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1、温故而知新,下笔如有神近2年广东成人学士学位英语考试专项试题训练英语试卷一Part Dialogue Completion (15 points)Part Reading Comprehension (40 points)Part Vocabulary and Structure (20 points)Part Cloze Test (10 points)考生须知1. 本考试分试卷一和试卷二两部分.试卷一满分85分,考试时间为90分钟,9:00开始,10:30结束;试卷二满分15分,考试时间为30分钟,10:30开始,11:00结束.2. 本试卷一为A型试卷,请将答案用2B铅笔填涂在A型答题卡

2、上,答在其它类型答题卡或试卷上的无效。答题前,请核对答题卡是否为A型卡,若不是,请要求监考人员予以更换。3. 在答题卡上正确的填涂方法为:在答案所代表的字母上划线,如:ABCD4. 监考人员宣布试卷一考试结束后,请停止答试卷一,将试卷一和试卷一答题卡反扣在自己的桌面上,继续做试卷二。监考人员将到座位上收取试卷一和试卷一答题卡。Part Dialogue Completion (15 points)Directions: There are 15 short incomplete dialogues in this part, each followed by 4 choices marked

3、A, B, C, D. Choose the best one to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.1. Rita: You said we could discuss a problem you had when you first came to the US Would you like to tell me your problem?Anna:_A_A.Yes ,of course. B.Thanks, Id lov

4、e to .C.Well, as you said. D.I dont think so.2. Jack:Hello, this is Jack London. May I speak to DrLee?Receptionist:Im sorry.Shes with a patient._B_A. Whats up? B.May I help you?C.Could you wait? D.Why do you want to see her?3.Peter:Hello.Im Peter Smith.Arent you new here?Wendy: _A_ I transferred fro

5、m UCLA.A.No,I once was here. B.Im Wendy Chan.C.I dont know you. D.No,fist time here4.Tim:Hey,Larry!Good to see you!_A_Larry:Terrible!I just found out I failed my math test,and I studied all night for it!A.Hows it going? B.How do you do ?C.How are you? D.How about you?5. Wife:How about picking up som

6、e soft drinks on your way home?Husband:_D_ Anything else?A.Id love to . B.I dont mind.C.My pleasure. D.No problem.6. Sian: Lets eat out tonight.I dont feel like cooking.Vincent:_A_ What do you fancy?Sian:I think Japanese food would make a nice change.A.Me too. B. Do you?C.Well, why not? D. So what?7

7、. Kato:Shall we have Chinese or American food?Mori:_D_Kato:There is a good steak house around the corner.A.You have nothing in mind B.It doesnt matter.C.I have no choice! D.Whatever you say!8.Terri: How are things going with you and your roommate?Jon:Not very well. Were _A_,but I end up feeding him

8、three meals a day.A.supposed to divide the house work B. supposed to share the groceriesC. on good terms D. kind of broke9.Mike:Shall I pick you up at 5 or 6?Joei:_A_Mike:OK,I will pick you up at 5.A.It doesnt make any difference. B. Its fine with me.C.Like you said. D.Nothing bothers me.10.Stacey:S

9、ue,can you drive Jane and me to the doctor on Monday?Sue:Sure._A_ when you need help.A.You can always count on me B. Ill be glad to C.Ill mark it on my calendar D. You can think of me11. Mei:Is Mrs.Johnson joining us for dinner?Susie:_D_Mei:I was hoping she would come with us.A.I think so . B. Not t

10、hat I know of.C.She said so. D.Not that she said.12.Rosie:Sorry,I overslept.My clock didnt go off this morning.Francie:_ Perhaps you should buy a new one.A.You should put that right. B.Your clock never works.C.Did you set the alarm 13.Ryan:Hi,Mike.Havent seen you for a while?How is Cathy?Mike:Were n

11、ot seeing each other any more.Ryan:What happened? _A.Did you fire her? B.Did you break up?C.I believe it. D.Shes fine.14. Jack:I heard youre going out with Jane.Fred: Where did you get that idea?Jack:_ Jane is a very nice girl,someone you meet only once in a lifetime.A.Oh,come on . B.You mean you ar

12、ent.C.Oh,forget it . D.No kidding.15.Eddie: Did you ever think of working somewhere else?Janice:Yeah. In fact, I have an interview next Monday.Eddie:_A.Good luck! B.Good idea!C.No way! D.Amazing!Part Reading Comprehension (40 points)Directions:There are 4 passages in this part. Each of the passages

13、is followed by 5 questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are 4 choices marked A,B,C,D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.Passage OneI knew a man who was asked to be the new dean(院长)of the College of Business of a larg

14、e university. When he first arrived, he studied the situation the college faced and felt that what it needed most was money.He recognized that he had a unique capacity to raise money,and he developed a real sense of vision about fund-raising as his primary function.This created a problem in the coll

15、ege because past deans had focused mainly on meeting day-to-day faculty needs.This new dean was never there. He was running around the country trying to raise money for research. But he was not attending to the day-to-day things as the previous dean had. The faculty,who were used to working with the

16、 person at the top,had to work through his administrative assistant.The faculty became so upset with his absence that they sent a delegation to the president of the university to demand a new dean or a fundamental change in his leadership style. The president,who knew what the dean was doing, said,”

17、Relax.He has a good administrative assistant.Give him some more time.”Within a short time, the money started pouring in and the faculty began to recognize the vision. It wasnt long until every time they saw the dean, they would say,”Get out of here!We dont want to see you. Go out and bring in more f

18、unds.Your administrative assistant runs this office better than anyone else.”This man admitted to me later that the mistake he made was not doing enough team building ,enough explaining, enough educating about what he was trying to accomplish.From him I learned a powerful lesson. We need to constant

19、ly be asking ourselves,”What is needed out there, and what is my unique strength?”16. The new dean thought that the most important thing for him to do was to _.A.gain a sense of vision B.set up a primary goalC.win the trust of the faculty D. raise money17.The new dean was different from the past dea

20、ns in that _.A.he was less responsible B.he didnt attend to daily thingsC.he had an administrative assistant D.he didnt like to talk with others18.We can learn from the passage that the faculty _.A.was not well paid for their workB.didnt understand the new deans ideas at firstC.had a conflict with t

21、he president of the universityD.didnt want to work with the administrative assistant19. The faculty would ask the new dean to get out because they _.A.were upset by his leadership styleB.wanted to get rid of himC.were unhappy with his explanationD.wanted him to bring back more money20.What was the m

22、istake the new dean realized he had made?A.He was absent all the year around.B.He was insensitive to the facultys needs.C.He didnt communicate well with the faculty.D.He didnt work hard to accomplish his goal.Passage TwoIs new technology damaging our ability to communicate?Fingers flying ,we can blo

23、g(写博客文章),email,and enter chat rooms.But ,as we type our millions of words, something is being lost.As our virtual skills increase,I wonder if our ability to communicate using speech is on the decline.Young people send me dozens of emails from schools and universities. They often attach long lists of

24、 questions,to which they want detailed responses. Time is short, so my reply is usually that they can phone me and Ill do my best to answer.They very rarely do,at least partly because their oral and telephone skills are less developed than their ability to type,text and email.Yet to adapt an old bus

25、iness saying,a meeting is worth five phone calls and a phone call is worth five emails.Direct communication can quickly lead to bonding and trust.People are more likely to reveal what they are thinking when they actually speak to another person.Most are wary of committing themselves in writing.The g

26、reat tragedy, of course,is that the phone was invented before the computer.If it had been the other way around,Internet forums would now be filled with the news:”Have you heard (type,type,type)?There is this amazing new device(type,type).Now you can talk directly with people(type,type,type).Without

27、all this typing.”Marketing would do the rest and college would be rushing to develop new course in telephone skills.But,as it is ,we are stuck with the supremacy of the typed word and it is getting in the way of our ability to look people in the eye and talk. We should reconsider the technology in w

28、hich the speed of our fingers is more important than the quality of our voices.21.According to the author, young people today dont _.A. like to communicate using speechB.like to communicate with peopleC.know how to communicate with peopleD.know how to ask questions in communication22. According to P

29、aragraph 3, compared with meetings, e-mails are _.A.more efficient B. more interestingC.less efficient D.less interesting23. In Paragraph 4,”wary of ”can be replaced by “_B_”A.good at B.happy about C.used to D.cautious about24. The author believes that if the phone had been invented after the comput

30、er,people would _A_.A.be eager to learn how to use the phoneB.be glad to have both means of communicationC.still prefer typing words on the computerD.show little interest in the phone25.Which of the following can best describe the authors attitude towards the communication using typed words today?AA

31、.Concerned. B. Curious.C.Indifferent. D.Impatient.Passage ThreeMost Americans are very conscious of their health and try to maintain a nutritious diet and daily routines to maintain good health.Yet, for many years the tobacco and liquor industries have tried to project the image of style and fashion

32、 for those who use their products.Most have learned, however , that the dangers caused to health by tobacco and alcohol can no longer be denied or ignored.The campaigns to alert the public to the evils of these two social drugs have been intense and effective .However,most people dislike being warne

33、d that they shouldnt do something.It is a kind of psychological resistance.Yet, all tobacco and liquor products must now contain a warning on the package.The warning is simple,but the message is clear:smoking and drinking are hazardous to health. The wording may vary, but it is phrased in such a way

34、 as to draw the attention of the consumer to the danger.On TV all tobacco advertising is legally banned, and every ad in a magazine must display the warning.There are many public notices on trains and buses giving out the warning that smoking is linked to lung cancer and other lung and heart disease

35、s.The warning against alcohol consumption is of a different kind.It goes out especially to women who are pregnant and anyone operating a car or electrical machinery. A pregnant woman can cause damage to her baby by drinking alcohol.Also anyone operating a machine runs the risk of an accident which c

36、ould be fatal.Such warnings appear on all wine bottles and even an appatently harmless can of beer.26.Tobacco and liquor ads try to make people believe that smoking and drinking will _C_.A.make them look fashionableB.help them keep a nutritious dietC.make them conscious of their healthD.show their h

37、ealthy images to others27.In the case of smoking and drinking, most people _B_.A.ignore the campaigns against themB.are aware of the dangers they causeC.do not really believe their dangersD.participate in campaigns against them28.It can be inferred from the passage that the campaign against smoking

38、is _B_.A.short-lived B.long-standingC.widespread D.well organized29.Tobacco advertising is _B_.A.popularized B.restrictedC.banned D.disliked30.Warnings against drinking are usually directed at _D_.A.civilians B.car driversC.young people D.some groups of peoplePassage FourToday,there is no such thing

39、 as a “typical”college student.People of all ages are enrolled in colleges.Though the concept of college may be the same for all students,the stress and future goals are different.The college students most people think of usually range in age from 18-21,and are most often away from home for the firs

40、t time.As a result,they now have choices and no parent to tell them what to do. They are responsible for their own lives,needing to learn to manage their time and find a job,while attending school.They enter this new world with the anticipation of freedom, fun and a good job after graduation.The new

41、 faces in the college are usually 30 years old or older, and are returning to school after several years away.They are starting their college education, after raising a family and now ready to do something for themselves.Their lives are considerably different from their younger classmates.They have

42、been on their own for a while,and are concerned about family, responsibilities, work, and the adjustment of being back in school after some years. Most important to them are the hopes of a new career or a job promotion after they graduate.Though they may come to college for different reasons, the re

43、sult is the same, It is their chance to make a better life for themselves or their families.As the younger generation is looking for freedom in their lives, those who are returning to school also see freedom.The same opportunities were not available 20 years ago.So in our college and universities, t

44、here is a new sense of hope and dreams.Where once stood only the youth of our future, they are now joined by people of all ages who share the dreams of a better life.31.The passage is mainly concerned with the change of _B_.A.college administration B.college studentsC.college courses D.college life3

45、2. In the past college students usually _C_.A.lived with their parents B.found good jobs easilyC.had much time to spare D.had no burden of raising a family33.College students of the new type _C_.A.enjoy freedom once again B.are worried about their parentsC.aim at a new job or promotion D.study harde

46、r than other students34.One thing that the younger and older college students share is _A_.A.their hope for a better life B.equal job opportunitiesC.their future plans D.chances to get promotion 35.The author seems to approve of _c_.A.college students raising a familyB.college students living on the

47、ir parentsC.older people going back to collegeD.the studentsstruggle for freedomPart Vocabulary and Structure (20 points)Directions:There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part.For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A,B,C,D.Choose the one that best completes the sentence.Mark your answer on

48、the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.36.I suffer from stage _B_ whenever I have to make a presentation in front of the class. Stage trial审判阶段A.surprise B.trial C. fright D.display37.The whole new policy has proved a _D_ and should be abandoned.A.factor B.balance C.warning D.failure

49、38.We should consider all such projects from a scientific _C_A.perspective观点 B. perfection完美 C. prospect前途 D.presentation外观39.They bought the company because they were _B_ about its long-term prospects.长期前景A.hopeful B.considerate考虑周到的 C.optimistic D.promising有希望的40.The _B_ cultural features 文化特色of t

50、he tribe部落 can be easily observed from this video tape.录像带A.instinctive 天生的 B. remote遥远的C.fictional虚构的 D.distinct清晰的41.In other words,there are one million _C_ customers for the new product.A.potential 潜在的 B.commercial 商业的 C.essential 必要的 D.official正式的42.Success does not _D_ mean material reward,but

51、 recognition of some sort-preferably measurable.A.modestly谦虚地B.fantastically 空想地 C.miserably 悲惨地 D.necessarily必需地43.We stored up some food and water _D_ things got worse.A.even though 虽然 B.what if C.now that既然 D.in case万一44.We should learn from this lesson and consider the long-term influence of dam

52、s _A_ the short-term benefits.A.rather than而不是 B.owing to 由于 C.because of D. or else45.The only thing to do now is to _C_ yourself in some efficient work.A.use B.employ C.engage 参加,忙于 D.apply46.The committee委员会 members, _B_ from middle-school teachers to college professors, wrote a 500-page report.A

53、.spanning B.ranging C.extending D.stretching47.The people who objected to反对 the new airport were told that since the work had already started,there was no point in _D_.A.completing完成 B.competing C.protecting D.protesting抗议48.A single lecture is not long enough to _D_ fully the roles played by the scouts in the war.A.pursue追求 B.assume 假设 C.provide D.illustrate说明49.Researchers sometimes becom


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