OBIEE11g 回写_第1页
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OBIEE11g 回写_第5页
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1、OBIEE .2BP1 Write back setupIntroduction:As we all know we have a Writeback property in OBIEE with Insert, Update and deletion.Here I am going to provide complete document on OBIEE11g Writeback Update commentary My System Config:Windows 7 64bit, Google Chrome browser, OBIEEBP1 and M

2、S-SQL Server 2008 Step 1: created table USE obirepGO/* Object: Table dbo.Country_Adj Script Date: 08/31/2012 12:43:54 */SET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOSET ANSI_PADDING ONGOCREATE TABLE dbo.Country_Adj(Country varchar(20) NOT NULL,Adjustment_SGD decimal(18, 0) NULL) ON PRIMARYGOSET ANSI

3、_PADDING OFFGOlooks like below screenStep 2: imported table into RPD (just do joins, Mapping.etc)Step 3: Uncheck the cacheable option -> physical layer -RPD table(commentary table)Step 4: Make writeable on your commentary columnStep 5: Make sure permission read and write radio button.Step:6: Exec

4、ute Direct DB request access give it required Application roles/usersthat's all RPD end.:) :)-Step 8: add writeback tag in your instanconfig.xml file refer the below,C:OracleMiddlewareinstancesinstance1configOracleBIPresentationServicesComponentcoreapplication_obips1 instanceconfig.xml (please t

5、ake a back and do the changes) <LightWriteback>true</LightWriteback>Step 9: Restart all bi components by using OPMN commandStep 10: Example, try login below URLhttp:/deva-pc:9704/analytics/saw.dll?PrivilegeAdminManage Privileges -> grand permission likes belowStep 11: Enable check box

6、 on your analysis view (commentary/writeback column) properties looks like below,Step 12:Edit the table properties and do the belowand save the changes.Step 13: Find the column id reference and note it finally you have to update on your WriteBack.xml fileGo to edit analysis of your commentary/writeb

7、ack report->then Click on the advanced tab of the analysisHere under the Analysis XML box we want to note down all the columnID's that we will be using to populate the Writeback table withMake a note of the columnIDs for the required columns. These will be used in the WriteBack.xml file after

8、 update this you need to restart OPMN Services via opmnctl commandStep:14Create XML file as below and place it inC:OracleMiddlewareinstancesinstance1bifoundationOracleBIPresentationServicesComponentcoreapplication_obips1msgdbcustomMessagesNote:$MW_HOME/instances/instance1/bifoundation/OracleBIPresen

9、tationServicesComponent/coreapplication_obips1/analyticsRes/customMessages directory if the analytics res directory has been deployed.Please see the Deploying analyticsRes for custom Messages post that we have created that wont ever get overwritten by Oracle Patches etcIf you dont want to use the an

10、alyticsRes custom messages folder then you can use the seeded folderfile name of mine is: WriteBack.xml and kept it below pathC:OracleMiddlewareinstancesinstance1bifoundationOracleBIPresentationServicesComponentcoreapplication_obips1msgdbcustomMessages<?xml version="1.0" encoding="

11、utf-8" ?><WebMessageTables xmlns:sawm=""> <WebMessageTable lang="en-us" system="WriteBack" table="Messages"> <WebMessage name="WriteBack"> <XML> <writeBack connectionPool="Con

12、nection Pool"> <insert></insert> <update>UPDATE dbo.Country_Adj SET Adjustment_SGD = c9d0b2f1347dbf526 WHERE Country = 'c130d7af0c9f77c31'</update> </writeBack> </XML> </WebMessage> </WebMessageTable></WebMessageTables>looks like below pathrestart bi components (if any changes on your xml file)Step 16:Testing:http:/deva-pc:9704/analytics/saw.dll?PortalGo&Action=prompt&path=%2Fshared%2FWriteback%2Ftest_writebackStep17: Very the updated comm


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