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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑2021八年级上学期英语寒假作业答案参考 寒假在同学们的期待中如约而至,除了放松,还应该要认真写好寒假作业哦,关于寒假作业的答案,下面为大家编写整理了“20XX八年级上学期英语寒假作业答案参考最新版”,欢迎阅读与借鉴! 八年级上学期英语寒假作业答案1 练习一 一、ABCDD DBCDD BBCDD 二、AABCB AABBB 三、DDAAA CCDDD 四、 was doing is was doing to leave natural easily importance 五、grew into to make for the first time are

2、in danger encourages us to help will catch the school bus at the beginning are good at take away 六、you will what is How long How can by plane 七、She started to eat bamboo shoots and leaves Less and less space Too much traffic how to make a home page weighed 35 kilograms 八、natural wetlands provides id

3、eal comfortably 九、China 13 basketball film fruit 十.作文略。 练习二 二. 单项选择。(20分) 1-5 BDAAD 6-10 CDDAB 11-15 BBCAD 16-20 ABACC 二. 交际英语。(5分) 21-25 BCDEA 三. 完形填空。(10分) 26-30 C B A CA 31-35 C B D A D 四. 阅读理解。(每空2分,共30分)、 (A )36-40 BBBCC (B) 41-45 CABDB (C). 46-50 BCCDD 五. 词汇 A) 51. government 52. disasters 53.

4、 importance 54. encourages 55. height 56. screamed 57. directions 58. arrival 59. covers 60. unnecessary B) 61. killing 62. foggy 63. trapped 64. alive 65. carelessly 66.tourists 67. endangered 68. playing 69. was mopping 70. to build C) 71. crashed into 72. in fear 73. provide for 74. at birth 75.

5、calmed down 六. 任务型阅读。(5分) 76.No, it isnt. 77. Yes, they are. 78. Because they can hear things and feel things. 79. No, it cant. 80. Its legs. 七. 补全短文。(10分) 81. watching 82. activities 83. smaller 84. happening 85 away 86. see 87. listening 88. easily 89. eyes/eyesight 90. ideas/information 八:翻译句子。5分

6、略 九:书面表达(10分) 八年级上学期英语寒假作业答案2 活动一英语园地答案 一、英汉互译 1. be good for 2. 喝牛奶 3. my eating habit 4. 很健康 5. junk food 6. 取得好成绩 7. take care of 8. 少吃肉 二、单项选择 1. C 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. D 三、句型转换 1. doesnt do 2. How many hours 3. doesnt do 4. Does, read 5.How often does, go 6. How many hours does, sleep 活动二英语园地答案 一、

7、选择题 1. B 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. C 6. A 二、连词成句 1. Do you have a sore throat? 2. She shouldnt study when she is tired. 3. She says its good for my health. 三、同义句转换,每空一词 1. the matter 2. didnt have, until 3. what to do 四、书面表达答案略 活动三英语园地答案 一、补全对话 1. matter 2. cant 3. caught 4. have 5. feel 二、句型转换,每空一词 1. had

8、fun或enjoyed ourselves 2. that can speak English well 3. spent, washing 4. dont have to 三、任务阅读 1. They live in small groups. 2. More than a quarter of homes. 3. No, they dont. 4. About eighteen or nineteen years old. 5. Two or three times a year. 活动四英语园地答案 一、翻译词组 1. babysit the cousin 2. visit the gr

9、andparents 3. vacation plan 4. spend time with friends 5. sound good 6. go to the beach 二、单项选择 1. A 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. A 三、用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 1. fishing 2. interesting 3. to have 4. to wash 四、完型填空 1. C 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. D 8. B 9. D 10. B 活动五英语园地答案 一、短语互译 1. 来参加聚会 2. have a piano lesson 3. 备考学习

10、 4. go to the concert 5. 太多的家庭作业 6. on Friday evening 7. 保持安静 8. help to do housework或help with housework 9. 加入俱乐部 10. two whole days 二、单项选择 1. B 2. D 3. D 4. A 三、用适当的介词填空,使句意完整 1. to 2. for 3. in 4. by 四、根据句意及所给汉语提示写出单词,完成句子 1. vocabulary 2. people 3. designers 4. tourist 5. marks 6. correctly 活动六英

11、语园地答案 一、单选题 1. B 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. C 二、根据句意及首字母提示写出单词 1. invitation 2. lessons 3. concert 4. weekdays 5. another 三、用情态动词can、may、must或它们的适当形式填空 1. mustnt 2. cant 3. can 4. may 5. must 四、短文填词,首字母已给出 1. vegetables 2. stopped 3. showed 4. where 5. took 6. wet 7. held 8. bus 9. thanked 10. until 活动七英语园地答

12、案 一、选出与所给句子划线部分意思相同或相近,并能代替的选项 1. A 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. C 二、补全对话。在空白处各写一个句子,使对话完整正确 1. What are you doing next vacation? 2. Whats the weather like there? 3. Are you going there by plane? 4. How long are you staying there? 5. Have a good trip 三、根据短文内容,回答问题 1. No, they arent. 2. No, it isnt. 3. No, they

13、 dont. 4. 2.41 meters. 5. Because they eat better than their parents. 活动八英语园地答案 一、单选题 1. D 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. C 二、句型转换,一空一词 1. Does, make 2. Dont pour 3. How much, do 4. Have, been talking 5. let, know 三、根据汉语意思完成句子 1. for sending 2. have, been doing, For 3. playing the piano, was 4. reminds, the diff

14、erences 5. will have, cut 活动九英语园地答案 一、单项选择 1. A 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. D 二、用所给动词的适当形式填空 1. has, been working, left 2. did, listen 3. did, attend 4. to arrive, to leave 5. have been 6. Collecting 7. clean, cleaned 三、根据所给单词的适当形式填空 1. called 2. girls 3. was born 4. gave 5. cleverest 6. could 7. reading 8. h

15、is 9. something 10. swimmers 活动十英语园地答案 一、单项选择 1. A 2. C 3. C 二、根据句意,用for或since填空 1. since 2. for 3. since 4. for 5. For 6. for 7. since 8. for 三、根据汉语意思完成句子 1. brothers, What should, buy 2. best, have ever received 3. too, look after 4. Giving gifts, different countries 5. to go, instead of staying 八

16、年级上学期英语寒假作业答案3 第一 一、1-5 DAABB 6-10 CCBCB. 二、11.eyesight 12.smart 13.secret 14.true 15.want. 三、16-20 DCADC 21-25 BACBA. 第二 一、1.alone 2.helpful 3.heavy 4.hand 5.kind 6.teouble 7.words 8.push 9.rest 10.both 11.tired. 二、12-16 BDABB 第三 一、1-5 ADBBA 6-10 DACBC 二、11.keeps secrets 12.the same as 13.enjoyed h

17、imself 14.learned;by himself 15.took/caught a coach 三、16.called 17.girl 18.was born 19.gave 20.cleverst 21.could 22.reading 23.his 24.something 25.swimming 第四 一、1. 2.sometime改成sometimes 3. 4.place改成places 5.in改成at 6. 7.In改成During 8.most改成more 9.eat改成eating 10.pupils前加the 二、略 三、16-20 CDBDA 第五 一、1-5 B

18、DDAB 二、6-10 CABAC 16-20 ABBCA 第六 一、1-5 BCADA 二、6-10 DBCBD 11-15 ACDAB 三、16.same 17.listened 18.that 19.himelf 20.give 21.good 22.leaving 23.how 24.quietil 25.instead. 第七 一、1.lent;hasnt given 2.reaches 3.did;do/was;doing 4.have forgotten 5.have;been 6.to bring 7.have;finished 8.Have;eaten 9.find;Have

19、;seen 10.has;spoken. 二、11.At the age 12.you dont hurry; will be 13.may be 14.keep working 15.takes;much time to. 三、16.In their eyes, we are always little ones and always do wrong things. 17. They only want us to give them good results in the exam. 18. They can talk with us and we can understand each

20、 other more and more. 第八 一、略 二、A)1-5DCBAB B)6-10 AADCA 第九 一、1-5 BADAD 6-10 CBBBA 二、11.widely 12.throughout 13.important 14.If 15.will 16.kinds 17.written 18.useful 19.all 20.together 第十 一、略 二、1-5 CACBA 6-10 BACCB 三、11-15 CDDDC 第十一 一、1.travel around the world 2.the best football team in the world 3.a

21、 square face 4.health activities 5.less than three times a week 6.最多50个学生 7.出席晨会 8.玩一整天 9.休一天假 10.穿校服 二、11-15 BDCDB 第十二 一、1.If we dont protect those wild animals any more, there will be no more wild animals in the world. 2. If it doesnt rain, I will go out to play football. 3. If is very important f

22、or teachers to learn to encourage students. 4. Millie likes sharing her happiness with her friends. 5. I am going to Xiangtan with my parents to see red maple leaves next Sunday. 6. After school, I usually do after-school activities; sometimes I go to the tennis court to play tennis, sometimes I go

23、swimming in the swimming pool. 7. I would like to be a social worker when I grow up. 8. We all like our history teacher because he has a good sense of humors. 9. What is a natural disaster? For example, the Taiwan earthquake last year killed thousands of people. 10. Our motherland is getting stronge

24、r and stronger, more and more beautiful. 二、11-15 ABBBBD 第十三 一、1-5 ADBCB 6-10 BDBAB 二、11-15 CABCD 三、16.but 17.ideas 18.welcomed 19.surprised 20.doesnt 21.in 22.to 23.we 24.visits 25.usually 26.or 27.friends 28.times 29.for 30.saying. 第十四 一、略 二、1.mine 2.since 3.looking 4.animals 5.found 6.needs 7.enou

25、gh 8.end 9.except 10.be put 第十五 一、1-5 CACBA 6-10 CCBAC 二、11.his改成her 12.to改成from 13. 14.in改成on 15.goes改成went 16. 17.in改成into 18.That改成It 19.but改成and 20.kind改成kindly. 三、21-25CDBBC 第十六 一、1-5 CBDCB 6-10 BBBCB 二、11-15 CABDA 八年级上学期英语寒假作业答案4 一, unhappy problem bad square test advice famous real joy diving

26、 二, climbing speaking camping laugh thought solve smiling not to be to give, to become, 三, healthy healthily, bored, more, singer, more dangerous, pleasant, the most nervous, interesting, the worst, slimmer, 四, BCDDA DCBDB CBADB 五, BDCBD ACBDA. 一,heroes, tasty, subject, seniors, admired, article, ge

27、ography science unimportant, practicing, languages, history, 二 visitors, useless, fewer less, twice, mixed, myself, driving, unpopular, pleasant, boring. 三DCAAB ACDAD BBAAD BACDB BBCAA 四 help, doesnt rain, asking, chatting, is going to be doing, opening, put ran, to be, washing, will arrive, arrives

28、 will have talking 一 to meet, themselves, to close clean, inviting, buildings, beginning, more, interest, amazing, visiting. 二to go on a trip to places of, to visit, whole front of, took by, to join in to. 三invitation, interesting, quickly, yourself, beauty. 四,ADBAC CDBAA 五 had fun, at the beginning

29、, feel sick, felt exited, places of interest, in front of. 六 called, keeping, to have, climbers, winner, snows, less doing, players, walking, alike. 七 1 it is big and white. 2 we should protect them 3 they kill them for their beautiful white coat. 4they live in the snow and ice. 5 A. 一, leaves, enco

30、urages, elephants hunting, least, badly, to protect, characters, smells, sharp well 二, BAACB BACBB DCDCB BDCBD ACB 三, To live, is playing, buys, stops, dont study, wont, pass, playing, will be, waiting, to have, to continue, 四, Keeping passing and 2if we dont protect wild animals any more, there wil

31、l be no wild animals in the world. 3we must take the following actions to prevent them hunting animals. 4 her coat is made pf animal fur. 5trying to 6 couldnt believe. 7the baby didnt stop crying until his mother came back. 8 the meeting doesnt start until everyone comes. 9 if I can find the wolf hi

32、ll, I will be very happy. 10 can he live alone, I am afraid he cant. 11 if I go to nature reserve, I will watch the lions carefully. 一、 单项选择 BCDAA DDDAC BCDDC DDACB 二、1. longer interesting 2. less 3. hottest coldest 4. laugh 5. hiking 6. closed 7. to help 8. watching 9. better 10. the prettiest. 三、1

33、. to protect. 2. carefully 3. hearing 4. action 5. northern 6. continue 7. preparing 8. science. 四、1. noisily 2. unhappy 3. disappear 4. peaceful 5. living 6. wetter. 五、1. feel 2. shining 3. is sleeping 4. reading 5. dropping 6. comes 7. to see 8. be 9. will arrive 10. have told. 一、 BCDCA CCACD CABD

34、C ABCC 二、1. brightly sunny 2. snowy 3. foggy 4. windy strongly 5. worse 6. easily. 三、1. to lock 2. not to talk 3. look 4. doing 5. not to get 6. playing playing 7. to learn speaking 8. to be 9. happen 10. working. 四、BCDAB CDABB 五、DBDAD 选择题 DACDB CADCB BDBCA 完型填空CBAAB DCCDA 阅读理解A)ADB B)DBC C)ABAC 四fo

35、rtably 57.worst 58.information 59.yourselves 60.accidents 61.frightening 62.training. 63.dropped 64.luckier 65.providing. 五.句子翻译 1.This means more and more birds will disappear. 2.The English teacher always encourages us to speak a little English every day. 3.If you want to get rich,you must build r

36、oads first. 4.No one knows how that house caught fire last night. 5.Because of clean air.more and more people like to live in the country. 6.When people found Timmy still alive,they couldnt wait to move away bricks and stones. 八年级上学期英语寒假作业答案5 第一天 单选 BDAAC BADDD BACAC 阅读理解 DCBCD 第二天 按要求改写句子 1、didnt leave until 2、cleaned 3、goes out 4、got to/arrived in 5、in the northeast 完形填空 BACDC ABDBD 第三天 单选 CCDAC ABDBD 按中文提示完成句子1. good for 2. go hiking 3. go to bed early 4. eating habit 5. weather 第四天 按要求完成句子 1、whats like 2、dont until 3、will you 4、enjoyed thems


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