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1、词汇测试1. During their on the club, the policemen found illegal drugs.A) searchB) clash C) banD) raid2. The chairman asked members to their votes for or against the proposal.A) bidB) offer C) castD) throw3. The plane , its bombs exploding as it hit the ground.A) smashedB) crushed C) plungedD) crashed4.

2、 I ve into the door again and hurt my knee.A) wanderedB) plunged C)bumpedD) rushed5. Istrongly opposed the that women not beallowed to join thesociety.A) resolutionB) reservationC) solutionD)conclusion6. A of wild ducks blocked the road.A) packB) school C) herdD) flock7. The little boy had walked fo

3、r a long day; he was feeling . He must have a good rest.A) excitedB) lazy C) contentD) exhausted8. A window in the kitchen was ; there was rubbish everywhere, and the curtains and carpetshad been stolen.A) scatteredB) scraped C) scratched D) smashed9. All our attempts to the child from drowning were

4、 in vain.A) regainB) recover C) reserveD) rescue10. The strong storm did a lot of damage to the coastal villages: several fishing boats were and many houses collapse.A) wreckedB) spoiled C) tornD) injured11. She was fined $30 for failing to keep her dog under .A) control B) command C) obedience D) h

5、and12. I wonder why they were so easily by his story.A) taken on B) taken over C) taken inD) taken up13. The bank is reported in the local newspaper to have been robbed in daylight yesterday.A) broadB) exclusive C) extensiveD) abroadA) retained B) resorted C) retorted D) receded14. When he was a you

6、ng man, Lincoln down the Mississippi in a flatboat.A) drainedB) dragged C) drippedD) drifted15. The presence of a police officer made him feel guilty.A) commonB) mere C) justD) plain16. In this poor country, survival is still the leading industry; all else is .A) luxuryB) accommodation C) entertainm

7、ent D) fancy17. As a commander, you should not the soldiers to unnecessary danger.A) express B) exploit C) explodeD) expose18. Which of the economy has been hardest hit by the recession?A) fraction B) sector C) formatD) bureau19. The airplane took off soon. It was like being on an old train from sid

8、e to side and goingfaster and faster.A) surroundingB) foregoing C) swaying D) frowning20. When he caught a of his girlfriend in the rain, Jack asked the taxi driver to stop to pickher up.A) harborB) kettleC) glimpseD) scale21. This kind of medicine has the power to poison.A) splash B) resist C) conv

9、ey D) recruit22. He is easily so I do not like to talk with him.A) defended B) afforded C) offered D) offended23. I am to believe that he won t come back to see .his wife againA) inclinedB) initiatedC) accompaniedD) acknowledged24. After talking for nearly ten hours, he to the government s preast sl

10、ausrte.A) expressed B) yielded D) C) demonstrated D) approved25. My hands and feet were with cold as I waited for the bus.A) cliffB) steep C) stiff D) stick26. This problem is beyond his ability and he cannot it.27. When you buy the spare parts for your car, try to get the ones from the authorizedde

11、aler.A) genuine B) generous C) genius D) ing nue28. The international situation is very in the Middle East.A) sophisticated B) elaborate C) delicate D) profound29. We that it will take another four months to finish this plan.A) grant B) condemn C) estimate D) conform30. During the eight years war, m

12、any people their blood for their country.A) shed B) tempted C) reserved D) devoted31. You have greatly us. What you have done is not what you told us about several weeksago.A) disappointedB) desertedC) clarifiedD) opposed32. Please do not when somebody else is talking.A) intend B) interpret C) inter

13、rupt D) invest33. It is really outrageous that the government and its opponents compete tothe troublesto their advantage.A) explore B) explode C) exploit D) expand34. This movie has a ending. You cannot imagine who will be killed finally.A) dramatic B) original C) considerable D) temple35. The dog t

14、he rabbit but could not catch it.A) ceased B) chained C) cancelled D) chased36. The audience were so stimulated at his lecture that he was interrupted by applause at A) gap B) post C) intervals D) reserve37. Many years ago, a lot of factories were from big cities to the mountainous areas incase of w

15、ar.A) transferredB) transformedC) transmittedD) transported38. I was born in Japan, but I have Chinese citizenship.39. These are two issuers, but people often take them as one.A) subtle B) diversified C) distinct D) disposedshe achieved in her research might what she had been expecting.A) exceed B)

16、exclaim C) excess D) extend41 .?He proved himself a successor to the former Prime Minister.A) worthwhile ? B) worthiness ? C) worthy ? D) worth42 .?Your radio is too loud, turn the down.A) volume ? B) voice ? C) sound ? D) tone43 .?The Channel Tunnel is one of the biggest engineering projects ever .

17、A) understated ? B) undertaken ? C) undergone ? D) underneath44 .?He comes from a poor country village in the mountains, so it s very hard for him to pay thewhole school year s at one time.A) money ? B) fare ? C) fees ? D) tuition45 .?Anthony is a very person and never wastes anything.A) miserly ? B

18、) thrifty ? C) economic ? D) conservative46 .?He is seriously ill because his girlfriend has just deserted him. Why don yt ou try some occupational to remove his mind from distress?A) operation ? B) therapy ? C) injection ? D) medicine47 .?The government used their emergency powers to the truth abou

19、t the accident.A) suppress ? B) manipulate ? C) control ? D) manage48 .?The of the member countries is supposed to be held recently at Geneva.A) summit ? B) summary ? C) suffering ? D) summon49 .?The ghostly presence was just a (n)sensation of some people.A) objective ? B) subjunctive ? C) subjectiv

20、e ? D) objected50 .?The company is on the verge of bankruptcy, and thousands of jobs are at .A) danger ? B) loss ? C) threat ? D) stake51 .?The Minister of Finance stresses that the quality of goods, the quantity of production, isthe key to improving the nation s economy.A) other than ? B) rather th

21、an ?C) more than ? D) better than52 .?If people are not held responsible for they are drunk, then we forgive drunken driversA) may well as B) had better ? C) might as well D) would rather53 .?He might have been dead the arrival of the doctors.A) but for B) except for ? C) withD) on54 .?These areas r

22、ely on agriculture almost , having few mineral resources and a minimum ofindustrial development.A) respectively B) undoubtedly ? C) incredibly D) exclusively55 .?It s strange that Amy her aunt in every way.A) takes down B) takes after ?C) takes to D) takes on56 .?With the experience approaching the

23、final success, everyone knows that they can not asingle minor mistake and ruin the whole thing.A) inflict B) endure ?C) stand D) afford57 .?The boss stressed the criterion that a qualified waiter must do every service thesatisfaction of his customers.A) for B) by ?C) on D) to58 .?Only after many yea

24、rs of hard work that money alone does not lead to happiness andsuccess.A) I did realize B) had I realized?C) did I realizeD) I had realized59 .?When automation is introduced into the factory, all the work done by hand will theassembly line.A) take the place of B) replace ? C) be attributed to D) giv

25、e way totravelers were ready to enjoy the spectacular tidal waves when suddenly a thick fog came up and the whole scene.A) blurred B) belittled ?C) banned D) collapsed61. The local were annoyed with the lack of parking space that s why many of them soldtheir flats and moved to other places.A) citize

26、ns B) residents C) nativesD) individuals62. He finally realized that his idea of learning to read and write in English well in three months was just a/an .A) extension B)tensionC)illusionD) pension63. He had a suspicion that the certificate was not genuine, but on close , he realized that itwas not

27、forgedA) inspection B) attentionC) consumptionD) construction64. I see teaching as an opportunity to students, not just to give them instructions.A) lightenB) strengthenC) lengthenD) enlighten65. The military government refused to power to a democratically elected civiliangovernment.A) transferB) tr

28、ansformC) convertD) change66. A series of new policies have been introduced in the region in the hope of attracting foreign.A) goods B) investmentC) purchaseD) budget67. Under the severe attack from enemy aircraft, the troops were forced to from the front.A) retreatB) revengeC) reviseD) resort68. Sh

29、e was in a whether to stay at school or get a job.A) dilemma B) situationC) placeD) difficulty69. The label on this bread says it is free of preservatives.A) ensured B) guaranteedC) insuredD) promised70. I had never met John, but I him as a pale, thin young man wearing glasses.A) illustrated B) exem

30、plifiedC) picturedD) put71. When he tried to make a , he found that the hotel he wanted was completely filledbecause of a conventionA) complaintB) claimC) reservationD) decision72. You should be very to your teachers for their generous help.A) satisfactoryB) thankingC) considerateD) grateful73. We s

31、pent the of the day sightseeing.A) surplusB) remainderC) remainsD) following74. Many young people remain single for lack ofto family and marriage.A) requirement B) participationC) reflectionD) commitment75. His bright clothes were hardly for such a solemn occasion.A) appropriate B) prosperousC) tedi

32、ousD) unremarkable76. The purpose of this election is to set up a government truly of the people.A) typicalB) representativeC) characteristicD) responsible77. It s very of you to bring your umbrella to Kunming at this time of the yearit rains sofrequently here.A) sensitiveB) constructiveC) definiteD

33、)sensible78. The general strike of the railway workers the country's economy.A) crippled B) improvedC) precededD) brought79. I find it hard to my feelings in words.A) convey B) interactC) confideD) display80. Do not try to the responsibility onto others, you must do the job yourself.A) shiftB) m

34、oveC) removeD) transfer81. A good friend is one who will you when you are in trouble.A) stand forB) stand byC) stand up toD) stand up with82. It is much easier to talk about social changes than to .A) bring it onB) bring it outC) bring it upD) bring it about83. When I was very young, I was terribly

35、frightened of school, but I soon it.A) got offB) got acrossC) got awayD) got over84. You are getting too old for football. You d better tennis instead.A) take inB) take upC) take forD) take over85. He often stopped at the sound of his own steps and was afraid to look his shoulder.A) overB) backC) ro

36、undD) beyond86. There are other problems which I don t propose to at the moment.A) go intoB) go aroundC) go forD) go up87. After the robbery, the shop installed a sophisticated alarm system as insurance further losses.A) forB) fromC) againstD) towards88. The new appointment of our President from the

37、 very beginning of nextsemester.A) takes effectB) takes partC) takes placeD) takes turns.89. When Mr. Jones gets old, he will over his business to his son.90. In Britain today women 44% of the work force, and nearly half the mothers withchildren are in paid work.A) build upB) stand forC) make upD) conform to91. Does everyone on earth have an equal right an equal share of its resources?A) toB) atC) byD) of92. There is no point the piano, unless you practice every day.A) to learn to play B) in learning to play C)


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