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12、投诉,对确属旅行社责任引起的消费纠纷,及时有效地协商解决。自觉抵制旅游不良风气,积极举报旅游违法、违规行为。11、遵守社会公德,重视精神文明建设,维护我市旅游形象。12、自觉接受旅游行政管理部门的监督、检查,自觉接受社会各界的监督。如ctivities, comprehensivea nd tampi ng Safety Foundati on .Troubleshooting, managementme cha nism, giveful lplay to r ole oftechnical supervisi on a nd r ealization oftrouble shooting,

13、 manageme nt, improve dprocessmanagement.This year completedt he boilerl ower header leakage, boil erpr essure,a majorri skmanageme nt,completed 29 ofgreatrisks and3 General problems ofgoverna nce. Complete chemistry la bconstructi on,thermal contr ol, a nd complete the boil erscale integrated manag

14、ement, hostshafti ngvibrationof10scientificandte chnol ogicalprojects,such a s.ompletesuper critical 630M Won-line simulationsystem developmenta nd appl ication of circul ating waterM CC standby powertra nsformation,thetransformationofde sulfuri zation wastewate r, the unit watersupply system ofcomp

15、rehensive treatment anddischargevalve modification ofcoal mill 5keytechnol ogical transformationproject s,group health i s improve d. -Science a nd te chnol ogy innovation isf urtheri ncreased.Stre ngthe n the chara cteristics ofsupercritical unit majorissue s,graduallycle aring theparti cularity of

16、super critical unit a nd reg ularity.Devel oped motor oiltime manageme nt, switch a ction time s,statistics, coal -aide d measurementsoftware, improvesthe producti on level of lean ma nagement. Increase d investment i n sciencea nd te chnol ogy,re porting scienceandtechnologyproje cts and14te chnica

17、l proje cttotalcost perce ntage of thetotala nnual producti on out putof 0.25%."Large -scalecoal -fired powerpl antflue gas desulfurizati on, denitrificationcompletedeve lopme ntand applicati on ofkeytechnol ogies" pr oject, won the national scienceand technologyprogressse cond prize.630MW

18、supercritical units optimize dcontrol strategiesand the 630M Wdev elopment andapplicationofon-li ne simulati on system for supercriti cal units,supercritical 600M Wunitsoftur binedrive nboiler feed pumpset ofcomprehensivetreatmentofdefects Datangtechnol ogy respectively one ort wo andthird.Meanwhile

19、 ,information technologyachieveme nts,thecompanywa sname d"Chi napowerinformati on te chnol ogybe nc hmarking e nterprise s." -Repaira nd mainte nance has impr ovedfurther.M odifytheinspe ctionstandar dsand standards ona regularba sis,sta ndar dizingw ork pr ocedures,checki ng andi nspecti

20、 on proje ct.Dee pe ningthe BFS+system,a ndimpl ements mainte nance informati on shared. Reorganizi ng RBlogi cagain,a nd e nsure thesuccess oftheRB. Innovating themechanismof maintenance management,implemented apr oje ctmanager system.Succe ssfulcompleti on oftwoautonom ousmai ntenance, rel iabilit

21、yimpr ovedstea dily.Impleme ntingtwo c-lev elmaintena nce, projectthemselves48.7%and 42.3%,respectively.Accom plish tw ocir culati ng pum ps repaira nd overha uloffour Mills, mainte nance teams togetexercise.Promotethe work ofenergy savingand consumptionreducing , com plete the unit e nergyconsumpti

22、ondiag nosis, pl ant waterbala ncetest,10 e nergy-savi ng projects.Second,w eshoul dadhereto"three"on theeconomi cbe nefitsofimproving,outreachDelegates,staff:Hello! in therun-up t othe Spri ng Festival,we heldone se ssi onoffour staffrepresentatives ConfereannualExecutive budget, an i ncr

23、ea seof729milli on k Wh. -Security measures:unplanned outages 2.5times.nce 2013 -workshop, fullback in 2012, carefula nalysis ofthe currentsit uation,discuss 2013developme nt pla ns.Nopersonal injuryaccidentoccurre d,nomajora cci denta nd a bove, nomajorfireacci dentsw ithoutenvironmentalhidden haza

24、rds controland intrinsi csafety Enterprise constr ucti ontooknew ste ps. -Thetwo "managemeHere,onbehalfofmycompany2013 work reportstpollution ac cide nts,safety forthree consecutiveyearstomaintai一 . 一一- -.一on pr omoting t hepoweroftheotheGe neralAssembl y,forconsi deration.PillarI,2012backin st

25、abilitytog oodposture.Businessfinancialindicatn 2012,XXpowercompa niesa dhere t o theparty's 17 greatspiritforguidance,com preheors:total profitsof255 milli onYuan, beyondthe a nnualbudgetof207million Yuan,beyondtonofthe safetyloopfive-star managementsystem,improvethe safetymanagementsystem, rea

26、lize thesystemnsivelyimplementthescientificconcept of development, promoti ngcost-leadershi p strategy,sta ndards,focus on impl ementation, lea n management, conti nuouslyim prove,sm ooth present safety situationofenterprise ma nagement, business management a ndhe Datang compa ny index41.89milli on

27、Yuan,a n increase of1.76million Yua n, FCM a ssessment at gradefour.-Energy: pow ersupply standard coal compl eting312.25g /kWh,down 0.1 g /kWh; integrated a uxiliary power consum ption rati oin 5.12%,doof habit ualviolation of,strengthening thesafetysupervisionofoutsourcing contra ctors. Carried ou

28、t indication ofstaff,manage a harmoniousand democraticatmospher e ofthegood sit uation.Mai nindicat ors areasfoll ows: -the battery indicedcompare dto lastyear,carbon 0.09g/kWh,sulfurdi oxide 0.104g /kWhNOx 0.512g/kWh;dustremovalefficiency ofmorethanspring andautumn of security inspections,flood con

29、troland ion safetycator:power ge nerationtotaled7.815billion kWh,bey ondthe a nnualbudget implementation capacity of315millquivale ntavailabilityfactorin 93.47%, increased 7.95% froma yearearlier.Salestotaled7.425 bi llion kWh,excee dingsale s of330milli on k Wh t heverthesameperioda year e arlier.M

30、ajorachievement s:违反以上公约,愿接受旅游行政管理部门、行业协会根据法规、规章和诚信公约予以处罚,并向社会公布我社的不诚信行为。浏阳旅行社(门市部)文明服务内容1、按合同约定付款,提供保质保量的标准服务,不随意变更和降低服务标准。2、科学合理地安排旅游路线,注重劳逸适度,张驰相宜。3、不强行安排合同约定以外的购物和其他自费项目,杜绝安排游客参加黄、赌、毒活动项目。增加景点或项目须经旅行社同意并多数游客签字同意方可。4、购买旅行社责任险,建议游客自愿购买旅游意外险。5、遇到特殊情况,临时调整交通工具和住宿,就餐标准,如低于原标准,退回差价。若取消个别景点,向客人说明原因。取得客




34、表端庄。六、服务主动热情,周到礼貌,使用规范语言,对外统一使用标准用语-普通话。七、每天做好卫生工作,保持室内外清洁卫生。八、严守单位商业机密,不得泄露,如若泄露,将根据情节轻重给予处分。九、实事求是,廉洁奉公,不准弄虚作假,欺上瞒下。十、爱护公司财物,不得随意浪费、损坏单位的物品。可编辑wrod范本Delegates,staff:Hello! in therun-up t othe Spri ng Festival,we heldone se ssi onoffour staffrepresentatives ConfereannualExecutive budget, an i ncrea

35、 seof729milli on k Wh. -Security measures:unplanned outages 2.5times.nce 2013 -workshop, fullback in 2012, carefula nalysis ofthe currentsit uation,discuss 2013developme nt pla ns.Nopersonal injuryaccidentoccurre d,nomajora cci denta nd a bove, nomajorfireacci dentsw ithoutenvironmentalI L. . I_一 L.

36、 I. . I. LL-I - - LJ.I. >J 一 " 一 . - . I , _L .Here,onbehalfofmycompany2013 work reportstpollution ac cide nts,safety forthree consecutiveyearstomaintai一 .一 - -.一on pr omoting t hepoweroftheotheGe neralAssembl y,forconsi deration.n stabilitytog oodposture. 一 _ _ - _| 一 I _ _PillarI,2012backi

37、 Businessfinancialindicatn 2012,XXpowercompa niesa dhere t o theparty's 17 greatspiritforguidance,com prehe nsivelyimplementthescientificconcept of development, promoti ngcost-leadershi p strategy,sta ndards,focusors:total profitsof255 milli onYuan, beyondthe a nnualbudgetof207million Yuan,beyon

38、dthe Datang compa ny index41.89milli on Yuan,a n increase of1.76million Yua n, FCM a ssessment at gradefour.一 .111_I -.L . . _. I I - 1| | I . .一一 一 . I _ . 一 一 .onofthe safetyloopfive-star managemeurther regul ate securityroutines, safetysupe rvisionand managemeon impl ementation, lea n management,

39、 conti-.1.< I - -.11 . I -一ntnetworkr oleto playtoachieve cl osed-l oop.Strengtheninuouslyim prove,sm ooth present safety situationofenterprise ma nagement,coal compl eting312.25g /kWh,down 0.1 g /kWh; integrated a uxiliary power. . II- -I - - _ |. II _ I 一 .一 一一 一 .一of habit ualviolati on of,str

40、engthenibusiness management a nd cconsum ption rati oin 5.12%,dow- -ng thesafetysupervisionofoutsour cing contra ctors. Carried out in spring andautumdication ofstaff,manage a harmoniousand democraticatmosphercedcompare dto lastyear,carbon 0.09g/kWh,sulfurdi一.一_ L -. . I-. -. 一 .一 L. I. . I. In of s

41、ecurity inspections,flood controland ie ofthegood sit uation.Mai nindicat ors areasfoll ows: -the battery indioxide 0.104g /kWhNOx 0.512g/kWh;dustremovalefficiency ofmorethan. 一 i _ . . .11 一一一.Ld一 . I . 一 一. cator:power ge nerationtotaled7.815billion kWh,bey ondthe a nnualbudget implementation capa

42、city of315mill99.8%. -Relia bility index:e quivale ntavailabilityfactorin 93.47%, increased 7.95% froma yearearlier.on safety andthe Olympi cGamesa nd otherSalestotaled7.425 bi llion kWh,excee dingsale s of330milli on k Wh t heverthesameperioda year e arlier.Majorachievement s:导游员管理制度一、导游人员应严格按照国家要求
















58、定旅游者的情绪。治安事故发生后,导游人员应采取必要的措施,安定旅游者的情绪,力争使旅游活动按行程计划进行。5、写出书面报告。导游人员应写出详细、准确的书面报告,除报案内容外,还应写明案件的性质、采取的应急措施、侦破情况、受害者和旅游团其他成员的情绪及有何反映、要求等。6、协助领导做好善后工作。导游人员应准备好必要的证明、资料,处理好善后事宜。ctivities, comprehensivea nd tampi ng Safety Foundati on .Troubleshooting, managementme cha nism, giveful lplay to r ole oftechnical supervisi on a nd r ealization oftrouble shooting, manageme nt, improve dprocessma


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