已阅读5页,还剩6页未读 继续免费阅读




1、position-related consum ptionofcivilservantshasbeenswept byfinance,consumer,regardle ss ofcost,eand theGov ernment, undermini ngthe re lationshi pbetw een partyandthemasses, effect,openi ng upshowing offtheiri ndivi dual capacities.Cause d bypublic servants' duty consumption ofmany "two&quo

2、t;phenome non in whi ch people reflecttlservi ce positi on-related consumption,centyear sofgovernance sithe bigge stproblemsare :(a) the officialabuse, corruptionandembezzleme nt, corr upti on is im porta nt.The n,under the c onditions ofmarketeconomy,uationsee, positions consumpti oni nthe produced

3、 of"two not" phe nome non renderingfour afeatures:a iscarproblems. Mainlyin thre e aspects:one is t helargerbuse scostexpe ndit ure.Accor dingtostatistics, untilNself-discipl inereg ulations,and even leadtotrafficaccide nts.Accor dingtostatisti csfrom relateddepartme nts,si nce2004,the cor

4、rectinvestigationinourCountyservesnearly30 cars forprivate purposes,only thefirsthalfofthisyear, carsfor privatepurpose s orovem ber2003,XX County townshiduty consumpti onma nagement,ex ploresa sourceto prevent a nd cur b the post consum ptiondue ofbi ndi ng,righti sgreatertha n rule s,and right is

5、greaterthan methodofphenomenon mp De partmentbus159cars,w hichde partmentowns t he bus 145 vehicles,andshowedancorr uptoireonhigwai ncrea sing trey,iscurrently amajor issuefaced byhone stwork.Recently,Iconducte d resear ch on thihlight; IIisi n positi ons consumptionintheCamera Obscuraoperation,usin

6、gterms,willpositind. Fina ncialex penses cost perbus peryearto 35,000 yua n,and infa cteverycostup to50,000ys issue,thi s pr oblemonsome humbleopinions.First,t ons consumption intohaspersonal consumption,willuan.Some units alsohiringtemporarydrivershe existing public servants' cor porate poi nts

7、tointoand expe nditur e on wages a'dutyconsumptionthemain pr oblems see n fromtheinvestigatipersonal poi ntsto,make s positions consum ption in someaspectnd subsidie s. Nece ssaryto "kee p acar", butalso"de pendant s",s useone-t-thirdleadi ng privatertyin Governme nt, its ope

8、rationorderhaveah ascorruption and misappropriation;fourone-thir dusedfor officialpurposes.Snegativeepfafleaccteos,nfthe ollow t hpaerftaysahnidGoonv,errivalriomepubli cser vants,especial ly leadi ng officials m otoring, carsforageofthepartbecamea symbolofprivatepurposes, violating the民法学I 课程教学大纲一、

9、民法学I 课程说明(一)课程代码:(二)课程英文名称:Civil law(三)开课对象:法学院法学本科专业学生(四)课程性质:本课程是法学学科各专业的主干课程,也是学习其他法学课程的基础。(五)教学目的通过本课程的教学,让学生掌握我国现行民事法律的基本规定,培养学生的法律思维能力和运用法律知识、法学理论分析处理实际问题的能力。(六)教学内容本课程系统讲授民法的基本原理和我国民法的主要内容,包括:民法概述、民事法律关系、民事法律行为、代理、诉讼时效、物权、债权、继承权、人身权、侵权行为等。鉴于知识产权法和婚姻法另开课程,本课程不作具体讲授。(七)教学时数教学时数:72 学时学分数:4 学分教学时

10、数具体分配:leaders driviconsumptinga vehi cle a cci dent cause- > _ L _ Iestablish and perfectwitngave cea cc en cause yon standards, bot h high and lowd by roa d accidents,1, 1 pe ow positions, but alsotheority ofthereform, it iFirstofall,civilservahpubli cserva nts'duty consum ption monetiI _ &g

11、t;ntsespeci allypartyandGovernment lea dersazation reformsupportofthe seriesndpubli c serva nts 'duty consumofgoverna nce syptiontherearebigcivilserviceexamination ofresponsi- LNPC de puties a nd CPPCC members and theport said. Whileother measureconsum ption projectshould asto keep up.Discipline

12、inspe ction a ndsupervi sionorgans,fina ncial,a uditi ng de partments shoul d strengthen supervisionand inspe ctionofpubli cservants abase and fine -tune donthe basis ofthis si ngle pra cticesmust beim proved. Improveme dofstandard should has elastic ofand dynami cof,makesregions,a nd units i n impl

13、emes 'duty consum ption m onetizati onreformpr ogress,t ostrengt hen th e reform of publicdforpublicservants'dutyconsumption standards,calibration,isndard must afterfinancial,anda udit, sect orauditapprovedHoutservants' duty consumpti on monetizati onsystem,measurestodevel op a nd monito

14、rt he impleme ntation ofins pecti on, not consumpti onas required,evenotcontraryto policy.Second,ao impleme ntation.(C) reform package.n shiftingconsumer beccordingthaviortoothel ocalfinaPublic servants 'stop, serious casesto dealw ith.T hreeide as,publi cserv nts'dutyconsumption monetizatio

15、n reform of politipproven afterpprove d,both fina nci- J .di nne r,followtcs,theeconomy and the de epening ofthe reform,publicservants' dutyconsumpti on as somew here between areformalso demonstrated its importance and urgency.psti o cvi LmL-. bemp by fn - e - nnsmeGo- e , unne ing erealios, p .

16、we. paly the ma , nd daaibs C .- d by pul '. sow .o, ”c - vans ' dUy conumpl-Wni-on of many "twO pheme -nn r clper ttpoil o conumPiocn yea s o goe nne .he bge s poblms ae“ le oicai ccrulon . emezlme n,c- u. . s m poa nl ” n ude tie codiios of maket eonnmy ho- o reou*n see-sans aos - ton

17、 in he p ucd of" not pennon ledeng fou a . a spoblms Many he e asecs one s t he lage bue s cos exe nnl ure Ac dig to -Ui> uni Noem os his,licilie eg uaon, een e-t tafc aciens adig to -it1s 11me nt, s nne,» te coe ct i t t n ou Conyna- fo e poa, oy the1st hl o hs ya. so pepupoe oitng cvi

18、 s conumton systm os I2003, XX C oouny tors.lonnsm. . na en. poes a soule o pevn a nd- b te s conum pindue of b ndi ng rgti s graei ha n - s and lgt s i i mehod of - enmlnnn mp Ie patmnt bus 159 s - hih ors t he bs -45 eces Ind d In-l upieoh-ai ncra sig tey s lu - n> a jo is - a-d by hoe s wk.Ree

19、m I cndce d reea In hlgh; I s i n poit ons nnsm n the Cm Obscua ope - , g ems -l stnd Fna nca ex penes s pe bs pe yea o ya n, n a c e-ey cst up o 50100 ys isue hi spl m In sme h - e Ipiins Filt tIns conumpon no haspesna cnsmpin, -u So u* aso hing emoray deshe eisng pulc srans 'd conumton he maco

20、 poae ins o no pesoal pins to mke s -ndkl e In waes a nd subdes ssay o "Ikeand exen p sse nf te i t tion a nd sos n le cet yeas lull c slan s ' nnsm pin cusd by he a bues not a pe sn o 一 isins conum pin n sme apet s has no posins e noy a nd seldla ig o mns t hle s t o nnsm pon ol n, _ud fle

21、 mp nna« .p a , but de pedan s", eai ng o age exe nses. Se nd gogcheyIng uneaty e ne nces., pepe beiee tha w sme bus dives use inn"h_ oe -ti d ladngpiaely n Go-enment ' oe n ode 1 as - .pi and <msp pain; fuloe-hi d ued ol!* pupse. Snegte fet on hepay ldnmnt ogns seiUmgig the ma

22、eof te palpaces fo t he asi on, l_es n stLlad pos cnsmptm becme a so,e publc sel -ats ese y eai ng ocas motong las fopile pu ss -oatng te教学内容讲授实践合计第一编总论44第一章民法概述44第二章民事法律关系44第三章自然人426第四章法人44第五章非法人组织44第六章民事权利的客体22第七章民事法律行为8210第八章代理426第九章诉讼时效44第二编物权28第十章物权概述44一章所有权426第十F共有22第十三章用益物权66第十四章担保物权628第十五章占有

23、22合计621072(八)教学方式本课程采用启发式、讨论式、案例分析等教学方法。以多媒体教学手段为主要形式 的课堂教学。(九)考核方式和成绩记载说明考核方式为考试。学生成绩考核由平时成绩和期末考试成绩两部分组成,分别占总 评成名的30%F口 70%二、讲授大纲与各章的基本要求第一编总论第一章民法概述教学目的和要求认识民法的意义,明确民法学的基本内容和学习方法,理解民法的调整对象, 了解新中国的民事立法,把握民法的基本原则。教学时数:4学时post easmp- o d serantslasbeenp by fn e consmeregade-of cost ex ce an raUe n th

24、ecvisev-ppolt ea cosuptc n ad emezemencorupt - s m an. n e the co m o of ret econmy how o reom exH d-onsmpt ex poes a souce o pevn a - cub post conum pin cor upt m y s cure - a or acedbyh s wok.ReenyIdueda ch - th s ,hi s pr obem - ssme h - e opnons Fist t-ex*g p serarls '* onsmptonmanp see nom

25、inestgaionan rasn, n re cet yas publ c ssrarl s ' - consm pon by he a bues not a per sn o negriy isor probe inhepaynGiverme n< Is opeaton order aregte efec on hepayGo rmnl organs ssebouiy damagii the mageofparte <Gv ermen, unermni ng here atiosh p leW eln ppay and te ma sse, efec, oen n up

26、 and emoansultin Frm I Cuny n ecnyeas o goerane si uton see postns aos . t oni n he prducd of "Wo -t ppe n non r g ou a faues a s、 conum pton 1ytem os hasdueofbndin,rgtis geter ha n rle s and rgt s geaer hln mehodofphenmmin moehghigh;Isinpotonsmnsmptn n theCmeaObscuaoppertin,umg e wlpostms conu

27、mpon no hasppesnasu . tin, W m poaepoins o ito ppesoal po ns o mke s ppoions cnum pin n sme apet s has no postos e -y a n o m- ns thre s t o _mnsm pton or n , flse mperona« - o n tiecorupinppenmma - lh a s mptn and msppop-in; furpaa folw t he asi on.rVlr es 41 pos cnsmptobecmeas_o fsow ig of he

28、i i ndv dul lappaies la use d by ppul c serans' d* mnsmpt o of may "wo phe me non n Wi ch ppople Hec t he bge s poi_s ae" te ofcal poi_s Manynhe e asecs one s t he lage bue cot exe ni ure Accr dig to slaUc, unti Noembe2003,XX。 twshpDpatmnt-s-59s w hih - pa - en ows t he bs - es Ind shm

29、dmincrasigteFnanexpenes-s ppe bs pe yea o ya n, n a c evey cst up o 50B0 yuunSo uis aso hrng emoray dVesandexer e o waes a n susde s Ne-ssay o "ke p a - r, but ao de ppedan s", eai ng o lage exe nses.Segogcheymg be- unhalty te ne nces., peple beiee ha w sme bus divesuseme! h_ oe -hid d ng

30、piae oelhi d ued or ofcal ppuppse. S e pubi c ser -ats ese y leai ng ocas m oong - s fope puross "atngtedisai eg uaon, ne-t tafcaica nsAcco digtosait td n, s 一,» coetittiouloonyvsnaryoeposs, t-fsthlfohsyar1asfopiva-pupu s o教学内容:一、民法与民法学二、民法的调整对象三、新中国的民事立法四、民法的基本原则思考题1、如何正确理解我国民法的调整对象?2、简述我

31、国民法基本原则的内容。第二章民事法律关系教学目的和要求认识民事法律关系的本质,明确民事法律关系的三要素,掌握民事法律关系发生、 变更和终止的原因。教学时数:4学时教学内容:第一节民事法律关系概述一、民事法律关系的概念、特征与意义二、民事法律关系的要素三、民事法律关系的发生、变更与终止思考题1、什么是民事法律关系?它有哪些特征?2、民事法律规范、民事法律事实、民事法律关系三者之间的关系是怎样的?第三章自然人教学目的和要求认识自然人的民事法律地位,掌握法律关于自然人的民事权利能力和民事行为能力的概念,理解监护制度的基本内容,把握宣告失踪和宣告死亡制度的基本规则教学时数:6学时教学内容:一、自然人的

32、民事法律地位二、自然人的民事权利能力三、自然人的民事行为能力四、宣告失踪与宣告死亡五、监护positi on-related consum ption ofcivilservantshasbeen swept byfinance,consumer,regardle ss ofcost,extravaganceandwaste in theciv ilservi ce positi on -related consumpti on, abuse, corruptionandembezzleme nt, corr upti on is im porta nt.The n,under the c o

33、nditions ofmarketeconomy, howto reform the existingcivilduty consumpti onma nagement,ex ploresa sourceto prevent a nd cur b the post consum ption corr upti on wa y,iscurrently amajor issuefaced byhone stwork.Recently,Iconducte d resear ch on thi s issue,thi s pr oblemonsome humbleopinions.First,thee

34、xisting public servants 'duty consumptionthemain pr oblems see n fromtheinvestigationa nd reasons,inre cent years,publi c servant s 'duty consum ption caused bythea buses and nota per son ofintegrity,isoneofthe majorproblems inthe partyin Governme nt, its operationorderhaveanegativeeffectont

35、hepartyandGover nment organs, seriously damaging the imageofthepartand theGov ernment, undermini ngthe re lationshi pbetw een partyandthemasses, effect,openi ng upand economicconstruction.From ICounty in recentyear sofgovernance sit uationsee, positions consumpti oni nthe produced of"two not&qu

36、ot; phe nome non renderingfour afeatures:a ispositions consumptionsystem losthasdue ofbi ndi ng,righti sgreatertha n rule s,and right is greaterthan methodofphenomenon morehig hlight; IIisi n positi ons consumptionintheCamera Obscuraoperation,usingterms,willpositi ons consumption intohaspersonal con

37、sumption,will cor porate poi ntstointo personal poi ntsto,make s po sitions consum ption in someaspect shasinto positions e njoya nd self-dea ling of mea ns;t hree is t o positions consum ptionforname,fraud,false impersonator,Trend of negativecorruption phenomenasuch ascorruption and misappropriatio

38、n;fourpalaces,f ollowt hefashi on, rivalri es,wasteful,and postconsumption becamea symbolofshow ing offtheir i ndivi dual capacities.Ca use d bypubli c servants' duty consumpti on ofmany "two"phe nome non in whi chpeople reflectthe bigge stproblemsare :(a) the official carproblems. Mai

39、nlyin thre e aspects:one is t helargerbuse scostexpe ndit ure.Accor dingtostatistics, untilNovember2003,XX C ounty townshi p De partmentbus159cars,w hichde partmentowns t he bus 145 vehicles,andshowedan i ncrea sing tre nd. Fina ncialex penses cost perbus peryearto 35,000 yua n,and infa cteverycostu

40、p to50,000yuan.Some units also hiringtemporarydriversand expe nditur e on wages a nd subsidie s. Nece ssaryto "kee p acar", butalso"de pendant s", leadi ngtolargerexpe nse s.Se cond,gongchesiy ong breed unhealthy te nde ncies.Some people believe t hat nowsome busdrivers useone-t

41、hird, one -thirdleadi ng private one-thir dusedfor officialpurposes.S omepubli cser vants,especial ly leadi ng officials m otoring, carsforprivatepurposes, violating theself-discipl inereg ulations,and even leadtotrafficaccide nts.Accor dingtostatisti csfrom relateddepartme nts,si nce2004,the correc

42、tinvestigationinourCountyservesnearly30 cars forprivate purposes,only thefirsthalfofthisyear, carsfor private purpose s or思考题1、什么是公民的民事权利能力和民事行为能力?2、宣告失踪和宣告死亡的条件及法律后果是什么?第四章 法人教学目的和要求认识法人的民事法律地位,明确法人与自然人在民事权利能力和民事行为能力方面的差别,掌握法人成立、变更和终止的基本法律规则。教学时数:4学时教学内容:一、法人的民事法律地位二、法人的民事权利能力与民事行为能力三、法人机关四、法人的成立、变

43、更、终止和登记思考题1、什么是法人?法人应具备什么条件?2、法人的民事权利能力和民事行为能力有什么特点?3、什么是法人登记?简述法人登记的内容及其效力。第五章 非法人组织教学目的和要求明确非法人组织的概念和应具备的条件;掌握合伙的概念、特征及有关法律规定;了解其它非法人组织的形式及相关规定。教学时数:4学时教学内容:一、非法人组织概述二、合伙与联营三、其他民事主体1、个体工商户与农村承包经营户2、个人独资企业3、企业法人的分支机构思考题1、试述非法人组织作为民事主体与法人的区别。2、合伙与法人有何区别?第六章 民事权利的客体positi on-related consum ption ofci

44、vilservantshasbeen swept byfinance,consumer,regardle ss ofcost,extravaganceandwaste in theciv ilservi ce positi on-related consumption, abuse, corruptionandembezzleme nt, corr upti on is im porta nt.The n,under the conditionsofmarketeconomy,howto reform the existing civilduty consumpti onma nagement

45、,ex ploresa sourceto prevent a nd cur b the post consum ption corr upti on wa y,iscurrently amajor issuefaced byhone stwork.Recently,Iconducte d resear ch on thi s issue,thi s pr oblemonsome humbleopinions.First,the existing public servants'dutyconsumption the mai n pr oblems see n fromtheinvest

46、igationa nd reasons,inre cent years,publi c servant s 'duty consum ption caused bythea buses and nota per son ofintegrity,isoneofthe majorproblems inthe partyin Governme nt, its operationorderhaveanegativeeffectonthepartyandGover nment organs, seriously damaging the imageofthepartand theGov ernm

47、ent, undermini ngthe re lationshi pbetw een partyandthe ma sses, effect,openi ng upand economicconstruction.From ICounty in recentyear sofgovernance sit uationsee, positions consumpti oni nthe produced of"two not" phe nome non renderingfour afeatures:a ispositions consum ptionsystem lostha

48、sdue ofbi ndi ng,righti sgreatertha n rule s,and right is greaterthan methodofphenomenon morehig hlight; IIisi n positi ons consumptionintheCamera Obscuraoperation,usingterms,willpositi ons consumption intohaspersonal cons umption,will cor porate poi ntstointo personal poi ntsto,make s positions con

49、sum ption in someaspect shasinto positions e njoya nd self-dea ling of mea ns;t hree is t o positions consum ptionforname,fraud,false impersonator,Trend of negativecorruption phenomenasucha scorruption and misappropriation;fourpalaces,f ollowt hefashi on, rivalri es,wasteful,and postconsumption beca

50、mea symbolofshow ing offtheir i ndivi dual capacities.Ca use d bypubli c servants' duty consumpti on ofmany "two"phe nome non in whi ch people reflectt he bigge stproblemsare :(a) the official carproblems. Mainlyin thre e aspects:one is t helargerbuse cost expe ndit ure.Accor dingtosta

51、tistics, untilNovember2003,XX County township De partmentbus159cars,w hichde partmentowns t he bus 145 vehicles,andshowedan i ncrea sing tre nd. Fina ncialex penses cost perbus peryearto 35,000 yua n,and infa cteverycostup to50,000yuan.Some units also hiringtemporarydriversand expe nditur e on wages

52、 a nd subsidie s. Nece ssaryto "kee p acar", butalso"de pendant s", leadi ngtolargerexpe nse s.Se cond,gongchesiy ong breed unhealthyte nde ncies.Some people believe hat nowsome busdrivers useone-t hird, one -thirdleadi ng private one-thir dusedfor officialpurposes.S omepubli cse

53、r vants,especial ly leadi ng officials m otoring, carsforprivatepurposes, violating theself-discipl inereg ulations,and even leadtotrafficaccide nts.Accor dingtostatisti csfrom relateddepartme nts,si nce2004,the correctinvestigationinourCountyservesnearly30 cars forprivate purposes,only thefirsthalf

54、ofthisyear, carsfor privatepurpose s or教学目的和要求了解民事权利客体的概念和范围;掌握物、行为、智力成果和人格利益在不同民事法律关系中对民事主体实现民事权利的作用与影响。教学时数:2学时教学内容:1、 民事权利的客体概述2、 物3、 行为四、智力成果五、人格利益思考题区分动产与不动产的法律意义是什么?第七章 民事法律行为教学目的和要求认识和理解民事法律行为的概念和特征;明确民事法律行为的有效条件;了解附条件与附期限的民事法律行为;掌握无效民事行为、可撤消民事行为和效力未定民事行为的概念及其法律后果。教学时数:10 学时教学内容:一、民事法律行为概述二、民

55、事法律行为的有效要件三、附条件与附期限的民事法律行为四、无效的民事行为五、可变更、可撤销的民事行为六、效力未定的民事行为思考题1、什么是民事法律行为?民事法律行为的有效条件有哪些?2、民事行为的成立与生效有何联系和区别?3、什么是无效民事行为?民事行为被确认无效的法律后果是怎样的?4、效力未定的民事行为与无效民事行为、可撤销民事行为有何区别?第八章 代理教学目的和要求positi on-related consum ption ofcivilservantshasbeen swept byfinance,consumer,regardle ss ofcost,extravaganceandwa

56、ste in theciv ilservi ce positi on -related consumpti on, abuse, corruptionandembezzleme nt, corr upti on is im porta nt.The n,under the c onditions ofmarketeconomy, howto reform the existingcivilduty consumpti onma nagement,ex ploresa sourceto prevent a nd cur b the post consum ption corr upti on wa y,iscurrently amajor issuefaced byhone stwork.Recently,Iconducte d resear ch on thi s issue


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