



1、高三英语必修一教案范文一、教学目标与要求通过本单元教学,学生应能熟练地运用表示 “提供和拒绝帮助 的常用语 ;复习 句子的成分 主语 ;了解纽约的开展历史和土著人被压迫的历史。二、教学重点与难点1. 重点词汇1. a handful of 2. tear down 3. turn away 4. now that 引导状语从句 5. take possession of 6. have an effect on 7. make agreements with 8. beco me know as 9. deal with 10. in turn 11. in the rush2. 重点句型1)

2、 Today Native Americans express their anger over this business deal.2) This is because the surface of the earth is not flat but round.3) Now that they could ride horses, it became easier to hunt the bison.4) This in return had an effect on the food supply for wolves.3. 语法 复习和归纳句子的成分 主语1) The first s

3、ettlers on the plains were farmers.2) The killing of the bison changed the whole wild life of the plains.3) Whether he will come or not is unknown.4) To see is to believe.5) The learned should be respected.教学建议教学教法:进入高三下学期的学习,根本进入了全面备考状态。北京特级教师张铁城老 师有如下建议:1. 对近年高考题精耕细作,反对盲目的题海战术。2. 不要单纯背词汇表, 要把词汇与语法

4、结合起来, 要在具体语篇中记忆词汇。3. 要多读多题材的阅读文,特别是现代生活中的热点问题。4. 要增加听力训练的力度,充分利用高三课本资源。 词语辨析:1.By 1820 the population of New York had grown to about 125 000, making it the largest city in the USA.making it the largest city in the USA 是分词短语作结果状语。动词 make 意为 “使成为 ,接名词或形容词构成复合结构。如:The bus was held up by the snowstorm,

5、thus causing the delay.Her husband died in the war, making her a widow with three children2.In 1858 an area of poor housing, factories and farm buildings was torn down and Central Park was created, reaching from 59th Street to 110th Street and across three avenues.1) tear(tore, tom)是动词,意为 撕开,扯掉。短语动词

6、tear down,意为 撕 下,拆毁 。如:tear down a notice 撕下一张通知tear down a dangerous wall 拆毁一道危墙2) reach 作 延伸解。reaching from 59th Street. . . and across three avenues是现 在分词作定语,修饰 Ce ntral Park,相当于一个定语从句。现在分词作后置定语相当于限制性定语从句,表示主动的动作或动作正在 进行。Anyone swimming will be punished.The road joining the two villages is very w

7、ide. 连接这两个村子的路非常宽。现在分词的被动语态作后置定语(既表示被动,也表示动作正在进行 )The question being discussed is very important.Do you know the boy being punished by our teacher?3.In 1892 the age of mass arrival began, during which 15 million new people passed through Ellis into the USA. over a period of 62 years.1) mass是名词,意为 大量

8、,大批,mass arrival是名词修饰名词,mass作定 语。英语中名词修饰名词是常有的现象。如:head teacher班主任 express train 快车news broadcast 新闻播送 welcome speech 欢送词time table 时间表 orange juice 橘子汁press conference 记者招待会 research project 研究计戈 Upower plant 电厂 weather forecast 天气预报2) pass through 为固定短语,含义为 “穿过,通过,路过 ,其中 through 既可 当介词用,也可当副词用。如:H

9、e passed through unspeakable difficulties.We' re just passing through on our way to Shanghai4. now that, due to, because of, owing to , since, as1) now that.作既然时相当于si nee.突出事实性,而as作 既然语气较弱。有 时 now that 中的 that 可省去。如:Now(that)you are well again , you can travel.你既然恢复了健康,就能够旅行了。2) due to 作“由于,因为,应归功于 时常作表语或跟在名词后。如:The flight was can celled due to the storm.班机因暴风雨停航了。3) because of 由于,因为 只能引导副词短语,在句中作状语或表语。如:Lincoln is admired because of his leadership. 林肯


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