Ap agelv00p agi ng6122open/syncdN/A5)镜像成功,添加启动快到hdisk0#bosboot -ad /dev/hdiskO设置启动顺序# bootlist -m normal hdiskO hdiski cdO查看启动顺序:# bootlist -o -m normal hdisk0 blv=hd5

26、hdisk1 blv=hd5cd0重新创建dump lv (操作前先记录下原dump的大小)#smit lvAid :a Logrcal VolwiLeType or seleci values in entry fields.Press Erter AFTERall desired chariges.Logical voLujie NAME* VOLUME GROUP name*彗巴竺兰-出G涇FAKHTIOI巧Logical voLmiie TYPEPC*3ITION on physical volumeKAHGE q£ physical volumesHUMBEE £ PHY3ICAL VOLITMES to se for allocati(mNum-ber of COPIES of each logical part itioftMirror Wtit e Consistency?Allocate each logical partition cop7 on a SEPARATE physical uolmne?RELOCATE the l


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