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1、新版广州版小学英语五年级上册期末复习题二1、 We have a lot of( 阳光)here in summer、2、 It ' s raining(烈地)、I have no( 雨伞)、3、The( 气温)falls below zero at night、()4、the weather like today?A、What B、How C、What' s( )5、 Look, it ' s、 But yesterday it sunny 、A、rains, isB、raining, wasC、raining,is()6、 My father ill yesterd

2、ay .A、isn'tB、aren'tC、wasn't()7、 is the best time make a snowman 、A、Autumn, toB、Winter, toC、Winter,for()8、Who was on dutylastFriday?A、I am B、 I was C、No, I wasn't()9、 he football two days ago?A、 Does, playB、 Did, played C、Did, play()10、It' s a morning 、A、sunB、sunyC、sunny()11、 In a

3、utumn, it ' s cool and windy 、 So, we canA、flying kitesB、fly kitesC、flies kites()12、 How can I go home school?A、after B、during C、at1. . How is Jane yesterday?2. He often goes home at 6:00 last month 、3. I can fly kites seven years ago 、4. Did you saw him just now、5. Tom wasn,watch TV last night、

4、【M4-M6知识讲解】1、 a of 一瓶一 a of 玻璃杯 a of一盒a of 一杯 a of 一罐 a of 一"碗注意:of前面的通常是容器词(可数),of后面的通常是饮料或者水果等(可数或 不可数)2、不定代词和形容词的位置:不定代词在前,形容词在后nothing new new nothing>3、选择疑问句不同于一月疑问句,不能用 Yes/No来回答,而是选择其中一选 项回答。其表现形式可以是一般疑问句形式,也可以是特殊疑问句形式,选项之间要用连词or连接。1) 一般疑问句形式的选择疑问句一般疑问句形式的选择疑问句由幺股疑问句+or+选择部分”构成:Are yo

5、u a doctor or a teacher ?你是医生还是教师?2)特殊疑问句形式的选择疑问句|特殊疑问句形式的选择疑问句由特殊疑问句,选项A+or+选项B':Which would you like , tea or coffee ? 你想要哪样,是茶还是咖啡?4、当表示感谢的时候,我们可以说:Thanks a lot、Thanks = Thank you、 Thanks a lot = Thank you very much 、a lot和a lot of的区别:a lot:放在动词后;a lot of: 放在名词前,等于 lots of 和 plenty of;My pet

6、dog eats >There are famous movie stars in the USA 、5、both (两者)都,后常接and、 you he (like) the superstar very much 、6、固定搭配:like to do sth、喜欢做某事(短期)like doing sth、喜欢做某事(长期)love to do sth、喜欢做某事(短期)期)enjoy sth、 / enjoy doing sth、be like = look likeI enjoy sports、 = I enjoy7、There be句型总结1) There be句型的就近原则

7、:love doing sth、喜欢做某事(长:欢、/喜欢做(play) sports、There fifty-two students in our class 、2)there be表示某地有某物(或人);have(has)表示某人拥有某物。lots of flowers in Guangzhou 、8、different 不同的名词复数be different from 与不同 different 后接9、“Do you know that?而常接句子作宾语,表示 你知道吗? ”后面句子用肯定句语序。Do you know that she is from ( be from) Chin

8、a?10、分析:“ eat with意为用吃。”这里的 “with表示用;以”。拓展:'i表示用"in Chinese, in English11、复习跟方位有关的词汇north(北/北方),south(南/南方),west(西/西方),east(东/东方)northern(北/北方的),southern (南/南方的), western (西/西方的),eastern(东/东方的)in the west( east/ south/ north)on the west( east/ south/ north) to the west( east/ south/ north)1

9、2、吃一顿饭:have a meal =在(里面的)西东南北在(边缘的,有接壤)西东南北在(不接壤的)西东南北eat a meal吃大餐:have a big mealeat one ' s meal:如: eat their meals13、too:太、后面常接形容词,固定搭配:tooto"太而不台匕 ” 目匕The boy istooyoungtogo to school、拓展: sothat“如此以至于一”The boy issoyoung that he can ' t go to school14、 感官动词后接 形容词 词,感官动词有哪些? 二It(sme

10、ll) delicious、它闻起来很香。15、 It ' s time for sthIt ' s time to do sth 是时候It ' s time for sb to do sth该某人做某事的时候了。16、healthy 健康的(adj) healthy food health 健康(n)17、描述食物或饮料的口味或特征时,常用“ It is / They are +形容词、”前面还可以加上very (非常),quite (相当),too (太),so (如此)等。常用来描 述食物或饮料的形容词有:hot 辣的 sweet 甜的 sour 酸的 salt

11、y 咸的delicious 美味的 good 好的 fresh 新鲜的 healthy 健康I18、 “What do you think of意思是“你认为怎么样?”后面可跟某人、某物或某事。也可以用“ How do you like?来表达同样的意思。19、1)、表示请求、鼓励、劝说等,意为: 来吧;行啦"。如:2)、用来催促别人快走(做),意为:快点”。如:3)、用于体育竞赛等场合鼓励队员,意为:加油”。如:20、 堆雪人: make a snowman 或者 make snowmen21、before 之前对应词:after 之后22、 put on穿上,强调穿上的动作,而

12、wear强调穿着的状态。put on反义 词:take off、23、句型复习:I wish I could 、(不太可能实现的愿望)I hope I can (很可能实现的愿望)24、25、be动词、情态动词后-It,s no放名词前,not放助动词、-What' s the temperature?-What' s the weather l ike (in summer/in Guangzhou)? = How is theweather?-It s-What wilLthe weather be like tomorrow?(对未来天气的提问,“will后It will

13、 be-The temperature will be26、注意下面的构词法(1)名词+y 形容词:wind(风)一wind(有风的) cloud(云)一cloud (多云的) fog(雾)一fog(有雾的)充足的)(2)合成词:snow, man sight, seeing 注意下面几组反义词:rain(雨)一rain (有雨的)snow(雪)一snow (多雪的)sun(太阳)-sun(晴朗的,阳光rain , coat >weather, man 13 / 12warm ()wet ()hot()27、天气的比较表示天气的形容词的比较级和最高级sunny - sunnier - s

14、unniest windy - windier - windiestIt is(foggy) today than yesterday、(利用比较级进行比较。)28、 一个单词,多种词性rain:下雨; 雨点,雨滴 snow: 下雪; 雪 in the rain/snowIt will(rain) soon、= It will(rainy) soon、rain = be rainysnow= be snowy29、 表示最喜欢.的句型:What、do you like best ? = What is your favouhte ?I like best、= My favouhte 、 is

15、、30、 介词inin 十 年、四季、月份in+国家、城市、乡村31、 、怎么样?What about ? = How about ?about是介词,后接动词ing或者名词。32、outdoors: 在户外;反义词:indoors: 在室内33、 1) 一般过去时:通常表示动作发生在过去,或者过去经常发生的事情。2)结构:主语+动词的过去式+其他、3)提示词:ago (two hours ago 等,yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week, last year, last night, last month, this morning,

16、in 1999, at the ageof just now, long ago 4)动词过去式的变化规律:(1) . 动词直接力口 “ed” turnturned, startstarted, wantwanted,finishfinished, walkwalked, learn-learned, rain-rained, ask asked、(2) .以不发音的字母“管尾的单词,直接加“d”live livedchange changed(3)、以辅音字母+y结尾的,变y为i力口 “ed” studystudiedcarrycarried(4)、 以元音字母+y结尾的,直接加 “ed”

17、enjoyenjoyedplayplayed (5)、以重读闭音节结尾的,双写最后的辅音字母+ed : stopstopped(6)、不规则变化的动词过去式:have/has-had is/am-was putputare-werego-went shineshonesay-said think-thought can-coulddo/does-didmakemade名词-可数名词与不可数名词1、规则变化可数名词变复数:A、一般情况下,在单数名词的后面加-s。如:deskdesksB、以s、x、sh、ch结尾的单数名词变复数,在词尾加 -es。如:bus-busesC、以f或fe结尾的单数名词

18、变复数,将f或fe改成v,然后再加-es。如:leaf-leaves D、以辅音字母加y结尾的单数名词变复数,将y改成i后再加-es。如:city-cities E、以。结尾,表示有生命的事物的单数名词变复数加-es;表示没有生命的事物的单数名词变复数加-s。2、不规则变化man-men, woman-women, Englishman -Englishmen, foot-feet, tooth -teeth, goose-geese (鹅),child-children, mouse-mice(老鼠)等3、单复数形式相同的名词sheep (绵羊),fish , deer (鹿),Chines

19、e , Japanese ;但 American-Americans , Australian-Australians (澳大利亚人)不同,直接加-s。4、只有复数形式的名词 trousers (裤子),glasses , clothes , people , chopsticks (筷子)不可数名词一般来说,不可数名词主要是以物质名词与抽象名词为主。它们通常没有复数形 式,也不能与a ,an连用。在表示 工”或几”的数量概念时,不可数名词必须与相 应的量词连用。如果时表示复数的数量关系时,则把量词变化,不可数名词不变。 修饰不可数名词的数量词语有: some, any, much, a lo

20、t of, a little 等。例如:a box of milk 一盒牛奶some water 一些水much food大量的食物 a little time 一点时间不可数名词的归类1、液体:water, juice, milk, tea, coffee, coke 2、自然现象:snow, rain, ice 3、食品类:rice, bread, beef, chicken, fish4、其它类: news, homework, housework课堂训练:1、听音,选出你所听到的单词()1、 A、before B、baby C、begin()2、 A、called B、call()3、

21、A shoutB、school()4、 A、nineteen B、nine()5、A、hours B、ourC、toldC、slowC、ninetyC、 your3、听音,选出你所听到的句子()1、A、 Did they go to the Huangpu River?B、 Did they went to visit the Huangpu River?()2、A、I want to be in your team 、B、I want to be in your basketball team 、()3、A、The little boy can ' 4 wakmother helps

22、 him、B、The little girl can'、tlswrnmother helps her、4、按要求给下列单词分类A、ran B、fifty C、above D、took E、near、F、eighty G、for H、met I> arrived J、fourteen1、数词:2、动词过去式:3、介词:5、选出划线部分读音与所给单词相同的选项()1、 apple()2、 think()3、 book()4、 classA、catch B、alongA、thoseB、motherA、school B、foodA、catB、niceC、placeC、healthyC、c

23、ookC、rice2、听音,给下列图片排序()5、year A、pear B、dear C、chair6、根据汉语提示,完成句子1、What do you do (在操场上)?2、I found the milk、(在厨房里)3、How many (蜡笔)did you buy?4、Where did Tom lose his( 尺子)?5、There are (60 个)children in the classroom 、7、选择题()1、Please the books,Sam 、A、 gives out B、 give outC、 give to()2、Thirty girls and

24、 fourty girls are girls 、A、seventy B、seventeen C、eighty()3、 I didn ' t win the game ,I feelA、pleased B、happy C、sad()4、Yesterday I went to school 、A、Sam s and Jim ' s B、Sam and JimC、Sam and Jim ' s()5、 did you do at nin e o' clock on Saturday?:I read a book 、A、Where B、What C、How( )6、I

25、 want three of sweets 、A、box B、boxs C、 boxes()7、I can play football 、A、good B、well C、bad()8、The first thing some breadA、isB、 are C、were()9、Lingling is good at 、A、singB、singingC、sings()10、They lots of places last Friday 、A、visitsB、visitC、visited8、按要求完成各题1、hour (同音词)2、we (宾格)5、run (过去式)7、lose (过去式)9、选

26、词填空2、that (复数)4、meet (过去式)6、ring (过去式)8、win (过去式)went many whose useful dangerous1、Be careful ! It s here!2、Yesterday he to the zoo 、3、How apples do you want?4、hag is this?5、Dogs can help people、 They are very、10、将问句和答语连线1、How do you feel?A、Seven2、Can you run fast?B、Yes, I did、3、Did you wash your co

27、at?C、I feel tired、4、Is it Jimmy ' s sweater?D、 No, I can 、' t5、How many days are there in the week?E、 No, it isn 、'11、写作用英语写出你的饮食爱好。(要求:不少于30个单词)12、按要求完成下列各题1 .It ' twelve o ' clonow、(划线部分提问)?2 .There is some juice and five apples 、(改写同义句)There five apples and juice 、3 .We went t

28、o the British Museum、(划线部分提问) 、?4、I can be a good goalkeeper、(变成一般疑问旬)5、She feels angry 、(划线提问)作业布置(100分,完成时间:3 0分钟):1)找出下列每组单词中不同类的词,把其字母编号写在题前的括号内()1、A、rainB、sunnyC、windy()2、A、hadB、saidC、think()3、A、smellB、tasteC、salty()4、A、warmB、cloudC、dry()5、A、seasonB、autumnC、winter()6、A、bowlB、plateC、pancake()7、A

29、、hungryB、healthyC、finish2)选择最佳答案填空,把其字母编号写在题前的括号内)1、 They like hot food 、 They like sweet food、A、 aren ' tB、 don' tC、 can' tB: I like salad、 forB: It looks)2、 A: What do you want starter, Janet?A、 toB、 ofC、)3、 A: What do you think the meat, Janet?delicious、A、 toB、 ofC、 for()4、 His hobby

30、is 、A、 drawB、 drawsC、 drawing()5、 I learned there 、A、interesting somethingB、 anything interestingC、 something interesting()6、What' s the like there today? Is it very cold?A、 temperatureB、 coldC、 weather()7、Please put your raincoat 、A、inB、 onC、 of()8、 There are four in a year 、A、monthsB、 daysC、 s

31、easons()9、 The weather here is warm October 、A、 onB、 toC、 in()10、 It is hot outdoors 、 It is the best time toC、 enjoy snowC、 smellingC、 areA、 make snowmen B、 go swimming()11、 It very delicious 、A、 smellB、 smells()12、 The sandwiches very hot 、A、 isB、 am3)看图,根据图意和首字母提示,把句子补充完整1、 The w is w today 、2、Th

32、e man usually uses a k and f to havelunch、3、 It,s r hrd、 Take an u 、4、 I feel very h now 、 I can ' t w5、 There is a b of r in the picture 、4)根据实际情况回答问题(请完整回答)1、What do you usually have for breakfast?2、What' s the weather like today? 3、Who cooks dinner for your family? 4、 Do people in Sichuan

33、 like hot food? 5、 Do you often go swimming in summer? 6、 Does it snow in Guangzhou in winter? 7、 Do your parents have a party for your birthday every year?5)根据上下文,从方框内选择恰当的单词填空,把下面的短文补充完整 coffee, food, best, dress, weatherHi, my name is Sally 、 I am a pretty girl、 My favourite ischips、 And I like best 、 I often drink coffee after dinner、 I likesummer、 I often wear a beautiful and eat icecreams in summer、 My favourite is sun


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