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1、mouserabbitfroghamsterbudgiePet:宠物Have you got a pet ? 你有宠物吗?Yes, I have. 是的,我有。What have you got ? 你有什么(宠物)?A cat and a dog. 一只猫和一只狗。A mouse and a frog. 一只老鼠和一只青蛙。Whats your favourite pet ? 你最喜欢什么宠物?1.My favourite pet is rabbit . 我最喜欢的宠物是兔子。2.rabbit.Favourite:最喜欢的Like:喜欢,像Hate:讨厌Have you got a pet

2、? 你有宠物吗? Yes, I have. 是的,我有。What is it ? 它是什么?A fish. 一条鱼。What colour is it? 它是什么颜色的? Red and yellow. 红色和黄色。Julias cat is black and white. 茱莉亚的猫是黑色和白色的。Jeffs mouse is white. 杰夫的老鼠是白色的。Marias hamster is brown and white. 玛利亚的仓鼠是灰白色的。My budgie is green and yellow. 我的虎皮鹦鹉是绿色和黄色的。1.Fly like a budgie. 像虎皮

3、鹦鹉一样飞。2.Run like a rabbit . 像兔子一样跑。3.Swim like a fish. 像鱼一样游泳。4.Eat like a hamster. 像仓鼠一样吃。5.Sit like a dog. 像狗一样坐着。6.Roar like a tiger. 像老虎一样吼叫。http:/http:/http:/www.yl-http:/http:/http:/ beargiraffeAnimal:动物Whats your favourite animal? 你最喜欢什么动物?1.panda. 熊猫。2.My favourite animal is panda. 我最喜欢的动物是熊

4、猫。How many mice? 有多少只老鼠。Four .How many birds? 有多少只鸟?Six.How many bears ? 有多少只熊?Five.What day is it? 这是星期几?这是星期几?MondaySunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 星期日 星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 Friday Saturday星期五 星期六What day is it today? 今天星期几?Its Thursday. 星期四。Whats your favourite day? 你最喜欢星期几?1.My favourite day

5、is Friday. 我最喜欢星期五。2.Friday.Great super I hate Mondays.好极了! 太棒了! 我讨厌星期一。Close your eyes闭上你的眼睛open your eyes睁开你的眼睛粉红色是我最喜欢的颜色。粉红色,我讨厌粉红色。Six is my favourite number. Chicken is my favourite food.Green is my favourite colour仓鼠,我讨厌仓鼠。黑色,我讨厌黑色。Dog, I hate dog.whats your favourite pet? (宠物) blue whats you

6、r favourite day? (天) sixwhats your favourite colour?(颜色) budgiewhats your favourite number? (数字) Thursdaywhats your favourite food? (食物) milkwhats your favourite drink? (饮料) pandawhats your favourite animal? (动物) chocolate有间小小服装店,专卖漂亮clothes.Cap帽子,shirt衬衫T-shirt T恤衫。Sweater毛衣skirt短裙dress连衣裙。这边有裤装,sh

7、orts短裤jeans牛仔裤。那边有鞋袜,socks袜shoes鞋trainers运动鞋。颜色多来款式多,总有一件适合你。Clothes:服装,衣服whats your favourite clothes?你最喜欢什么衣服?My favourite clothes is cap.A blue sweaterA green capA yellow T-shirtA pink dressA white shirtA pink skirtBlue jeansBrown socksBlack shoesRed trainersPurple shorts一件蓝色的毛衣。一顶绿色的帽子。一件黄色的T恤。一

8、条粉红色的长裙。一件白色的衬衫。一件粉红色的短裙。蓝色的牛仔裤。棕色的袜子。黑色的鞋子。红色的运动鞋。紫色的短裤。-what am I wearing?我穿着什么?-A green cap,a blue shirt ,black jeans.一顶绿色的帽子,一件蓝色的衬衫,黑色的牛仔裤。What am I wearing? What am I wearing?Elena is wearing a blue sweater, white jeans, purple shoes.Andy is wearing a red T-shirt, blue shorts, yellow socks, br

9、own shoes. What am I wearing?A purple cap, an orange T-shirt, red shorts, white socks, orange shoes.Emma is wearing a red cap, a pink T-shirt, green jeans.Sue is wearing a blue shirt ,white jeans, yellow socks.Andy is wearing a white shirt, black shorts, orange trainers.艾玛戴着一顶红色的帽子,一件粉红色的t恤,绿色的牛仔裤。休

10、穿着一件蓝色的衬衫,白色的牛仔裤,黄色的袜子。安迪穿着一件蓝色的衬衫,黑色的短裤,橙色的运动鞋。3.Put on your T-shirt.4.Put on your shorts.5.Put on your socks.6.Put on your trainers.8.Open the door.Put on :穿上,戴上Open开,close关。Take out拿出,put on 穿。jeansshirthamsterskirtdressbrowngreypurplemouserabbitbudgiebananachickenpizzafrogchocolateelephantmonkey

11、frogSundayThursdaygiraffeSaturdayTuesdaybirddogFridaybearpandacapsweatershoesT-shirttentwelveelevenzebrabutterflyzerocat伤心的伤心的高兴的高兴的生气的疲劳的疲劳的害怕的害怕的 scared happy tired angry sadcry哭泣哭泣smile微笑Stamp his feet跺脚goes to sleep去睡觉She 她她,可用,可用来代替女生的来代替女生的名字名字he 他他,可用,可用来代替男生的来代替男生的名字;名字;AliceEmmaMariaLisaRit

12、aDianaJaneJuliaAnnaClaireDavidPeterJeffBobFrankJohnMikeNickTomAndyI like hamburgers.Jane hates chips.Peters favourite food is eggs.I hate lollipops.She loves vegetables.He hates noodles.She hates rolls.He likes tea.She is sad.Im happy.Im sad.He is happy.He is sad.She is happy.He is happy.She is sad.

13、Im tired.She is happy.He is angry.Its scared.我感到疲劳。我感到疲劳。她她感到高兴。感到高兴。他他感到生气。感到生气。它感到害怕。它感到害怕。 你(今天)过得好吗?Im fine. / Im OK.How are you How are you ?你你(今天)今天)感觉怎么样?感觉怎么样? Im happy. Im happy. / Im sad. / Im sad.How are you? How are you feeling ?What s your name?Whats the number?Happy birthday!Im sorry.Lets play the game.Im sad.Im Mike.ThirteenThank you .Im ok.OkThats ok.11 12 13 14 15 eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen 16 17 18 19 20sixteen seventeen ei


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