



1、 Open your book Instructional DesignPart 1: Teaching goals1. Knowledge objects:(1) To Master language of asking the name of specific objects in the class, and master thewords of objects in the class.(2) Key vocabulary and phrases: sit, down, sit down, open, book, listen, draw, put, up, hand,stand, s

2、tand up, close, What s this in English?, What sinstruction pronoun this.2. Ability objects:(1)Students can understand others questions of asking the names of specific objects, andgive corresponding answers.(2)Students can understand the similar dialogue of asking and answering objects names.3. Moral

3、 objects:(1)Students can ask and answer objects namersreinctElyn.glish co(2)Motivate students interest in learning English.Part 2: Important points and difficult pointsBe skilled in oral expression of asking the name of specific objects in the class and givecorresponding answers.Part 3: Learning met

4、hodsListening and speaking.Part 4: Teaching proceduresChapter 1 Lead-in: Warming up.Step 1: Review the greeting phrases in the previous period by having the whole class play thedialogue in real situation.Step 2: Ask some students to introduce their partners to the class.Step 3. Enjoy a song: Hello a

5、nd how are you?Chapter 2 The students can learn by themselves, and ask some questions about thestudy.Step 1: Show some pictures of objects in the class by PPT, give students the names of theobjects.Step2: Play the recording and have them point out the words and phrases in Activity 1.Chapter 3 The st

6、udents can learn the main point with the help of the teacher, and solvethe problems.Step 1: Listen and read.Good morning, class.Good morning, Miss Zhou.Please sit down.Step 2: Play the recording and have them point out the words and phrases in Activity 2.Sit down.Open your bookListen.Draw.Put up you

7、r hand.Stand up.Close your book.Step 3: Play the recording again and have them read after the tape.Step 4: Listen again and do.Chapter 4 Effective practice, consolidate the knowledge.Step 1: Teacher ask the whole class the objects in the PPT s names.Step 2: Match the expressions in Activity 3.1. Put

8、 upa) your book2. Openb) down3. Standc) up4. Sitd) your hand.Step3: Check the answers.Keys: 1. d2. a3. c4. bStep4: Write the letters in Activity 5.Step5: Listen and check.Step 6: Work in pairs, one student point one object in the PPT, the other answer the question.Step 7: Work in pairs and fill the

9、blanks in Activity 6. Have some of them to perform thedialogue for the whole class.Stand up.Yes.Open your book.Yes.Chapter 5 Summary evaluation, leak turnover.Work in pairs. Say and do.1. Master language of asking the name of specific objects in the class, and master the wordsof objects in the class.Key vocabulary and phrases: sit, down, sit down, open, book, listen, draw, put, up, hand,stand, stand up, closeWhat s this in English?,


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