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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上英语情景对话专项练习题1、同学之间互相打招呼时可以说:( )A. Hello! B. Goodbye!2、向别人作自我介绍时说:( )A. Im Sarah. B. Hello!3、家里来了客人,要礼貌地说:( )A. Whats your name? B. Welcome!4、老师问你的名字,你回答:( )A. Whats your name? B. My name is Chen Jie.5、早上见到老师可以说:( )A. Good morning! B. Good afternoon!6、当你的同学把他的兄弟John介绍给你认识时,你对John说:( )A. T

2、his is John. B. Nice to meet you.7、你想把你的好朋友Mike介绍给你妈妈时可以说:( )A. This is Mike. B. Hi! Mike8、你想邀请你的同学和你一起去上学,你说:( )A. This is my school. B. Lets go to school.9、问候你的朋友可以说:( )A. How are you? B. Nice to meet you.10、别人对你说:How are you?时,你回答说:( )A. Fine, thank you. B. Im nine.11、你想知道新同学的名字,可以问他:( )A. Whats

3、your name? B. Welcome!12、想跟人家道别,可以说:( )A. Welcome! B. Goodbye.13、问别人的红铅笔在哪,应该说:( )A. Where is your red pencil? B. Where is your black pencil?14、别人帮你的忙,你应该说:( )A. Thank you! B. Youre welcome.15、别人向你道谢,你应该说:( )A. Thank you! B. Youre welcome.16、你想告诉别人你喜欢红色时,你说:( )A. I like green. B. I like red.17、请别人看你

4、时,你说:( )A. This is me. B. Look at me.18、你的同学向你提议一起去上学,你同意了说:( )A. Hi! B. OK!19、人家问Where is your book?你指着书说:( )A. This is my book. B. Here it is.20、Mike对你说“ I like white” 你也喜欢,你可以说:( )A. Me too. B. This is white.21、你想告诉别人你有一个黑色的书包,你说:( )A. This is a black bag. B. I have a black bag.22、你想知道对方是谁,可以问:(

5、)A. How are you? B. Who are you?23、老师在教新单词,要求同学们认真观察他的口型时说:( )A. Look at my eye. B. Look at my mouth.24、要邀请别人喝牛奶,可以说:( )A. Have some milk! B. I like milk.25、Mike想吃汉堡包,你拿给他时说:( )A. Can I have a hamburger? B. Here you are.26、向妈妈表示自己想喝果汁时说:( )A. Have some juice, please. B. Can I have some juice?27、别人请你

6、吃东西,你不想吃了说:( )A. Yes, thank you. B. No, thank you.28、请别人把他的玩具熊给你看时说:( )A. Show me your Teddy Bear. B. Where is your Teddy Bear?29、想看别人的东西时问:( )A. May I have a look? B. How old are you?30、中国的国旗颜色是:( )A. Red B. Red and yellow.31、美国的国旗颜色是:( )A. Red and blue. B. Red, blue and white32、下列单词哪个在身体的最下部:( )A.

7、 arm B. foot C. leg33、你想知道对方年龄可以问:( )A. How are you? B. How old are you?34、教师节到了,你对老师说:( )A. Happy birthday! B. Happy Teachers Day!35、你把一个蛋糕送给Mike说:( )A. This is for you. B. Have some cakes.36、你想问人家有几本书,说:( )A. How many books? B How old are you?37、想告诉别人你的幸运号码是6时,说:( )A. My lucky number is five. B. M

8、y lucky number is six.38、 当你打电话给别人,电话接通后,你应对接听电话的人说:( )A. May I speak to, please? B. Is it . speaking?39、 如果你想问是谁在接听电话,应说:( )A. Is that speaking? B. Are you.?40、 如果在电话里你想告诉对方你是谁,应说:( )A. Im B. This is . speaking.41、 如果有人打错电话,你应说:( )A. Sorry, wrong number. B. Sorry, you are wrong.42、 如果你想询问别人的病情,你可以说

9、:( )A. How do you feel now? B. Whats the matter with you? C. How about you?43、 如果你想询问别人在某段时间里通常会做什么事情,你应说:( )A. What do you usually do on B. What are you doing on.C. What would you like to do on44、 当你不认识去车站的路是,可以问:( )A. How can I get to the bus stop? B. Do you know the way to the bus stop?C. Can you

10、 tell me the way to the bus stop?45、 假如有人问路,而你不知道,可以说:( )A. Its over there, I think. B. Go and ask the policeman. C. Sorry, I dont know. You man go and ask the policeman.46、 有人到你学校参观,你表示欢迎,可以说:( )A. Welcome to our school. B. Welcome back to school. C. This is our school.47、 当你想请别人照看一下你的朋友时,可以说:( )A.

11、 Come and help me, please. B. Please look at my friend.C. Could you please look after my friend?48、 当你想知道橡皮放在哪儿,问:( )A. Where is the eraser? B. Where is the pen? C. Where is it from?49、 当你提醒小明不要在房间玩球时,说:( )A. Dont read in bed, Xiao Ming. B. Dont be late for school, Xiao Ming.C. Dont play ball in the

12、 room, Xiao Ming.50、 当你想知道别人能看见几辆汽车时,问:( )A. How much is the car? B. How many cars can you see?C. I can see five cars.Doctor: Good morning . Whats your trouble?Woman: I dont feel very well.D:1._?W: Yes, I have. My temperature is a little higher.D: Open your mouth and say “Ah”.W: AahhD: 2._? W: Ever

13、since last night.D: Did your sleep well?W: No, I was very tired last night.D: Oh, I see. 3. _. W: Can you tell me how I got a cold?D: Maybe you overworked yourself.W: I think so. I have too much work to do every day. Do I have to stay at home? 1根据对话情景,填入恰当的单词。(每空一词,每词1分)A:   Where have you

14、 just been ?B:   West Hill Park.A:   Really? What a place of great     1   it is! At      2   quite a lot of people go there. And Tom has just      3   there. Maybe he is there now

15、.B:   Have you     4    there before?A:   Yes, Ive been there      5         6       .补全对话,每空一词。Bess: Hi, Tom! Can you help me decide what to _1_ for

16、Jerrys birthday?Tom: _2_. What are you thinking about?Bess: Well, Jerry loves_3_, so maybe Ill give him a CD.Tom: Thats a great _4_! What kind of music does he like?Bess: Im not sure. Oh, yes, he likes _5_ music.Tom: Country music? Hm, maybe you could give him the new Santana CD.Bess: Santana? Thats

17、 not country music, thats Latin music.Tom: How about a John Denver.Bess: Yes, thats_6_. He loves John Denver.Girl 1: Hey, did you see this newspaper article? A girl won a million dollars in the lottery. She was only 14.Boy 1: Wow, what luck!Girl 1: What _ you do _ you won the lottery?Boy 1: If I won

18、 the lottery, Id give the money to the _.I want to help pandas.Girl 1: Thats a good idea! I know what Id do. If I won the lottery, Id buy a big house for my family.Girl 2: Really? Id put the money in the _. Then Id just watch it grow.Boy 2: Hmmmm-. I think Id give the money to medical _. Id want to

19、help other people.A:Why don 't you look happy ?B:Because I have a lot of trouble with my EnglishI can hardly pass the exam every timeWhat     1        ?A:Don 't worryLet me help you. Do you         2  &

20、#160;  ?B:No,I only read English before the examA:Ah,that's itIf you want to study it well,you must         3    every dayB:I'll take your advice and try to practice reading English every dayThankyou     

21、60;       4     A:All rightI'd like toBut in fact I still have some trouble with English,tooLets help each other.Cai: Hi, Lin Tao! Where (1)_ you just now?Lin: I was watching the 200-metre race on the playground.Cai: Who won?Lin: Wang Qiang, of course. He always runs the (2)_ of all.Cai: What (3)_ Chen Dong? He is good at running, too.Lin: Oh, I hear he fell and (4)_ his leg when he was jumping.Cai: Oh! (5)_ luck! Shall we go and see him?Lin: All right.


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