【关于出租车和顾客英语对话】 服务员与顾客英语对话_第1页
【关于出租车和顾客英语对话】 服务员与顾客英语对话_第2页
【关于出租车和顾客英语对话】 服务员与顾客英语对话_第3页
【关于出租车和顾客英语对话】 服务员与顾客英语对话_第4页




1、本文格式为word版,下载可任意编辑【关于出租车和顾客英语对话】 服务员与顾客英语对话 除了公交车、地铁外,出租车是广阔百姓最常用的交通工具之一。我整理了关于出租车和顾客英语对话,欢迎阅读! 关于出租车和顾客英语对话篇一 jenny: hi,taxi! 嗨,计程车。 driver: yes,madam.can i help you? 女士 ,要车吗? jenny: post office,please. 是的,请把我送到邮局。 driver: ok.which post office would you like me to stop at? 好的,您盼望我在哪个邮局停? jenny: any

2、 post office so long as i can send a letter by air-mail. 只要是能寄航空信的任何邮局都可以. driver: er,would the general post office be ok? 额,总局可以吗? jenny: yeah,but how long will it take to get there? 可以,到那要多久? driver: oh,its only about twenty minutes drive. 只要20分钟. jenny: thats fine. 好的. driver: get in,please. 请进.

3、关于出租车和顾客英语对话篇二 ahello. airway transit reservation service. how can i help you? 您好,机场通勤预约服务。我能为您做什么? bhi. im calling to reserve a taxi. i need a cab this saturday morning. 你好。我想订一辆出租车,这个周六的早上。 aall right. please give me your name, address and phone number. 好的。请留下您的名字和电话。 bokay. my name is robert smit

4、h. my address is 468 steeles ave, north, catharine. and my phone number is 289 908 1234. 好的。我叫robert smith。我的地址是凯瑟琳市北斯蒂尔斯大街468号,电话是2899081234。 athanks. i got it. 感谢,我登记了。 bhow much will it cost? 收费是多少? awell. we charge by the mile. it will be about $60 from st. catharine. 这个,我们是根据里程计费的。从圣凯瑟琳到机场也许是60

5、美元。 bthats fair. 这还算合理。 awhat kind of vehicle do you need? small car or a minivan? 你需要什么车型?小轿车还是7座的休旅车? ba small car will be fine. by the way, can i pay by credit card? 小轿车就可以了。顺便问一下,我可以用信用卡付款吗? aim sorry. we cant accept credit cards. the only way you can pay is by cash. 很愧疚,我们不接受信用卡。我们只接受现金。 bokay.

6、 thats fine. 好的,知道了。 awhat time will you want us to pick you up? 您需要我们几点钟去接您? bseven oclock in the morning on saturday. 星期六早上7点钟。 aall right. your cab will be at your home at 7am on saturday morning. thank you for your call. 好的。我们的车会在星期六早上7点钟去您家接您。感谢您的来电。 关于出租车和顾客英语对话篇三 a: excuse me. do you think i

7、can get there in time to catch the 11:30 train? a:请问,我能赶上11点半的那班火车吗? b: well, let me see. now its 11:00 sharp. its a long way to go.if i take the shortest route, we may come across a traffic jam.if i take a less heavy route, it will save us 10 or more minutes, but youll have to pay more. which do yo

8、u prefer? b:嗯,让我想想。现在正好是11点,这儿离火车站很远。假如走最近的路,可能会遇上交通堵塞。假如走不那么拥挤的路的话,可以节约10分钟甚至更多的时间,但您得多付些钱。您想走哪条路? a: are you sure that i can get there in time if we take the less heavy route? a:假如走不那么拥挤的路,您敢确定我能赶得上吗? b: generally speaking, we can if we go at this speed and nothing unexpected happens. b:一般来说,假如按现在

9、这个速度,路上又没有其他意外的事发生的话,能赶上。 a: how much more do i have to pay? a:我得多付多少钱? b: compared to the shortest route, you may pay around 5 euro more. b:与走最近的路相比,您可得多付大约5欧元。 a: thats acceptable. no one wants to miss a train. a:那行。没有人情愿赶不上火车。 b: ok. here we are. well turn left at this cross. to go straight ahead is the shortest route. b:那好您看,我们在这个十字路口得往左拐了


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