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1、Unit 22 Britain and Ireland一、教学目标与要求本单元的教学目标是使学生通过对课文的学习,进一步了解英国和爱尔兰的 地理及历史情况。并能借助地图,运用自己所学到的语言,对其进行简单描述, 如地理概况、天气情况、语言使用、过去和现在的对比等。二、教学重点与难点1 .重点词汇 puzzled ; separate ; especially ; lead ; shoot ; stand for ; be made up of ; di o. ; all sorts of ; live on;go bad ; dieof ; keep in touch with

2、 ; lead a simplelife ; play a part in2. 重要句型 1) But I thought you said you weren ' t English . 2) It ' s to the north ofEngland ; it ' s part of Britain . 3) The larger of the two islands is Britain . 4) There used to bea lot of coal mines in the south . 5 ) Gen erally ,the weather in Br

3、itai n is n either too cold in wi nter nor too hot in summer.3. 语法复习以前学习过的语法项目。4. 日常交际用语辨别人物(Identifying people) : 1) Are you from the USA 2) Whereare you from then ?三、课型(一)对话课I .教具录音机,投影仪。U.课堂教学设计1. 教师通过以下步骤导入本课:向学生提出下列问题:Can you tell me where En glish is spoke n as thefirst la nguage?(Britain ; Am

4、erica ; Canada; Australia and New Zealand ) OK Now let s talk aboutBrita in . Does an ybody know anything about this country ?鼓励学生尽可能多地谈一谈。教师可以提供一些话题:1 ) Where is itlocated ? ( In Eu rope) 2) What is the country officially called? (TheUnited Kingdom of Great Britain andNorthern Ireland ) 3) Which ci

5、ty is the capital of Britain?( London) 4) How many parts arethere in Britain andwhat are they ? (Four parts : England ; Scotland ; Wales and Northernlreland ) 5) Any famous buildings you know in Britain? And anything else you knowaboutBrita in ?针对最后一个话题,可让学生尽情发挥。通过这种练习,复习大量有关词汇, 并交流很多相关信息。2. 准备放对话录音

6、。借助投影片打出以下听前提问:What did Zhou Lan ask for at thee nd of the dialogue , and why ?放录音一至两遍,请学生回答上述问题,教师予以必要订正。Key: She asked David fof a map because she thought she was puzzled by what David hadsaid .再次放对话录音,学生跟读。将学生分为两人一组练习对话。数分钟后,请 两、三组同学到前面表演。3. 根据本课对话内容,教师再提出一些问题,分析周岚为何感到迷惑。1) Is David English ? 2 )

7、 Does he speak English ? 3) Where is he from ? 4) Do you thinkZhou Lan knows the differenee between“ British ” and“ English ” ? 5) Do you think Zhou Lanknowsthe differenee between “ Britain ” and“England” ? 6) In Zhou Lan's opinion,whatshould the people from Britain be called ? 7) Do you think y

8、ou could explain all this to ZhouLan? If youwere supposed to explain all this to Zhou Lan,what would you say to makeherclear ?经同学们逐题讨论后,教师可请两位同学到前面进行表演,一个扮演周岚, 另一个扮演大卫。由大卫向周岚进行解释。教师予以讲评。4. 要求学生将该课对话改写为短文,分别以大卫和周岚的口吻来改编(可将 全班分为两个部分来分别扮演不同角色)。Model:Zhou LanThis morni ng I met David . He speaks En glis

9、h . But he told me he is not English . Whenl asked him if he comes from Canada, he said he comesfrom Britain. Strange, isn ' t it ? Hesays he comes from Britain, butIhe is not English! Then he told me that he is from Scotiandand he isScottish . Scotia nd is to the north of En gla nd and is part

10、of Britai n was reallypuzzled ! In my opinion , people from Britain should be called English .DavidI met a Chinese girl named Zhou Lan . She asked me whether I was English . You knowpeople from Scotland don' t like to be called English . We would rather say we are Scottish orBritish. On ly those

11、 from En gla nd arecalled English . I tried to explain this to her but itseemed to be very difficult , I expect that after learning this unit she would probably under sta nd what I have expla ined当堂要求学生完成,如时间允许,可请几位同学朗读自己的短文,教师予以 讲评。将Model用投影仪打出,以利学生自我修正。5. 布置作业1)预习第86、87课;2)完成练习册中安排的练习。(二)阅读理解课(I)I

12、 .教具 录音机,投影仪,一张欧洲地图。U.课堂教学设计1. 检查生词及短语。2. 通过谈论地图导入正课: Now look at this map Can you see two islandshere ? Andwhat is the larger of the two islands called? Yes, you areright . We already know that it isofficially called the United Kingdom ofGreat Britain and Northern Ireland . Next we' II learnmor

13、e about this country from our text .3. 教师给出读前提问:1) What is Scotland famous for ? 2 ) What are the two coun tries in Irela nd?教师给学生数分钟,要求学生快速阅读课文。之后请同学回答上述问题。Key: 1) Scotia nd is famous for its beautiful coun tryside . 2) One is called Northern Ire land , which is part of the United Kingdom. The othe

14、r is a separate country , and it is calledthe Republic of Ireland4. 放课文录音,学生跟读一至两遍。教师就课文内容提问,检查学生的理解 程度(可参阅练习册中所列出的问题)5. 教师用投影仪打出以下statements,要求学生判断其正误。并对错误的 statements 进行修改。1) According to the text , Britain is separated from Europe by theIrish Sea . 2) BothScotland and Wales are famous for their b

15、eautifulcoun tryside . 3) Edin burgh is the capital ofScotla nd while Belfast is the capital of Wales . 4) England is the largest country of the UnitedKingdom and it lies in the southeast. 5) According to the text , Belfast couldbe very wet . 6) Though there are hills in Scotla nd, gen erally speak

16、ingmuch of it is rather flat. 7) It sel dom snows in Irela nd though it iswet all year round . 8) En glish is not the first Ian guage inN orth Wales.Key: 1) False (Britain and Ireland are separated by the Irish Sea.)2) True 3 ) False (Edin burgh is the capital of Scotla nd while Belfastisthe capital

17、 of Northern Island . ) 4 ) True5 ) True 6) False (Scotland has many lakes and mountains and much of England is ratherflat. ) 7) True 8 )True6 .对照地图及利用课文中信息,描写以下地点之间的对应关系Model:Britai nIrela ndThe two coun tries are separated by the Irish Sea and Brita in lies to the east of Irela nd1) Northern Irela

18、ndIreland2) WalesEngland3) ScotlandEngland4) IrelandWales5) Londonthe River Thames数分钟后,请学生在班上交流7 布置作业1)借助地图,复述课文;2)完成练习册中所安排的练习阅读理解课(U)I 教具 录音机,投影仪,一张欧洲地图。U.课堂教学设计1 .通过提问,温习第一部分课文内容: 1) What do the letters UK stand for ? 2) Howmany countries is the UK made up of ? What are they ? 3) What is Scotland

19、 famous for ? 4 ) What' s the first language in North Wales?5) What is the population of London? 6) What' sthe weather like in Britain in gen eral ?2. 检查第一部分课文复述。请同学到前面站在地图前,用自己组织的语言介 绍英国的情况。3. 准备阅读Ireland。教师给出读前提问:1) What did the peasants live on in the past ?2) What are the Irish very fond

20、 of ?教师给学生数分钟,要求学生快速阅读课文。之后请同学回答上述问题。Key: 1) They lived mainly on potatoes in the past. 2) The Irish arevery fond of musica nd poems.4. 放课文录音,学生跟读一至两遍。教师就课文内容提问,检查学生的理解 程度:1) Where did the first travellers to Ireland from? 2) What did theyfind there ? 3) Whatabout the llving conditions of the peasan

21、ts there? 4)What happened around 1850? 5) Why didmany people leave Ireland ? 6) What about their liv ing con diti ons today? 7) What plays an im porta nt partin people ' s lives in Ireland ? 8) After reading this passage,do you like this coun try ? Please give your opinions5. 教师用投影仪打出以下表格,组织学生俩人

22、一组,利用课文中所提供的信 息填写表格。Ssy something about Britain and Ireland using the information from the two passages :BritainEnglandScotlandWalesNorthernIrelandCapitalAnything specialThere used to te lots of mines in the south*Newspapers, programmes on the radio and TVSnow fallsIrelandCapitalWhere is it located

23、?Information on its land > grass and seaThe living c onditions of the people in the past and at present.Other infor mation about peopleofIreland学生先在小组内交流并相互启发补充,然后请学生在班上交流。教师讲评6 布置作业1)复述本单元课文;2)完成练习册中所安排的练习。(三)语言训练课I 教具投影仪U.课堂教学设计1. 教师检查课文复述。2. 教师从本单元词语中选择部分常见词语,配以例句介绍给学生。要求学生 反复练习这些例句,并请同学造句,教师予

24、以讲评订正。词语:puzzled ; separate ; stand for ; be made up of ; divide.nto ; especially ; all sortsof ; live on ; go bad ; die of ; keep in touch with ; lead a simple life ; play a part in ; be fond of例句:1) There are puzzled expressions on his face. 2)The womans illness puzzled thedoctor ; he couldn '

25、 t find the cause. 3) The Atlantic separates America from Europe . 4) SEFCstands for “ Senior English for China”. 5) A car is madeup of manydifferent parts . 6) Theteacher often divides the class into small groups and asks the students to practise oral Eng lish . 7) I like the country , especially i

26、n spring . 8) He likes to read booksall sorts ofbooks . 9) These people live on meat and milk . 10)The fruit has all gone bad . 11) In the olddays many poor people died of hunger . 12) Though he finished middle school years ago, hestill keeps in touch with some of his old classmates . 13) Though he

27、is rich , he leads a simplelife . 14) Usi ng En glish tapes in the classroom plays a very important part in the teaching ofthe English Ianguage. 15) Are you fondof country music ?3 .信息归类:用投影片打出下列内容,由学生分别归类,整理出各个国家的特点。(注)Countries :(A)England ;( B)Wales;( C)Scotland;(D)NorthernIreland;(E)Irela nd Spe

28、 cial in formatio n1) lack of snow fall ; full of all sorts of fish in the sea ; very fondof music and poems ; used to live mainly on potatoes(E)2) the largest country in Britain; Much of the land is rather flat,though there are hills in the n ortheast and in the centre of the country;The capital li

29、es on the River Thames witha populati on of seve n millio n(A)3) The capital is Belfast ; It ' s part United Kingdom(D4) It lies to the west of England; Its capital is Cardiff . The firstIanguage in the north isWelsh ; There used to be lots of coal mines(B)5) Edinburgh is its capital ; many lake

30、s and mountains ; famous for its beautiful country side (C)4. 书面表达练习专题描写:SEFC教材英文提示(用投影片打出):1) stand for ; 2) be made up of ; 3) divide.nto ; 4) allsorts of ; 5) especially ; 6) play an important part in ; 7) be fond of将首句给出:SEFCs our English textbook . It stands for “Senior English for China ” and.

31、七、八分钟后,请几位同学朗读自己的短文,教师予以讲评。Model:SEFCis our English textbook . It stands for “Senior English for China ” and it is madeup of many different parts, such as the students ' book;the teacher ' s book ; tapes ; pictures (wall charts ) . When we have our English classes , the teacher usually divid

32、es us into smallgroups and asks us to do all sorts of exercises, especially oral ones . And very often,wepractise listeningin class . Our teacher says that listeningplays a veryimportant part inlearning a foreign Ianguage. Most of us are very fond oflearning the En glish Ian guage.5. 布置作业1)预习第23单元;2

33、)完成练习册中安排的练习。注:这种安排是考虑到教师备课方便。在实际教学中,教师可打乱SpecialIn formatio n中的顺序,以混合形式给出。由学生进行归类。四、难句分析1. (1) The larger of the two islands is Britain,which lies to theeast of Irela nd.两个岛中较大的那个是不列颠,位于爱尔兰的东面。.威尔士位于英格兰的西边(2) Wales lies to the west of England(3) England , the largest country in Britain , is in the

34、southeast .央 格兰,不列颠岛上最大的一块土地,位于这个岛的东南部。(4) London lies on the River Themes.伦敦位于泰晤士河畔。上述句子中的lie作“位于”、“在处”解,第(3)句中的is=lies 。 在lies后面可以跟to , on, in等不同的介词,以表示“处于方向/位置”。第(1)(2)句都用了介词to表示方位,并不强调接壤。如果强调交界,则应该 用介词on。第(3)句中的in表示“在境内”,“在范围之内”。第(4)句中的on表示“在河畔”。例如:Guangdong lies to the south of Hubei.广东在湖北以南。Gu

35、angdong lies to / on the south of Hunan.广东在湖南以南。(既可以用to表示方位,又可用on表示两省接壤)Sha nghai lies in the east of Chi na.上海位于中国的东部。Nanji ng lies on the Yan gtze River.南京位于长江之滨。2. There used to be a lot of coal mines in the south,but many of themhave beenclosed ,or are about to be closed .(威尔士)南部曾经有许多煤 矿,但是不少现在已

36、经关闭了,或濒临关闭。be about to的意思是“正要、“即将”,它是一种将来式的表达方 式,表示最近的将来,to是不定式符号,后接动词原形。例如:I was about to go out whe n the telepho ne rang.我正要外出,这时电话铃响了。Hurry up ! They are about to start .快点,他们就要出发了。3. Gen erally , the weather in Brita in is n either too cold in wi nter nor too hot in summer .一般来说,不列颠的气候冬天不太冷,夏天不

37、太热。neither. nor是一个连词词组,作“既不也不”讲,用来连接两个相同的成分。例如:We had neither money nor food .我们既没钱,又没食物。(连接两个宾语)They neither smoke nor drink.他们既不吸烟,也不喝酒。(连接两个谓 语)He was n either clever nor stupid, but good eno ugh at his work .他不聪明,也不傻,但在工作上还是够好的。(连接两个表语)Neither the Scots nor the Welsh regard themselves as En glis

38、h.苏格兰人和威尔士人都不把自己看作是英格兰人。(连接两个主语)注意:当neither.nor连接两个主语时,谓语动词应和邻近的那个主语在数上取得一致。例如:Neither the twi ns nor James knows how to spell the word.那对双胞胎和詹姆斯都不知道这个词的拼法。4. Around 1850, a terrible disease hit the potato crop ' and potatoeswe nt bad in thesoil. 1850年左右,一种可怕的疾病袭击了土豆,土豆全都烂在地里了。go是连系动词,作“变成”解,后面多

39、跟形容词作表语,表示主语由一种状 态转变到另一种状态,如 go bad (变坏),go mad(变疯),go blind (变瞎), go wrong (出毛病)。He has gone deaf .他耳朵聋了。The childre n must not go hungry.不要让孩子挨饿。在go后还跟与颜色有关的形容词。例如:He went red with an ger whe n he heard the n ews.他听到这个消息,气得脸都红了。become get,go,grow这几个词作连系动词时,都可以表示“变成”,但也 有些区别:be come较正式,get和go较口语化。此

40、外become和get可由好变 坏,也可由坏变好,而go通常是由好变坏。例如:The situati on has become eve n better/ worse .情况变得更好/糟了。They are gett ing richer and richer/ poorer and poorer .他们越来越富了/穷了。grow作“变成”时,有“逐渐变成新的状态”的意思。例如:My youn ger brother is grow ing tall.我的弟弟渐渐长高了。5. Tens of thousands of people died of hunger.数以万计的人饿死了。die o

41、f的意思是“因而死”,常表示由于疾病、饥饿、年老、情感等原因引起的死亡。例如:He died of old age.他寿终正寝了。In a cold winter, many wild animals may die of hunger.在严寒的冬天,很多野生动物可能饿死。The old woman died of grief soon after her husband' s death .那位老太太在丈夫去世后不久因悲伤而死。die from 的意思是“因而死”,但一般指因疾病或感情以外的原因而造 成的死亡,例如:He died from a chest wou nd.他因胸部受伤

42、而死。We felt sad at his death because he died from overwork.我们对他的死感到悲伤,他是因过度工作累死的。6. Although many families becameseparated , people still kept in touch with each other .虽然许多家庭都分散了,但是人们还是保持着联系。keep in touch with是“与某人保持联系”。例如:Please keep in touch with me whe n you are abroad .你在国外期间请同 我保持联系。A good teacher should always keep in touch with the stude nts.好老师应当经常和同学接触。此外还有“ get in touch with”是“与某人取得联系”。例如:We must try to


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