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1、牛津初中英语7B Unitl知识点归纳重点短语I. live in a palace住在宫殿里2. n ext to / beside a restaura nt 在饭馆隔壁3. the biggest one 最大的一个4. would like to do sth = want to do sth 想要做某事would like sb to do sth = want sb to do sth 想要做某事5. The capital of France is Paris. 法国的首者EFrench 法语 Frenchman 法国人-Frenchmen(复数)Germa ny 德国Germa

2、 n 德国人Germa ns (复数)RussiaMoscow the UK/ Brita in LondonJapa n TokyoThaila nd Ban gkok6.look out at the beach and the sea 看外面的海滩和海look out of the window朝窗外看7. see the sea and the beach from the bedroom windows 从卧室窗户看大海和海滩 8.on the beach / balcony在海滩上/阳台上love to sit on the floor 喜欢坐在地板上9.live with my

3、family in a wooden house和我的家人住在一个木头的房子里wooden (adj)木头的、木制的 wood (n)不可数 木头 be made of wood10.live in a small tow n 住在一个小城镇里II. over a river 在河面上over表示垂直的上方 -underThe shelf is above the bed. above 表示水平的上方 -below12. the seco nd child of my family 家中的第二个孩子13. be beautiful and quiet 美丽又安静quiet (adj)安静的-q

4、uite (adv)很、十分14.It rains a lot 天经常下雨 =There is much rain / a lot of rainrain n不可数 / v 下雨rai nyadj. It is rainy.15.in a small tow n near Lon don 在伦敦附近的小镇里16.in the centre of Moscow在莫斯科中心17.on the fifth of June = on June 5th = on 5th , June 在 6 月 5 日18.in a flat在公寓里on a busy street在繁忙的街道上19. share st

5、h with sb与某人分享/合用某物20. be busy with sth = be busy doing sth 忙于(做)某事21. be frie ndly / nice / kind to sb 对某人友好22. sleep in the garden 睡在花园里23. the best place to grow flowers 种花的最好地方24. cook meals = make dinner = do some cooking 做 / 烧饭25.in most homes在大多数家庭tell sb about sth告诉某人有关某事tell sb to do sth 告诉

6、某人做某事26.on the ninth floor 在第 9 层(On which floor does he live?)27.chat with friends on the balcony 和朋友在阳台上聊天28.on a quiet street在一条安静的街道上29. sit between you and me 坐在我和你之间on / over the phone = by phone 通过电话30. two hundred students200 名学生hun dreds of stude nts数百名学生Two hundred of the students are from

7、 America 学生中有 200 名来自美国31. arrive on Sun day 在星期天至 U达(arrive at / in; reach; get to)arrive vi.到达(可单独作谓语,可接地点状语,如arrive home/here但不能接宾语)reach vt.到达(必须加宾语,如reach Beijing).arrive at(小地点)/in(大地方)=reach(及物动词,要接宾语).=get to地方32. can't wait to do sth迫不及待的做某事 (can't help doing情不自禁做某事)33. have a free

8、day 休息 /休假一天(have three days off 放三天假)34. be tired after the long plane journey from London to Beijing (tired不要误写成 tried)从伦敦到北京的长途飞机旅行后劳累了35. Don't worry 别担心worry about sb/sth 为而担心 be worried about.(形容词)36. sound great / good 听起来很棒(sound, feel, look, taste等为连系动词,后接形容词)37. come first = win the fi

9、rst prize (in an En glish exam) 得第一名38. make a video of 扌白的录像watch the video 看录像39. be differe nt from与不同be the same as 与相同There are many differences between the USA and the UK ( difference 可数名词 区另U)=The USA is different from the UK40. your own bedroom 你自己的卧室41. call sb (up)打电话给某人call sb back 给某人回电话

10、(different adj 不同的)owner (n) 主人 own (adj) 自己的an swer the teleph one 接电话be free = have time 有空42. homes in differe nt coun tries不同国家的家43. take a message for sb为某人捎个可信44. at least 至少at most 至多at last 最后,终于at the same time 同时45. fifty metres long50 米长an 800-metre-long river46. have a room with twelve s

11、howers and four baths 有一间有 12 个淋浴器和 4 个浴缸的房间47. have / take a shower 淋浴have/take a bath 洗澡48.on the bedside table 在床头柜上coffee table 矮茶几49.live two floors above / below sb 住在某人上面/下面两层50. the Great Wall 长城the Summer Palace 颐和园51. the Space Museum 太空博物馆the Palace Museum 故宫重点句子1. Would you like to live

12、in a palace ?你想住在宫殿里吗 ?2. The capital of France is Paris 法国的首都是巴黎3. My favourite place is the balco ny我最喜欢的地方是阳台4. We love to sit on the floor and look out at the beach and sea我们喜欢坐在地板上看外面的海滩和大海5. My house is over a river我家房子在河上There is a bridge over the river 河上有座桥6.1 climb a ladder to get into my

13、house 我爬梯子进入我的房间=I get into my house with a ladder = I use a ladder to get into my house7.1 am the sec ond child of my family我是家中第二个孩子8. My family and I ofte n sit in the kitche n while my mother makes dinner当妈妈做饭时,我和家人坐在厨房里9.1 have a dogts birthday is on the fifth of June 我有一只狗它的生日在 6 月 5 日10.1 liv

14、e with my family in a flat on a busy street 我和家人一起住在一条繁忙街道的一间公寓里 =My family and I live in a flat on a busy street11.1 share a bedroom with my sister我和姐姐共享一个卧室=My sister and I share a bedroom = My sister and I live in the same bedroom12.Our neighbours are frie ndly /k ind / nice to us 我们的邻居对我们很友好13.T

15、he garden is the best place to grow flowers 花园是种花的最好地方14.ln most homes , people cook meals in the kitchen 在大部分家庭 ,人们在厨房烧饭15. The wi ndow is opposite the door窗户在门的对过16.1 am arrivi ng in Sha nghai on Su nday我将在周六到达上海=I will arrive in Shan ghai on Sun day = I will get to Shan ghai on Sun day=I will rea

16、ch Shan ghai on Sun dayarrive in + 大地点 arrive at + 小地点 当后接地点副词 here,there ,home时要省略介词 get home 到家(也要省略介词 to) 当后无到达地点时 ,只用arrive 而不用 reach或get When will they arrive tomorrow ?他们明天什么时候到达 ?get to +地点reach +地点17.1 can't wait to visit the Space Museum我迫不及待参观太空博物馆18.1 think you would be tired after th

17、e long plane journey from London to Beijing我认为你从伦敦到北京的长途飞机旅行后应该劳累了19.1 'd like to take you to the Great Wall on Tuesday , the nineteenth of February我想在2月19日星期二,带你去长城take you to the Great Wall 带你去长城 take sb to sp20. Your house is really differe nt from the flats in Beiji ng你的房子真的不同于北京公寓The flats

18、in Beijing is more expensive than those in Nanjing.21.I would like my own bedroom 我想有一间我自己的卧室22.I 'll call you when I am free 当我有空时 ,我将打电话给你23. What kind of home do you live in ? 你住在什么样的家里 ?24. There are no other rooms on the second floor 三楼没有其他的房间了 other 和 some,any,many,no 等限定词连用时 ,常放在它们的后面 Ask

19、 some other students 问问别的同学们吧25. Many friends can stay with me at the same time 许多朋友可以和我同时呆在一起26.I have a room with (= which has )twelve showers and four baths 我有一间有 12 个淋浴器和 4 个浴缸的房间27.电话用语:May I speak to Daniel,please ? 我可以和 Daniel 通话吗 ?This is Daniel (speaking),.Who's calling,please? 我就是 ,你是谁

20、 ?This is Simon 我是 SimonMay I leave a message? 我可以留口信吗28.lt's + adj + (for sb) + to do sth做某事对某人来说是 的It's nice to sit in it and watch TV坐在里面看电视是很好的this,that 等指29.lt's my first time to come to Beijing 这是我第一次来北京 序数词前一般要用定冠词 ,但是当序数词前有 my,his her 等形容词性物主代词或 示代词 ,则不用再加 the.牛津初中英语7BUnit2知识点归纳重

21、点短语及句子1.one tin /can dog food一听狗食How many tins of dog food can we buy with one yuan None 我们用一元钱可以买多少听狗食 一个没有none, nothing, nobody/no one 的区别none可后可接 of短语,"none of.,”no thi ng 禾口 no body/no one 不能接 of 短语。None of us can sing Beijing opera.2) none可指代前面已提到的人或物,n obody/no one和noth ing不能。Simon has a

22、brother, but l have none.3) none指代确定的人或事,nothing( 没事 )和 nobody/no one( 没人 )是不定代词,只能泛指人和事。l listened carefully, but l heard. 我仔细听,但什么也没听见。She looked around, but she could see. 她环顾四周,但一个人也看不见。4) . none用来回答 how much,how many 的提问。用nobody/no one回答who的提问,用nothing回答what的提问。How much water is there in the bo

23、ttle? .一点也没有。-What's on the table? -(什么也没有 ).-Who is in the classroom now?-. (没人 )。5).none(没有人或物)的反义词是all(全部,所有);neither(两者都不)的反义词是both(两者都)no thi ng 的反义词是 everyth in g/a nything.no body/no one 的反义词是 everybody/a nybody, every one/anyone2. go to the supermarket去超市3. how much money do we have ? 我们

24、有多少钱4. 对 how many / how much 回答时用 none对what's 回答时用 no thi ng对 who 's 回答时用 nobody /no one5.order a pizza点一个比萨饼6. maybe (adv) 或许、大概 =perhaps 要放于句首Maybe you are rightmay be 也许 作复合谓语要放于句中=You may be right一群交流学生喜欢看电影 带某人去某地 体育中心Maybe we can order a pizza = We may order a pizza7. a group of exchan

25、ge students 8.love watching /seeing films9. take sb to s.p10. sports centretake them to the sports centre11.lots of different Chinese restaurants12. go to the cinema =see /watch a film13. prepare for14. a great new town15. There are lots of things to do in Sunshine Town There be sth to do许多不同的中餐店去电影

26、院 /看电影 为做准备 一座崭新的城 在阳光城有许多事情要做There be sb to do16. tell sb about sth告诉某人有关We want to tell you about life in this great new town 我们想告诉你有关这座城市的生活 life 生活(不可数名词) life lives 生命17.live in a modern town住在现代化的城里18.by underground乘地铁It 's only 40 minutes from the centre of Beijing by underground.It '

27、taskes only 40 minutes to take an underground from the centre of Beijing .Sunshine Town is 40 minutes away from the center of Beijing. 从北京市中心乘地铁只需 40分钟It is + time + from .toby 交通工具。It takes (sb) + 时间 + to do + from to A be 时间 away from B + 交通工具。19.less than 比更少 less air pollution 更少的空气污染more than 比

28、更多 fewer . than 比更少 (修饰可数名词复数 )There is les air pollution in Sunshine Town than in other areas 阳光城的空气污染比北京的其他地区的污染少20.go walking = go for a walk 去散步21. a country park 一个乡村公园22.most of us /them / you 我们 /他们你们 /中的大多数most of the students 大多数学生23. be close to 靠近、离 彳艮近 stand close to me 站靠近我my close frie

29、nd 亲密的朋友24. none of us 我们中一个也不 ( neither of us 我们两个都不,后用三单 )25. for example例如26.live in the same building 住在相同的大楼27. don 't have to do = needn't d=odon't need to do 不必做某事You do not have to go far 你不必走太远28. need help with 在 方面需要帮助need sth 需要 need to do sth 需要做某事How far 多远far away from 离遥远

30、They do not have to go far if they need help with their homework如果他们在家庭作业方面需要帮助,他们不必走太远29. You can shop until ten o'clock at night in most shopping malls在大多数购物中心你可以到晚上10点 ( until 直到 )I won't go to bed until he comes back直到他回来我才会睡觉(notuntil直到才)30.If so,you are here in the right place 如果是这样,你就

31、来对了地方 31.It 's hard to say 艮难说It is + adj to do sth.32. You can choose any food you like in Sunshine Town 在阳光城你可选择任何你喜欢的食物33. You can try Beijing Duck in one of the Chinese restaurants 在其中一家中式餐馆你可以尝一尝北 京烤鸭any food you like 任何你喜欢的食物one of the Chi nese restaura nts其中一家中式餐馆34.lots of Western restau

32、rants许多西餐馆35. (enjoy) Beijing Opera(欣赏)京剧36. Why don't you visit our local theatre with us ?=Why not visit our local theatre with us ?local theatre 当地的剧院at the theatre 在剧院Why don't you do sth ? = Why not do sth ? 为什么不干某事呢 ?37. never mind没关系 /不要紧It doesn't matter 没关系 ,不用谢38. There are man

33、y nice souvenirs to buy in Sunshine Town .在阳光镇有许多纪念品可以买。a great / won derful place to live一个居住的好地方The hospital is a place to go if you are sick.39.o ne bag of each每样一包 three kilos of each 每样 3 公斤thirty of each做主语看作整体,做单数。40. ten loaves of bread 十块面包 one kilo and a half apples= one and a half kilos o

34、f apples.41. bel ong to sb/ me /Millie 属于某人的 The book bel ongs to me = The book is mi neThe book belo ngs to Millie. = The book is Millie'.42. be dirty 脏的43. be ill /sick in hospital 生病住院 a sick mother 一个生病的母亲in hospital (生病)住院 in the hospital在医院(有事)44. What else = What other thin gs其他的还有什么东西 ?

35、What else do we n eed ?Something else 别的东西 somebody else 另U人 somebody else'另U的什么人的45. all over the place 到处都是 all over 遍及到处 all over the world46. hold / have a party 举行聚会 There will(举行)a party tomorrow.47. want to become good friends 想要成为好朋友 make friends with sb 禾口某人交朋友48. Do n't miss the gr

36、eat show 不要错过这次盛大的展览49. golden throne 黄金御座 works of art 艺术品Chinese paintings 中国画in troduction to the Palace Museum 对于故宫的介绍50. There are lots of fun and interesting things to see 有许多有趣的东西可看看好的艺术品享受一整天没有很多污染在青年活动中心骑自行车51. see fine works of art52. enjoy a full day53. not much polluti on54. at the youth

37、 centre55. ride a bike(bicycle) /by bike / on one 's /the bikeI like going into town on my bicycle/by bike 我喜欢骑车进城56. show sb around s.p. 带某人参观某地I am going to show you around my home tow n我将带你参观我的家乡57. What time shall we leave in the morni ng ? 我们早上什么时候出发 ?leave for 离开去某地She's leaving for Sh

38、anghai tomorrow morning.leave遗留,落(丢)下I left my watch at home.我把手表丢(忘)家里了。leave 保持某物某状态Don 'leave the stove on when you leave home.58. grow vegetables and flowers种蔬菜和花Outside the garde n is a bus stop.倒装句。59.It takes about twenty minutes to get to the nearest town 花费大约 20分钟到达最近的城镇It takes me half

39、 an hour to go to my home from my school =It's half an hour from my school to my home.60. There is not much polluti on in the tow n because cars cannot go into the centre of town.n ear the centre of tow n61. What type of house do you live in?62. interesting places = places of interest 名胜古迹63. Th

40、ere is a purse (ly ing) on the floor.64. The purse must be hers 钱包一定是她的。must表肯定推测,否定推测用ca n'另:must表必须,其一般疑问句的否定回答应为No, you needn '.或No, you don 'have to.65. Her purse is the same colour (as yours).The colour of her purse is the same as the colour of yours.66. send sth to sb.They can send

41、 the postcards to their families and friends. (families 指不同家庭的家人,通常家人单复 数同型family)61.play ball games in the park 在公园里玩球类运动牛津初中英语7BUnit3知识点归纳重点短语及句型1. find your way 找路know the way to 知道去的路2. follow me = come with me 跟我来 Don't be afraid 别害怕3. go dow n下去go up 上去 come dow n下来4. be sure确信 be sure of

42、/ that+ 从句 确信 be sure to do 务必、一定5. pla n their sightsee ing tour计划观光旅行write an in vitati on letter 写一圭寸邀请信write a letter to invite her to my party6. plan a spring outing计划一次春游Let 's go on an outing 咱们去郊游7. be no rth-west of the zoo =to the no rth-west of the zoo 在动物园的西北咅 BA be + 方位 + of B方位词前面通

43、常加thein在里面 on在外面并接壤to在外面,不接壤远离8. south-west of Beijing Sun shi ne Seco ndary School北京阳光中学的西南部9. the sunny side Garde n向阳花园10 go to the Lake Park by underground乘地铁去湖滨公园11. a lucky escape 一次幸运的逃脱escape from 从逃脱12. the twin brothers 双胞胎兄弟13. three men in police un iform穿警服的三个男人14. receive /get a call接到

44、一个电话15.live nearby in Hill Buildi ng住在希尔大厦附近16. get out of the car 下车 get into the car 上车 get on / off the bus 上/下公共汽车17. ru n out of the buildi ng跑出大楼18. at o nee 立刻、马上19. push into 把推进里 pull 拉 Don 'pull the rabbit's ears.20. He uses a knife to ope n the door =He ope ns the door with a knif

45、e 他用小刀开门21. take different routes 走不同的路线 take another route (to the police station)走另外一条路Shall we take differe nt routes = Let us take differe nt routes !=What /How about tak ing differe nt routes= Why n ot take differe nt routes25. go along Sixth Street沿着第六大街走26. turn left into Park Road 向左拐进花园路 tu

46、rn right into Fourth Street 向右拐进第四大街27. at the traffic lights在交通灯处28. jump out of the van 跳出货车 the back door of the van 货车的后门29. report to a policeman向警察汇报 report sth to sb向某人汇报某事30. be surprised to do sth惊奇的做某事to one 'urprise使某人惊奇的是 be surprised at sth in surprise 惊讶地 What surprising news!31. s

47、top doing sth停止做某事stop to do sth 停下来做另外一件事32.laugh happily 高兴地大笑take notes记笔记33. a set of clothes for the police一套警服34. far away (from)(离)遥远how far(对距离提问)five kilometres away. 5 公里远有具体数字时不能再力口 far. It' far (away) from here. / It ' 10 kilometres (away) from here.robber (n)35. rob sb of sth 抢劫

48、某人某物 (v) rob the lady of her purse 抢劫那个女士的钱包抢劫犯 robbery (n)抢劫、抢劫案 robbed (过去式)steal 偷(过去式 stole) thief 小偷(复数 thieves) steal sth from sb 偷某人东西36. draw the routes on a map 在地图上画路线37. straight on 直往前 go straight on 直往前走(adv) a straight line条直线(adj)38. at the entrance to /of在的入口处get out at Exit A 在出口 A

49、出来39. teach sb how to do sth教某人怎样做某事40. correct route /map正确的路线 /地图answer correctly 回答正确41. road sig ns道路标志/路标To get to the zoo, turn left whe n you come to the e to the corner of the road42. swim across the pool横游过泳池43. go through a tunnel 穿过隧道44. climb up the hill爬上小山45. walk around

50、/round the table 绕着桌子转46. jump over the chair从椅子上跳过47. walk down the stairs /steps 走下楼梯 walk from to 从走至U48. railway statio n火车站49. the corner of the road街道拐角处50. at the other side of the park 在公园的另一边51. a bridge over a small river小河上的一座桥un der the bridge52. at the school gate 在校门口I shan'ttake m

51、y umbrella. I don 'twant to carry it all day.53. win the game 赢得比赛54. go camping 去野营55. start a campfire 生 /点篝火56. bring paper plates and forks 带纸盘子和叉子57.in the near future 在不久的将来58. walk past the wooden house 经过木屋=pass the wooden house59. walk alo ng a small path n ext to the river 沿着河边的小路走60.

52、walk across the field穿过田野in the field 在田野里61. at the big tree 在大树边62. under the ground 在地底下63. Take the sec ond turning on the right =Tur n right at the sec ond tur ning在第二个拐弯处向右拐64. cross the road =walk across the road 穿过马路65.It's easy to walk from your buildi ng to mi ne从你大楼跑到我的大楼是容易的66.walk t

53、owards ( the market ) 朝(市场)走去67.live in Flat 603 住在 603室 at my place 在我的住处68. give direct ions 指示方向69. fi nd in formation on the In ternet 在网上寻找信息70. a n intern ati onal computer n etwork国际计算机网络71. all over the world 全世界72. millio ns of websites on the In ternet网上数百万的网址73. useful imformatio n 有用的信息7

54、4. You can use search engines to find in formation you n eed 你可以使用搜索引擎找你需要的信息useto do 用来做75. Type in a keyword or keywords and the search engine will give you a list ofsuitable websites to look at输入关键词 搜索引擎将给你一系列合适的网址供你查询76. differe nt ki nds of in formatio n不同种类的信息77. take her dog with her带上她的狗78.f

55、ilms in the 1960s20世纪60年代的电影79.the history of a nize a farewell party81.have a barbecue足球史组织一次欢送会吃/进行烧烤82. have a pic nic =go on a pic nic = go for a pic nic野餐83. most students =most of the students 大多数学生84.half of the stude nts /visitors一半的学生/旅游者85. sb be happy /pleased /glad /sad/exc

56、ited to do sth 高兴 /伤心 /激动的做某事86.invite sb to s.p/dinner邀请某人去某地/吃饭invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事87. meet at the park gate在公园门口见面88. would like sb to do 想要某人做某事89. bri ng their own food and drink带上他们自己的食物和饮料7年级1班的班长去的路线寄明信片把某物寄/送给某人90. play differe nt ball games玩不同的球类运动91. mo nitor of Class 1,Grade 792.

57、the route to 93. se nd postcards94. se nd sth to sb =se nd sb sth95. The map shows you how to get to Sunshine Park这幅地图告诉你怎样到达阳光公园96. We are happy to in vite you to a farewell party for our friends from Brita in 我们很高兴邀请你们出席为我们英国朋友举办的欢送会97. we look forward to seeing you at our party 我们盼望在聚会上见到你 The super star we l


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