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1、3 Talking about hobbiesPeriod One:Topics: Hobbies (8 minutes)Language highlights: Ordinal numbers (I)What's your hobby?I like playingcomputer games.When did youtake up your hobby?Functions: Talking about hobbiesTeaching objectives1. to use ordinal numbers: 1st - 20th2. to talk abut hobbiesSenten

2、ce Patterns:When did you take up .?I / He like (s) . ing (sth)I dont care.A: Do you want to .?B: Sure.Structures:Ordinal numbers (I): 1st - 20thPresentationTuning In (8 minutes)Items (step by step)1. Match the following hobbies to the pictures, and answer the questions below.1) Do you have any hobbi

3、es?2) What's your hobby?3) What are you interested in?4) When did you take up your hobby?collecting stamps writing a computer program photography listening to a CDdrawing a picture playing table tennis .2. Listen to the text (twice) ( 5 minutes )3. Explain the text (10 minutes)Yu Bo and Tina are

4、 talking about hobbies during the third English Day 英语活动日English Day of the new semester: term, school year semester (5 months) term (10 weeks)semester.Yu Bo: What's your hobby, Tina?Tina: Playing computer games. It's fun, isn't it? 这很有趣,是吗? It's very interesting, isn't it?Its fu

5、n, isnt it?Yu Bo: How often do you play them?Tina: Every day after school I usually play them in the Internet bar -n. 1 °rod, °shaft, °pole, °stick, °stake: A heavy iron bar is used to tamp the dynamite into place in the hole. 2 °strip, °stripe, °band, °b

6、elt; °streak, °line: The company trade mark is a narrow red bar around the barrel of every ball-point pen. 3 °barrier, °obstacle, °obstruction, barricade, °hindrance, °block, °deterrent, °impediment; °ban, °embargo: A steel bar was across the en

7、trance. Her pride proved a bar to her success. There is a bar against importing spirits. 4 bar-room, saloon, °public °house, °café, °lounge, cocktail °lounge, tavern, taproom, canteen, Brit °local, wine °bar; Colloq °pub; Slang boozer, gin-mill: I was at

8、the bar on my third beer when she walked in. 5 °counter: We had a quick lunch at the sandwich bar.bar.Yu Bo: I like playing computer games, too. It's interesting, but Don't you think it's a waste of time? 难道你不觉得这是浪费时间吗? a waste of time: Do you think playing computer games is a waste

9、 of time? No, I don't think so. I think playing cards is a waste of time. I think so, too.don't you think it's a waste of time?Tina: I don't care. 我不在乎。I don't think it is serious. I don't think so. If you don't go, you'll miss the chance. I don't care. If you don

10、't work hard, you can't get a good score. I don't care.I don't care. What's your hobby? Playing computer games. What's your job? Baby-sitting. What's his personal interest? Collecting stamps.What's your hobby, then?Yu Bo: Writing computer programs. You know, it can en

11、rich one's knowledge: make sb have more knowledge Reading can enrich our knowledge. This kind of activity can enrich our knowledge. Can you tell me how I can enrich my knowledge?enrich my knowledge and it's interesting, too. I won second prize in the computer programming contest last semeste

12、r. 上学期我在计算机变成竞赛中获二等奖.。win second prize, pay attention to : win first / second prize and win first place / second place, no articlesI won second prize in the computer programming contest last semester.Tina: sound: -v. 1 °resound, reverberate, °echo, resonate: The noises sound very close. 2

13、°seem, °appear, °look; °strike °one, °give °one the °impression or °feeling or °sense (that); °resemble, °sound or °seem or °look °like: It sounds as if you don't want to come to my party. That sounds like Russian to me.-

14、adj. 1 undamaged, uninjured, °whole, unmarred, in °good °condition or °shape, °intact, unimpaired, °unscathed: When the vase was sold to you it was sound. 2 °healthy, °hale (and hearty), °fit (as a fiddle), °robust, °vigorous, blooming, °ro

15、sy, ruddy: Old Tom is as sound as ever.That sounds like a lot of fun. When did you take up: begin to be interested in sth When did you take up the piano? I am going to take up computer programming.take up your hobby?Yu Bo: Three years ago. Do you want to .? Sure. Do you want to join our hobby group?

16、 Sure. Do you want to learn how to make a videos? Sure. Please teach me. Will you teach me? = Do you like to teach me? We are going to take some photos? Will you join us?Do you want to learn?Tina: Sure. Will you teach me?Yu Bo: Certainly.4. Comprehension Check: ( 5 minutes)Complete the following tab

17、le about Yu Bo and Tina's hobbies.5. Homework: (2 minutes)1. Learn the text by heart2. Role-play: Talk about your hobbies in class3. copy the new words in the text and try to remember them.Period Two:Discovering LanguageOrdinal numbers (I) (7 minutes)Read these numbers and notice the spelling. T

18、hen answer the question below.20th (twentieth)* floor13th (thirteenth) floor6th (sixth) floor19th (nineteenth) floor12th (twelfth)* floor5th (fifth)* floor18th (eighteenth) floor11th (eleventh) floor4th (fourth) floor17th (seventeenth) floor10th (tenth) floor3rd (third)* floor16th (sixteenth) floor9

19、th (ninth)* floor2nd (second)* floor15th (fifteenth) floor8th (eighth)* floor1st (first)* floor14th (fourteenth) floor7th (seventh) floorground floorAnswer the questions below by discovering the rules. (5 minutes)2) How do you spell 第4,第6 and 第7?3) What is special about the numbers with?4) What is t

20、he English for 第12 and 第20?Developing Skills (8 minutes)Listening & Speaking1. A journalist from the Shanghai Students Post is interviewing a high school junior about his hobby. Listen to the interview and choose the correct answers. (Teachers Book: P. 72 Ex 1.)Listening & Speaking1Journalis

21、t: (f) Excuse me. May I ask you a few questions, Zhou Bin?Zhou Bin: Sure. Please go ahead.Journalist: Whats your hobby?Zhou Bin: Well, I used to do sth : often did something in the past but not now.used to be interested in playing computer games. Now I like doing sth / like to do sth: I like playing

22、 football, so I would like to play football with you this afternoon. I like swimming. My sister likes writing computer programs.like playing football.Journalist: Is there more fun in playing football? be fun in doing sthIs there more fun in playing football?Zhou Bin: Not really. But its more exercis

23、e, exerciting, exercited: We do morning exercises every day, they are exerciting, and I am quite excited when I do the exercises.exciting and good exercise.Journalist: When did you take it up?Zhou Bin: Last semester.Journalist: How often do you play football?Zhou Bin: Three times a week.Journalist:

24、Thats quite a lot. Thank you very much for your answers.Zhou Bin: Its a pleasure.2. Talk about these students hobbies according to the following mode. Use the picture and phrase cues.Model:A: Whats your hobby?B: I like photography.A: When did you take it up?B: A few months ago.A: How often do you do

25、 photography?B: Once a week.A: Why are you interested in it?B: Its creative and interesting. ( broaden one's mind: Travelling can broaden our minds. Visiting museums can broaden students' minds.broaden my mind)3. Suppose you are a journalist of your school newspaper. Interview your classmate

26、s about their hobbies according to the following model.You can begin like this: A: Excuse me. Im a journalist with the school newspaper. Could you tell me about your hobby?B: Sure. I like computer programming.A: When did you take it up?B: Three year ago.A: Thank you very much for your answer.B: My p

27、leasure.Reading (10 minutes)Read the report published in the Shanghai Students' post 3 -n. 1 postal °service, °mail; °delivery; °collection: I am expecting an important letter in the post. It hasn't come in the first post.-v. 2 °send, °dispatch or despatch, 

28、6;transmit, Chiefly US and Canadian °mail: I posted your cheque this morning. 3 °record, °enter, °register, °list: We post the daily receipts in this ledger.Post, and decide: -v. make one's mind 1 °determine, °settle, °resolve, conclude, °take or 

29、6;reach or °come to a °decision or conclusion, °make up one's °mind, arbitrate, °judge, adjudicate, referee, °umpire: She decided that you were right. They decided the case in my favour.decide if thefollowing statements are true or false. Tick the right boxes.Shangh

30、ai Students PostA VISIT TO A prize winner: person who wins the prize Who's the prize winner in the Singing Contest? Are you a prize winner in the Olympic Maths Contest?PRIZE WINNER a high school senior = a senior high studentA high school senior from Shanghai Foreign Language School won first pr

31、ize at the 12th International Computer Science Contest in America. Our journalist visited the prize winner Zhu Xiaochen, and interview -n. 1 °meeting, (press) °conference, °discussion, °conversation, °talk, °question °period, audience: The reporter phoned to ask fo

32、r an interview. 2 °evaluation, appraisal, vetting, assessment: I have a job interview scheduled for tomorrow.-v. 3 °question, °examine, interrogate, °sound °out, °talk with or to: She interviewed the Prime Minister on television last night. 4 appraise, °evaluate, &

33、#176;check (out), °vet: The headmaster himself interviews the teachers.My uncle is going to have a job interview tomorrow. A journalist from Cinmin Evening News is going to interview a top student in Class Terviewed him at his home.Our journalist asked him about secret -adj. 1 concealed,

34、°hidden, °private, covert, shrouded, clandestine; °confidential, covert, °quiet, °under °cover, °secretive, unpublishable, unpublished, Colloq hush-hush: There is a secret passageway leading from the cave to the cove. Keep secret what I shall tell you. She revealed

35、 to me her most secret desires. 2 °cryptic, °private, arcane, °mysterious, °incomprehensible, esoteric, °recondite, abstruse; cryptographic, encrypted, encoded: We used to communicate by secret code. Did you receive my secret message?-n. 3 °private or °confidential

36、 °matter or °affair, °mystery: If I tell you my secret will you tell me yours? 4 in secret. privately, confidentially, °secretly, on the q.t. or Q.T.; surreptitiously, °under °cover, °by °stealth, stealthily, furtively, °quietly, on the °sly, clandes

37、tinely: The office manager told me in secret that John was going to resign. They see one another in secret. Can you tell me the secret of your success? The secret of his success is diligence.the secret of his success. He told her a lot about his studies and hobbies. as a student: as prep. As an Engl

38、ish teacher, you must speak English fruently. My father works as a computer programmer at a computer company. compare with: like He talks like a teacher. He talks as a teacher.As a student from Shanghai Foreign Language School, his English is very good. He can speak and write English very fluent -ad

39、j. fluently adv. articulate, °eloquent, well-spoken, felicitous, °graceful, facile, °easy, °natural, °effortless, °ready, °smooth, °polished, flowing, °voluble, °glib, °slick; °expressive: She is a fluent speaker of Spanish.fluently. He oft

40、en goes to the English Corner. He is not only good at English, but also good at other subject -n. 1 (subject-)matter, °topic; °issue, °theme, °angle, °thesis, °gist, °substance, °business, °affair, °point: What is the subject of conversation today? T

41、he subject under discussion was of crucial importance. 2 °course (of study), °field, °area, °discipline, °branch of °knowledge: In which subject did Frank take his doctorate?subjects. After class, he takes an active part in computer programming hobby group activities. H

42、e also spends a lot of time surfing the Internet for information. All these after-school activities enrich -v. 1 endow, °enhance, °improve, upgrade, °better, ameliorate, °refine, °add to: His novels have enriched our literature. 2 °ornament, adorn, °decorate, °

43、;embellish; °beautify, °grace: Before us rose a lofty dome enriched with precious stones.enrich his knowledge -n. 1 °knowing, awareness, apprehension, cognition, °grasp, °understanding, discernment, consciousness, °conception, °insight: Miles's knowledge of his

44、tory is extensive. 2 facts, °information, °data, °intelligence: They had no knowledge of any defections to the enemy. 3 °acquaintance, acquaintanceship, °familiarity, °appreciation, conversance, °expertise, °experience, adeptness, °proficiency: Has he any

45、 knowledge of their work on the DNA molecule? 4 °schooling, °education, °scholarship, °instruction, °learning, erudition: A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.knowledge. He also plays a lot of sports to keep healthy: be in good health, be sound in health It's importan

46、t to keep healthy. Sports can help us keep healthy.keep healthy. So he is good at schoolwork and be sound in health: My brother is sound in health because he takes an active part in sports. Is your grandmother still sound in health?sound in health.T1. Zhu Xiaochen is very good at computer science. F

47、2. He was second in the computer science contest.T3. The journalist interviewed him after the contest.F4. He is only good at school subjects.F5. He does not care for sports after school.Writing (8 minutes)Write six or eight sentences about your hobbies. Use the question cues.1. Whats your hobby?2. W

48、hen did you take it up?3. How often do you .?4. Why are you interested in it?You may begin like this:I like football. Its my favourite sport. I took it up last semester. I play it after school every day. I often play it with my classmates. Sometimes I play it with my father at the weekend. It is goo

49、d exercise, too.Home work: (2 minutes)1. Copy the new words in vocabulary II.2. copy the reading and translate it into Chinese.3. Complete the writing at home.Period Three:1. Phonetics (6 minutes) Listen and repeat.ture/ tFE/picture future furniture nature/ FE /pressuresure/ FuE /sure insure/ VE /pl

50、easure treasure2. Listen to the passage below and repeat, paying attention to the stressed and the pauses. (6 minutes)3. Review the whole lesson (20 minutes)4. Dictation: (6 minutes)1. Whats your hobby?2. I like playing computer games.3. When did you take up collecting stamps?4. Writing computer pro

51、grams can enrich our lives.5. It sounds like a lot of fun.6. I won second prize in the maths contest.7. I dont think its a waste of time.5. Homework (2 minutes) Do all the exercises of the WorkbookVocabularycollect/ kElekt /vt. 收集;领取;接走(人,物)collect stamps集邮program/ prEugrAm / vt. & n.(为编制)程序prog

52、ramming/ prEugrAmiN /n.程序设计,程序编制photography/ fEtCgrEfi /n.摄影术take up开始从事third/ WE:d /num.第三semester/ simestE /n.(美)学期(15-18周)bar/ bB: /n.酒吧;条Internet bar网吧enrich/ inritF /vt.丰富;充实knowledge/ nClidV /n.知识,学问twelfth/ twelfW /num.第十二exciting/ iksaitiN /a.令人兴奋的,使人激动的creative/ kri:eitiv /a.有创造力的;创造性的;独创的v

53、ideo/ vidiEu /vt. n. & a.给录象 录象(的)piano/ piAnEu /n.钢琴broaden/ brC:dEn /vt.加宽,使扩大加阔mind/ maind /n.头脑;智力;心胸;精神broaden ones mind开阔视野journalist/ dVE:nElist /n.新闻记者end/ end /vi.结束,终结,终止winner/ winE /n.获胜者;得奖者win (won)/ win / / wQn /vt.获胜,赢得interview/ intEvju: /vt. & n.采访;面试secret/ si:krit /n. a.秘

54、密;秘诀;奥秘 秘密的;神秘的fluently/ flu:Entli /ad.流利地;通畅地sound/ saund /n. a. vi.声音 强壮的 作声,听起来sound in health体魄健壮Additional words and expressions:sewing 缝纫 seeing films 看电影listening to music 听音乐watching ball games 看球赛gardening 园艺making model planes 做航模knitting 编结 / nit /cooking 烹饪making handicraft 制作手工制品playing

55、 the accordion 拉手风琴making model ships 做船模reading novels / detective stories / science fiction 读小说/侦探小说/科幻小说Memorizing the new words:1. twelfth 2. third 3. collect 4. creative 5. programming 6. collect stamps 7. Internet bar8. photography 9. exciting 10. journalist 11. program 12. winner 13. take up14. knowledge 15. semester 16. broaden ones mind 17. enrich 18. sound in health19. video 20. win


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