已阅读5页,还剩3页未读 继续免费阅读




1、河南引黄工程引水管理存在问题及对策刘 天(河南黄河河务局 河南郑州,邮编450003)1 河南引黄工程引水管理现状 1.1 河南引黄工程基本情况黄河是河南省沿黄地区工农业生产的重要水源,自1952年修建黄河下游第一座引黄工程人民胜利渠以来,河南沿黄共建引黄涵闸32座,结构形式分为开敞式3座、涵洞式29座。总设计引水能力为1643m3/s,设计流量在100 m3/s以上的就有6座,大于等于50 m3/s有4座。河南黄河滩区引黄涵闸可引水的22座,日最大引水量约68.6m3/s, 正常用水期日均引水量约16.7m3/s。沿黄配套灌区26处,设计灌溉面积为110万hm2,年均引水25亿m3。多年以来

2、,引黄为沿黄地区经济社会的持续发展、生态环境的改善提供了保障,为沿黄农业增效、农民增收提供了支撑。1.2 河南引黄工程引水管理制度的建立为了保证水量调度工作高效运作,确保各项水调指令落实,2002年以来,就涵闸引水管理制定了河南黄河水量调度管理办法、河南黄河水量调度工作责任制、河南黄河引水计量管理办法和河南黄河订单供水若干管理规定。各市(地)局结合各自实际制定了相应的规章制度。一是涵闸工程管理的规章制度:引黄渠首工程启闭操作规程、引黄渠首工程检修规程、引黄渠首工程闸门启闭检修规程等。二是水量调度管理的规章制度:水量调度管理人员责任制、水量调度巡查办法、水量调度工作制度、引黄供水暂行规定、引黄供

3、水及水费计收办法、用水订单申报制度等。三是引黄涵闸引水管理及计量的规章制度:引水计量稽查管理办法、引黄渠首闸缆道测流安全操作规程、引黄渠首闸水文观测制度、引黄渠首闸测流测沙签名制以及引水计量责任制等。1.3 各项规章制度执行情况 日常管理记录齐全、规范、有序引水报表、值班日志和各类日常管理记录等基本做到齐全、规范、有序。如新乡市局、濮阳市局、开封市局、焦作市局相关的工作记录就有7-9类,濮阳市局、开封市局、焦作市局内业管理资料整理规范,建立了水资源管理与水量调度技术档案。开封市河务局还将有关水资源管理与水量调度工作相关的法律、法规及委、局级规章制度汇编成册,发到有关的工作人员及各灌区管理单位,

4、使有关单位更好地执行。 严格执行引水订单管理制度按照黄委黄河下游订单供水调度管理办法的要求及“河南订单供水操作规程”的规定,各级管理部门严格按引水订单管理程序上报下达水调指令。同时,结合灌区农业灌溉制度和省局提供的雨情、墒情,对用水单位上报的引水订单申请计划,做到了认真汇总、审核,严格按规定的程序、内容和时间,上报用水月计划和旬订单。在引水订单管理上,实施与用水单位年协议、月计划、旬水票的管理程序。即:年度签订供水协议书、月签订供水计划、旬签订供水水票,提高了引黄灌区及城市用水申报的准确性。 加强水量调度督察工作的力度加大了水量调度督察工作的力度,沿黄各市(地)局全部配备了便携式测流仪,采取不

5、定期突查、巡查的方式,对各引水口门的引水情况进行现场督察。督察纪录基本完整、规范。有的单位还成立了由水政水资源科、工务科、监察科、劳人科、供水处等有关部门人员组成的水量调度联合督察组,分管领导经常亲自带队督察,督察人员统一佩带水量调度督察证,确保了水量调度督察工作的严肃性。2 引黄工程现状及存在问题由于涵闸维修经费短缺以及水价偏低等原因、使得目前以闸养闸的机制尚不健全,涵闸工程现状每况愈下,多数涵闸得不到及时的清淤、检查、维修,漏水现象严重,影响引黄工程功能的正常发挥。2.1 引黄工程老化失修我局现有引黄闸的运行年限已久,大部分在20年以上,按照SL7294水利建设项目经济评价规范附录A水利工

6、程固定资产分类折旧年限的规定,中小型闸阀、启闭设备折旧年限为20年。根据此规定我局目前引黄涵闸已有18座已经达到或超过其折旧年限,大部分闸门逐步出现启闭机老化不灵活、橡皮止水脱落、闸板锈蚀、闸洞身及防渗护坡出现裂缝、进水口淤积及杂物封堵等问题。许多水闸在带病运行,近几年黄委安排进行安全鉴定的几座水闸,都不同程度的存在安全隐患,如花园口闸被鉴定为三类闸,三义寨闸被鉴定为四类危闸,赵口闸共16孔,只有三孔可放水等。2.2 引黄工程多年未清淤如按照水利部、黄委会有关规定,引黄涵闸工程每3年应进行一次清淤检查,对检查出的问题及时进行加固处理,目前我局涵闸基本上已有近8年没有进行清淤检查,工程得不到及时

7、的清淤、检查、维修。如赵口闸改建时由于新老涵洞存在沉陷不均,洞身产生裂缝,至今已有8年清淤检;三义寨闸底板原有裂缝23条,1991年后没有清淤检查等等。这些都严重影响涵闸的安全运行,部分涵闸已失去其引水及防洪功能。2.3 测流、测沙仪器陈旧目前,我局32座引黄涵闸中,测流方式有:缆道铅鱼自动测流、流速仪测流、便携式流速仪测流。大部分设备已陈旧落后,如兰考三义寨闸缆道测流设备是1982年安装的,经过20年使用,各种配件厂家已不再生产。测沙设施,除部分涵闸新配天平外,其余大部分都是19701980年代生产的产品。这种现状,很难满足现代水调中的“精细调度”要求,不能适应高科技水调形势2.4 引黄涵闸

8、漏水现象严重长期以来,由于涵闸启闭设施老化、闸门启闭运行不正常,涵洞、闸底板不均匀沉陷,洞身、底板产生裂缝,止水橡皮严重老化等原因,导致闸门漏水现象普遍存在,据调查闸门不同程度漏水的占86%,大部分是因为止水橡皮严重老化,闸门止水正常的6座,不正常的23座。其中严重漏水的7座。为防止漏水经常采取临时措施造成重复的经济损失。三刘寨闸、赵口闸、渠村闸、南小堤等严重漏水的涵闸,每次都必须采取临时囤堵措施,一年重复数次,一座涵闸损耗资金多达12万元。2.5 引水渠淤积严重河南引黄工程,大都经过引渠引水,经过引渠引水的23座(占68%),引渠纵比降一般为1/30001/5000,闸前引渠长度较长,引渠长

9、在1300015000 m的涵闸有2座,20006200 m的涵闸有14座,2000 m以下的涵闸有7座。由于引水引沙,引渠淤积严重。据调查34座取水口(含滩区引黄闸)不同程度的淤积28个(占82),淤积总长度52292 m ,平均淤积长度2890 m,未淤积的只有6个(仅占18)。引渠淤积导致涵闸闸底板高程都低于引渠渠底高程,影响引黄工程取水。九十年代以来,引黄供水不断下降,19911995年间平均为23.66亿m3,19962000年间平均为19.09亿m3,20012005年间平均为18.11亿m3。3 加强引水管理的对策3.1 加大涵闸维护的投入目前我局引黄涵闸经费主要靠水费收入,水费

10、远不能满足涵闸工程管理所需,要进一步理顺投资渠道,增加涵闸工程管理投入。首先解决闸门漏水的问题,力争23年内对所有涵闸进行清淤和安全检查,对检查出的问题及时进行处,以确保涵闸的安全运行。3.2 提高涵闸管理水平 为了适应水量调度新形势,精细调度黄河水,进一步提高涵闸管理水平。一是开展涵闸自动化测流研究,逐步实现引黄涵闸的自动化测流,提高测流精度,实现实时监测;二是管理好涵闸远程监控系统,目前,河南引黄涵闸已26座安装了远程监控系统,但由于各方面的原因,能正常运行的只有5座,要尽快修复损坏的设施,加强管理,确保远程监控系统恢复。三是要进一步加强对涵闸管理人员的技术培训,学习涵闸管理规程、业务技术

11、,提高业务技能;在管理工作中按程序操作,维护水量调度管理秩序;学技术,熟练掌握涵闸远程监控和测流测沙设备、仪器、工具的操作使用与维护,促进河南黄河引水计量工作规范化管理 。3.3 开展引渠防淤减淤工作河南引黄工程最重要的功能是为沿黄用水服务,但是由于引渠的淤积,导致了引水量的下降,要研究引渠防淤减淤措施,建立水调、供水、灌区“三位一体”的防淤减淤机制,三方共同配合、共同参与采取各种措施进行防淤减开展防淤减淤工作。一是要充分利用工程措施防淤。利用防沙闸和修筑防淤小土坝,防止高含沙水流的进入;二是开展引水渠的常规机械清淤,彻底改变引水渠渠底高程高的现状,为引水创造条件;三是实施拉沙冲淤,利用水流将

12、淤积在引渠的泥沙冲走,以减缓引渠的淤积;四是采取调度措施,依据调度方案,科学制定灌溉制度,合理安排灌溉次序,大流量、短时段的集中引水,以避免引渠淤积。Permeability Structure Types of Rock Mass and Its Existing Problems of Diversion Management andIts Countermeasures for Yellow River Diversion Project in HenanLiu Tian (Henan Yellow River Engineering Bureau )1 Present status o

13、f diversion management for yellow river diversion project in henan1.1 Basic situation of Yellow river diversion project in henanThere are 22 diversions in floodplain, the total diversion discharge is 16.7 m3/s.There are 26 irrigation area along the Yellow river, the total irrigated was about 1.1 mil

14、lion hm2, annual mean diversion water 2.5 billion m3。The diversion afford the guarantee for the economic and social development and ecology environment, also help the agriculture and farmer increase production and incomes。1.2 Establishment rules and system    In order to strengthening

15、 water regulation management and ensure the high effective operation, many rules and regulations were established since 2002, for example,Henan yellow river water regulation management methods, water regulation responsibility system of the Henan yellow river, measures for the diversion measuring, st

16、rengthening management on order for diversion from the yellow river in Henan and so on . All levels also established the water regulation rules and regulations according to it practice. This ensured the water regulation orders to be implemented smoothly.1.3 Regulatory framework implement situation D

17、aily management record completed, standard, orderlyAccording to the prescription of the rules and regulations, the report forms of diversion, watch log and daily management record were completed, for example Xinxiang engineering bureau, Puyang engineering bureau, Kaifeng engineering bureau and Jiaoz

18、uo engineering bureau have 7-9 kinds record,to further improve and standardize data. In order to irrigated area management unit implement the regulations, Kaifeng engineering bureau also compiled and published the rules and regulations and sent to the irrigated area management unit. Strictness imple

19、ments the management on order for diversion form the yellow riverIn light of rules and regulations strengthen management on order procedure; the administrative at different levels all strictly abide relatively provision. at the same time consider the rain,soil humidity and the diversion water plan ,

20、we will make every months regulation plan on the base of the yearly plan, we also make every ten days water regulation scheme according to ten days runoff forecast. Strictness regulations order increased the plan exactitude. Strengthen supervising and examination of water regulationIn order to ensur

21、e the regulation order to be implemented, we strengthen supervises and examination by use the handy flow meter. During irrigation fastigium, we often take spot check and go on a tour of inspection ways and means, Sometimes, we make up of the unite supervising group to ensure the water regulation ser

22、iousness. 2 Present status and problem of diversion sluicesBecause of an acute lack of maintenance funds and lowly water price, a lot of diversion sluices can not cleaning, examine, maintain in time, the diversion sluices is becoming worse and worse, many diversion sluices occurred leakage influence

23、d exertion the regulation function of the diversion sluices.2.1 The diversion sluices aging and disrepairOur diversion sluices were built mostly exceed 20 years, according to the related prescription, the diversion sluices age depreciation is 20 years, we have more than 18 diversion sluices exceed 2

24、0 years, many diversion sluices aged,rubber seal desquamated, flashboard rusted and so on.2.2 Diversion sluices dont cleaning for many yearsAccording to the prescription of Ministry of Water Resources and Yellow River Conservancy Commission (YRCC), the diversion sluices should silt-removing and chec

25、k one time every three years, and aim at the discover question maintenance and reinforcement it, at the present time all diversion sluices dont clean nearly 8 years, influenced the diversion sluices exertion its function.2.3 The gauge of flow and sand are timeworn At the present, we have three kinds

26、 of measured flow, automatism measured by cableway, flowmeter and handy flowmeter. Most of these facilities were unadvanced and timeworn, for example the Shanyizhai gates cableway measure machine was build in 1982, now the fittings dont production. Mostly sand gauge also timeworn can not adapt the r

27、equirement of the science and technology for water regulations. 2.4 Diversion sluices Leakage is very seriousFor many years, due to gate hoist facilities aging and is not operating properly, flashboard and culverts uneven subsidence, flashboard cracks, rubber seal serious aging and so on, the leakag

28、e is widespread in diversion sluices. According to survey data about 86% sluices is leakage, it is mostly because of rubber seal is serious aging, and to prevent leakage often take interim stop up measures and its caused the economic losses by duplication. For example Sanliiuzai ZhaokouLiu and other

29、s sluices, each provisional measure may be repeated several times a year, and it will need funds up to 1 to 20,000 Yuan.2.5 Diversion canals deposit is seriousMost of Henan Yellow River Diversion Project have long diversion canal with vertical slope is generally one in three thousands to one in five

30、 thousands, There are two diversion canal over 10km,. As water diversion with hyperconcentration of sediment, diversion canal deposit is very serious. According to the survey 34 water intake (including the Yellow River flood plain gate) was deposit about 28(82%), total length of deposit are 52292 m,

31、 the average length of deposit 2890 m.The diversion canals deposit leading to the diversion sluices elevation below canals bed elevation and this impact of Yellow River Diversion Project water supply. the Yellow River water supply has been decreasing since the 1990s, from 1991 to 1995, an annual mea

32、n diversion water 2.37 billion m3, form 1996 to 2000 years annual mean diversion water1.9 billion m3, form 2001 to 2005 years annual mean diversion water 1.8 billion m3。3 Countermeasures of Strength the diversion management3.1 Increased maintenance investment At present, the diversion sluices invest

33、ment mainly depend on water fee, but water fee can not meet the requirements of the management, we should establish a more reasonable financing channels in order to increase the investment .First we solved the leakage problems, and strive to clean and safety inspection for all diversion sluices in 2

34、 to 3 years, based on the results we will get to discover question in due course, to ensure the safe operation of diversion sluices 3.2 Strengthened diversion sluices management In order to adapt to the new situation of water regulation, fine regulation the Yellow River, enhance the management. Firs

35、t, Developing the study of automation flow measurement, gradually realize the automated flow measurement, improve current measurement accuracy and realize real-time monitoring, Second, management diversion sluices remote monitoring system, at present, we have installed 26 remote monitoring System, b

36、ecause of manifold reasons, only five sluices are normally operation, repair the damaged facilities as soon as possible , strengthen management, to ensure the remote monitoring system was resumption. The third is to further strengthen the technical training for the management of diversion sluices ,

37、learning diversion management point of order, business and technology, improve their professional competence,operation in accordance with procedures in management, maintain water regulation order; Learn science and technology, master diversion sluices remote monitoring and flow measurement, those technical training will improving standardized of diversion management3.3 Developing s


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