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1、思维可视化在英语阅读教学中的探究英语课题Unit 3A healthy life (Book 6)教材出版社人民教育出版社年级高二课型阅读学时1课时教学 内容 分析在传统阅读教学模式中,阅读中的“知识加工”和“问题解 决”的思考过程往往是不可见的,而且教师和学生都更多关注的 是答案,忽视答案的生成过程。因此,要提高教学效能,就必须 变“强调答案”为“强调答案的思维生成过程”。这就要求我们 在阅读的教学中必须要把“看不见的”思维的过程和方法清晰 地呈现出来,以便更好地理解、记忆和运用所学内容。阅读文本选自高中英语教科书选修六第 3单元主课文,阅读 部分是爷爷写给他孙子james的一封建议信,信中

2、谈到了吸烟为 什么会上瘾、吸烟对健康的危害,正文最后还附上了一篇如何戒 烟的短文来帮助james戒烟。本节课采用任务型教学法,学生以 学习小组为单位,根据老师的教学环节,在课堂中完成老师布置 的各项阅读任务,以此建立对文章的理解,并且在老师的指导下 要求学生画出思维导图上台展示。教学活动中要求学生用思维导 图的形式把文章的篇章结构和各部分的关系呈现出来,这巩固了 学生的学习成果,强化了阅读课的学习内容,进一步提高学生学 习效果。预设目标教学文本实录知识目标:1 .通过阅读,达成学生对词汇和短语的强化和巩固。2 .通过scanning和skimming训练学生的阅读技能。3 .通过任务型阅读训练

3、和思维导图的输出,帮组学生理清文章写 作思路,篇章结构和各部分间关系。能力目标:1 .在老师的指导下,通过小组讨论,思考,总结,能独立地运用 “思维导图”描绘出阅读材料的框架,主旨大意,及各部分联系。2 .通过思维导图更直观地理解阅读材料,强化课堂所学内容,提 高学生的整体阅读效能。情感目标:1 .培养学生团队合作能力,分享劳动成果。2 .通过学习,让学生能够认识到吸烟是一种不良嗜好及对身体的 危害性,激起学生自我保健意识,自觉抵制烟酒侵害和不良嗜好, 养成健康文明的生活方式。T: Give greetings, and now let's have a look at the pic

4、tures on the sree 1.Do you know when is No Smoking Day?3 .How mang people die from smoking every year?T: Now, Let ' turn to page 22. Just go through the title, the first and the last paragraphs. Answer me the following questions.Who writes the letter? To whom? What's the Purpose?S: James gra

5、ddd. James. Grandad gives James some advice on stopping smoking.T: Ok, your answer is perfect. Now close your books, and imagine if you were grandpa, What advice would you give to James. Now discuss with your deskmates and use a mindmap to draw a mind structure. Try your best and later I will choose

6、 someone to come here to talk about the mind map before us. Three minutes. Hurry up.Three minnutes later.T: Ok. Time is up. Now I choose someone to come here. Who wants to have a try.U: Let me have a try. On the paper, you can see we draw three squares. They seperately stand for three parts of our l

7、etter. The first square is the first part. It tells James current problem. The second tells three advice on how to give up smoking. The third part expresses our hope for him.V: On our paper, we have designed a round shape and three squares. The round shape is the topic: bad effects of smoking. Three

8、 squares are three parts. They are bad effects on studies, bad effects on life and bad effects on people around.W: Ok. Well-done. Both of you give a wonderful advice letter to James. You are really a good grandpa. Thanks. Please come back to your seats. Now do you want to know how the real grandpa p

9、ersuades his grandson to give up smoking. Turn to page 22 and let ' read the passage again. Follow grandpas mind and see how grandpa persuadeshis grandson.Here, look at the screen. I give you some reading exercise to help you know more about this reading.T: Please look at the screen.Question 1:

10、Read the paasagecarefully and match the paragraphs with the main ideas.Question 2: Read paragraph 3, 4 and f川 in the blanks.Question 3: What suggestions does grandpa give for his grandson to quit smoking?T: Now begin.(S: Students finish the given reading excercise within the given time and t hen tea

11、cher checks answers).T: Now we have a deep understanding about the reading details and we know how grandpa persuades James to give up smoking. Now I give you 5 minutes to arrange your mind and then daw a brief mindmap about this reading part. But after that, you will compare your two mindmaps.Tell m

12、e which is better and what can you get from your two mindmaps.5 minutes laterT: Now, is there a volunteer. Ok, boy, come here. Share your mindmap with us.S: This is our group s designing mindmap. On this paper, the round shape is the topic and around it are five squares or five parts of our reading.

13、 The topic is advice on smoking. The first part, Granpa tells about the life he is living and the importance of healthy life. Second part, talks about James;problem of smoking. Third part, three different ways of becoming addicted. The fourth part, harmful effects of smoking. Last part, Granpas hope

14、 for James and his advice on stopping smoking. On the pictiure, you can see our group divides the the fourth part into further three parts, and makes this part more detailed. The last part is also divided into six parts, six squares. According to our group, I think the second mindmap is better and m

15、ore detailed. Because the reading structure is very concrete and the mind clues are very clear. We can also learn that grandpa really loves his grandson and hope he can give up smoking quickly.T: Good. Thanks. Your idea is very clear. Now today s homework. Look at the screen.Supposeyour father, teac

16、her, or uncle is a smoker. Accordin gto your two mindmaps, you can write an article about an advice letter o ngiving up smoking.教学 教学环节1-图片导入,激活学习动力,提高学习情绪环节 本部分设计主要以调动学生学习兴趣、活跃气氛、引入话题设计 为主。阅读课给人的感觉是沉闷,枯燥,老师的一言堂。为了刺 说明 激学生的学习情绪,激活学生学习动力,以图片的形式导入,最大限度地了吸引学生的注意力,激发其学习兴趣,同时图片的导 入也能缓解阅读课堂紧张而又严肃的气氛。教学环节2

17、-结合教材,要求学生进行合理预测在对文本的阅读过程中,要求学生通过1分钟快速阅读文章 标题、第一自然段和最后自然段。这一部分设计在于在给定的时 间里,训练学生快速找到有用信息,对文章内容进行合理的预测。 通过训练,学生可以大概地对文章有最粗略的了解:文章作者是 谁,写作对象是针对谁,文章的写作文体是什么。教学环节3-老师引导,学生想象,绘制思维导图在环节2的基础之上,要求学生关上课本展开想象(假如自 己就是James的外公,会对自己的孙子 Jamnes提一些什么要求 或给与一些什么建议)。在老师的引导下,学生以学习小组为单 位共同合作思考,一起讨论,合理想象,最后以小组的形式呈现 一份思维导图

18、配以文字,上台展示。教学环节4-结合教材,训练阅读能力根据老师的教学环节,学生在老师的引导下,进行任务型阅 读,通过引导学生完成各种阅读训练,快速阅读,跳读,细读帮 助学生了解作者的写作思路,中心思想,文章框架和一些重要的细节内容。教学环节5-以文章写作思路为基础,绘制思维导图,比较思维导 图在完成教学环节4后,通过各种阅读训练,学生对文章内容 和细节都有了全面了解。老师要求学生再一次以学习小组形式交 流,讨论,这时学生必须根据文章作者的思路再画出一副思维图, 理清文章的结构框架,及各部分间的联系,巩固阅读内容。思维导图创作完成后,要求组内学生对共同创作的两幅思维图 进行比较,评论,并选代表在

19、班上交流心得。教学环节6-知识巩固,教学内容课外延伸在课堂的最后老师要求学生结合今天所学内容,以两幅思维 图为基础进行适当取舍,要求学生写一篇 120词左右关于戒烟的 建议信。总体思路是通过任务型阅读对学生进行知识的输入(环节 1 和3);通过老师的引导要求学生以思维导图的形式给予思维输出 和认识的升华(环节2和4);通过思维导图的比较,让学生的认 识得到进一步升华(环节5);课堂思维导图的延展(环节6) 教学学生采用小组合作学习的方式,在老师引导下绘制出了不同效果|的思维导图,并采取成果展示小组互评的方法,在大屏幕上为全班同学和与老师奉献上了一幅幅精致生动的“思维导图”,这让 学生与老师耳目一新。学生在英语阅读教学中借助思维导图整理 加工信息,在收集和整理资料的过程中,将多个零散的知识点集合在一起,帮助学生在纷繁的信息中找到信息键的内在联系,从 而提高学生阅读学习的效率。学生通过自己手绘思维导图,把学 习的内容直观具体的表达出来,更加清晰地把握了文章脉络,篇 章结构,达到了巩固和强化所学内容的目的。学生在思维的构建 过程中始终保持着思维的活跃性和连续性,较传统阅读课来讲, 学生的参与度更广,积极性更高,学习兴趣更浓。教学设计反思教学中我将思维可视化的理念运用到英语的任务型阅读教 学中。在授课的过程中,我采取任务型的教学方法,让学生成为 这堂课的主人,


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