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1、come about p hrasal verb 1 : to happenTheir meet ing came about by accide nt/cha nee.I dont know how it came about that she overheard our con versati on.2 of a boat or ship : to turn to a differe nt direct ionThe captain gave the order to come e across p hrasal verb 1 : to seem to have a p

2、articular quality or character : to make a p articular imp ressi onHow did he come across? =what kind of imp ressi on did he make?usually + asHe comes across as (be ing) a good sp eaker. =he seems to be a good sp eaker; people think that he is a good sp eaker whe n they hear him talkHe came across a

3、s a nice guy. =he seemed to be a nice guy2 : to be exp ressed to some oneShe says she was trying to be help ful, but thats not what came across whe n I talked to her. =I did not get the feeli ng that she was trying to be helpful whe n I talked to herHer enthusiasm really came across =came through wh

4、en she talked about her job. =we could see that she was really en thusiastic whe n she talked about her job3 come across (someth ing or some one) : to meet or find (someth ing or some one) by cha neeResearchers have come across important new evide nee.As I was walk ing through the tow n, I came acro

5、ss a group of street p erformers.4 in formal : to pay money that some one wants or dema ndsThey threate ned to hurt him if he does nt come across (with the mon ey).come along p hrasal verb 1 : to go somewhere with some oneThey asked me to come along (with them) on the trip. =they asked me to go with

6、 them on the triprm going to the museum tomorrow. Would you like to come along?2 : to make p rogress : to get better or to p roceed in a desired wayThe p roject started slowly, but now the work is coming along.:to pro ceed in a sp ecified wayThe work is coming along well.The in vestigati on is comin

7、g along slowly, and theres still a lot more work to be done.3 : to happen or app ear as some one or someth ing that might be used, chose n, etc.She says she wont just marry the first man that comes along.An opportunity like this does nt come along =occur too ofte e around ( or chiefly Brit come

8、 roun d) p hrasal verb 1 : to start to accept and support something (such as an idea) after opposing it : to stop opposing or disagree ing with someth ing or some oneShe still says she wont support us, but shell come around eventually. =shell support us even tuallyofte n + toShell come around to our

9、 side eve ntually.People are start ing to come around to the idea.2 : to become con sciousHe took a bad fall and kno cked himself out. When he came around =woke up, came to, he did nt remember what had happen ed.3 : to go to visit some oneWhy dont you come around =come over (to my house) after work

10、today?4 : to occur in the usual way as time p assesI always feel a little sad whe n the end of the school year comes around.see also what goes around comes around at go, 15 of a boat or ship : to turn to a differe nt direct ionThe sailboat came around =came about and bega n to head e at p hr

11、asal verb 1 come at (some one)1 a : to move toward (some one) in a threate ning or aggressive way They kept coming at me.1 b : to be directed at or toward (some one)The questi ons kept coming at him so quickly that he did nt know how to respond to them.2 come at (someth ing) : to beg in to deal with

12、 or think about (somethi ng) We n eed to come at =a pp roach these p roblems from a differe nt an e back p hrasal verb 1 : to return to a p laceI hope youll come back and see us aga in soon.sometimes used figurativelya decisi on that may come back to haunt us =a decisi on that may cause p rob

13、lems for us in the future2 a : to return to a former good con diti on : to become strong, successful, or effective aga in after a time of weak ness, failure, etc.It can be difficult for an athlete to come back =recover from an injury like this.a sp ecies that was n early ext inct but that has bee n

14、coming back2 b : to become popu lar or fashi on able aga inShort skirts were out of fashi on for many years, but now theyre coming back.2 c : to be successful in a game, sp ort, etc., after being beh indThe team was traili ng after the first half, but they came back and won in the sec ond half.3 : t

15、o return to some on es memoryusually + toI had forgotte n a lot of what I lear ned about music, but its all coming back to me now. =I am begi nning to remember it now4 : to make a reply or responseusually + withWhe n questi oned about his in volveme nt, he came back with an angry deni e betwee

16、 n p hrasal verb come betwee n (people or groups) : to cause disagreeme nt betwee n (people or groups)We should nt let these p roblems come betwee n e dow n p hrasal verb 1 a : to move or fall dow nwardThe crowd erup ted in app lause as the curta in came dow n.One of the trees bran ches came dow n d

17、uri ng the storm.1 b of rain, snow, etc. : to fall from the skyShe stood at the wi ndow, watch ing the rain come dow n.The rain was coming dow n in sheets. =it was rai ning very heavily2 : to go to a lower levelStock p rices have con ti nued to come dow n =fall this week. = Stocks have continued to

18、come dow n in price this week.Its sad to see how he has come dow n in the world. =how he has falle n to a lower po siti on or status after being wealthy, successful, etc.see also comedow n3 : to decide or say in an official or p ublic way that you support or oppose some one or someth ingThe committe

19、e came dow n in favor of the propo sal. = The committee came dow n on the side of the propo sal. =the committee approved the propo salSome of his former supporters have come dow n aga inst him.4 An announcement or decision that comes down is an announcement or decision from some one who has po wer o

20、r authority.Word came dow n that the strike was over.The decisi on came dow n in his favor.5 Somethi ng that comes dow n from the p ast is someth ing that has existed for a very long time.This is a story that has come dow n from ancient times.6 in formal : to stop feeli ng the effect of an illegal d

21、rug : to stop being high on a drug an addict who is coming dow n from heroincome by p hrasal verb 1 : to make a visit to some oneWhy dont you come by =come over for a while after dinner?2 come by (someth ing) : to get or acquire (someth ing)I asked him how he came by the mon ey, but he would nt tell

22、 me.A good job is hard to come by. =its hard to get a good jobcome dow n p hrasal verb 1 a : to move or fall dow nwardThe crowd erup ted in app lause as the curta in came dow n.One of the trees bran ches came dow n duri ng the storm.1 b of rain, snow, etc. : to fall from the skyShe stood at the win

23、dow, watch ing the rain come dow n.The rain was coming dow n in sheets. =it was raining very heavily2 : to go to a lower levelStock p rices have con ti nued to come dow n =fall this week. = Stocks have continued to come dow n in price this week.Its sad to see how he has come dow n in the world. =how

24、 he has falle n to a lower po siti on or status after being wealthy, successful, etc.see also comedow n3 : to decide or say in an official or p ublic way that you support or oppose some one or someth ingThe committee came dow n in favor of the propo sal. = The committee came dow n on the side of the

25、 propo sal. =the committee approved the propo salSome of his former supp orters have come dow n aga inst him.4 An announcement or decision that comes down is an announcement or decision from some one who has po wer or authority.Word came dow n that the strike was over.The decisi on came dow n in his

26、 favor.5 Someth ing that comes dow n from the p ast is someth ing that has existed for a very long time.This is a story that has come dow n from ancient times.4 in formal : to stop feeli ng the effect of an illegal drug : to stop being high on a drugan addict who is coming dow n from heroin come dow

27、 n on p hrasal verb 1 come dow n on (some one) : to criticize or punish (some one)The governor has promised to come down hard on corrupt officials. =to severely punish corrupt officialsHer boss came dow n on her p retty hard whe n she did nt finish the report on time.2 come dow n on (someth ing) : t

28、o make a strong effort to stop or oppose (someth ing)The gover nor has pro mised to come dow n hard on corr up ti e dow n to p hrasal verb come dow n to (someth ing) : to have (someth ing) as the most i mp orta nt partPeople talk about various reasons for the companys failure, but it all comes

29、 down to one thing: a lack of leadersh ip.The elect ion is going to come dow n to which can didate seems most trustworthy to the voters. =the can didate who seems most trustworthy will win the electio nIts nice to be rich, but whe n you come (right) dow n to it, its more important to be healthy and

30、e dow n with p hrasal verb come dow n with (an ill ness) : to begi n to have or suffer from (an ill ness)She came dow n with =c on tracted measles.I think I may be coming dow n with =gett ing, catch ing a e forward p hrasal verb :to say openly or p ublicly that you are the person wh

31、o should get somethi ng or who can do someth ingNo one has yet come forward to claim the reward.Several people came forward to offer their assista e in p hrasal verb 1 a : to en ter a p laceWelcome. PI ease come in.1 b : to arrive at a p laceThe store will have some excit ing new p roducts co

32、ming in n ext week.2 : to be receivedThe election results should start coming in soon. =we should start receiving/getting the electi on results soonThe broadcast was coming in loud and clear. =we could hear the broadcast very clearly3 : to end a race or comp etitio n in a sp ecified p ositi onJoa n

33、won the race and her sister came in =fi ni shed sec ond.He came in first/last.4 : to have a p articular role or functionWere going to n eed some one to help with the cook ing, and thats where you come in. =your job will be to help us with the cook ing5 Someth ing that comes in handy or (less com mon

34、ly) comes in useful/he Ipful tur ns out to be useful whe n it is n eeded.A p ocketk nife can come in han dy.A little extra money would come in useful right e in for p hrasal verb come in for (someth ing) : to get or be give n (someth ing unp leasa nt, such as criticism) : to be subjected to (

35、someth ing)The gover nmen ts p olicies are coming in for in creas ing criticism. =more people are beg inning to criticize the gover nmen ts p oliciescome into p hrasal verb come into (someth ing)1 : to en ter (a pl ace)Every one watched her as she came into the room.2 : to get (someth ing) as a po s

36、sessi onHe came into a fortune whe n he in herited his fathers estate.3 : to be in volved in (someth ing)Decidi ng who to hire should be a bus in ess decisi on. You should nt allow personal feeli ngs to come into it. =you should nt allow personal feeli ngs to affect your decisi oncome off p hrasal v

37、erb 1 come off or come off (somethi ng) : to stop being attached to someth ingWhen I tried to p ick up the suitcase, the han dle came off. = The han dle came off the suitcase.2 : to p roduce a desired result : to succeedHis plans to start his own bus in ess n ever came off.3 : to happenThe meeting c

38、ame off as scheduled. =the meeting happened when it was scheduled to happen4 : to do or p erform well or badlyShe came off well in the con test.He came off badly/po orly in the debate.5 : to seem to have a sp ecified quality or characterusually + asHes really just shy, but he comes off as a little a

39、rroga nt. =he seems a little arroga ntHe came off as a stuffy old man.6 come off (somethi ng)6 a US : to have recen tly compi eted or recovered from (someth ing)a company that is coming off a very successful yearan athlete who is coming off a serious injury5 b : to have recen tly stopped using (an i

40、llegal drug)an addict who is coming off heroin6 US, i nformalused in p hrases like where do you come off? to exp ress an ger or annoyance at what some one has said or doneWhere do you come off talk ing to me like that? =you have no right to talk to me like that; how dare you talk to me like that?I d

41、ont know where he comes off making those kinds of accusations. =he has no right to make those kinds of accusati onscome on p hrasal verb 1 a : to happen or p rogress as time p assesDarkness came on rapidiy/gradually =it rapidiy/gradually became dark as the sun went dow n.1 b : to beg in to happenRai

42、n came on toward noon. =it bega n to rain whe n it was almost noonI feel a headache coming on.It looks like it might be coming on to rain. =it looks like it might start to rain soon2 a of an electrical mach in e, light, etc. : to begi n to work or functionThe lights came on briefly and the n went ou

43、t aga in.2 b of a TV or radio p rogram : to startThat p rogram you like is coming on in a few minu tes.3 in formal3 aused in sp eech to ask or urge some one to do someth ing“I dont feel like going out toni ght.”“ Oh, come on! Itll do you good to get out of the house fora while. ”“ Come on! You can d

44、o it if you keep trying!“I dont think I can go any further.3 bused in sp eech to tell some one to hurry or to go fasterCome on, lets go.3 cused in sp eech to exp ress surp rise, disbelief, etc.“I think she could win the elect ion.”“ Come on! She does nt have a cha nee!4 : to have or seem to have a c

45、erta in quality or n atureHe comes on =comes across as a con e on to p hrasal verb 1 come on to (some one) in formal : to show sexual in terest in (some one) : to try to start a sexual relati onship with (some one)She complained that her boss has bee n coming on to her.2 come on to (som

46、eth ing) Brit : to start to talk about or deal with (somethi ng)Well come on to =come to, get to that questi on e out p hrasal verb 1 : to become available : to begi n to be p roduced or soldA new magaz ine is coming out n ext week.The book/movie comes out n ext mon th.2 a : to become obvio

47、us : to be clearly show nHis p ride came out in his refusal to acce pt help. =his refusal to acce pt help showed his p ride2 b : to become knownThe truth fin ally came out. =people fin ally lear ned the truthIt came out that he had known about these p roblems all along, but he had nt said anything.3

48、 : to say somethi ng openlyWhy dont you just come out and say what you really think?4 : to say p ublicly that you support or oppose some one or somethi ngShe came out in favor of the prop osal.Some of his former supporters have come out aga inst him.5 : to say openly that you are a homosexualMany ga

49、y en terta iners have bee n relucta nt to come out.Last year she came out (as a lesbian) to her parents. =she told her parents that she is a lesbia n6 a : to app ear after being hidde nThe rain stopped and the sun/moon /stars came out as the clouds cleared away.:to app ear in the openani mals that o

50、nly come out at ni ght6 b of a flower : to open : to blossomin the spring, whe n the flowers are begi nning to come out (i n bloom)7 a : to end or finish in a sp ecified wayHow did the game come out? =tur n out =who won the game?Everyth ing came out =e nded up, turned out all right.She exp ects to c

51、ome out ahead in the end.Hes con fide nt that hell come out a winner.Hes con fide nt that hell come out on top =that hell win whe n all the votes have bee n coun ted.7 b of a p hotogra ph : to p roduce a good pictureThose pi ctures I took at the game yesterday did nt come out.7 cused to describe the

52、 quality that someth ing has whe n it is fini shedThe picture came out blurry.The brow nies came out a little too dry.8 : to be said, exp ressed, or un derstood in a p articular wayThats not what I meant to say. It did nt come out right.He was trying to make a joke, but it came out e out wi

53、th p hrasal verbcome out with (someth ing)1 : to say or exp ress (somethi ng, such as an idea)She came out with a new propo sal.Hes always say ing ridiculous thin gs. You n ever know what hell come out with n ext.Why dont you just come out with it and say what you really think?2 : to p ublish or p r

54、oduce (someth ing that will be sold to the p ublic)a p ublisher that is coming out with a new series of childre ns booksa car company that is coming out with several new models next year come over p hrasal verb 1 : to make a social visit to some oneWhy dont you come over =come around (to my p lace)

55、after work?2 : to cha nge from one side to the other in a disagreeme nt, comp etitio n, etc.usually + torve bee n trying to p ersuade her to come over to our side, but I have nt convin ced her yet.3 Brit, in formal : becomeHe sudde niy came over all bashful. =he sudde niy became very bashful4 come o

56、ver (some one) : to affect (some one) in a sudde n and strong wayA sudde n feeli ng of dread came over me. =I felt a sudde n feeli ng of dreadHes behavi ng so stra ngely. I dont know whats come over him lately. =I dont know what has caused him to behave so stra ngely come through p hrasal verb 1 : t

57、o succeed in doing someth ing : to do what is n eeded or exp ected an athlete who is known for coming through in the clutch“I man aged to get the tickets.”“ Great! I knew youd come through.2 a : to be received and un derstoodThe message came through loud and clear.The sig nal was nt coming through. =we were nt receiv ing the sig nal2 b : to be exp


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