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1、Exclusive Agency Agreeme nt独家代理协议甲方(委托人):Party B ( Distributor):Party A (Client):法定代表人:法定代表人:Legal Represe ntative:Legal Represe ntative:地址:电话:地址:电话:Address:Teleph oneAddress:Teleph one:乙方(代理商):本协议系于 年 月 日,由当事人一方 公司按中国法律组建并存在的公司,其主营业地在 , (以下简称甲方)与他方当事人 公司,按一 国法律组建并存在的公司,其主营业地在开岂(以下简称乙方)签订,经双方协商,订立以下

2、条 款,以资共同遵守。This agreeme nt is made and en tered into this day of, by En tertai nment Techno logy Co., Ltd, a corporatio n duly orga ni zed and exist ing un der the laws of peoples republic of china, with its prin cipal place of bus in ess at (called Clie nt) anda corporati on duly orga ni zed and ex

3、isti ng un der the laws of _ ,with its prin cipal of bus in ess at(). Through mutual discussi on, Party A and Party B have agreed the followi ng terms to beobserved:第1条定义1. Defini tion1.1 产品:本协议中所称 产品”系指由甲方制造并以其商标销售的(游乐设备)和随时经双方以 书面同意的其他 商品。1. 1 Product: The “ product ” covered under this agreement

4、is expressly confined to the amusement equipme nt manu factured by Party A2. 2地区:本协议中所称 地区”系指: o1. 2 Territory: The “ territory “ covered under this agreement is expressly confined to Egypt ( called territory)1. 3商标:本协议中所称商标”系指 1. 3 Trademark: The trademark covered un der this agreeme nt is expressl

5、y confined to HAISEN( called trademark)第 2 条 委任及法律关系。2. Appo in tme nt and legal relati on ship2. 1 委任:在本协议有效期内,甲方委任乙方作为其代理;以便在地区”获致 产品”的订单。乙方愿意接受并承担此项委托。2. 1 Appo in tme nt: During the validity of this agreeme nt, Party A appo ints Party B as its exclusive age nt to solicit product order in the ter

6、ritory. Party B is willing to accept and assumes this appointment.2. 2 法律关系:本协议给予乙方的权利只限于给予独家代理销售产品的权利,本协议不产生其他任何关系,或给予乙方以代表甲方或使甲方受其他任何协议约束的任何权利。2. 2 Legal relati on ship: The right and power give n to Party B in this agreeme nt on ly in clude exclusive age nt' right of products sale. This agree

7、me nt does no t let Party B represe nt Party A or make any other agreeme nt con stra ints to Party A.2. 3 指示:乙方应严格遵守甲方随时发来的指示。由于乙方超越或违背甲方指示而造成的任何索赔、债务和责任,乙方应设法保护甲方利益并赔偿甲方因此而遭受的损失。2. 3 Instructions: Party B should abide strictly by the instructions from Party A at any time. If beyond or against instr

8、uctions from Party A and then cause any claim, liability and responsibility, Party B should try to protect the in terests of Party A and make compe nsati on for Party A.第 3 条甲方的责任3. Resp on sibilities of Party A3. 1 广告资料: 甲方应向乙方提供合理数量的广告宣传用的小册子及其他有关产品”推销的辅助资料。3. 1 Advertis ing materials: Party A pro

9、vides Party B with a reas on able qua ntity of advertis ing brochures and other auxiliary materials for“product”promotion.3. 2 支持推销:甲方应尽力支持乙方开展产品”的推销。3. 2 Support promotion: Party A should try best to support Party B on the promotion of3. 3 转介客户:除本协议另有规定外,如地区”其他客户直接向甲方询价或订购,甲方应将该客户转介乙方联系。3. 3 Custom

10、er referral: If customers in the territory inquiry or order directly from Party A, Party A should make customer referral and give the customer' s information to Party B.3. 4 价格:甲方提供乙方的产品”价格资料,应尽可能保持稳定,如有变动应及时通知乙方,以利推销。3. 4 Price: Party A provides relatively steady price materials of about the pr

11、ice, Party A product ”for Party B. I should inform Party B in time.3. 5 优惠条款:甲方提供乙方获致订单的条款是最优惠的。3. 5 Preferential term : Party A provides Party B with the most preferential term.3.6 商品质量:甲方保证提供的设备质量应符合中国国家标准游乐设施安全规范( GB8408-2008 )、水上游乐设施通用技术条件(GB/T18168-2008 )。3. 6 Quality of product: Party A ensure

12、s that the quality should meet Chinese national standards on Amusement Device Safety Code ( GB8408-2008 )and Specifications of Water Amusement Equipment Category ( GB/T18168-2008 )第 4 条乙方的责任4. Resp on sibilities of Party B4.1 推销:乙方应积极促进产品”的推销,获取订单并保持一个有相当规模和足够能力的推销机 构,以利产品”在 地区”的业务顺利开展和扩大。4. 1 Promo

13、tion: Party B promotes the“ product ” actively, get the order and keep a marketingorgarwith con siderable scale and eno ugh ability for the bus in ess developme nt and expa nsion in the4. 2 禁止竞争:乙方除得到甲方书面同意外,不应制造、购买、获取订单、或协助推销与本协议产品”相同或类似的产品。4. 2 Prohibiti on of competiti on: Party B should not manu

14、 facture, purchase, get orders, or help promotio n as the same or similar "product "in this agreeme nt.5. 3 最低销售额:在本协议有效期间的第一个十二个月内,乙方从地区”客户获得的订单,总金 额应不少于。以后每十二个月递增15% 。6. 3 Mi nimum sales amount: During the first 12 mon ths in the validity of this agreeme nt, Party B get order from custom

15、ers in the "territory". The total amount should be no less than USD and willin crease 15% every 12 mon ths.4. 4 费用:在本协议有效期内,乙方应承担在地区”推销和获取 产品”订单的全部费用,例如:进口关税、税费、宣传费和其他收费等。4. 4 Cost: During the validity of this agreement, Party B should bear all the cost for promotion and getting“ product ”

16、 orders in the "territory", such as import duties, promotion fees, and other charges, etc.4. 5 产品”价格与条件:乙方保证按照甲方在本协议有效期内随时规定的价格和条件进行推销。 在获取订单时,乙方应将甲方成交的条件、合同的条款充分告知客户。也应告知客户任何合同的订立都须经甲方的确认。甲方有权利拒绝履行或接受乙方所获得的订单或订单的一部分。4. 5 Price and condition of“ products ” : Party B guarantees to make prom

17、otion according to theregprice and condition that are made by Party A during the validity of this agreement. When getting order from customer, Party B should inform customer of the con diti on of order and the terms of con tract fromParty A. Any con tract should also be con firmed by Party A. Party

18、A has the right to refuse or accept the order or part of the order from Party B.4. 6 施工与安装:如果安装由乙方完成, 乙方不得代表甲方或以甲方的名义进行施工安装。乙方应严格按照甲方提供的工艺条件图纸要求完成项目的土建和平台、立柱基础、机房以及设备安装等。同时,乙方应配有专业的安装团队以及安装所需的机械设备(如焊机、吊车、脚手架、手拉葫芦及夜间灯光设备等)?如果安装由乙方客户完成 , 乙方须告知乙方客户项目的土建和平台、立柱基础、机房以及设备安装都必须严格按照甲方提供的工艺图纸要求完成施工.无论是由以上哪方完成

19、施工 , 如不按甲方工艺图纸所要求安装,所造成的一切不良后果由乙方或乙方的客户承担。4. 6 Con structio n and in stallati on: If the in stallati on is made by Party B, Party B cannot represe nt Party A nor do con struct ion in stallati on in the n ame of Party A. Party B should fin ish civil work, slide tower, colu mn foun dati on, mach ine r

20、oom and equipme nt in stallati on accord ing to the con structi on con diti onal drawings supplied by Party A. At the same time, Party B should prepare a professional installation team and required mecha ni cal equipme nt ( such as weldi ng mach ine, crane, scaffold ing, cha in block, and the night

21、lighting ) If the installation is made by Party B' s customer, Party B should inform its cicivil work, slide tower, column foundation, machine room and equipment installation must be in accorda nee with the con struct ion con diti onal draw ings supplied by Party A. Whoever makes theconstruction

22、, Party B or Party B' s customer should bear all the consequences if not meet the construcon diti onal draw ings supplied by Party A.4. 7 市场情况报道:乙方应负责每月( 或每季 ) 向甲方提供书面的有关产品”的市场报道,包括市场上同类产品的销售情况、价格、包装、推销方式、广告资料、客户的反应和意见等。如市场情况发生重大变化时,乙方应及时以通知甲方。4. 7 Market report: Party B provides Party A with wr

23、itten reports in the market of "product" monthly or quarterly, in cludi ng the sales of similar products, price, package, market ing way, advertis ing materials, customer ' feedback and comment. If significant changes happen about the market, Party B should inform Party A in time.5. 8

24、禁止更改:乙方不得以甲方产品标识之外的其他标识出售甲方产品,不得去除或涂抹产品标识,也不得更改产品或其标签。6. 8 Prohibition of change: Party B shall not sell the products with other logo that not belong to Party A, remove or daub product logo, and cha nge the product label.第 5 条协议有效期7. Validity of agreeme nt本协议有效期为 ,期满自动失效。如双方同意延续本协议,任何一方应在期满 前用书面通知对方

25、以便相互确认。The validity of this agreement is _ years and will be invalid after the expiration. If both Partiesagree to continue this agreement, either party should inform the other Party by written notice in _ days before the expirati on to confirm with each other.第 6 条协议的终止8. Termin ati on of agreeme n

26、t6. 1 终止:协议双方应认真负责地执行各项条款。在下列条件下,每一方得以书面通知另一方立即终止本协议或取消其中某一部分:6. 1 Termination: Both Parties should be responsible to perform each term of the agreement. Under the follow ing con diti ons, each Party should inform the other Party by writte n no tice to can cel this agreeme nt or part of this agreeme

27、 nt immediately.(1) 如一方未能履行本协议的任何一项义务,而此项违约在接到另一方书面要求纠正的通知后内又未能加以纠正。(2) If one Party fails to perform any obligati on of this agreeme nt, and the default is not revised in _ days after recei ving the writte n no tice from the other Party.(3) 如果一方自动或被迫宣告破产,自动或被迫申请改组、清理、解散。(2) If one party was forced

28、or n aturally occurred ban kruptcy, reorga ni zati on, clea ning or dissolutio n.(3) 如发生本协议第8 条不可抗力事由,一方在超过规定期限后仍无法履行其义务时。(3) lf clause 8 in the agreeme nt happe ns, one Party is still un able to fulfill its obligati on in time.6. 2 终止的影响:本协议的终止并不解除双方按照本协议规定业已产生但未了结的任何债务。凡在协议终止前由于一方违约致使另一方遭受的损失,另一方仍

29、有权提出索赔,不应受终止本协议的影响。7. 2 In flue nce of term in ati on: The term in ati on does not remove any debt produced by Both Parties in accordance with the provisions of this agreement. If the defaults of one Party lead to the losses of the other Party before the termination, the other party still has the right to claim for compensation and thi


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