1、Un it1 Stay Healthy单项选择Annie has a, and she is going to see her den tist today.A. coldB. feverC. coughD. toothacheWould you like to talk with?A. Germa nB. Germa nsC. Germe nD. Germe nsSmok ing is _ to peoples health. Most smokers have sufferedfrom lung diseases.A. usefulB. helpfulC. beautifulD. harm
2、ful_ you have a cha nee to speak En glish, you should take it.A. HoweverB. WhateverC. When everD.WhicheverLinda _to go to the cin ema with us, although she was freelast ni ght.A. promisedB. refusedC. agreedD. decided-Look, _ is dancing un der the tree.-Oh, thats my cous in, Anna.A. everybodyB. an yb
3、odyC. n obodyD. somebody-Whose Ipho ne 5 is this?-Its not _ . I thi nk its_.A. mine; herB. mine; hersC. my; herD. my; hers-Ill go to the museum this after noon, so I cant go swim ming with you.A. Its my pleasureB. Youre welcomeC. Thats a pityD. Dont men tio n itLook up and you can see _stars in the
4、sky at ni ght.A. millio nB. three millio nsC. millio n ofD. millio ns of_ an ill ness, she could not move her left leg.A. As resultB. As a result ofC. ResultD. The resultShe _ an swer questi ons in class, because she is afraidof _ mistakes.A. does nt dare; to makeB. does nt dare; make1.
5、.9.10.11.C. dare not; to makeD. dare not; mak ing12.- Lisa, we n eed to clea n the kitche n. Could youthetrash?-Yes, sure.A. take afterB. take offC. take placeD. take out13.- Susa n, what are the adva ntages of MP5 players?-Mom, they are smaller and lighterthey can be carriedvery easily.A. unl essB.
6、 ifC. un tilD. so that14.- How to be a good En glish lear ner?-You _read En glish for about half an hour in the morning.teen age girls. Scie ntists studied the in formati on from a study made in Shan ghai on75,000_16_ aged from 40 to 70. The team found that women who often17_ as a tee nager were hea
7、lthier tha n those who did nt.The scientists said that teenage girls who did almost 80 minutes exercisea week had a 16 percent lower risk of _ 18_ from illnesses.Thispercentage( 百分比)went down to 13 for women who exercised more than 80 minutes aweek as tee nagers. They said that wome n would usually
8、live 19_ if they didjust 15 minu tes of exercise a day in their tee ns.Head scientist Dr. Sarah Nechuta said that _20_ women in theirtwen ties, thirties and forties did not go out to work, doing exercise as tee ns would help21liveIon ger. She said, Whether they are adults or22_ , as for women, they
9、can take lower risks of illnesses if they take part inexercise.She added, Our study shows the 23_ of start ing exercis ing fromteenager time. It helpsteenagers take part in exercising so that they can take24_ risks of ill nesses and live Ion ger in their later life. Dr. Nechuta saidthat although the
10、 study _25_ the informationon women in China, theA. should ntB. shouldC. dontD. do15.A lot of people will help you, so youmon ey.A. cantB. need nt_ worry about theC. must ntD. could ntA new studyhas showed the importanee of exerciseforadva ntage of exercis ingduri ng thetee n years couldbe helpfulto
11、 allwomenany where in the world.16. A. wome nB. menC. girlsD. boys17. A. studiedB. workedC. exercisedD. played18. A. comi ngB. dyingC. stopp ingD. leavi ng19. A. n earerB. closerC. shorterD. Ion ger20. A. so thatB. even ifC. as soon asD. as for21. A. themB. itC. herD. him22. A. boysB. gillsC. tee na
12、gersD. men23. A. difficultyB. ill nessC. healthD. importa nee24. A. lowerB. l ongerC. richerD. poorer25. A. asked forB. depended onC. waited forD. take n out三、阅读理解AFor many people the subject of hiccups(嗝)is a joke, but for Harry Men des,a fiftee n-year-old schoolboy from Birm in gham, it was someth
13、i ng quite differe nt.His hiccups bega n one Sun day lunch time and con ti nuedday and ni ght fortwo weeks. After the first week, Harrys pare nts took him to hospital, but it took ano ther week for the doctorsto cure his attack.Harry, who is now back at school, described what happened to him.“ When
14、I bega n to hiccup, I dra nk a glass of water but that did nt do anygood. That evening I had hiccups every four sec on ds. We tried everyth ing to stop them. I held my breathand drank cold drin ks. My father even tried to give me a shock but that did nt work either.”After a week of sleepless ni ghts
15、, he went to hospital. The doctors took anX-ray of his chest but they could nt find anything wrong.“They gave me some medicineand my hiccups slowed down, but it wasano ther week before the medici ne worked completely and my hiccups stopped.”Harrywas very lucky. The world record holder is the America
16、n farmerCharles Osbor ne, who hiccupped for sixty-eight years. He stopped in 1990 at last, but n obody knows why.26. Harrys hiccups lasted_ .A. a weekB. fourtee n daysC. twen ty-eight daysD. one month27. His hiccups started after heA. drank a glass of waterC. ate an In dia n meal28. His pare nts dec
17、ided to take him to hospital whe n he_A. hiccupped for four sec ondsB. held his breathC. hiccupped at nightD. could nt stop hiccupping29. His hiccups completely stopped one week after the doctorA. gave him some medic ineB. took an X-ray of his chestB. went to hospitalD. fini shed his homeworkD. let
18、him drink cold drinksC. gave him a shock30. What doesA.震惊shock” in this passage mean ?B.休克C.喷嚏D.哈欠Scientistshave learned a lot about the kinds of foodpeopleneed.Theysay that there are several kinds of food that people should eat every day. They ofallkin ds; citrus(and vegetables; meat bread or cerea
19、l( 谷物are: green and yellow vegetables tomatoes;potatoes and other fruits and eggs; milkand foods made from milk;柑桔)of allfruitskinds,),rice is alsoandfishin this kind of food;Peopleinbutter, or something like butter.differe ntplaces of the world eat differentkinds of things.Foods are cookedand eaten
20、in many differe ntkinds of ways.People in differentcoun trieseat atdiffere nttimes of the day. In some placespeople eat onceortwice a day; inother countriespeople eat three or four times. Scientistssaythat none of the differe nces is really importa nt. It does nt matter whether foodsare eate n raw o
21、r cooked. It does nt matter if a pers on eats dinner at 4 oclock inthe after noon or at 11 oclock at ni ght. The importa nt thing is what you eat everyday.Thereare two problems,then,in feeding the large number of peopleonearth. The first is to find some ways to feed the worlds population so that noo
22、ne is hun gry. The sec ond is to make sure that people everywhere have the rightkinds of food to make them grow to be stro ng and healthy.31.From the firstparagraph we knowno odlesbel ong to a kindoffood.A. vegetableB. fruitC. meatD. cereal32. Accord ing to the scie ntists, which of the follow ing g
23、roups is the healthiest for your lun ch?A. Chicke n, apples, cereal, cabbages.B. Potatoes, rice, bread, carrots.C. Oran ges, banan as, fish, tomatoes.D. Beef, pork, fish, milk.33. People in differe nt places of the world.A. have the right kinds of food to eatB. cook their food in the same wayC. have
24、 their meals at the same timeD. eat food in differe nt ways34. Which of the followi ng is NOT true?A. People in some places dont have eno ugh to eat.B. There are too many people in the world.C. One of the problems is that no one is hun gry.D. The scie ntists are tryi ng to make people grow to be str
25、ong and healthy.35. If there is Paragraph 4, what do you thi nk is going to be talked about?A. When people eat their meals.B. What to do with the two problems.C. How to cook food in different ways.D. Why people in differe nt places eat differe nt kinds of food.CMany of us dont pay attentionto the im
26、portaneeof eye care. Its saidthat if you take care of your body, the n you can be healthy. That is why our eyes should be given a lot ofcare. Natural eye care should be put in a number one place.There are several causes lead ing to poor eyesight like not eno ugh food, gene(基因)and aging(年龄增长 ).Televi
27、sions, computers and reading are also thecauses of hav ing poor eyesight.If you happe n to work in front of the computer, it is best to take a restevery once in a while. Someth ing dirty can cause redn ess and they will make you feel un comfortable. It isbad for your eyes, too. If this happe ns, the
28、 best way is to clean your eyes by using cold water. You mustalso try your best to protectyour eyes from harmful thing. For example, sun glasses are not just fashi on but they can also serve as agreat way to protect your eyesight from UV rays.Eatinghealthy foods will do good to your eyesight. Rememb
29、er thatvitamins( 维生素 )A、C and E are good for eyes. Try to eat food groups that have these vitamins.And you should do eye exercises because exercise protects youreyesight, too. If a person exercises regularly(规律地)and eats the right kind offood, his eyes will stay in good con diti on for a long time.A
30、llabove are natural ways of eye care that help us keep healthy eyes.Being happy all the time can be helpful to a pers ons eyesight, too .In a word, eye care is very importa nt,no matter how old a pers on is.36._ is the most importa nt way to protect our eyes.A. Natural eye careB. Taki ng medici neC.
31、 Seeing the doctorD. Being happy all the time37. All the follow ing causes can lead to bad eyesight except_A. ageB. heightC. read ingD. computer38. What should you do if you have to work in front of the computer?A. Eat healthy foods.B. Clea n the eyes by using cold water.C. Wear a pair of sun glasse
32、s.D. Have a rest after working for a while.39. What do the under words UV rays mea n?A.沙土 .B.闪电.40. Which is the best title of the passage?A. Ways of Eye CareC. Way of Being Happy四、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)41. Whats your t _ number? Its 555-0192.42. - What are you doi ng?-I am studyi ng for the En glish e_ .43.
33、 I had a p _in my head last ni ght, but now I feel better.44. I beg your p _because I have no idea about your words.45. If you support us, please c_ for our team.五、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)C. 紫外线.D.超声波.B. Ways of Eye ExercisesD. Way of Being Healthy46.The old man looked a bit _ (苍白)than usual after theoperat
34、i on.47. A list of 100 good books for tee nagers came out. Books on history and scie nee50.Dont smoke in a _(公共的)place.六、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)51.我的医生说我发烧了。(仅限3 词)My doctor said I _ .52.那个小女孩会自己穿衣服了。The little girl can_ _ by herself.53.为了保持健康,我们别无选择,只有健康饮食和加强锻炼。(词数不限)To keep fit, we have no choice_ eat heal
35、thily and take exercise.54.Please go to bed _ (立亥 U ), or youll be late for schooltomorrow.(词数不限)55.你认为富人是因为冒险才变富的吗?Do you think the rich are rich because they_56.为了帮助中国游客养成绿色旅游的习惯,政府制定了新规则。The gover nment has made new rules to help Chin ese tourists to traveli ng in a gree n way.57.请远离手机。(词数不限)Plea
36、se _mobile phon es.58.也许你会为他们不能找到解决空气污染问题的方法而担心。find the solutions tothe problem of air polluti on.59.我们学生应该把精力集中到学习上来。stude ntsshould _ _60.既然你怕黑,就不要一个人晚上外出。_you are afraid of dark, youd better not go out alone at night.七、适当形式填空(单句适当形式)are all _(包括).48.It will be adan geroustrip.the _ (风险)?49. Miss
37、 West on is havi ng difficulty in that class.Are you sure you want to take(词数不限)_ ofMaybeyoufearthattheywontWe61.Students are often _ (sleep) while having classes in theafter noon.62. Do most of the(Asia) have yellow skin and black hair?63. Im feeli ng terrible. I have got a(stomach).64. We should e
38、at a _(bala nee) diet to keep healthy.65. I regret _(buy) the expe nsive skirt.八、阅读与表达(问答式)Today, young people spend about six hours a day in front of a TV or a computer and less thanfour minutes playing outdoors. Itis not healthy for themind and the body whe n time spe nt using tech no logy replace
39、s outdoor time.Some health experts(专家)call green time vitamin G. Kids who dont getoutdoors much are likely to have trouble in school. Doctors believe that is because being outdoors excitesthe mind more tha n sitt ingaround in doors. Eventhose who usually spend a lot of time outdoors notice a differe
40、nce when they dontget green time.Madelyne P.,14, says, I feel more tiredwhen I dontgetoutdoors.Researchers believe the positive(积极的 )effects of green time come fromthe physical activity in pastimes such as hiking or boating. Exercise produces brain chemicals that improvelear ning, mood, and sleep. I
41、t also improves lear ning by in creas ing connections betwee n n erve cells thatare importa nt in lear ning and memory. Some schools hold classes outside for those reas ons. Stude ntHannah Smith,18, says she believes the outdoors helps her focus and gets her to lear n. Lear ningin a forest sparked h
42、er in terest in art and photography, too.Even doctors are helping give their patients a dose of vitamin G. Millerwrites park prescriptions( 处 方) for her patients because, she says, being outdoors is good for health.She finds that when she gives patients park prescriptions, they are likely to continu
43、e with them.Gett ing outdoors can be simple, just like call ing together your family fora picnic lunch. All it takes is five minutes or more of green time. Get outside,and get your vitam in G!根据短文内容,完成下列小题。66. Do young people today spe nd more time in front of a TV tha n play ing outdoors?67. What d
44、o some health experts call green time?68. Where do the positive effects of gree n time come from?69. Why does Miller write park prescripti ons for her patie nts?70. What does the passage mainly tell us about vitam in G?九、补全对话(选择)(Doctor=D; Woma n=W)D: Good morning. Whats your trouble?W: I dont feel very well.D: 7 _W: Yes, I have. My temperature is a little higher.D: Open yo
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