邪恶之城[Sinister City]图文攻略_第1页
邪恶之城[Sinister City]图文攻略_第2页
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1、邪恶之城Sinister CityWalkthrough - Hotel After the introduction, enter the hotel (click on the door). If you are playing on Casual Mode, notice your cursor turns red when hovered over the door. Click on the hotel desk clerk to talk to him. When you are done, click on the cabinet to the left of the recep

2、tion desk (indicated by a 2 in the screenshot above). Find the invoices. Some items have to be moved in order to find the item. Click on the plate to move it to reveal an invoice. There are four in this scene. Once you have found four, click on the Back tab. Click the shelves behind the reception de

3、sk. Find the remaining three invoices. Click the Back tab. Click on the invoices to take them from the inventory and give them to the hotel clerk (click on him). He then asks you to find room keys. Click on the cabinet to the left of the reception desk. Find the keys. Once you have found three, clic

4、k on the Back tab. Click the shelves behind the reception desk. Find the remaining four keys. Once you are finished, click on the Back tab. Give the keys to the desk clerk. Give the photo to the desk clerk. After the dialogue, you follow the clerk into another room. Click on the box in the right han

5、d corner. Take the one disk and one crystal. Click on the Back tab. Go through the door on the right (indicated by arrow in screenshot above). Click on the cabinet. Take the two disks and the three crystals. Click on the Back tab. Click the suitcase. Take the one disk and one crystal. Click on the B

6、ack tab. Leave the room (doorway on the left). From the inventory, take the disks and crystals and put them on the hypnosis machine. Mini-puzzle: Match the wire colours. Starting at the end of a wire spindle, trace the long wire to the end node. Match it to the node on the other side. The Hint butto

7、n gives instructions to solve the puzzle. A full solution cannot be given as this puzzle is different with each play. After the dialogue, you change scenes. Click on the ladder to start a new search for ladder rungs. Go up the path (right). Click on the clock (indicated by a star). This triggers a s

8、earch for clock hands and figures. Click on the windmill. Take the three ladder rungs, four figures and one clock hand. Click on the Back tab. Click on the hole in the tree (left of clock). Take the two ladder rungs and five figures. Click on the Back tab. Leave the scene by going through the doorwa

9、y on the left. Put the ladder rungs on the ladder (indicated by a rectangle). Take the clock hand and four figures. Click on the Back tab. Go up the path (right). Put the clock hands and the figures on the clock. Mini-puzzle: Position (click and drag) the clock pieces on the clock. The shadows of th

10、e missing pieces are on the clock. Start with the gears and then place the other pieces. The screenshot above lists the locations in which to place the objects. You dont need to follow the order listed, just be sure to place the gears first. Match each numbered piece to its numbered location. The co

11、mpleted clock looks like the screenshot below: Watch the cut scene. Click on the windmill. Take the five mirror shards and one key. Click on the Back tab. Click on the hole in the tree (left of clock). Take the four mirror shards and two keys. Click on the Back tab. Leave the scene by going through

12、the doorway on the left. Click on the ladder. Take the four mirror shards and two keys. Click on the Back tab. First place the keys on the lock, then place the mirror shards on the broken mirror. Mini-puzzle: Jigsaw puzzle. Click and drag the mirror shards to complete the mirror. The completed pictu

13、re is below: Leave the room (left doorway). Click on the hotel clerk. Mini-puzzle: Recreate Count Orlok. Use the arrows on either side to scroll through and find the proper drawing of Count Orlok. The completed picture is below: After the dialogue, find the equipment. Go through the doorway. Click o

14、n the box. Take the Aspen stake, the two spellblades, the two amulets, the three cloves of garlic and the vial of holy water. Click on the Back tab. Go through the door (right). Click on the cabinet. Take the two Aspen stakes, the spellblade, the amulet and the three vials of holy water. Click on th

15、e Back tab. Click on the suitcase (left). Take the Aspen stake, the spellblade, the two amulets, the two cloves of garlic and the vial of holy water. Click on the Back tab. Go through the door (left) and out the door on the left. Choose any item from the inventory and give it to the hotel clerk. Min

16、i-puzzle: Rearrange the toolkit. Click and drag the vampire hunting equipment into its proper pocket (based on the silhouette). After the dialogue, find the map. Go up the stairs. Talk to the director (indicated by a star) to initiate a search for his script. Click on the cart at the end of the hall

17、. Take the five pieces of the directors script. Click on the Back tab. Click on the electrical panel (left of director). Take the four pieces of the directors script. Click on the Back tab. Give the directors script to the director. After the dialogue, enter your room. Take the map piece from the wa

18、ll. Click on the dresser against the wall. Take the three map pieces. Click on the Back tab. Click the dresser beside the bed. Take the three map pieces. Click on the Back tab. Leave the room. Go down the stairs. Leave the hotel. Mini-puzzle: Jigsaw puzzle. Click and drag the pieces to recreate the

19、map. Click on a piece to activate it. If you need to rotate it, left-click to rotate the piece clockwise, right-click to rotate the piece counter-clockwise.Castle Click on the crane (indicated by a rectangle) to start a search for gears. Click on the bird in the tree (indicated by a star) to start a

20、 search for beads. Click on the barrel (beside the stone pillar). Take the leg (indicated by a circle). Take the the gas can (indicated by a circle). Use it on the barrel to the get the full gas can. Click on the tree stump (indicated by a pentagon). Take the garden clippers, three beads and two gea

21、rs. Click on the Back tab. Use the garden clippers on the bush. Take the three beads and two gears. Click on the Back tab. Click the ground (indicated by a circle). Take the four beads and two gears. Click on the Back tab. Give the beads to the bird in the tree to get the gear. Put the gears on the

22、crane. Mini-puzzle: Position (click and drag) the gears. Use the full gas tank on the crane. Mini-puzzle: Position (click and drag) the wire pieces to connect all the wires. Use the leg on the crane. Click on the castle door. After the animation, click on the door again. Mini-puzzle: Connect the rop

23、e. Starting from the far left, click on a node to active the rope, then click on the node nearest it. Click on the same node again and then bring the wire to the nearest node. Continue until they are all connected. Go through the drawbridge door. Click on the cabinet. Take the crowbar. Click on the

24、Back tab. Go up the stairs to the first door (indicated by rectangle in screenshot above). Talk to Nina. Leave the room. Go up the stairs and enter the door. Talk to Count Orlok to initiate the search for the truth potion ingredients. Leave the room. Click on the cabinet. Take the bat wings, two pla

25、nt roots, two coloured vials and two flowers. Click on the Back tab. Go up the stairs. Use the crowbar on the chest. Take the two bat wings, two plant roots, coloured vial and flower. Click on the Back tab. Leave the room and click the area behind the stairs. Take the two bat wings, two plant roots

26、and three flowers. Take the helmet, then take the coloured vial. Click on the Back tab. Go up the stairs to Count Orloks room. Click on the fireplace. Put the helmet in the fireplace, then add the bat wings, plant roots, coloured vials, and flowers. Once completed, give the potion to Count Orlok. Af

27、ter the dialogue, leave the castle.Pose as an Actor Talk to the security guard. Once back at the hotel, enter. Talk to Mr. Lumiere (indicated by a star). Then click on the cabinet to the left of the reception desk. Take the tripod and the key. Click on the Back tab. Use the key on the chest against

28、the wall (indicated by a rectangle in the screenshot above). Take the film and the camera. Click on the Back tab. Use any inventory item on Mr. Lumiere. Go through the doorway and continue through the right doorway. Take the cloak (indicated by a rectangle). Click on the cabinet. Take the top hat. C

29、lick on the Back tab. Click on the suitcase. Take the vampire fangs, jacket, and theatrical make-up. Click on the Back tab. Return to the hotel lobby and use any inventory item on Mr. Lumiere. Leave the hotelTV Studio Give Johns actor headshot to the security guard. Talk to the Ipkis (indicated by a

30、 star) to initiate a search. Click on the toolbox to the left of Ipkis. Take the three plugs and two chips. Click on the Back tab. Click the chest on the far right wall. Take the two plugs and two chips. Click on the Back tab. Click the locker to the left of Ipkis. Take the three plugs and chip. Cli

31、ck on the Back tab. Use a chip or plug on the generator. Mini-puzzle: Connect the wires. Click on the tiles to create a continuous conduit of wires. Talk to Ipkis. Click on the locker. Take the four plush bats. Click on the Back tab. Click on the toolbox (left of Ipkis). Take the plush bat. Click on

32、 the Back tab. Click on the chest on the far right. Take the four plush bats. Click on the Back tab. Give the plush bats to Ipkis. Mini-puzzle: Operate the camera. As the puppet Ipkis floats about, click on the arrows to keep the puppet in the centre of the scene. As the puppet floats left, click an

33、d hold on the left arrow until he sways right, then click and hold on the right arrow. Continue through the story. If you fail, it will let you restart. You will get the rhythm. Once completed, click on Ipkis to continue speaking with him.The Therapist Click on the door (indicated by a rectangle). P

34、ress the green button on the intercom. Once finished, click on the newspaper stand. Click the sandwich board (indicated by a rectangle). Click on the Back tab. Click the orange mailbox (indicated by pentagon in screenshot above). Its locked. Click the newspaper stand and take the key (indicated by a

35、 circle). Click on the Back tab. Use the key on the mailbox. Take the six coins. Click on the Back tab. Click on the newspaper stand. Place the coins on the counter (according to the position in the screenshot), now take the four books on psychology. Click on the Back tab. Click on the mailbox. Take

36、 the two books on psychology. Click on the Back tab. Use the books on psychology on the therapists door. Click on the cabinet (near the door). Take the two test cards. Click on the Back tab. Click on the door (centre of room). Take the four test cards. Click on the Back tab. Click the plant near the

37、 door. Take the two test cards. Click on the Back tab. Give the test cards to the therapist. Mini-puzzle: Memorize the test card (ink blot). When you are ready, click the test card. Nine test cards will appear; choose the one that matches the original test card shown. The colours will be different.

38、No solution can be given as the test cards are different each time. To me, they looked like faces. The trick I used was to determine where the eyes and mouth were and that helped me choose the correct test card. You are finished once the progress meter is complete. The therapist needs her tea bags.

39、Click on the cabinet (near the door). Take the five tea bags. Click on the Back tab. Click on the door (centre of room). Take the three tea bags. Click on the Back tab. Click the plant near the door. Take the two tea bags. Click on the Back tab. Give the tea bags to the therapist. Take the perpetual

40、 motion machine off the desk. Click on the door (centre or room). Take the three perpetual motion machines. Click on the Back tab. Click on the cabinet (near the door). Take the perpetual motion machine. Click on the Back tab. Give the perpetual motion machines to the therapist. Click on the table n

41、earest the door. Mini-puzzle: Sort the pills based on the colour of the cup. When a cup is displayed, click on the pill of the same colour to add it to the cup (i.e., if a yellow cup is showing, click on a yellow pill). Continue until there are no pills left. Give the cup to the therapist. After the

42、 dialogue, leave the office (door on the right).Count Orloks Wife Click on the Vampire State Building. Click on Count Orloks wife. Take the ventilation cover (indicated by a rectangle). Click on the waste basket under the desk. Take the screwdriver, two screws and fan. Click on the Back tab. Click t

43、he panel in the middle of the room. Take the three fans. Click on the Back tab. Click the small cabinet by the pillar (left of scene). Take the two fans and two screws. Click on the Back tab. Click the panel in the middle of the room. Place the fans over the vents, then place the ventilation cover,

44、then add the screws. Click on the Back tab. Talk to Count Orloks wife. Click on the waste basket under the desk. Take the floppy disk. Click on the Back tab. Click the panel in the middle of the room. Take the three floppy disks. Click on the Back tab. Click the small cabinet by the pillar (left of

45、scene). Take the three floppy disks. Click on the Back tab. Use the floppy disks on the computer. Mini-puzzle: Position the tiles so they match the existing string of tiles. The first step is to separate all the tiles at the bottom so you can see them better. Start with positioning the larger tiles,

46、 then work your way down to the smaller tiles. The screenshot above tries to give the solution using colour. Each tile is highlighted by a colour and its proper location is highlighted by the same colour. All single tiles are highlighted in dark green. Apologies if some colours are similar or if use

47、rs of this walkthrough are colour blind. If so, use the screenshot as a guide for the placement of the tiles based on their size. Now you have to make coffee. Click on the panel in the middle of the room. Take the coffee machine. Click on the Back tab. Click on the small cabinet by the pillar (left

48、of scene). Take the sugar and the coffee. Click on the Back tab. Use any inventory item on Count Orloks wife.Free Nina Enter the castle. Click on the top door. Use the magic amulet on Count Orlok. Leave the room. Click on the cabinet near the castle door. Take the two Ninas door seals. Click on the Back tab. Click on the table under the stairs. Take the two Ninas door seals. Click on the Back tab. Go up the stairs and click on the first door. Click on the chest. Take the three


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