1、临床医师三基考试试题(卷) 科室: 姓名: 分数:一、单选题。(每题2分,共40分)1、心肌的血液来自( )A.胸主动脉的分支 B.主动脉弓的分支 C.左右冠状动脉 D.胸廓内动脉 E.心包膈动脉2、迷走神经为( )A.内脏运动纤维支配全身平滑肌运动 B.内脏运动纤维支配全身腺体分泌活动 C.内脏运动纤维支配喉咙肌运动 D.内脏运动纤维支配心肌 E.内脏感觉纤维管理全身粘膜感觉3、最重要的消化液是( )A.唾液 B.胃液 C.胆液 D.胰液 E.肠液4、心室肌的前负荷是指( )A.右心房压力 B.射血期心室内压 C.心室舒张末期压 D.大动脉血压 E.等容收缩期心室内压5、下述钾的生理功能中,
2、哪项是错的( )A.参与细胞内糖和蛋白质的代谢 B.高钾使神经肌肉兴奋性降低 C.参与静息电位的形成 D.高钾抑制心肌收缩 E.维持细胞内的渗透压6、对脂肪和蛋白质消化作用最强的消化液是( )A.胃液 B.胆液 C.胰液 D.小肠液 E.唾液7、病原菌侵入血液并在其中大量繁殖,造成机体严重损伤,引起严重的症状称为( )A.毒血症 B.菌血症 C.败血症 D.脓毒血症 E.病毒血症8、免疫系统包括( )A.胸腺、骨髓 B.T细胞、B细胞 C.免疫器官、免疫细胞 D.免疫器官、免疫分子 E.免疫组织、免疫器官、免疫细胞、免疫分子9、化验结果:HbsAg(+)、HbeAg(+)、抗- HBC(+)、
3、抗Hbe(-)、抗- HB(-),该病人为( )A.乙型肝炎病毒感染潜伏期 B.急性乙型肝炎 C.乙型肝炎恢复期 D.急性甲型肝炎 E.乙肝疫苗接种后的反应10、杀灭细菌芽胞最有效的方法是( )A.煮沸法 B.巴氏消毒法 C.高压蒸汽灭菌法 D.紫外线照射 E.90%乙醇消毒11、青霉素过敏性休克是属于( )A.型超敏反应 B.型超敏反应 C.型超敏反应 D.型超敏反应 E.免疫耐受12、注射破伤风抗毒素(TAT)的作用是( )A.中和白喉外毒素 B.中和破伤风外毒素 C.中和所有的外毒素 D.中和病毒 E.刺激人体产生抗毒素13、被狂犬咬伤的伤口最好采用( )A.弱酸冲洗 B.20%肥皂水冲
4、洗 C.过氧化氢溶液冲洗 D.食醋冲洗 E.90%乙醇冲洗14、机体发热时常出现( )A.低渗性脱水 B.等渗性脱水 C.高渗性脱水 D.水中毒 E.水肿15、DIC最主要的病理特征是( )A.大量微血栓形成 B.凝血功能失常 C.纤溶过程亢进 D.凝血物质大量消耗 E.溶血性贫血16、肝性脑病的正确概念应是( )A.肝脏疾病并发脑部疾病 B.肝功能衰竭并发脑水肿 C.肝功能衰竭所致的昏迷 D.肝功能衰竭所致的精神紊乱性疾病 E.严重肝病所致的神经精神综合征17、短期内大量丢失小肠液常首先出现( )A.高渗性脱水 B.低渗性脱水 C.等渗性脱水 D.低钠血症 E.高钾血18、肾性水肿首先出现的
5、问题是( )A.上肢 B.下肢 C.腹腔 D.眼睑 E.下垂部位18、阿托品禁用于( )A.青光眼 B.感染性休克 C.有机磷中毒 D.肠痉挛 E.虹膜睫状体炎19、用氯丙嗪治疗精神病时最常见的不良反应是( )A.体位性低血压 B.过敏反应 C.内分泌障碍 D.消化系统症状 E.锥体外系反应20、强心苷降低心房纤颤病人的心室率的机制是( )A.降低心室肌自律性 B.改善心肌缺血状态 C.降低心房肌的自律性 D.降低房室结中的隐匿性传导 E.增加房室结中的隐匿性传导二、判断题。(每题1分,共10分)1、腓总神经损伤后产生的主要症状是足不能背屈、外翻。( )2、人体只有心肌才有自动节律性。( )3
6、、胆囊炎病人吃油腻蛋白食物可诱发胆绞痛。( )4、毒血症是指病原菌以及它产生的毒素均进入血液。( )5、人体肠道菌群中99.9%是厌氧菌,大肠杆菌等仅占0.1%。( )6、艾滋病的病原体是人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)。( )7、DIC病人出现贫血的主要原因是因大量出血后,血液稀释所致。( )8、肺水肿时,气体弥散距离增大,导致气体弥散障碍。( )9、血红蛋白尿显微镜下可见大量红细胞。( )10、婴儿睡觉后应待其醒后再哺乳( )三、填空题。(每题2分,共40分)1、男性尿道的2个弯曲为 和 。男性尿道的3个狭窄为 、 和 。2、父亲为AB型,母亲为O型,其子女血型可能为 。3、影响血压的主要因素是
7、 , 。4、灭菌是指杀灭 的方法。5、病毒传播的方式有 和 两种。6、免疫的基本功能是 、 、 。7、成人24小时尿量少于 mL称为少尿,24小时尿量超 过 mL称为多尿。8、 是反映呼吸性酸碱平衡紊乱的重要指标。9.骨折急救的目的是: , , 四、问答题。(每题5分,共10分)1、正常人的血量有多少?2、何为麦氏点?有何临床意义?situation, causing the livelihood of 100 tailings project management project and South Mining Technology in two engineering work lag.
8、 Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, strictly abide by the party's political discipline. Strictly abide by the constitution, the principle of Party organization and party political life standards, do not spread
9、against the party's theory and policy advice, not contrary to published The central and provincial Party committee decided to talk, not to divulge the secrets of the party and the state, do not make no illegal organization and participate in various activities, political, spread rumors and false
10、 information, not to publish lossy unity of speech, do not damage the unity of things, and never allow individuals above the organization. 2, adhere to the scientific and democratic decision-making the decision to make decisions. Correctly handle to ensure that government decrees and based on the ac
11、tual creative work, giving full play to subjective initiative, put an end to implement the conference meeting, to document the implementation of documents and so on. To improve the scientific and democratic decision-making mechanism, improve and implement the decision to solicit opinions, experts, p
12、ublic hearings and other health system. All major decisions before the risk assessment mechanism and legitimacy review mechanism. Adhere to the interests of the masses and the intention reflected in the policy making process and carry out the work, not acting on their behalf, "across the board&
13、quot; and coercion. (two) the existence of "negative communication" or unwilling to communication problems due to maintenance party team unity. The team members of the division of responsibilities, temperament, interestsDifferences in demand, often leads to different views, different opini
14、ons. Individual members of organization and coordination ability, team spirit is not good, work style is not real, simple working methods, lack of knowledge of the wisdom of the people, forgiveness and art for the people, can not deal with different opinions, there are "self sweep the snow in f
15、ront of the door, all kinds of responsibility fields". Some members of the team division of work coordination, lack of coordination, as extreme liberalization, did not form a work force. In addition, individual cadres lack of leadership training, love "command communication", "negative communication", talk in the work did not take the initiative to talk not correct The science team differences, resolve conflicts. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a lon
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