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1、精品文档会议记录英文范文会议记录是指在会议过程中,由记录人员把会议的组织情况和具体内容记录下来,就形成了会议记录。英语会议记 录要怎么写 ?本文是学习啦小编整理的会议记录英文范文,希望能帮到你。会议记录英文范文1 Meeting recordP roject name: talk about the Po wer PointDate of meeting: May 18,012Minutes prep ared by: Zhang HuizhuanCharge time to:0 minutes1. Purpose of the meetingMake the PowerPo int for

2、the topic of businessresults,and definitethe role of the whole2016全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作-独家原创3 / 7p resentation.Attendance at meetingZhang Huizhuan Li Gaojie Qiu Min Li Y ajun ZhenP ei pei Chen Na Liu Dan Niu Pu's order of giving the.Meeting agenda(1) Talk about the member p resentation(2) Definit

3、e the part of every member(3) Rehearse the presentationand control the timeand order of the whole p resentation.Meeting notes, decision, issuesEveryone has her task.Give the p refect logo of the comp any;Zhang Huizhuan are the first sp okeswoman,who is prep ared for the first part of introduction,Ni

4、u Pu will introduce the comp any;Qiu Min and other three members give a small talk;Li Yajun shows the p roduct and Chen Na shows thesales chart.Group : dream sky会议记录英文范文2 Meeting recordP roject name: make the reportDate of meeting: May 13,012Minutes prep ared by: Zhang HuizhuanCharge time to:0 minut

5、es2. Purpose of the meetingFinish the topic of business results and give thereport.Attendance at meetingZhang Huizhuan Li Gaojie Qiu Min Li Y ajun ZhenP ei pei Chen Na Liu Dan Niu Pu精品文档.Meeting agenda(1) Definite the respo nsibility of every member(2) Talk about how to write the report(3) Make the

6、report to the whole one.Meeting notes, decision, issuesNiu Pu is in charge for the introduction;Chen Na and Li Yajun is in charge for ananlysis thechart for sales and market;The others of the group are respo nsible for thetalk about how to describe the business resultsZhang Huizhuan makes the conclu

7、sion; givechart for the topic and the whole order of the report.Group: dream sky会议记录英文范文3 COMPANYMeeting of the Board of Directors to be held onWednesday, Ap ril,00at 10:1A.M. in the The Com panyBoardroomAGENDA3. Apo logies for absenceMinutes of the meetings held on March,009.thePointsarising from m

8、inutes as read2016全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作独家原创3 / 7.Report by the Chairman( a copy of the report isattached to this agenda). Resolution or Motion.Date of next meeting.To transact any other business that may comebefore the meetingMinutes of the monthly meetingof a board of directorsMinutes of the Board o

9、f Directors ofthe XYZComp any held on Wednesday, ap ril3,009, at 10:1A.M. inthe comp any boardroom. Chairman John Brown p resided.P RESENT: Brad Schaffner (Harvard), Cathy Zeljak(George Washington), Brian Baird (H. F. Group), DianaBrooking (Washington), Adam Burling (ACRL),JackieByrd (Indiana),Jared

10、 Ingersoll (Columbia),SandraLevy (Chicago), Dan Pennell (Pittsburgh),JanicePilch(Illinois), Emily Ray (Y ale), Kay Sinnema (Library ofCongress), Andy Sp encer (Wisconsin), David Woodruff (Getty Research Institute).AP OLOGIES: Apo logies for absence were receivedfrom Rina Dollinger and Alfred Kessel.

11、MINUTES: The minutes of the March,009, meetingwere read by the secretary and app roved.REP ORT BY CHAIRMAN: The Chairman rep orted that hehad met Mr. Nathan Rosenberg concerning XYZ ' s interestsin compu ter software devel opm ent and the services Mr.Rosenberg is prepared to extend to aid XYZ in

12、 developing these interests. For the information of the Chairman,Mr. Rosenberg outlinedthe growth of the softwareindustry from the time he launched ABCSoftware Comp anyin 198until today.REP ORT BY GENERAL MANAGER:Thomas Kilroy summarized his detailed discussionswith Jay Jefferson, Chief Executive Of

13、ficer of HudsonAudiovisualProductions(“ Hudson ” ) and BZN' s2016全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作-独家原创10 / 7interests in audiovisual instructional materials. The classroom use of audiovisual instructional materials in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and other countries of the Europ ean Union

14、has been a majoreducationaltrend and has had phenomenalgrowth. Atrend that educators in North America and WesternEurope p redicting is likely to continue.Since there are many ways that Hudson can help BZNdevel op an international audiovisual p rogram for use other Parts of the world, Mr. Kilroy made

15、 the following propo sal, seconded by Nichols Raines, to authorize ain English-speakingcountries and with translationforfeasibility study to cover the following:a) Thep resenteducationalaudiovisualmarket pl acein the United States, Canada,and theUnited Kingdom, andits potential for expansion.b) Pres

16、entcomp aniesop erating in this market pl ace and their share.c) Growthp atternsof differenttypes ofaudiovisualmaterialsand theirpo tentialforcontinued growth andchange.REP ORT BY MARKETING MANAGER:Thomas Kilroy gave a summary of a study on thefeasibility of acquiring an audiovisual instructionalmat

17、erialscomp any in North America andtheUnitedKingdom. Results indicate more investigationisneeded.-To select the comp anies that seem to offer the bestp ossibilityopportunities to BZNand to investigate the of acquiring them.-To inquire about the terms of sales from theowners of the companies selected

18、 by BZNand report these terms to BZN.MOTION:Chairman Brown proposed a motion, seconded精品文档by Sharon Moretti, thatan ad hoc committeeof directorsshould be institutedtostudy Mr.Rosenberginvolvement in greaterdetail.The boardagreed tovoteon this motion at the next meeting.RESOLUTION:A resolutionauthorizingthecomp anys transfer agent to issue new shares was unanimously ado pted


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